Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1135: White bone boat

Styx, that's not everyone can break through.

at least.

Just these pressures that exceed the limit of the immortal king's realm can not be resisted by anyone. Including some immortal monks.

From here, it can be regarded as the depths of the Styx River, and also a huge watershed between the realm of the fairy king and the realm of the emperor.

Strength is only one aspect, and more importantly, accumulation.

"Meet Princess Yaoxi!"

"Meet your Royal Highness the princess!"

"your Highness!"

At the moment when Lin Lang arrived, many immortal emperors of the Raksha tribe around came forward to see them. The daughter of a country, the favorite of a family, Yao Xi's identity is the compliment of the monks of the same family wherever she walks.

Although the immortal emperor can not visit the royal family members publicly, the etiquette is still indispensable. After all, most people still want to be familiar with Yao Xi.

With the favor of the princess, no matter which member of the Raksha tribe is from now on, it will rise to the top. The identity of Yao Xi they fancy, and the unreserved pampering of Emperor Raksha.

Emperor Raksha lived a full nine Yuanhui, and countless princes and princes under his knees, but including the eldest princess and eldest prince of the Raksha tribe, their status is far from comparable to that of Yao Xi.

This can be seen from the fact that Emperor Rakshasa gave power to Yao Xi. It is precisely because of this that even the Seven Tribulations Power like Napo Guidi is responsive to Yao Xi.

Yao Xi nodded slightly to greet her, and did not say much.

not far away.

Several groups of black clouds floated, and seven or eight young monks jumped out of the clouds one after another, with uneven cultivation bases, all between the realm of the fairy king and the fairy emperor.

The strongest one is nothing but a One Tribulation Immortal Emperor.

Lin Lang only glanced roughly, and knew that these people were also Raksha monks. After all, the appearance of the monks of the Raksha tribe is so recognizable, the females are as beautiful as flowers, and the males are extremely ugly.

These people are almost the young nobles of Raksha Country. But don't look at their cultivation level, but analyze it from a group of guardians standing behind them.

The background is by no means that simple.

Basically everyone's parents or grandparents are high-ranking people in the court. Either he is in charge of the affairs of the court, or the family is a powerful and dominant one.

"Meet your Royal Highness the princess."

Among these people, the only one Immortal Emperor Yijie led many young children of the Raksha tribe.

This person is probably the most outstanding one in this group, titled Crimson Yan, and his grandfather is the Dazai of the Raksha Kingdom, and he is powerful. In addition, his family also has an extraordinary influence within the Raksha Kingdom.

Besides, Jiang Yan himself, now only two thousand years old, has broken through to the realm of Emperor Immortal. This kind of talent is considered to be the upper-middle posture even among the geniuses of all races in the universe.

"Unexpectedly, I would meet a few old friends on a trip to the Styx River." Yao Xi's clear and sweet voice came out, but the arrogance that refused to be thousands of miles away made people feel a little awed.

"However, the current Styx is much more dangerous than it used to be, so please be careful."

"Thank you princess for your concern."

Cyan Yan bowed his head slightly. After the two chatted a few words in the air, Cyan Yan also slowly approached, stood beside Yao Xi, and said with a smile: "Stay is dangerous, can I wait with the princess? Analyze."


Yao Xi nodded slightly.

Crimson Yan also naturally fell beside Yao Xi, slowly retreating to a slightly back position. There are differences between monarchs and ministers, and it is the biggest mistake to stand side by side with Princess Yaoxi without authorization.

Because of this, Jiang Yan couldn't help but look at Lin Lang more, secretly guessing his identity. To be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Princess Yao Xi is definitely not a kind.

at this time.

In the distance of the sky, an underworld monk from the immortal emperor realm came to Styx not far away. Perhaps he didn't know the Styx well, and he didn't hesitate immediately. He stepped directly out and planned to cross the Styx.


At this moment, the immortal emperor of the underworld suddenly felt only light under his feet, even with the blessing of underworld, his body was not controlled, and his flight ability disappeared completely.

"what happened?"

The immortal monk panicked a little, fell directly from the sky, and fell into the water of the Styx with a thud.

next moment.

In the sad and miserable howl.

One after another bubble popped up in the Styx, and the body of the Yan Luo monk began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. Few breaths passed.

The immortal monk revealed his body. His body is a seven-horned devil dragon, the normal size is about 700 meters, but under the corrosion of the river, the seven-horned devil dragon directly turned into a dense white bone, and the huge body was only one or two meters long. .

What remains is the life-long essence of an emperor monk.

"There is a problem with the Styx in this section, everyone be careful." A cultivator of the underworld warned carefully.

of course.

This is equivalent to nonsense for others. I am afraid that even fools can see this situation, the depths of Styx are not so easy to break.

But the problem is.

What kind of power can actually pull an immortal emperor into the air and melt it in a very short time.

"Is this the same in the previous Styx?"

Someone around asked.

"No, Styx was not like this before."

A strong Bone Race shook his head and said: "Not long ago, everyone was able to enter the depths of the Styx to explore. Although it is dangerous, it is not only impossible to fly in the Styx."

"But now."

He shook his head and said, "I have never heard of this situation. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Lord Pluto chose to accept disciples publicly at this time."

Lin Lang also frowned, asking Yao Xi as if to look at it.

The latter didn't know the reason, and shook his head lightly, saying: "I don't know the reason. Since historical records, most of the dangers of Styx are caused by strangeness, and most of them are caused by the ghosts in Styx."

"But it's the first time I've heard of Styx that hurts people. Unless..."

Talking and talking.

A peculiar brilliance burst into Yao Xi's eyes, and she quickly fell silent, as if thinking about some possibility.

"Please also your Royal Highness to clarify."

After a while, Jiang Yan also asked aloud.

"There is a possibility that the Styx is turbulent, and the soul hurts lives." Yao Xi's face also slowly became heavy.

Needless to say, what the turbulence of the Stygian River means naturally, the underworld has always been poor in resources. Compared with the spiritual energy, the energy of the underworld has little effect on the monks.

And the main reason why the overall strength of the underworld and the immortal world is in the middle is that this long river that runs through the underworld has enhanced the strength of the underworld creatures in a true sense.

Once the Styx is turbulent, that is the beginning of life disastrous!

The only recorded turmoil of the Styx in history was before eternity, when the ethnic groups in the world had not yet clearly defined the racial boundaries.

That is the end of the Nine Emperors Era.

Talents appeared in the Nine Emperors Era in large numbers, and the same was true at the end of the Nine Emperors Era, that is, the chaos of more than a dozen Yuanhui races at the end of the Nine Emperors Era, which established the pattern of today's world.

One of the most far-reaching events was that the Styx was turbulent that year, and the underworld creatures were overwhelmed. I don't know how many underworld gods were buried in the Styx.

The first generation of Rakshasa emperor rose up in that era and managed to control the flooding of the Styx, and then established the order of the great Raksha kingdom. There is also a wild history saying that the flooding of the Styx had a great relationship with the first Rakshasa Emperor.

of course.

This kind of thing cannot be verified.

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