Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1183: Peace talks


Lightning flashes faintly above the golden saints, and thick thunderclouds float from all over the universe, brewing extremely terrifying opportunities.

That is Yao Xi's Chengdi Jie!

"Are you going to become an emperor?"

Lin Lang frowned slightly.

It is also true that Yao Xi's own path has come to an end, and she has accumulated enough. If she had not deliberately suppressed, she would have been promoted to the emperor.

Ordinary people's Chengdi Jie is scary enough, and sometimes it can even destroy a star. And for a genius at the evil level like Yao Xi, the Chengdi Jie she provokes will definitely be a hundred times more terrifying than others!

Whether the ruler of the golden holy race can protect the golden star itself is not certain.

"Lin Youye, despicable villain!"

The immortal emperor with the golden saints couldn't bear to curse. The monk's Chengdi Jie is extremely terrifying, not to mention the gaze of heaven, it is even more common to destroy millions of miles of land.

Therefore, most of the time when cultivators ferry themselves into the emperor's robbery, they will deliberately stay away from the stars of their clan to avoid causing excessive losses.

Like the Golden Saints in front of them, there were some monks who suppressed the Immortal Emperor Jie. Once Yao Xi set this precedent, no one else could continue to suppress it.

At that time, it was not just Yao Xi who had crossed the Tribulation alone, it could be a dozen or even more. If you are unlucky, some old monsters who have become emperors on the verge of eternal disaster will also suffer.

Dozens of people cross the catastrophe at the same time, can the Golden Star bear it?

"That woman is Yao Xi! The princess of the Raksha clan! She was the one who trapped us in the Nine Regions Sky City for hundreds of years, almost destroying the sergeant of the Yixian Alliance."

As Yao Xi walked from behind the scenes to the focus, someone soon revealed her identity. The name of the princess of the Raksha tribe of the underworld is a household name even in the fairy world.

After all, her fame was so great that she killed dozens of immortal emperors in the immortal realm, and later trapped hundreds of millions of sergeants in the immortal realm in Nine Regions Sky City. If Lin Lang hadn't taken the initiative, none of these people could survive.

Several successive battles made Yaoxi, the little fairy king of the past, famous in both circles. It's hard not to be recognized when I show up on such occasions.

"It's actually this demon girl?"

"Damn it, I said that Lin Youye had already taken refuge in the underworld and became a rebellious running dog! Do you really respect him as the **** of war in the immortal world? Pooh!"

Naturally, Lin Lang couldn't let the public opinion ferment like this. Taking advantage of his own momentum, he looked back at the masters of the golden saints, looking like sharp arrows, and shouted: "Golden saints, don't you let them go!"

With a loud roar, the golden star shook.

Although most people do not understand the role of the Samsara Monument, they can clearly analyze the situation in front of them.

Thousands of troops and soldiers are standing near the Golden Star, Daye Xianzong and other forces, this is the oppression of the bright place.

The mother-fire flame is a deterrent. Once the golden saints move, the small cauldron containing the mother-fire flame will be dumped, killing most of the creatures on the golden star.

And the last monument of reincarnation is the last trump card to persecute the golden saints.

First there was Lin Lang, then Yaoxi. If you dare to move me, I will stop you from the golden saints. I am a person, a group of people, for the decline of your entire race.

Who would dare to act rashly?

"Holy God, where are you?"

"Have you ever noticed that the descendants of the Golden Saints have been coerced by others and will be exterminated."

"Holy God, I am incompetent. But please open your eyes and save your descendants!"

Many creatures of the golden saints have begun to pray, hoping that the detached ones of their clan can return in time.

The golden holy god, that is the detachment of the golden holy race, is also the **** of the Buddha, the gods, the gods and the ghosts, and represents the rise of the gods.

It stands to reason that, as the creator of this ethnic group, the Golden Holy God will never sit idly by when the race is in peril.

This is also why they can always stay on top. There are detached people who take control of the overall situation, even if they offend all the races in the world, what can they do?

Who would dare to hit the ancestor star of their golden saints and destroy their morality? It is also driven by this kind of thinking that the tribe opened up by the detached hardly pays attention to the monks in the world.

This is indeed their proud capital. As a result, Lin Lang led his troops to hit the door, and there was no way to deal with it.

It’s a pity that even if there are countless saints on their knees and begging, the golden saints cannot hear their voices, let alone give any response.


But when it came to this situation, the monks of the Golden Saints certainly couldn't sit still. They must save themselves!

Lin Lang did bring a lot of pressure to the Golden Saint Clan, but he would never make a race desperate for it. In other words, the golden saints have not yet faced the disaster of extermination.

That is to say, at the time when everyone was in a stalemate, the patriarch of the Golden Saint Clan, the Golden Saint Lord had already taken several respected clan elders to the ancestral shrine and launched an ancient chariot.

What is worth noting is not the chariot itself, but the old man of the golden holy race who was pushed on the chariot and sealed in dark yellow amber.

By now, the Golden Saints finally pulled out some details.

As the old man sealed in the spirit liquid appeared, Lin Lang immediately showed a solemn color. Just a glance, I felt as if I was being stared at by an ancient behemoth, unable to move.

Even a cultivator of the Eight Tribulations Holy Master level is not breathing well at this time and it is difficult to move. The old man was clearly trapped inside the spiritual liquid, and his spiritual power did not overflow at all, but it was enough to affect the operation of the surrounding roads.

One can imagine how terrifying his true realm is, even surpassing contemporary dominance!

"Holy Lord Jinhua, his old man is still alive!" Some old monsters in the fairy world exclaimed, and they broke the identity of the old man sealed in the spiritual liquid.

"It turns out to be the Holy Lord of Jinhua, no wonder! His old man is the most powerful man of the Golden Holy Clan in modern times. When he was young, he was defeated by the arrogance of all races, and he was alone."

"In that era, the stars were dim, and the masters of all races avoided their edge and did not dare to compete with them. It was also because of the Jinhua Holy Master, the Golden Holy Clan became the first big clan in the fairy world, and it lasted for seven Yuanhui!"

Jinhua Saint Lord, that is the number one master of the Golden Saint Clan in modern times, and the power to dominate an era. Including these masters of later generations, even if the two sides are in the same realm, they are only juniors before him.

Unexpectedly, dozens of Yuanhuis had passed, and the Jinhua Saint Lord was not only undead, but also sealed as the foundation of the Golden Saint Clan. Don't take it out until the race is at stake.

Although the Jinhua Holy Lord trapped in the spirit fluid, once he was born, it would not be long before he was perceived by Heaven and obliterated.

But he alone is enough to desperately die for digital masters, who would dare to underestimate such a character? This is the foundation of the fairy world family, not just as simple as seeing only two masters.

If you are in a hurry, God knows how many old monsters they can jump out.

With the appearance of the Lord Jinhua, the situation was basically clear. As a last resort, the Jinhua Saint Lord, as the town's heritage, would never be able to get out of the spirit fluid.

And the reason why he appeared was also a deterrent to the golden saints. This is for peace talks.

To be reasonable, they did not need to pay a price that the entire race could not bear for Chen Miaoxuan.

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