Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1225: Lin Youye is back!

Yao Xi was crazy and in a trance. It could be seen that her tens of millions of years of tree-cutting career had brought her spirit to the brink of collapse.


Tens of millions of years of hard work have been burned.

"You are not him, you are just a stranger who looks similar to him." Old lady Yao Xi muttered, the last thought in her heart collapsed, and she was countless times old in an instant.

Many emotions emerged in Lin Lang's heart. The next moment, the figure of Little Demon Venerable floated in front of him. This was his other half, the Little Demon Venerable who had not been completely wiped out.

Next, it was the Little Demon Venerable that led Lin Lang's spirit and had a conversation with Yao Xi.

Yao Xi clearly distinguished whether Lin Lang was the deity or the little demon. As soon as the two began to talk, Yao Xi shed tears.

The two told for a long time that Little Demon Venerable was also trying to persuade Yao Xi, saying: "I and him are one body, and will merge sooner or later, unless I give up my practice to become two individuals."

Little Demon Venerable tried to make Yaoxi accept the reality, but in fact he treated Lin Lang and treated Little Demon Venerable by himself, so there is no need to be sad.

After experiencing such a catastrophe, the Little Demon Venerable looked away, no longer as before, and insisted on competing with Lin Lang, fighting for life and death, who is the best.

This is one body, and will merge sooner or later. Even if the best result is that he merges with Lin Lang, he will never kill Lin Lang's deity. This character will always accompany his cultivation.

For Yao Xi, the result is still the same.

"No, I can't accept it."

Yao Xi smiled and shed tears. At this time, her figure became more and more rickety, as if she was about to shrink into a ball: "Since you can no longer be separated, then everyone should simply cut off contact."

"Just as if you and I have never met."

Yao Xi turned around, tears fell like rain, a drop of tears fell on the ground, turned into thousands of miles of ice, and the sky also floated blood. Little Mozun stepped forward and tried to hug Yao Xi, but was forced to break away by the latter.

The reason why Yao Xi can span tens of thousands of years and live to this world is not only because the sky above the clouds can delay his life to a certain extent, but more importantly, Yao Xi has taken the remaining half of the Hedao Flower.

For thousands of years, both her cultivation base and her longevity have increased slightly. Today, she is no less inferior to those powerful people in the realm of the emperor.

This is the charm of time and space!

But no matter how little Demon Venerable stayed, Yao Xi's heart was determined. Since she could no longer find the man who fell in love, it would be better not to meet each other and forget about each other.

Yao Xi left, but not free and easy at all.

The obsession that is broken is also obsession after all!


The little demon was standing there for a long time, and finally accompanied by a long sigh, it turned into a divine light and merged into Lin Lang's mind. The deity of Lin Lang was also affected to a certain extent, and his mood was not peaceful.

He stayed in this star field for a long time, just about to set off, but saw a big battle erupting on a star not far away, he glanced at it and found that it was the monks of the Golden Saint Clan and the Big Leaf Immortal Sect who were fighting.

He also knew the news of the war between the two immortal world forces, but it was not surprising. It's just that Daye Immortal Sect's side did not have any advantage, so he gave birth to the idea of ​​helping.

The star in front of him was supposed to be the power controlled by the Great Ye Immortal Sect, a large star with abundant resources, and the geographic location of the immortal world is also very important.

Therefore, the Golden Saints also released heavy troops to participate in the war. It can be seen that the defenders of the Daye Immortal Zong side should have been trapped for a long time, relying on the large formation for a long time.

But as the star formation broke down, a large number of golden holy race troops poured in, and the situation took a turn for the worse. I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out soon.

At this time, Lin Lang shot.

Among the thousands of troops and horses, Lin Lang descended from the sky, and when he raised his hand, thunder was rolling, wind, fire, thunder, and various natural disasters appeared out of thin air, directly destroying the formation of the golden holy family.

At this point in his cultivation, Lin Lang not only had the power to compete with the Great Emperor, but also had an unprecedented understanding of Tribulation Dao.

What he represents is robbery, and he can bring robbery for the heavens!

Although he hasn't really transformed the Tribulation Dao into his own great emperor's magical powers, even these basic methods he mastered are definitely rare in the world.

This method is particularly evident in the battle between the two armies. The catastrophe at any time, the vision of natural disasters, can surpass a million troops.

At this time, in the army of the Golden Saints, natural disasters came one after another, the gust of wind swept up countless monks, the fire burned the world, and the thunder smashed to death a powerful fairy king monk.

There are no exceptions!

In a short while, the formation of the Golden Saints was in chaos, so countless people fell.

"Where is the demon! Die to me!"

An immortal emperor of the Five Tribulations of the Golden Saint Clan finally noticed Lin Lang, and his eyes were distraught as he watched the declining clansmen.

He brazenly launched an attack on Lin Lang, but Lin Lang only glanced at him lightly. Suddenly, this person fell back in stride as if he was hit hard.

In front of Lin Lang, he didn't even have the strength to fight back!

This is the absolute difference in cultivation base!

Lin Lang stretched out his hand, the immortal emperor of the golden holy clan seemed to have been given a fixation technique, unable to move, and could only watch the divine power beam continuously enlarge in front of his eyes.


