Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1298: Underworld messenger

"This just confirms my suspicion that everyone has evil thoughts in their hearts, but due to the shackles of civilization and rules, no one dares to show it!"

Li Muyun seemed to have taken a shot of reassurance, and the strength of his subordinates was growing day by day, and the number of congregations every day almost showed a geometric surge.

Fighting is naturally inevitable, but at least Li Muyun is hidden in the dark, and there are very few things that can really force him out to fight.

But this is an expedient measure after all, because he Li Muyun has already touched the ultimate interests of the Three Emperors. A murderous disaster also emerged.

The sect established by Li Muyun was annihilated by the disciples of the Three Emperors, while Li Muyun himself relied on Lin Lang to pass down various supernatural powers to fight against it.

"Even though the teaching is destroyed, I have successfully planted a seed in people's hearts. Then, just know that he germinates." Li Muyun smiled, and he was as happy as before.

Li Muyun hibernated and stopped participating in world affairs for a thousand years. But the influence caused by his appearance has been passed on for generations and has never been cut off.

Since Li Muyun disappeared, many monks full of independent thinking have been born. They think they have evil thoughts in their hearts, but in order to survive, in order to live, they gathered together again to form a force.

Even though, the major forces on the bright side severely attacked and killed countless monks. Even though, the Three Sovereigns had issued an order to get back a round.

But the flaws in people's hearts cannot be reversed by force. Even if he is dead, even if he no longer disturbs the situation, but his philosophy has spread to every corner.

There are more and more "evil" forces gathered in the world. It can be said that wildfires cannot be blown, and the spring breeze blows again.

It was also at this time that Li Muyun finally stood up.

He raised the banner again, and countless congregations flocked to him. The monks who want to resist this civilization have accumulated a sufficient number.

A wave of emancipating the mind quickly blew up between the heaven and the earth, and more and more participants, including many careerists, who borrowed the existence of Li Muyun, began to counterattack the originally ingrained rulers.

It is no longer possible to count the large and small wars between heaven and earth. There are even many dynasties and regimes that have been subverted by monks who have risen up.

of course.

For the whole world, these are all small and small troubles. It will truly be replaced, and will perish in such a short period of time, most of them are in remote areas with shallow foundations like Dayun Nation.

After all, there are more people serving the Three Emperors sincerely in this world, and the area under the rule of the Three Emperors is the most powerful place in this universe.

Perhaps in the future, deep-rooted concepts will change as a result, but that will definitely take a long time.

But even so, the forces under the Three Emperors felt threatened. They were not afraid that these monks who followed Li Muyun's rebellion, a group of mobs, could not threaten their rule.

What really worries them is Li Muyun's doctrines, doctrines and beliefs are pervasive, and no one can tell that the person has joined Li Muyun's camp.

Since there is evil in his heart, who can distinguish them who are deliberately hidden?

The major forces began to frantically attack the congregation under Li Muyun's command, but after all, the wildfires could not be exhausted, and a new batch would appear after killing one batch.

As for Li Muyun himself, they couldn't find a trace at all. The search failed, and these forces can only pin their hopes on the Three Emperors.

As the sacred in the world, Emperor Yu is admired by the world, and the holy masters of all major forces have also visited Emperor Yu, trying to get the guidance of Emperor Yu.

The great emperor, isn't it easy to figure out the trace of a monk?

"The cause and effect on his body is hidden, I can't calculate it." Yu Huang frowned, and after several calculations, he was actually able to find Li Muyun's hiding place.

In the end, he was forced to use the Holy Law, and he did not hesitate to invite the Sacred Sword to deduce where Li Muyun was. Unfortunately, under Lin Lang's deliberate maintenance, even Emperor Yu couldn't do anything.

"There is an expert behind Li Muyun." Yu Huang said faintly.

"Could it be the evil emperor who made the move?"

A master of the Immortal Dynasty secretly inferred. But Emperor Yu still shook his head, and he continued: "I understand the evil emperor, he did not do this. Pluto has this ability, but he is unlikely to do this kind of thing."

Whether it is the evil emperor or the underworld emperor, the three of them have interests in each other, and no one is likely to cross the boundary easily. What's more, it is the common interests of the three of them to lose in doing so.

"Or, there is another expert behind Li Muyun." After a pause, Emperor Yu said: "Although I can't infer Li Muyun's whereabouts, it is not difficult to find him. People around him, people who are familiar with him, will always Someone can contact him."

"Go, the holy sword will purify all sins."

As the words fell, Emperor Yu's figure slowly dissipated, leaving only a group of dynasty holy masters looking at each other.

Of course they knew what Emperor Yu meant, but... wouldn't it be against the right way of the world and shame all sentient beings in doing so?

