Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1172: Freeing Wudaozi

In the vicissitudes of the world, the road will never change. There is no error in the great avenue, but the subjective consciousness of human beings does. This is why there are no two identical great avenues in the world.

The avenue of no way is not necessarily wrong, but it is not necessarily correct. But one thing is that Wudaozi's Taoism is flawed.

His weakness is also the road of reincarnation.

That was the starting point of his life's cultivation, whether he first studied the way of reincarnation in order to prove the existence of reincarnation, or later desperate in all sorts of despair, in order to prove that reincarnation does not exist, he turned to no way.

From here to deny, Wu Daozi's Dao Heart has been embedded in a gap by Lin Lang.

"Who is she and why does she master the power of reincarnation." Wudaozi's voice was already a little hoarse at this time.

He has studied the road of reincarnation for a lifetime, but some people have this power at birth. It's like all roads lead to Rome, but some lucky ones, as soon as they are born, enjoy the blessings of countless people in the Roman church.

"Her mother is from the underworld, she is the second underworld messenger, an organization in charge of reincarnation in the world." Lin Lang said lightly.

Wudaozi's eyes flickered, as if thinking of something, he asked hurriedly, "But the reincarnation empress?"

Lin Lang nodded gently.

Wudaozi was in a daze for a moment, his eyes were complicated, and he finally turned into a sigh: "No wonder, the power of reincarnation is naturally mastered, and there is only that strange woman from ancient times to the present. Is she still alive?"

Lin Lang shook his head. The longevity of the messenger from the underworld was about ten times longer than that of normal human beings. An ordinary messenger from the underworld might not be able to live in this world, but the female emperor of reincarnation was uncertain. It was said that after she got out of trouble, she returned to the underworld or went to other worlds.

"If she really exists, maybe she should still be alive." Wu Daozi murmured, he had only heard of this name, and has been unable to determine whether the latter exists or not.

But now with the appearance of Yao Xi, Wu Daozi finally confirmed this.

The female emperor of reincarnation really exists, so does the road of reincarnation, and perhaps, there is a complete reincarnation in the world.

At this time, the chain on Wu Daozi's body also began to shrink in circles as his ideas changed, and in the end, it was almost completely transparent.

Tiandao really let go of his imprisonment.

"Finally figured it out now?" Lin Lang looked at him with a smile.

Wudaozi's face is still covered with frost, and he calmly said: "You think too much, I did not abandon my own avenue, even if there is reincarnation, I have not taken the wrong path, but occasionally emptied my soul and temporarily compromised. Give it to God."

His Dao heart is still strong, and even more firmly believes that no way is his Dao than ever before!

"it is as expected."

Lin Lang smiled bitterly, he understood the meaning of Wudaozi.

What Tiandao restricts is only the dangerous avenue of Wudaozi, as long as he disperses from Wudao realm, Tiandao natural wild chrysanthemum releases its suppression on him.

In other words, as long as Wudaozi doesn't use Wudao power, Tiandao will temporarily acquiesce in his existence. This is a trick to hide from the sky.

But speaking of it, Wu Daozi's escape does have a lot to do with Lin Lang. For example, if it weren't for him to appear, Wudaozi wouldn't be able to figure it out so quickly. Having deceived the supervision of the heavens, he can still go in and out of the ruins of the innocent freely, walking in the great world like an ordinary person.

Sometimes being too straightforward is not necessarily correct.

Similarly, Wudaozixiang really needs Lin Lang's help to get out of the ruins of Wudao to conceal Tiandao's supervision.

The godhead is one of the most important things.

Wudao ruins belong to Tiandao's key monitoring targets, and only Lin Lang can conceal Wudaozi's breath. Otherwise, when Tiandao realizes that he has been deceived by Wudaozi, it will not be the next imprisonment to meet him at that time, but the destruction of Tiandao!

As for leaving the ruins of Wudaozi, Wudaozi has nothing to do with Lin Lang.



In the Dao Sect Holy Land at this time, the Shiwan Dao Mountain shook violently, as if it had been caught in a continuous earthquake. It lasted for a few minutes from front to back, and I don't know how many Dao Sect masters were awakened.

"what happened?"

"Are there any foreign enemies invading?"

A master of Taoism flew up high in the sky, scanning around, quietly inspecting them and finally found the center of the earthquake.

It is the ruins of Wudao!

In that violently trembling road gated ground, there is still a cloud of mist, which cannot be explored by God's consciousness. But there is a lot of weird energy radiating, but everything that comes into contact is decomposed, whether it is a road or a real object.

The weird energy swayed, and nothing existed, it was more terrifying than the Avenue of Nirvana, and it was even worse than the Avenue of Destruction!

The field of innocence is expanding!

But the roar of these Dao Sect juniors did not know how powerful the Wu Dao Realm was. Several immortal emperors boasted that they were good at cultivation, and they fluttered up, driving the avenue to try to resist the erosion of the Wu Dao realm.

But, they totally think too much!

Even the great avenue could not stop the raging energy of this terrible energy. Several immortal emperors were the first to bear the brunt. With a few screams, the immortal emperors who had been the most powerful in the immortal realm fell in a blink of an eye.

