Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1270: Star transformation plan

How could this kind of terrifying power come to their ancestor star for no reason? Come to this desert star field where birds don't shit?

Intuition told the czar that it must be right to follow the steps of the mysterious young man in front of him. Maybe this is his chance!

In curiosity, the czar followed Lin Lang's figure and returned to the ancestor star. Lin Lang crossed the sand, standing high in the sky, looking down at the endless continent in front of him.

"In a world where the five elements are unbalanced, even the birth of an immortal cultivator is extremely difficult. It is already the limit to be able to get an immortal emperor from such a place."

Lin Lang looked back at the czar, and with his perception ability, how could he not spot a monk who had just entered the realm of the immortal emperor.

The czar's gaze and Lin Lang met each other. He didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly controlled the yellow sand and landed beside Lin Lang.

"Senior have any orders?"

The czar tried his best to maintain the imperial majesty without losing courtesy, but in the previous scene, Lin Lang left him with a terrifying impression, which caused him to maintain a humble posture.

Lin Lang glanced at the czar and asked, "When did this situation begin."

The czar naturally knew what Lin Lang was referring to, and quickly said: "According to historical records, our world is like this. Ninety-seven percent of the entire planet's land is occupied by yellow sand."

"Now under our feet is the largest oasis on this planet. It is rumored that there were four such oasis in a more distant era. However, with the changes of history, the civilization on the remaining three oasis has been buried by yellow sand. There are only a handful of relics left."

Lin Lang nodded slightly and said, "Are you the master of this star?"

"Back to senior. I am the old emperor of the Kowloon Dynasty. I control all the forces on this oasis. As for ruling the entire star, there are some terrifying king-level creatures in those places buried by the yellow sand."

"Even though they can't help me, but before I break through the emperor realm, they still have to give some face to the creatures in the yellow sand."

"But..." At this point, the Tsar's tone suddenly paused, and then said: "The rumor has it that there is a spirit of yellow sand that is more terrifying than the king-level in this desert. One of my immortals once traversed the vast desert. I met a dragon next."

"Speaking of it, this is also the history of the birth of my Kowloon dynasty. My immortal was bestowed by the dragon, and since then embarked on the road of cultivation. It is said that there are nine such dragons. By the ninth generation of our family, the oasis has been integrated. All the forces in China created the Kowloon Dynasty."


Lin Lang suddenly developed some interest, and the vast consciousness swept the entire planet unscrupulously.

Sure enough, Lin Lang found the nine "sacred dragons" mentioned by the czar in nine locations. It's just that it is not a member of the dragon clan, but a yellow dragon bred by the power of the earth.

Lin Lang stretched out his hand, and the nine entrenched Yellow Dragon Spirits were immediately caught by a terrifying force. The void on their heads split open, and a broad palm pressed them so that they could not resist, and they were caught by the void.

Lin Lang concocted like this, the nine dragons on this star were all caught in front of Lin Lang, and the shape of the latter was broken up with a wave of his hand, turning into the most original power into his body.

These dragons are just earth spirits born from the power of the thick earth. They are not strange and have little effect on Lin Lang's original way of cultivation.

The czar on the side was frightened while watching. The power that the nine dragons radiated, even if he could not resist it now, was so easily slaughtered by Lin Lang.

Wouldn't it be easy for Lin Lang to kill him?

But at this time, Lin Lang slowly turned his head, staring at the czar. The tsar's eyelids twitched, and a heart touched his throat, but Lin Lang didn't mean to kill him. He just said, "Since you are the master of this oasis, then I have something to discuss with you."

The czar leaned down and said: "It's not possible to discuss it, you can do it as you tell." Anyway, there is nothing to do with him, even if he wants his throne to Lin Lang, some false names are no big deal.

"I can help you balance the power of the five elements of this planet and create an environment more suitable for living things. But the price is that the size of the entire planet will become smaller. What do you think?"

"If the predecessors can balance the power of the five elements, it is a good thing for the benefit of living beings, I have no opinion." The czar also settled down and said in a deep voice.


Lin Lang nodded with satisfaction, and said: "You go and inform the people of the Kowloon Dynasty that you can't leave the oasis in the next few decades, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

"As for the land of the Yellow Sands, I will also leave a part. By then, the living area of ​​the Yellow Sands Spirit will be reduced, and I am afraid that it will set off an aggression against the Kowloon Dynasty. You have to be prepared."

"I know!"

The Tsar said solemnly: "Senior, just don't worry, I can still handle this little thing."

Talk about it.

The tsar flew away and landed in the imperial palace of the Kowloon Dynasty, sending out several wills one after another. As for the current emperor of the Kowloon Dynasty, his face was green at this time, and he finally managed to get through his father's ascension, and his **** had not yet been firmly seated when he took over.

