Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1185: Detachment

The matter of the golden star seemed to have come to an end. The golden saints no longer had to face the threat of the army's pressure, and a great battle disappeared invisible.

Only when it was the golden saints who broke their wealth and avoided disasters.

In exchange, Lin Lang must remove all foreign powerhouses on the Golden Star, which naturally also includes the Samsara monument erected by Lin Lang.

This is naturally not a difficult task for Lin Lang. The Samsara monument was set up by him himself. As long as the content of the Samsara Sutra is activated, the Samsara monument can be removed.

The corresponding curse will also disappear invisible.

Lin Lang landed from the sky, and the reincarnation scripture revolved in his body. The power of reincarnation exuded from his side. His palms were covered with a layer of light, and he gently pressed the body of the reincarnation monument.

"Get up!"

Lin Lang gave a soft yell, the power of reincarnation burst out all over his body, accompanied by a dazzling light, the audience was covered with a layer of gray mist, and neither naked eyes nor divine consciousness could penetrate.

When the light dissipated, Lin Lang was still standing in the field, and the reincarnation monument that should have been removed by him was still in place, without moving the slightest.

"How could this be?"

Lin Lang looked at his hands blankly, he had already carefully circulated the small Zhoutian in his body according to the Samsara Sutra, and it was reasonable to say that he could lift the stone tablet.

But how can the monument of reincarnation stay still?

Lin Lang tried a few more times, however, the Samsara monument was still rock solid, and the curse that had penetrated into the body of every golden saint monk did not disappear.

Really weird!

Gradually, countless questioning eyes began to appear around him.

"It seems I should ask Yao Xi." Lin Lang tried several more methods, but still found nothing, and planned to ask Yao Xi.

Yao Xi’s strategy for erecting the reincarnation monument was from Yao Xi, and the latter also informed him of the method of arranging and removing the reincarnation monument.

And the latter is proficient in the road of reincarnation, she should have a way.

With this thought in mind, Lin Lang turned around, but saw that the thunderclouds in outer space had disappeared, and Yao Xi's Cheng Emperor was coming soon, and going away soon.

I think I should have become an emperor.


Lin Lang's divine consciousness swept a few times, but he didn't find Yao Xi's figure. The entire outer space had nothing but the aftermath of the tribulation that had not completely dissipated.

Yao Xi herself has disappeared without a trace!

"Where is she?"

Lin Lang suddenly sank.

"His Royal Highness had gone through the Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor a day ago, she crushed a jade symbol and left without saying hello to anyone." said an immortal emperor of the underworld.

Hearing these words, Lin Lang's head boomed, all his thoughts were about to burst, and all the questions were suddenly figured out.

He was slammed by this enchantress!

From the beginning, Yao Xi deliberately concealed certain truths, telling and inducing Lin Lang to regard the Reincarnation Monument as the most important hole card.

And when he set up the monument of reincarnation, don't even want to pull it down!

If the curse is not removed, all their negotiations will fail. At that time, the golden saints under the anger will go to war directly, and the immortal world will be in chaos.


Yao Xi once made a heavenly oath, once Lin Lang's safety is threatened, the heaven will die. There was a vow of heaven as punishment, and naturally Lin Lang gradually let go of his guard.

But he overlooked one thing.

Cheng Di Jie!

What is Chengdi Jie? Determine the way forward based on your own condensed road. Similarly, the power of the Heavenly Dao that descended during the Tribulation Period will also wash away all the Dao Oaths on the monks.

In other words, Yao Xi took advantage of his opportunity to negotiate and survived the Tribulation of Emperor Cheng in the safest way, without being bound by the oath of heaven.

What's more terrifying is that he also intensified the friction between Lin Lang and the two races with his dark hands, and a great battle that could cause chaos in the fairy world is near!

Good calculations, the city is extremely deep!

No one knows, since when Yao Xi had started planning all this. More likely, she had already started calculations when she learned that Lin Lang had several hole cards and planned to force a gold star.

Otherwise, she would never take the initiative to keep up with Lin Lang and tell the details about the Samsara monument.

But why would she do this? Is it just to frame Lin Lang and cause turmoil in the fairy world, what benefits can she get?

Yao Xi is not the kind of person who regards the righteousness of race as the goal of her life, commanding the army of the underworld, to a large extent, is just because she is bored to pass the time...

Suddenly, Lin Lang wanted to smoke his big mouth fiercely. At this time, his subconscious was still defending Yao Xi.

If it weren't for her carelessness, why is Yao Xi's calculating body incomplete.

But the matter is over, and it's no use blaming yourself. If you have this time, you should think about how to deal with the next situation.

It would definitely not work once he left, it was equivalent to putting so many of his own people in, and with Lin Lang's character, he didn't bother to do so.

So for the current plan, we must find a way to see if the stone tablet can be removed, but it should be unlikely that it should be possible. Since Yao Xi chose to do this, the character of the latter is basically a dead end.

Either take the initiative to confess, the golden saints can fully feel the existence of the curse, and there is no point in delaying time. Just doing so will make Lin Lang passive.


There was not much time left for Lin Lang to consider, and before he could speak, a mighty heavenly might suddenly descended, swept the entire Golden Star.

