Now there is only one possibility. Little Mozun and Lin Youye knew each other. After learning about Yao Xi's plan, Little Mozun colluded with Lin Youye and planned to break the game.

Although this was the case, Yao Xi didn't worry too much.

Little Mozun and Lin Youye have the ability to change the battle situation together. However, Yao Xi's side is not unavailable.

At least there was a Ghost King of Five Tribulations and several Immortal Emperors of Four Tribulations beside her, and Lin Lang could not threaten her safety.


"You don't think that if you kill a Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor, you can escape the chasing of the Ghost Emperor Napo."

Yao Xi wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and her beautiful eyes gradually turned cold. Without the support of a Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor, it is indeed difficult for them to win the Lin Youye duo.


If they go to the outside world and they take the initiative to contact Dapo Guidi to take action, then everything is different.

A Seven Tribulations Immortal Emperor is enough to suppress anyone they are present.

"I have already begun to untie the constraints of space here. You only need to resist for a moment, and you can wait for the assistance of the ghost emperor Napo."

Yao Xi secretly communicated to everyone.

"Why do Napo Guidi take action, I can take them alone." Rongling Guidi sneered.

This sentence does sound a bit arrogant, but Rongling Ghost Emperor also has the capital to say this sentence.

A Five Tribulations Ghost Emperor is enough to change the course of the entire battlefield.

As soon as the voice fell, Rongling Ghost Emperor stepped out, and the green ghost fire ignited in the palms of the left and right hands, and the flames jumped, as if it could melt everything in the world.

"Die to me!"

Rongling Ghost Emperor gave a low cry, and the faint green ghost fire in his hand formed a string, like countless marbles, pouring in the direction of Little Demon Venerable.

This is the power of the high-level immortal emperor!

The rules of the world are destroyed at every turn, and every gesture is full of power to shake the world.


The ghost fire descended like a torrential rain, and the space was distorted. Even if you were in a semi-sacred instrument, the surrounding atmosphere of the underworld was burned into black smoke.

next moment.

The endless flame fell on Little Demon Venerable, and the latter's body instantly disintegrated, without even a chance to struggle, and was burned into a pool of ashes.

"Purgatory Fire, really domineering." Yao Xi's gaze also stayed for a moment.

Born to the Raksha royal family, she was used to seeing big scenes, but even so, she couldn't help but be shocked after witnessing the power of purgatory fire.

Purgatory Underworld, it is a kind of terrifying flame that was only born in the depths of the Styx, ranking second on the Abnormal Fire List.

This kind of flame tends to be yin and cold, and has the peculiar properties of polarization. It can be transformed into a sun flame of extremely high temperature, or it can be transformed into a yin flame that freezes everything, and ordinary monks will die if they touch it.

In today's world, a monk who can get close to the fire of purgatory without being burnt to death is an immortal emperor who has survived at least a few Yuanhui disasters.

Rongling Ghost Emperor can get such a ray of flame, it is really amazing. Of course, this is not the source of the female fire of Purgatory Fire, otherwise, even the master would not be able to truly conquer it.

"Be careful, Little Demon Lord should have more than that." Yao Xi reminded in a low voice.

There is no need for Yao Xi to say more about this. As a great power in the Ghost King City, Rongling Ghost Emperor naturally knows that Little Demon Venerable is not that easy to deal with.


The problem is that after the little demon was burned to death by the fire of purgatory, this person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and he could not find any breath that belonged to him.

Yao Xi closed her eyes lightly, and when she opened it again, a faint purple light flashed in her eyes.

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