Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1326: War of messengers

By the way, Zu Hao's insight is extremely high, and his talents are superb. Only in his twenties, he has created all kinds of incredible tricks.

In the Central Universe, Zu Qi is called a holy child.

Later, Zu Hao opened up various realms, starting from the most basic cultivation, refining Qi, building foundations... until the Immortal Emperor realm, these cultivation methods were all developed by Zu Hao with his own power.

And that is, Zu Xi only used two Yuanhui!

The two Yuanhuis cultivated to the realm of the Great Emperor, the descendants may sound outrageously slow, but you must know that the descendants are to carry them and practice according to the cultivation system of Zu Hao.

However, Zu Qi opened up from nothing, and in the unknown, he explored a vast path of cultivation.

You need to know which cultivation method for future generations is not the common perfection of several generations or even dozens of generations. But Zu Hao had only one person, and he developed it independently with one brain!

From this point of view, Zu Qi's talent is beyond doubt.

As for the merits, the blessings of sentient beings, the subsequent generations of monks have the method of cultivation, and the merits are equal to the heavens.

And Zu Hao's path of cultivation was also defeated by his opponents, whether he was the same generation, or the masters who had already become famous before him, the coefficients were all defeated by him.

Fundamentally speaking, this is a myth that crushes the world.

Until later...

How is it recorded in the historical annals.

"There is the gang Kun family, coming across the void, fighting ancestor Huang for nine days and nine nights, the final point of victory or defeat."

Lin Langyuan thought that Zu Hao was another victory on the road to success this time, but this time he encountered an opponent he had only seen in his life, and he had been fighting for a long time.


This time Lin Lang was completely wrong!

This time the fierce battle ended with Zu Hao's defeat, and it was another person, Meng Kun, who really won the battle.

Meng Kun's pioneered a way of cultivation unheard of by ancestors, that is a real longevity road.

"The immortal road I have seen begins with Meng Kun."

This is what Zu Hao said to the palace lord of the underground palace.

Zu Hao alone blazed a path from Qi Refining to the Realm of Immortal Emperor, while Mang Kun took a step ahead of him and took the first step on the road to immortality.

Tao tree Tao fruit system!

It wasn't until this time that Lin Lang realized the key to the problem: "The cultivation system of the Taoist tree and the fruit is not left behind by the ancestor, but another great power of the ancestral realm, the Meng Kun!"

Meng Kun is also really very human, crossing the void, no matter what his predecessor, what kind of system he had cultivated before, even if he is a different kind of enlightenment, it has nothing to do with the realms of refining and building foundations, but it can contend against the ancestors and even overcome. This is a great world that is enough to alarm the entire history of the universe.

To know.

As the only immortal power in history, Zu Hao far surpasses others in both cultivation strength and comprehension. However, in the world, there are still monks who can match, or even lead Zu Hao's footsteps!

This is impossible in anyone's eyes!

"Mang Kun's..."

Lin Lang muttered to himself, becoming more and more curious about this monk named Meng Kun. Because in any historical classics, there has never been a record of the Mang Kun family.

No one knows his real name, and no one knows his title. Only in the Difu, there are still some sporadic records, which are completely described by the person involved, Zu Hao.

"In this way, someone deliberately erased the traces of the existence of the Meng Kun clan." Lin Lang was lost in thought: "And this person will never be Zu Hao, perhaps because he was caught in the last battle. Qi and Tiandao joined forces to kill."

"But there are too many mysteries in history."

Putting away the scroll, Lin Lang sighed for a long time. If it hadn't been for Zu Hao himself, how could future generations understand so many historical mysteries.

However, most of them were Lin Lang's own guess based on the existing information.

In addition to these historical books, there are more dossiers that record the reincarnation of sentient beings. In addition, there are also some secret books on the exercises and magical powers of the underworld.

As the library of the underworld, this place contains almost all the monks' exercises and secret scrolls. The top supernatural powers are countless, and there will be no hidden.

After all, this place is also a retreat for the palace lord of the underground palace. If we talk about the safety factor, I am afraid there is no safer place in the entire universe than here.

Lin Lang also took advantage of this time to view the vast majority of secret scrolls sealed in the underground palace, and many of them recorded the mystery of the avenue and the insights of some former monks in the underground palace.

