Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1318: Desert field

The Flower of Heaven’s Path contains the mighty power of Heaven’s Path, and this power that is homologous to the Godhead will also have a great impact on the Godhead in Lin Lang's body.

Lin Lang also knows this, so he constantly uses the recoil of the Flower of Heaven to dissolve the imprisonment of the Godhead.



After the bombardment, Lin Lang was already vomiting blood, and a dense layer of silver lightning was wrapped around his body, electrically distorting the surrounding space.

Similarly, it is not without good news for Lin Lang.

As he tried to get close to the Flower of Heaven's Path several times, the latter's counter-shock force also shook the godhead in his body into a crack. Even if it was slender and negligible, it was a big deal for Lin Lang. good news.

Godhead can really be crushed!

Lin Lang is still trying, but there are no more opportunities, the power of the heavens contained in the flower of heaven has escaped a large part under his several temptations, and the remaining energy can no longer shake the godhead.

Unless he can really pick the flower of the heavenly path and refine the heavenly energy in it.

Just when Lin Langxin had this thought and approached the past, the energy in the surrounding void suddenly began to flow rapidly, the wind and clouds gathered, and vortices appeared out of nowhere in the void. After that, the Void Quartet was suddenly filled with twenty-four. Face-to-face chess and swings echo each other to form a battle.

Lin Lang stopped, he found that he had been trapped in a big formation unknowingly, and he did not dare to go deep into it rashly.

"The Flower of Heaven's Path is the heaven and earth divine object condensed by the battle between two ancestral realm masters, and there can be no formations around it." Lin Lang frowned, feeling even more strange.

The formation that suddenly appeared here is most likely artificially arranged.

"Could someone have discovered before me that there is a cave under the devil's ruins, and I could not arrange the formation before me?" Lin Lang frowned, but after careful consideration, he denied this possibility.

The closest guess to the current situation is that Lin Lang was on the way to sneak into the Demon Ruins and shocked a certain existence in this world. That one Lin Lang came one step earlier and set up the formation.

Being able to set up a formation method under Lin Lang's eyelids, that person's formation attainments can be seen.

Lin Lang can be considered as having some knowledge of formations, but in the face of such an opponent, his use of formations means to break through it is no different from making an axe. He does not intend to do this.


Lin Lang took a step forward, and ripples of energy spread out from under his feet, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

To break the formation, of course, the most important thing is to find the formation eye first. The twenty-four side formations in front of him seem to be related to the formation formation, but Lin Lang would rather believe that this is just a clever blind eye method set by the opponent.

How could it be possible for an array master to arrange the core of the array in such an obvious position.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Lin Lang didn't intend to try it lightly. It was the simplest and rude way to break the law with force.

The energy ripples spread rapidly, encompassing the twenty-four facets. The light yellow light slowly rose in the eyes of everyone, but did not attack the chess. On the contrary, Lin Lang guarded the price of the twenty-four chess.

at the same time.

Lin Lang stomped heavily, and the void shook, showing the momentum of the mountain whirring and tsunami, rapidly spreading to the surroundings.

The chaotic energy fluctuations impacted everywhere, causing the void to be accompanied by bursts of overwhelmed loud noises.


As Lin Lang's voice fell, the starry sky trembled, like a layer of firecrackers, and explosions were everywhere. At the same time, countless cracks were embedded in the void, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

With a series of tremors, the formation that contained terrifying energy in front of him shattered suddenly, leaving only twenty-four facets floating in the same place in the void.

"Since the formation is broken, there is no need for you to continue to hide."

Lin Lang faintly uttered. Although he had never found the formation power lurking nearby, he had reason to believe that that person had been hiding nearby.

"Faced with the formation, it is a good idea not to break it with the eye."

A thick male voice came from the void, and then the void was distorted, and a man wearing a purple hair crown wandered over.

The figure of this person is seven feet up and down, which is not very tall, but the victory lies in his extraordinary tolerance, and the emperor's charm is accompanied by a simple walk.

"The connection of the twenty-four chess sets is sealed, and you can break it with force. There is something remarkable about your way of breaking the formation." The man wearing a purple hair crown came from a distance, his face could not help being exposed. The color of praise, said: "I set up the formation of the twenty-four sides of the chess and Hus interlocking, even if you attack any side, it will arouse the rebound of the entire formation."

"You can see this, and if you do the opposite, you can't deny your talent for formation."

Lin Lang smiled, did not speak.

The man with the purple hair crown stared at Lin Lang and slowly said, "Since you can do this, you might as well try my formation."