"Go and report to the head, the forbidden ground is ill!"

A brown-haired veteran who seemed to be a senior member of the Dao Sect hurriedly summoned his disciples at this time and directed the disciples of each mountain to evacuate in an orderly manner.

In short time, the holy master of the Taoist Holy Land finally noticed the strange appearance. This was a middle-aged man wearing a purple jade crown and gold silk track.

He glanced at the direction of Wudao Ruins and shook his head slightly.

As the Dao Sect Holy Master, he naturally knows the origin of the ruins of Wudao, and understands that the prisoner of the heavens is held in the ruins of Wudao.

For Wudao realm and Wudaozi, the Dao Sect Holy Master does nothing. He only sacrifices part of the Tao Mountain and material to ensure the lives of the disciples.

"It's a pity that Dao Luo Xuan went out to refine treasures. Otherwise, he would be allowed to enter the ruins of Innocence. With his means, he should be able to enter and exit the ruins of Innocence safely."

The Taoist Holy Master gently shook his head.

Daomen Holy Land is a sacred land that has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and it has ample background, and it is not unstoppable from the intrusion of the Wudao realm.

Just doing that will consume more resources. In contrast, it was more cost-effective to sacrifice some disciples and materials. Although he didn't know why the Innocent Realm suddenly broke out, it would never flood the entire Dao Sect.

Compared with Daomen, this is just a small storm. Everyone worked together, but also saved a lot of resources, but only a few immortal emperors fell, and the loss was not great.


And this time.

The few culprits who caused the Dao Sect storm had already left the Dao Sect. When they left, Lin Lang and Yao Xi, who had been photographed, were still two people. After Wu Daozi got out of trouble, they did not walk with them.

After agreeing on a date to meet with Lin Lang, he went straight to the Moonlight Sect. The first thing he did after he got out of trouble was to see if the grave of his former lover was still there.

Are his descendants well!


A year later, Wu Daozi will also come to the Golden Saint Clan to complete the first thing Lin Lang promised him.

"Let's go, the task is successfully completed."

Lin Lang glanced at Yao Xi. Compared to Lin Lang, Yao Xi was obviously more interested, and asked enthusiastically where Lin Lang was going next.

Lin Lang took her to see too many novel things along the way, the immortal land of good fortune in this world, the sacred land of Taoism in later generations, and every experience and experience is a memory worth remembering.

"Back to Ye Xuanzong, pack up and prepare to go to the Golden Saint Clan." Lin Lang said lightly.

"I'm going back now? Your hole cards don't seem to be enough." Yao Xi said with a flat mouth.

"Enough, Wu Daozi can almost overturn the entire Golden Saint Clan alone." Lin Lang said lightly.

Wu Daozi's strength should not be underestimated. Don't look at him just getting out of trouble, but the real combat power is definitely the top level in the world, even if the ruler is not enough in front of him.

You know, in the past, this was a great power who had dominated for several times, and he was also a natural and other avenue in one, and he studied and enlightened the deep realm of the Tao of Reincarnation.

So even in this realm of dominance, Wudaozi can basically be called an invincible existence. With him sitting by, the pressure on him from the Golden Saints was not so great.

However, this is only one of Lin Lang's hole cards. He has another big man who is worse than Wudaozi, and even more powerful, to invite, but for the time being, he does not want to expose this secret to Yao Xi.

That person is a headless corpse!

In the ancient times, the headless corpse generals were not much inferior to the nine emperors in their combat power. Just one person combined several ancient avenues into one.

If it were not that he was born too close to the period of the Nine Emperors, there would be no material in the world to survive the catastrophe of the emperor's tenth dimension, and he would not be able to advance to the realm of the emperor.

I am afraid there will be one more person in the ranks of the nine emperors.

This is his terrifying talent. It has suppressed the following generations for several times. It is only stronger than Wudaozi, and even to a certain extent, if Wudaozi created a unique field of Wudao, Wudaozi is not worthy of doing it. His opponent.

It's just that the Headless Corpse General has been guarding the chain bridge, whether he can help Lin Lang with his favor is still certain. What's more, the immortal gate command can travel through space, this is Lin Lang's last trump card.

He does not intend to expose it to Yao Xi for the time being.


After Lin Lang returned to Ye Xuanzong, he quickly informed him, gathered the manpower, and prepared to go to the Golden Saint Clan.

At this time, the immortal world was also surging. When Lin Lang took the initiative to release the news, he would personally visit the golden holy clan on the day of his wedding. As soon as the news came out, how many immortal forces had attracted the attention.

Even many people who hadn't planned to attend the good things of the wedding, went through the boxes and found the wedding invitations, planning to go to the golden holy family to watch a good show.

One is the naked Yangmou of the Golden Sage and the Protoss, and the other is an important disciple of the Human Sacred Land, even because of him, the Big Leaf Immortal Sect has torn his face with the Protoss.

This is equivalent to the fact that the three great immortal forces are breaking their wrists, how can they miss such a good show. It is even said that because this uncommon "marriage incident" has involved the three major forces, a year before the wedding has begun, the area where the Golden Saints originally prepared to meet is already overcrowded.

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