Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1323: Reincarnation

The lord of the city was stunned.

"Don't worry, you can leave it to me, and the rest of you, just leave it to my friend!"

Fan Lu smiled, stretched out his hand to invite, and said, "Brother Lin, I will take you around the Netherworld Continent."

Lin Lang nodded, and the two rose into the sky and left soon.

The Chi City Lord stood in the distance, looking at the back of Lin Lang and two of them leaving, faintly worried in his heart.

"This friend of Fan Shi can really do it..."

The two of Lin Lang flew on the Nether Continent.

It was also at this time that Fan Lu told Lin Lang the whole story.

It turns out that the netherworld is actually not monolithic. Not only are there conflicts between the major city masters, but even the brothers and sisters who act as messengers and apprentices of the underground palace masters are not in harmony.

Or put another way.

The conflicts between the major city masters, to a large extent, originated from several underworld messengers.

For example, the demon envoy, he was Fan Lu's senior, and the envoy of the previous underworld. Later, Fan Lu was selected, grew up, and gradually took over the status of the enchantress, instead of the latter, wandering through the universe in the universe.


Although the underworld is large, there is only one messenger for each generation.

Fan Lu is considered to be the inheritor of this generation and has seized power from the demon envoy. The only difference is that Fan Lu was appointed by the chief of the underworld and took over power before the demon's term expired.

As a result, the demon envoy was deprived of his status, and it was hard to keep on hating Fan Lu.

Over time, the conflict between the two became more and more, and later it spread to the battle of the castle lord under his command. It's just that the demon's term is longer, and it has accumulated a large number of contacts.

Before, the demon's cultivation base was a little stronger, causing Fan Lu to go out to practice, and he had not returned for a full 100,000 years.


The underworld also has such a special rule. Anyone who has the cultivation base to defeat the contemporary messenger can challenge the latter. Once he overcomes, the messenger's name and power will also change hands.

The battle between Fan Lu and the demon envoy was also based on this premise.

"So, I need your help next."

Fan Lu Su said.

"Let me help you defeat that demon envoy?" Lin Lang seemed to smile, and that demon envoy's cultivation was probably similar to Fan Lu, even if it was strong, it would not be so strong.

If he can defeat Fan Lu, it is natural to get rid of that demon.

Fan Lu shook his head and said: "The demon is a problem that I must face, and I don't need your help."

"What I am worried about is the Bloodstained City Lord and the others. There are so many people in this group, but they have a strong cultivation base. It is almost impossible to contend with these City Lords under my command."

Fan Lu slowly said, "You help me stop them, and I will take care of other things."

"In this way, you will make one shot for me. If you make a shot in the future or help place, I can do it for you once, how about?"

Fan Lu promised.

It can be said that the situation in the underworld did not leave him too many choices, and it is even more impossible to reverse the universe on his own.

Unless he borrows external force, borrows Lin Lang's power!

There are many masters in the underground palace, but Lin Lang is not easy to be with. The entire underground palace monk, apart from the master of the underground palace with vast magical powers, it is estimated that only the master brother of the underground palace can compete with Lin Lang.

As for the others, the mob!

"I can help, but there is a condition."

Lin Lang spoke without urgency, and said: "In the future, the central universe will definitely have a battle against Pluto due to the immortal palace. I hope you can participate in the battle and stand on the stand of all beings in the universe."

"no problem."

Fan Lu agreed without hesitation, and then said, "No problem. Even if you don't say anything about this condition, I will agree to it. I'll do it for you. I owe you a favor."

The two quickly reached an agreement.

As the host Fan Lu, Lin Lang was familiar with everything on this Netherworld Continent.

Fan Lu also knew that the reason Lin Lang agreed to go to the underworld was only out of curiosity. He has lived on this continent for hundreds of thousands of years and is very familiar with everything here.

The two of them shuttled on the familiar Netherland. Soon, they witnessed the widest sea of ​​reincarnation in the universe, almost ten thousand times larger than the sea of ​​reincarnation in the center. Converged from all corners of the universe.

"Is this the ultimate destination of all the creatures in the world. It is possible that only the ancestral realm can build such a behemoth to control the birth, aging, sickness and death of the creatures in the world."

Lin Lang murmured, looking at the magnificent sea in front of him, thousands of thoughts appeared in his heart.

"You can see the vastness of the world when you look at the mountains and the sea. You can see the impermanence of the world when you look at the heart."

Fan Lu and Lin Lang stood side by side, standing on the shore, looking out at the boundless vast ocean in the distance.

"Netherworld Continent is actually like an uninterrupted machine that maintains the cycle of reincarnation in the world. Here, any soul has a destination, and it can shield the perception of heaven and become an independent world."

Fan Lu slowly said.

"Oh?" Lin Lang's heart moved, and said: "So, the power of Heaven's Dao can't penetrate into the underground mansion?"

Fan Lu nodded and said: "If you have cultivated to this level, you must also know the great avenues in the world. There are several avenues that are not weaker than the heavenly way, and the Samsara avenue is one of them."

