Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 121: Jiang Dafeng arrives

"Hundreds of thousands of watches ?!"

Wang Xiaomei took a breath, but she still underestimated the weight of the gift herself.

What kind of temper is this happiness sending hundreds of thousands? After looking calm, she also noticed the second half of Meng Xiyue's words.

"He still has this ability?"

Wang Xiaomei poked her lips. She didn't know what her son was like. It was a blessing not to be big, let alone make money.

"Look at you, don't let girls stay standing all the time." Lin Xiao reminded suddenly, anyway, his family is also a congratulatory, although he is alone, but also better than nothing.

"Come and come, Moon Moon, sit beside me."

Wang Xiaomei greeted her enthusiastically. Although she temporarily accepted her watch, she had made up her mind and must return it to the other party after the annual meeting. Hundreds of thousands of things, even when she wore it, she felt heart-beating.

This scene fell into Wang Hai's eyes, making him flaming in his eyes, which was the ultimate expression of jealousy and anger.


In the morning, basically all the people who should come should not come.

The two brothers of the Wang family were like a fish, and the guests of the family pushed a cup for a change. On the other hand, the Lin Lang family had no voice except for a few words with Meng Xiyue.

The other guests were also curious from the beginning, and then became indifferent, maybe they met the Meng family once and for all, which was nothing.

If nothing is wrong, the Lin Lang family will basically be like this and can't stand up.

There are not many outsiders visiting the Wang family, only a few sporadic registrations are left, and the Wang Hai is also idle, walking to the Lin Lang family intentionally or unintentionally.

He felt it necessary to teach Lin Lang some truths, and his connections can't be blown out by you.

"How about seeing the importance of connections now?"

"All of these people are from the business world to the official world, and none of them are elites. What's the matter, little role? Our Wang family has these connections and we have been able to establish ourselves to this day. So no matter where we go or what we do Everyone in the industry sells our face. "

"This is the network!"

Wang Hai shouted loudly, and swiped across the field with one finger, the majestic.

There was a commotion outside.

"General Manager of Shencheng Chemical Industry Company, Xiao Renkang arrives."

"The director of Linhai Jiulong Group, Yang Wei was here."

With the first sing and fall, the corner of Wang Hai's mouth raised a touch of irony, saying: "General manager Xiao is also here, all of you Jiang's group, but the boss of your family, or I will take you See you? "

After speaking, Wang Hai laughed wildly, anyone could hear the irony in the words.

Wang Xiaomei's face couldn't help but for a while, Wang Jinglun couldn't bear their contempt, but now being ridiculed by a junior, her face couldn't help it.

Lin Xiao was also the same there. He clenched his fists in anger and angrily left the table.

Seeing that his family was in trouble, Meng Xiyue didn't like it first, and Zhu lip lightly, only spit out a clear word.


Wang Hai also noticed that Meng Xiyue was completely uninterested in him, and then sneered, "You think you can fly to Huang Tengda by relying on the Meng family? Wrong, the Meng family is indeed powerful, but this is Liao You wo n’t be able to fight anymore, and some people can keep you from turning over with a single word. "

"You are not working in Jiang's Group. Coincidentally, my dad and Xiao are always friends. They can be pulled from the sky to the ground in one sentence. This is the connection."

Although Wang Hai was just an angry word, he did not deny whether it would happen after tearing his face.

"With your words, your family can be destroyed in an instant, and you can't believe it." Lin Lang's eyes were slightly cold. If his parents weren't by his side, would he let Wang Hai be scattered here.

Like a little cricket ant, just shoot it away, and care if the ants look like you?

"You can make me die in an instant?" Wang Hai seemed to have heard a big joke: "You are Jiang Dafeng of the Jiang Group and you dare not say that?"

Lin Lang just wanted to teach this unopened kid, but at this moment his expression moved, and the corner of his mouth slowly raised a smile.

"You said that I called Jiang Dafeng to your side now, do you dare to say that?" Lin Lang's tone brought a three-point playfulness.

"Of course! There is a kind of you called, come over and let me be your brother!"


At this moment, the doorway of Wang's house started to be noisy, and the noise was louder than loud.

When the voice converged, the doorman's chorus came along.

"Jiang Group, Chairman Jiang Dafeng is here!"

The sound dropped, and the audience was blasted.

"Wang's annual meeting, even Chairman Jiang came?"

Jiang's Group, which is one of several large-scale industries in Linhai City, even if its heavy industries are regarded as giants nationwide, the top 500 nations of the country have rushed into it more than once.

It can be said that Jiang Dafeng is not too much to call a party in Linhai City. Among the many guests present, there are only a few who dare to surpass Jiang Dafeng by their identity.

Mr. Wang slightly moved, he naturally knew the Jiang Group, but in recent years the new family has surpassed the status of the current Wang family.

"Did you find me?"

Wang Jinglun couldn't help wondering. If Wang family was the only one who had seen Jiang Dafeng a few times, he was himself. In addition, he had recently been promoted, and he had some intersection with the Jiang Group.

"It must be so."

Thinking of this, Wang Jinglun did not dare to neglect and went out to meet him in person.

"Chairman Jiang arrived personally and could not welcome him far away, please forgive me." Wang Jinglun replaced his deferential expression and arched Jiang Dafeng.

"who are you?"

Jiang Dafeng frowned, but didn't stop at all, and walked forward.

"We've seen Wang Jinglun, who was sitting next to the local tax director at the bidding meeting six months ago ..." Wang Jinglun kept up, struggling to impress the other party's mind.

"Oh, I see."

Jiang Dafeng nodded, and anyone could see the perfunctory meaning, but the pace under his feet was getting faster and faster, rushing to the inner circle.

Wang Jinglun kept up to keep up, and secretly said that he was the chairman, and the concept of cherishing time is stronger than others.

As everyone knows, Jiang Dafeng wanted to shake off his tail, which only accelerated the pace. If it was not for Lin Shenyi, he would have fluttered this annoying fly.

"Did you come to me? Yes, no one here should have this qualification." Father Wang thought to himself, at this moment he was about to get up.

But when he heard Jiang Dafeng looking around, he seemed to be looking for something. Finally, his eyes brightened and he ran to the corner.

Then, a full voice sounded.

"Lin Shen ... sir. I can find you, and you will not notify me when you come to Linhai."

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