In the field, countless people subconsciously raised their heads and looked towards the sky. However, what frightened them was that the entire world was eclipsed at this moment. The bright starry sky and the bright moonlight all disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it was a bright golden light, building a vast golden world, and everyone could vaguely see a vast and majestic palace from the far distance that they could see.

At the same time, a terrifying and terrifying breath swept across the entire planet, and even the entire starry sky!

Everyone present, including the dominant power, was completely unable to resist under this terrible pressure at this moment. They only felt that it was Tianweizhen Youding, without any resistance.

People have not yet arrived, the golden color of the sky, no one dared to look directly, including the dominator lowered the noble head.

Some of the weaker cultivation bases couldn't withstand this pressure at all, and their bodies fell to the ground involuntarily, unable to kneel.

"This is the breath of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit, his old man has finally woken up! He has noticed the breath of the invaders!"

The crowd in the square shouted. The monks of the Golden Saints also knelt down and bowed their heads piously.

There is only one type of person in this world that can make the master so far, and that is the detached one!

The only detached person of the Golden Holy Clan, the Golden Holy God!

In the field, there are only a few masters who can completely maintain a standing posture, as well as a few Wudaozi who stand behind Lin Lang and him.

In the distance, the golden paved palace was looming. On the golden avenue in front, a figure bathed in light walked along. The sky was like a flat ground under his feet, and the endless distance was traversed in just a few steps.

One step, you can cross a star field!

Time and space seemed to be still, everyone was unable to move, and only saw the golden holy **** walking on the ancient golden road. Every step down, an afterimage appeared behind him.


The golden holy **** shrouded in golden light first walked to the reincarnation monument, patted the palm lightly, the stone monument vibrated, and the next moment it rose from the ground, suspended in mid-air.

At the same time, the runes that had previously fallen from the stele, penetrated into the blood of countless golden saint monks, also emerged one after another, forming a torrent of torrents into the Samsara stele.

The curse is lifted!

Holding the stone tablet in one hand, the golden holy **** walked towards Lin Lang in a leisurely manner.

The pressure grew stronger and stronger, and even if Lin Lang released the power of the world, he was completely unstoppable. Gradually, he was bent over and crouched, but his eyes were fixed on the golden holy god.

Finally, the Golden Holy God stopped in front of Lin Lang and glanced at Wudaozi in a somewhat surprised way. There were really not many people in the world who could block his coercion at such a close distance.

However, he was not curious either. He was full of ants under his detachment, a slightly accomplished offspring, and he was not worthy of attracting his attention.

"You are so bold."

The Golden Holy God's tone was calm, as if he was telling a trivial matter, but it seemed to contain the majesty of the sky, and he spoke with the law.

Even if he didn't do anything, just said a word, at this moment Lin Lang's chest was squeezed violently, and a lot of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth with a smell of fishy sweetness.

"The holy race deceived me and wanted to seek justice." Even so, Lin Lang did not give in, and replied neither humble nor overbearing, but the intermittent voice was enough to show how terrifying pressure he was at this moment.

"I'm talking about the Reincarnation Monument."

The golden holy **** faintly said. What he cares about is not the matter of Lin Lang bringing people to the Golden Star. At his level, as long as it is not for the Golden Saint Clan to be killed, only a small number of people are left, and he usually does not interfere with the affairs of the clan.

In other words, as long as the offspring are not dead, he will not care about these things at all. In the past, the golden saints have also broken out the war of the big clans, and the golden saints have not come forward.

Only this time is an exception.

"I have to do it as a last resort." Lin Lang didn't have much to explain. Could it be that he was pitted and couldn't move the reincarnation monument? It didn't make any sense.

"The Reincarnation Monument guards the Styx. The town is ghosts and evildoers, and visitors from the past. You take the Reincarnation Monument out of the Styx without authorization. In the future, fierce ghosts will rampage the world and reincarnation chaos.

"This is a sin that can't be blamed for ten thousand deaths." The Golden Holy God spoke lightly, preconceived, and pushed the source of the Samsara monument on Lin Lang.

"The Reincarnation Monument has long been separated from the original spatial node. I did not take it away. The Holy Spirit can clearly see it." Lin Langang raised his neck, his eyes filled with indomitability.


The Golden Holy God suddenly snorted, and for an instant, Lin Lang's mind was blank, as if he had been bombarded by thousands of Five Elements God Thunder, with a splitting headache.

"Do you dare to quibble? Since you have taken the reincarnation monument and used it in the evil way, cursing the living with the power of the stone monument, you should bear the consequences."


The Golden Holy God raised his hand, and the Samsara monument flew out suddenly, turning into a stream of light three feet in front of Lin Lang, and plunged into Lin Lang's sea of ​​knowledge.

With great magical powers, the golden holy **** directly penetrated the reincarnation monument into Lin Lang's body, using the body as the base of the formation, while infiltrating the curse into the bloodline.

Use his own way to treat his body!

Before Lin Lang used the Samsara Monument to curse all the golden saint monks, now the Golden Holy God descends, he directly uses the most rude means to drive the Samsara Monument into Lin Lang's body.

In the future, Lin Lang and even his blood will be entangled by the curse of reincarnation, and will live forever. The detached person himself took action, did he resist?

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