A loud noise fell, this golden holy clan immortal emperor fell completely, and only half of the broken halberd was inserted on the ground, humming.

"Who are you?"

The high-level leaders of the Golden Saint Clan army looked one after another, and a strong immortal emperor came and surrounded Lin Lang.

Looking around, there are nearly ten immortal emperors in front of me. Except for the six-tribulation immortal emperor of the golden saint clan, the rest are all vassal forces of the golden saint clan, and they are not weak in strength. Three-dimensional will be a disaster.

If placed in normal, this lineup would be enough to push any big stars horizontally, and it would be no problem to bring down the first-class sect of the fairy world.

It's a pity that they were out of luck today, and they met Lin Lang.

"Friends of Daoism, this is a dispute between the Golden Saint Clan and the Daye Immortal Sect. If it is not necessary, I would advise fellow Daoists to show some kindness and not participate."

The immortal emperor of the golden holy race is not without threats. He pointed out that this was a dispute between the two major forces. To be fair, the immortal world today is in a turbulent period, and the holy land clans cannot be alone.

As for those casual monks who don't have a strong background, if they are involved in this vortex, they probably won't know how to die.

Unless the high-ranking immortal emperor above the seven calamities, there may still be a bit of decision on his position and the possibility of self-protection.

"I know it naturally."

Lin Lang faintly said, "This war started because of me. Since the golden holy race has caused war, we must prepare for the death of the family."

"What are you!"

An immortal emperor couldn't help but scolded, and said: "How can people like you be able to control the confrontation between the two powers? The war is also caused by you..."

"You don't see who you are..."

At this point, the man's words froze suddenly, and he looked at Lin Lang, only feeling that the latter's appearance was extremely familiar.

"I see, this guy is... This guy is Lin Youye who has been missing for thousands of years!" A fairy emperor suddenly said.

When the sound fell.

The cultivators of the golden saints were also taken aback. No one knew the name of Lin Youye. Thousands of years ago, that was the existence of the two worlds.

Although the cultivation base is not strong, but in the end it can surprise the existence of several great emperors. Even the dispute between the Daye Immortal Sect and the Golden Saint Clan was caused by him.

At that time, Lin Youye... could almost fight against the Seven Tribulations Immortal Emperor, and he was definitely not easy to mess with.

But even so, the immortal emperors of the golden saints did not plan to retreat, but their hearts became more and more vibrant.

"If you can take this opportunity to kill this officer, the overall situation of the Saint Clan can be determined!" The Golden Saint Clan Immortal Emperor was eager to try, and said loudly.

Yes, Lin Lang was very strong at the beginning.

But now they might not have the power of a battle, close to ten strong immortal emperors, and with millions of armies supporting them, it is not impossible to win the seven-tribulation immortal emperor.

They also wanted to kill Lin Lang, but they didn't know that they had already regarded these people as dead in Lin Lang's heart.

His gaze was indifferent, and he pointed forward a few fingers in succession, and the dazzling brilliance exploded, and the turbulent energy instantly covered the sky.

Boom boom boom!

A few violent muffled noises fell, and the sky turned into a void. The few immortal emperors hadn't even left the bones, and all fell in the blink of an eye.

In the distance, the pupils of an immortal emperor who had not yet participated in the battle shrank suddenly, and his heart exuded a deep chill: "It hasn't been seen for thousands of years, how terrifying is Lin Youye's cultivation base!"

"No! You must find a way to inform the high-level saints, if you can kill Lin Youye as soon as possible, it will have a huge impact on the occupation!"

He tried to get away, but the Immortal Emperor Big Ye Xianzong on the opposite side was also very difficult, forcing him to change his moves and passively defend. But this is not a long-term solution after all.

He deliberately left a flaw, and was taken advantage of by the Immortal Emperor Daye Zong, and the entire body of the Immortal Emperor was shattered. With this force, the soul of this person floated out and disappeared between the heaven and the earth at an extremely fast speed.

The movement speed of the soul is much faster than the physical body, and he has cultivated the escape technique of the soul, even if the immortal emperor is one or two levels higher than him, he may not be able to keep him.

Paying the price of his body, he finally escaped, bringing this news back to the headquarters of the Golden Saint Clan.

the other side.

Seeing Lin Lang's appearance, the general of the Great Yexianzong raised his hand and killed many golden holy emperors. At this time, the spirit of the immortal emperor could not help but Yang Tian roared: "The immortal emperor rebels of the golden holy clan have already come down. surrender?"

With a sound of falling, the golden sage monks participating in the battle also found that the immortal emperor led by their own troops had fallen, the dragons had no leader, and there was no fighting intention in their hearts.

At this moment, the Golden Saint Clan was defeated like a mountain, and the monks of the Daye Immortal Sect controlled the magic weapon, chasing and killing them.

The arrogant soldiers before the war, but now they have become drowned dogs, running wildly for their lives. The monks of the Great Yexianzong triumphed greatly, and took advantage of the momentum to cover up and kill many monks of the golden saints.

This battle soon came to an end.

The Great Yexianzong cultivator, who had been destined to be defeated, had actually completed a headwind turnaround at this time, and even defeated the Golden Saint Clan army, which was several times more powerful than them in terms of strength and number of immortal emperors.

And this all depends on the appearance of a person.

Daye Immortal Sect, Lin Youye!

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