As a result, the old man ran back by himself.

But speaking of it... the old man seems to have brought back a great man, boasting that Haikou can balance the five-element construction of this world.

The czar's will was passed on, and the people soon exploded, chanting long live the czar. They didn't know Lin Lang, and even thought that the emperor of his country took the initiative to feed back the world after breaking through the realm.

When the czar learned of this, he quickly corrected it. God knows if Lin Lang is a temperamental temperament. If the people's reaction arouses the dissatisfaction of this mysterious strong man, wouldn't he be blamed?

However, even if the czar intends to guide, most of the public opinion is still biased towards the czar. After all, he has high morals, and even if he really finds a supreme power, it is the czar's credit.

Lin Lang sat in the sky outside the oasis, and a large amount of yellow sand energy gathered from his whole body, which was turned into the purest source of power and integrated into his body.

Visible to the naked eye, the size of this planet is constantly decreasing. At the same time, those sand spirits who originally lived in the sound of the stars, when they discovered that their living environment was declining, were full of horror and fled to the distance.

In a few decades, this large star has shrunk hundreds of times. The yellow sand that had been covered all the year disappeared and replaced by fertile forests full of life.

The original large desert has now shrunk to only a few territories the size of an oasis, and this has stopped decay. Immediately afterwards, fierce battles broke out.

Originally, these desert heroes from all sides fled to the same land. Naturally, there was a fierce dispute, fighting and killing each other.

Part of it launched an attack on the only remaining Kowloon Dynasty in the world. However, there was a tsar in the Kowloon Dynasty, and the spirit of the sand could not invade in a short time.

the other side.

Lin Lang also showed shocking methods again. He turned the land out of thin air, and the large brown-yellow land was expanding along the border of the Kowloon Dynasty at a speed visible to the naked eye.

at the same time.

There was a thunderstorm in the sky, the thunder was endless, and the heavy rain poured down. This torrential rain lasted three full years, turning the land outside into a deep ocean.

This is the result of Lin Lang's intentional control. He dragged the sea and gradually expanded into the oasis, forming more than a dozen rivers and hundreds of inland lakes, while 50% of the land outside was turned into a vast ocean.

In the deep sea, a number of underground volcanoes erupted, and the hot magma encountered the sea water and solidified almost instantly, forming countless islands.

at the same time.

The coastal area of ​​the oasis rained lightly, and within a few years, towering trees rose from the ground to form a dense virgin forest.

Today, this star has become four major plates, one is the inland area of ​​the oasis, the second is the swamp forest area along the coast of the oasis, and the third place occupies five percent of the entire star. Ten marine areas.

And in the last place, under Lin Lang's intentional division, on the back of the planet is the desert area where the spirits of sand and soil live, and the combat power is about four or five oases.


The czar also took people to work, and sometimes went to various parts of the country to suppress the sand spirits who had smuggled over. Sometimes they lead hundreds of officials to manage floods everywhere.

Because even if Lin Lang's control is accurate, the introduction of seawater into the oasis will still wash away the original homes of many people, and the flood must be controlled.

About two or three years later.

The boiling world finally stabilized, the spirits of the sand and soil no longer cause chaos, and the people also migrated outwards and set foot on the wider continent.

So far.

Lin Lang's planetary transformation plan is over.

"The predecessors really have unpredictable methods." The czar came to admire him. He understood that although Lin Lang absorbed the huge part of the power of the earth, he also gave back to many creatures more chances of survival.

It is selfishness and righteousness.

Because of this, the czar gave birth to his sincere admiration. With Lin Lang's cultivation base, in fact, no matter what you want, you can just get it with your hands. Why do you need to do something for these low-level ants.

He has seen too many people who are bullying and satisfying their own desires.

"The turmoil here has been set, and it's time for me to leave." Lin Lang stood up and was about to leave. He suddenly turned his head and said, "With your cultivation base, staying in this world is meaningless. Do it early. Go ahead."

The tsar also nodded and said, "That's what I meant. Seniors, this level of cultivation, must be one of the best in the outer starry sky. The dust has settled on my side, and I am ready to go to the universe to roam, I wonder if Seniors can have suggestions?"

Lin Lang glanced at him and said, "The cultivation base of the stars in the sky, like you, is already an absolute middle-to-high level, but looking at the whole path of cultivation, it's just beginning."

"You go to Daye Immortal Sect and report my name. Someone will give you pointers on your future practice. Also, if you want to get the resources to flood quickly, you can also ask them about the details of the super monk plan."

Finished talking.

Lin Lang's sleeves were lightly raised, and he disappeared.

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