When the voice fell, the man wearing a purple hair crown gently waved his hand, holding a small world of intertwined light and energy in his palm.

The formation is easy to come by, these methods are far beyond comparison!

He pinched the Yin Jue one after another, and the formations were superimposed on each other, constantly colliding in the sky in front of him.


Every collision of the formation is accompanied by powerful energy fluctuations, and at the same time, a more profound and mysterious formation prototype has evolved.

Lin Lang looked around, before he could react, the formation had already taken shape. The surging energy fluctuations all around came like a tide, and Lin Lang raised his hand and printed the stamps one after another to disperse the energy wave.

But the next moment, the big formation evolved into a dragon and a tiger again, and the real dragon wrapped around the white tiger and rushed towards Lin Lang's direction again.

Lin Lang frowned slightly, dark energy flowed, covering the void, and the kingdom of darkness descended in an instant, bringing the spirits of dragons and tigers into the kingdom of darkness. At this time, the formation has changed again, and the sky is transformed into a rain of swords, shooting everywhere.

Lin Lang unfolded his body and kept dodge in the air, but the sword rain seemed to contain the power of breaking the law, and easily shredded the energy of his body protection, and the sword light flashed by, and the surface of his body had already appeared countless. Sword wound.

"This formation..."

Lin Lang frowned, there were so many changes in the formation in front of him, even he couldn't figure out what would happen in the next moment.

For example, after the sword rain, the Great Formation drew him into an endless desert. There was a scorching sun above his head. Travelers with bags hurried past, as if the camera was fast-forwarding. Lin Lang only I can see the flow of people around, but I don't know where the killing intent of the formation is hidden.

Compared with the known danger, the unknown is more frightening!

Lin Lang didn't dare to procrastinate, the dark energy flowed behind him, trying to summon the dark kingdom and replace himself in the original space.

It's just that there are still no fluctuations in the surrounding space, and the dark kingdom has indeed opened a gap, but the desert field he is in has not dissipated because of this.

"Can't open the entrance to the dark world?"

Lin Lang raised his head to look at the scorching sun in the sky, he stepped out one step, and the next moment he flew directly to a high place in the sky, side by side with the sun.

"I want to see where you are!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, pressing his palm directly on the hot sun.

The surface temperature of this kind of sun and stars was terrifying, but it could not cause much damage to Lin Lang, and he began to extract the power of light and flame contained in it.

To leave a world, the best way is to break the limits of this world.

Lin Lang extracts the power of flame and light from the world, trying to make the world's energy imbalance and collapse naturally.

But he still far underestimated the power of the formation, the power of light and flame contained in it was almost infinite, even if he tried harder, the sun and stars did not waver at all.

Hundreds of years later, Lin Lang's spirit appeared exhausted, but the sun and stars still stood in the distance without any change.

"And the energy in my body hasn't changed in any way." Lin Lang's heart sank slightly, it was an illusion, and all around was an illusion! He has completely fallen into this phantom array space, a deadly field without any energy.

"In that case, my location is just an illusory space, without any energy, or, in other words, nothing that can kill me." Lin Lang's mind also sank: "The most terrifying thing is not energy, but time! "

Yes, he was exiled by the formation to a fictional world, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't break a world that didn't exist.

This principle is equivalent to someone splashing ink to paint, and how the person in the painting can prove that he is a real person is the same as how to get out of the painting.

"There are no rules on my body in this world." Lin Lang groaned and muttered to himself: "The easiest way to break this world is to start from nothing, condense the rules step by step, and build this place into a piece of reality. world."

But if he does this, he will undoubtedly need to waste a lot of time, and it is very likely that he will still get nothing before this time of destruction.

This kind of formation change is really vicious!

It is useless to let a person be full of cultivation. No matter how strong the cultivation base is, he cannot be built in a non-existent fictional world, allowing him to endure boundless loneliness until the catastrophe comes and everything is cleared.

What's more frightening is that the present is just one of the changes in the formation of the opponent, and there may be more methods waiting for Lin Lang in the future.

Here, even if Lin Lang's trump card, Wudao Realm would not have any effect, using force to break a skill would also lose its fulcrum.

Lin Lang meditated for thousands of years to see if there are any flaws in this world, but the answer is, no!

In these thousands of years, Lin Lang has truly witnessed the establishment of a prosperous civilization in this deserted land from scratch.

But these are all fake, except for Lin Lang's existence, everything else is illusory.

"The world is developing, even the fictional desert field is the same. This is the established rule of the universe since ancient times." Lin Lang muttered to himself, observing a series of changes in the world from the perspective of a bystander.

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