Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1308: Hades Santo

Pluto stood quietly in front of Lin Lang and the words were extremely calm.

What does the birth and death of sentient beings have to do with him?

Lin Lang sneered: "The life of all living beings has nothing to do with you, but the death of all living beings has a thousand connections and entanglements with you."

"You wish them to die, to expand your road of reincarnation."

What Pluto builds is the road of reincarnation. If it is reincarnation, it must be the soul that plunges into the embrace of Pluto after the death of the creature.

The more souls he has, the more complete the reincarnation system he has constructed.

Lin Lang nourishes himself with the calamity of all living beings, so why isn't Pluto that way?

It's just that Pluto's plot is bigger than Lin Lang, and he wants to associate the fate of the common people in the universe with himself. However, Lin Lang targeted only the stronger ones among the many immortal cultivators.

Therefore, the current Pluto's real combat power is stronger than Lin Lang.

These two completely different cultivation methods can be roughly described as: What Pluto is searching for is the people's anointing, and most of the monks in the world are under his control. And Lin Lang is a looting tyrant, just transforming the robbery cloud of the group of powerful cultivators into his own cultivation base.

"Actually, you have a conclusion in your heart, why ask me again."

The Emperor of Hades smiled, his eyes were surprisingly calm, he seemed to have anticipated that there would be a big battle next.

of course.

Saying it was a war, it would be better to say it was a unilateral killing by Lin Lang. The Emperor Underworld is just a clone, absolutely not Lin Lang's opponent. Not to mention Fan Lu's help on the other side.

Rather than being arrested by Lin Lang to study, or more directly, to seize his Tao fruit. These are unbearable by Pluto.

Between talking.

The Emperor Hades' body gradually faded away, and the turbulent sea of ​​reincarnation around him was slowly receding.

"Want to go?"

Fan Lu sneered, raised his hand and pulled out a bright starry sky and Milky Way, encompassing the Pluto below.

"Galactic Riot!"

Immediately afterwards, Fan Lu pinched the Yin Jue, and the starry sky and the Milky Way in front of him instantly expanded thousands of times, and the countless stars hanging upside down were also rapidly spinning at a dazzling speed.

Many stars deviated from their original trajectory, slamming together, making a deafening noise.


Bang bang!

The galaxy collided, and the endless power of the galaxy instantly vented out, enveloping the body of the Hades.

But the strange thing was that it was clear that Fan Lu's supernatural power had fallen on the Underworld Emperor, but he did not start any waves and penetrated straight through the latter's body.


Fan Lu frowned, really didn't understand why this happened.

It stands to reason that even if this magical power cannot kill the Underworld Emperor, it is not impossible to cause the latter to be seriously injured. but now……

The Emperor of Hades is unscathed!

"Does he have other means?"

Fan Lu said with a cold face, "I want to use spatial means to evade magical powers. This space is blocked by this seat."

As the voice fell, Fan Lu shook his hands and flew out of his sleeves. The dark blue flag fluttered in the wind. Vaguely, the four corners formed a perfect square, exuding a strong seal.

"The ancient gods are forbidden."

Fan Lu was about to cast a spell, but Lin Lang stretched out his hand, shaking his head, while pressing Fan Lu's palm.


Lin Lang shook his head and said: "He is not using the space avenue to retreat, but his own way. The only difference is that the underworld emperor has integrated his own avenue into the Styx."

"You mean, he is willing to give up his cultivation and disperse all his life's cultivation in Styx? No, in this case, isn't he expanding the power of Styx in the universe."

"The more energy the Universe Styx has, the stronger Master's cultivation base will be. Then what else can Pluto use to defeat Master?"

Fan Lu didn't understand it. This was clearly an act of capitalizing on the enemy. Even if the Emperor Hades desperately desperate, he wouldn't be able to do so!

"Cosmic Styx, now it is not always in the hands of the palace lord of the underground palace."

Lin Langruo said profoundly, on the other hand, the Underworld Emperor's body was already transparent, and the vision that a great emperor-level master had when he transformed into Tao was absolutely terrifying.

Even Lin Lang did not dare to approach easily!

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