Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1293: The ownership of the half fairy

The opening of the Secret Realm above the Clouds really caused quite a stir in a short time. As long as the monks whose strength reached the dominance realm or above, all of them entered the cloud above the sky.

They had already reached the end of the immortal emperor realm, and they were previously limited by the rules of heaven and earth and could not continue to practice backward. But now with the opening of the cloud-topped secret realm, the heroes of all parties have descended one after another and planted their own Tao trees.

For a time, the number of half-emperor monks of this generation expanded on a large scale, reaching nearly one hundred. However, the number of ruling monks has dropped sharply, not even more than the number of half emperors.

Little Demon Venerable also embarked on the road to find Yao Xi. What's interesting is that the direction that the master of that breath pointed out was exactly the same as the direction that Zulong Zufeng pointed to Little Demon Venerable.

After going forward for about three days, Little Demon Venerable suddenly noticed a series of violent vibrations in the surrounding space. The fluctuation was clearly far away from him, but it was clearly transmitted through space.

at this time.

That breath also trembled violently, rushing forward madly. Little Mozun didn't dare to neglect, speeding up and rushing out.

Not too far forward, Little Demon Sovereign noticed a horrible aura coming over the sky, and even with his current cultivation base, he felt a strong threat.

This is surprisingly two extremely powerful monks attacking each other.

"No, there is more than one person." Little Mozun's expression moved, and he even sensed two very familiar auras from it.

When he rushed to the battlefield, he suddenly found three figures tangled together. The fierce battle even razed the nearby Taoist tree forest to the ground.

Visible intensity!

The two fighting figures were naturally familiar to Little Demon Venerable, and they were Yao Xi and Lin Qiu's mother and son.

Their opponent is Pluto!

Pluto, the ancient power who has always been low-key, finally showed his sharp fangs at this time. Facing Yaoxi's mother and son's siege, Pluto still seemed to be able to do well, with hair floating, each root as transparent as crystal.

He walked in the void, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, responding to the attacks of three peerless experts one by one. The real threat to him was not Yao Xi's mother and son, but another woman with disheveled hair.

The woman was covered by waterfall-like long hair in front of and behind her body, and she couldn't see her face. The clothes are ragged, but the gender can be vaguely seen from the proud body structure.

"What a terrible woman."

Even Yao Xi in the distance couldn't help taking a deep breath, the cultivation level of the woman of unknown origin in front of her had far exceeded the average level of the world.

Infinitely close to the Great Emperor of the Eleven Tribulations!

Pluto possesses this kind of combat power and can understand it. After all, this is a super power that integrates the godhead of the detached person and the body of the emperor, which is not surprising.

It's just that woman...

Little Demon Venerable could see that the woman's combat power was not weak, but her mental state was not good, and she couldn't communicate between her moves.

In this case, it is natural that Little Demon Zun could not sit and wait for death. He screamed, his body like a sharp sword from the string, ejected into the battlefield.

Little Demon Venerable and Lin Lang have the same mind, and in other words, they are also an invincible existence under the Eleven Tribulations Great Emperor. As he joined the battlefield, the pressure on the trio suddenly eased.

After all, Little Demon Lord was also a clear-headed person with the highest cultivation level. With him as the main attacker, resisting the magical powers from Pluto, the four gradually began to counterattack.

"You came by coincidence. The family of four is neat and tidy." Pluto snorted and raised his hand to take the attack from the little demon.

At the same time, bursts of monstrous power erupted in the other three directions. Pluto didn't panic at all, and easily dismantled the offensive from all sides, stepped on his heel and fell to the rear.

"Brother Pluto, the last time I left you was in ancient times, I don't know how good these days are." The little demon said with a smile, "Farewell forever, I never thought that your cultivation has reached this level, I feel ashamed. "

Pluto raised his eyes, staring at the little demon with indifferent eyes.

"I remember that you were the one who almost broke my good deeds last time." After a pause, Pluto continued: "But reincarnation is born, and destiny cannot be changed. My younger sister was still suppressed by myself."

Little Mozun squinted his eyes and hung his feet in the air, and said lightly: "What do you want to say?"

"The Empress of Reincarnation is destined to be my nourishment, including the palace lord of the underground palace, you can't stop it." In the pupils of the Pluto, a circle of reincarnation emerged.

"You said that your destiny is fixed, so have you considered that today is your death date?" Little Mozun smiled coldly. Although Pluto is powerful, he is not without the power of a battle.

What's more, there is a mysterious woman who is not weaker than him today, and two half emperors, Yao Xi and Lin Chou, who have reached their peaks.

This lineup is nothing to kill the Eleven Tribulations Great Emperor, not to mention there is only one Pluto in front of him.

At the same time as the voice fell, the four figures rushed out, using their own means to attack the Pluto.

In an instant, supernatural powers flooded all over the sky. Little Mozun used the mystery of the Tribulation Dao alone, and a sword that wrapped the power of the Heavenly Dao suddenly blasted towards the Pluto.

The mysterious woman manipulates reincarnation, evolves the appearance of all living beings, and the rolling styx comes across time and space, traversing both sides.

Both Yao Xi and Lin Chou were monks in the Way of Reincarnation. With their help, they worked together to evolve a world of endless reincarnation.

"Reincarnation is born!"

The imprint of reincarnation appeared on the foreheads of the three of them, each holding one's authority, and the infinite mysteries of reincarnation gathered into a majestic river of Styx.


The power of reincarnation turned into the palms of countless ghosts and ghosts, rising from the ground, firmly grasping the ankle of Pluto.

At the same time, the three of them opened the eyes of reincarnation again in front of their foreheads, and an invisible force of obliteration instantly permeated the world, turning into a torrent of water to the Pluto.

"So, it can force me to use some means." Pluto whispered softly.

Immediately, his cuffs flashed brightly, a large amount of purple gas rushed out of his sleeves, and the purple gas flooded the sky and the earth, accompanied by endless mystery changes, mountains and hills, gods and beasts rampant, constructing an incomparably ancient world.

Hongmeng was born, the beginning of all souls.

The innumerable grand purple qi gradually soared upwards, condensing into a magnificent purple tripod on top of the Hades.

"This is... Hongmeng Ziding!"

Little Mozun's eyes flickered, and he naturally recognized that this was the Grand Purple Ding brewed when Hongmeng was born.

That is a half fairy!

At the beginning, the ancient Pengzu, who is known as infinitely powerful, died because of greed in his heart. What he held was the grand purple tripod in front of him!

One can imagine the terrible power contained in such a semi-immortal artifact. It's just that no one thought that this great opportunity that appeared in front of everyone but no one could take away would eventually be taken away by Pluto.

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