"Since the master achieved the ancestral realm, the power of reincarnation has spread to every corner of the world, and even the way of heaven can never interfere with the operation of the underworld."

Lin Lang pondered for a moment, as if thinking of something.

Fan Lu continued to speak out again, saying: "If you have time, you can sit near the sea of ​​reincarnation and earnestly feel the power of reincarnation. This is the place with the richest cycle of reincarnation in the universe, which is of great benefit to cultivation."

"Ordinarily, I am near the sea of ​​reincarnation, exploring the mystery of the road of reincarnation."

"But now, I want to take you to another place."

Fan Lu knew that Lin Lang was very curious about the existence of the Difu, so he took Lin Lang directly to visit the important hubs of the Difu. This is actually no secret to the underworld.

"follow me."

Fan Lu took the lead to fly and head towards the deeper part of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

Lin Lang didn't hesitate, chasing after him.

The two of them fly continuously in this endless ocean. If the sea of ​​reincarnation is really the most magnificent man-made wonder in the world, it is the people of the past dynasties who have created this wonder that even nature cannot form.

The area covered by the sea of ​​reincarnation is more than a few star fields?

Even if the ten immortals are added together, I am afraid that it is less than one-half of the area of ​​the sea of ​​reincarnation. Rao is Fan Lu who is familiar with coordinates and can travel against the sea. The two have traveled for half a month.

Until then.

Lin Lang just realized that the sea of ​​reincarnation here has also undergone subtle changes.

It is worth noting that when they arrived here, the sea of ​​reincarnation under their feet began to flow slowly, converging further away. If it hadn't come here in person, others might still think that the sea of ​​reincarnation is a piece of stagnant water.

"The sea of ​​reincarnation is flowing from beginning to end, but the area of ​​the outer reincarnation sea is large, and there are not too many changes." Fan Lu spoke softly, telling Lin Lang: "But when it comes to the center of the sea of ​​reincarnation, the sea water will also show up. There is a rapidly flowing phase."

"Wait until the very center of the Samsara Sea, then it is called spectacular. You stand firm."


Fan Lu rolled up a layer of wind and waves and moved forward at a faster speed.

Not long.

The sea of ​​reincarnation under the two people's feet is flowing toward the center area at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the more backward, the more turbulent the current. Until the center of the Samsara Sea, it has gathered into a huge vortex, covering the size of a star field.

The vortex in the sea of ​​reincarnation is like an endless black hole, swallowing the sea with a big mouth.

Near the whirlpool, souls crossed the surface of the water, trying to escape the traction of the sea of ​​reincarnation, but that was of no avail. There seems to be a peculiar power in the sky, pulling these souls down.

Whenever they rushed out of the vortex, they would be beaten down by the rules of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

"I am the real person of the imperial mausoleum, how can reincarnation trap me?"

A man wearing a yellow python robe rushed out of the sea of ​​reincarnation, splitting the surrounding sea in half, and at the same time, he urged the body of the soul to burst out with earth-shattering energy.


The man in the yellow robe pointed with one hand, a dazzling beam of light burst out from his fingertips, the trembling void hummed, and the sky trembled.


The sky of the sea of ​​reincarnation seemed to have born an independent will, pressing down from a high altitude, no matter how the real person in yellow robe attacked, he did not move the slightest. On the contrary, a crack was embedded in the sky above the sea of ​​reincarnation, and a dazzling white light beam sprayed out from the gap, hitting the real Huangpao directly.


The real Huangpao insisted on it, but he far underestimated the power of the sea of ​​reincarnation, and was directly blasted away from his soul body, his body swayed, almost collapsed. This Huangpao Zhen was probably not easy to follow before his life, even the soul after death could explode with power close to the ruler.

But so what?

Fan Lu stepped forward, gently brushing his palm across the void, and the phantom of the real person in the yellow robe suddenly collapsed, turning into a drop of water and gently dripping into the sea of ​​reincarnation.

"Situations like this happen every day. After death, if you are brought back by the sea of ​​reincarnation, and you are unwilling to enter the cycle, you will be obliterated by the will of the sea of ​​reincarnation."

Fan Lu faintly said: "In the sea of ​​reincarnation, life and death are no longer in their control."

Lin Lang's complexion was slightly condensed, he looked at Fan Lu, and couldn't help asking aloud, "So, the sea of ​​reincarnation also gave birth to its own will, or is the will of the sea of ​​reincarnation controlled by someone?"

Fan Lu thought about it, and then he said: "Samsara Hai is unconscious, and launching these attacks depends largely on the rules set by Master and his elders, or you can understand that Master replaced the will of Samsara Hai. ."

"Give rules by one's own will."

Lin Lang fell into contemplation: "Will Heavenly Dao be in a similar situation? Could it not be the self-consciousness born of Heavenly Dao, but a master we can't imagine, who is executing the consciousness of his own in the name of Heavenly Dao?"

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