"Follow him, the holy sword will purify sins. No matter what we do, we are doing the right way. What if the method is appropriate?"


The holy masters of the dynasty got their will and swiftly killed the place where Li Muyun had appeared before. The first is Dayun Kingdom. All the monks who had interacted with Li Muyun were all **** by this group and tortured to extract confessions.

It's a pity that Li Muyun had no worries in his heart for a long time, and using this method to force him to appear would basically have no effect.

But when Li Muyun learned of all this, he laughed: "What is good and what is evil? Now even this group of people can't figure it out."

"What they did exactly proved that the concept I insisted on was completely correct!"

"You did a good job." I don't know when Lin Lang has appeared behind Li Muyun silently: "You can change the world, and I will get what I want."

After a pause, Lin Lang continued: "Recently, you have tried to go out as little as possible. The Emperor Yu is still deducing the cause and effect on you."

Li Muyun looked at him with a chill in his heart. Even he didn't expect that Emperor Yu would pay attention to him like this little person, and put his deduction heart on him almost all the time.

"I'm afraid there will be new friends coming, and I will go out for a while. You just retreat, or you will be contaminated with cause and effect. Emperor Yu can lock your hiding place at any time, understand?" Lin Lang said lightly.

Li Muyun didn't dare to be careless, being targeted by a great emperor, even if he had nine lives, it was not enough. Honestly waiting for Lin Lang to come back, he can protect him well.

After that, Lin Lang's figure drifted away.

Li Muyun returned to the cave. At this time, he just wanted to find a safe place to practice well, but he didn't want to care about the affairs of the church.

It's just that he never expected that a person he saved a few days later would almost cause him to be killed.


Lin Lang left here because he felt another powerful breath. This person does not belong to the Three Emperors, but an outsider like him.

It's just that this person has a breath of reincarnation, and his identity is easy to identify.

Half a day later, Lin Lang landed near a beach. In front of him was a man with long hair, his face looked very young, he was only in his early twenties.

Regardless of the latter's young age, he is actually an old monster who has cultivated for many years, and his years of cultivation are even higher than Lin Lang.

"A visitor from the underworld can actually fish here comfortably. It's really interesting." Lin Lang walked from behind.

The young man didn't look back, as if he was wood-plastic, sitting cross-legged on the spot. After a long while, he said, "You know the underworld, it's not easy."

Lin Lang sat down and said with a smile: "Netherworld monks are naturally not unfamiliar. You all cultivate the same kind of avenue, which is easy to identify. You are the messenger of this generation."


"What a pity."

The young man also let go of the fishing rod and let the fishing line and other objects float on the sea.

"It's just a pity that this world has had reincarnation long ago. Someone established it earlier than your underworld. Perhaps he is one of your senior brothers, but if it is an old person, the first thing you do when you come to this world is not reminiscence."

"That can only prove that the master of reincarnation here should be hostile to the underworld." Lin Lang smiled. Although the two had only met for the first time, the purpose of this young man had already been guessed by him.


The young man raised his eyebrows and said, "What you said is all right. However, listening to your meaning, have you ever seen a gatekeeper from the underworld before?"

Lin Lang smiled slightly and said, "I have seen both the second-generation and third-generation messengers. The first-generation messengers of the underworld are also connected to me to some extent."

The youth suddenly stood up, stared at Lin Lang coldly, and said: "So, you are with the two traitors. That is the case, then you will be left behind!"

After all, a powerful force of reincarnation rushed straight into the sky, and the entire ocean was like boiling water, boiling violently.

"Be safe and not restless."

Lin Lang comfortably leaned on his hands and smiled and said, "Both of them have fought against me, how they didn't know how. But you and I can be unified, because they also have my enemies."

The young man from the underworld looked at Lin Lang without saying a word, just waiting for Lin Lang's follow-up interface.

Lin Lang continued, "You are here to capture the master of reincarnation here, and the two traitors in your mouth seem to be within the scope of your pursuit."

"It's just that your cultivation base is too weak, you will never be their opponent now."

"is it?"

The young man from the underworld smiled coldly, his figure suddenly moved, and the mystery of reincarnation appeared around him. In the blink of an eye, he slammed to Lin Lang.

He didn't see any extra moves from Lin Lang either, he just raised his hand lightly and pressed the fist of the young man from the underworld.

"The cultivation base of both of them is not weaker than mine. Maybe Pluto will be stronger. With you now, you are definitely not their opponent."

Lin Lang said lightly.

The young man from the prefecture in front of him, although he was also a great emperor, was still far behind the existence of Pluto. At most on the same level as the three emperors of this world.

As for capturing Pluto?

He doesn't have this ability!

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