This is precisely what Lin Lang lacks most.

In this way, Lin Lang was also immersed in the ocean of knowledge, absorbing knowledge frantically. This situation continued until Fan Lu came for the second time and took Lin Lang to Fengdu City.

The agreed date between Fan Lu and the demon has arrived!

Lin Lang in Fengdu City has been here once, and he is not unfamiliar, and he also understands that this place is completely an empty city, without any anger.

"Before you always thought that Feng was a dead city?" Fan Lu and Lin Lang flew side by side in the air. He smiled and said, "Actually, Fengdu City is completely different from what you imagined. Seriously, it should be here. It's a small world."

As the two talked, they had already landed above Fengdu City. In the city below, there was a change from the silence of the past, the heads were moving, the music was tactful, and there were no shortage of vendors on the street, mixed with chaotic shouts.

It is like a ghost city.

There is rarely such a lively scene in Fengdu City, unless it is an important ceremony such as the change of messengers, the handover of power, or the reception of disciples by the master of the underground palace.

However, this time Fan Lu played the battle against the demon envoy, and it was a complete scene, almost alarming many forces of all sizes on the Nether Continent.

For them, each generation of the underworld envoys held the power of the entire underworld, killing at will, equivalent to the earth emperor of the underworld, and at the same time had the right to adjust the division of large and small forces in the underworld.

This time the battle between the demon envoy and Fan Lu, to a certain extent, is equivalent to the change of power of the underworld envoy, and it is impossible for these forces to ignore it.

With the arrival of Fan Lu and Lin Lang, many ghost cultivators below also looked sideways and landed on Lin Lang.

As Fan Lu's confidant, the city lord of the imperial city took the lead in welcoming the past with his own troops. After everyone's greetings, the demon also came late with his troops.

The Lord is coming!

"You finally came."

Fan Lu sneered, his aura suddenly became sharp and confronted the demon envoy on the opposite side.

The one standing opposite was a flesh-colored pair of wings growing on his back, without any feathers, his front face resembling a Dapeng pointed carving, covered in black, brown, and brown hair.

The demon emperor, the emperor of the demon clan, and even the former emissaries of the underworld!

Lin Lang stood in the distance and glanced at it. The opponent was indeed extraordinary, his body was difficult to distinguish, but his strong cultivation base was like an ocean, and the ghost cultivation around him who could be suppressed by standing there couldn't move.

Beside the demon ambassador, there were seven or eight underworld masters standing respectively. All of them were ghost cultivators, and they were all not weak in strength, and they were basically above the half-emperor level.

City Lord Ai is also on the list, but his combat power is stronger, even as a ghost repairer, the combat power is straight up to the realm of the emperor.

In contrast, Fan Lu’s scene is much weaker. Among them, the strongest City Lord can only barely reach the middle of the opposing lineup.

As if feeling Lin Lang's gaze, the demon envoy looked back, facing Lin Lang's gaze. The demon envoy frowned slightly, an inexplicable anxiety in his heart.

Except for the masters in the base, all the others are ghost repair transformations, and even the masters of the underground have long been contaminated with the ghostly aura behind them, which is easy to identify.

As a stranger, Lin Lang didn't carry any gloomy aura on his body, and walking so close to Fan Lu, his identity was self-evident.

It must be a master that Fan Lu invited from other circles, and it is estimated that there is something extraordinary. Moreover, as a genuine emperor monk, the demon envoy could faintly feel Lin Lang's threat.

"This son, extraordinary!"

The demon made a faint comment, and then moved his gaze to Fan Lu's body.


The demon envoy faintly spoke, and said, "Is there anything I dare not come? It is you, Junior Brother, who left the underworld for 100,000 years in order to avoid the war. I don't know how far you are today."

"I didn't want to fight for the front, but brother, you are not forgiving. I took advantage of the gap period when I was out to perform tasks and suppressed the underworld masters under my command. This matter is a bit overwhelming!"

Fan Lu's face was also very calm, his tone was soothing, and he said, "Since the teacher has chosen me to be the messenger of this generation, he has his own reasoning. Forget it, today you and my brothers will have a good fight."

"I believe you have this ability!"

The demon was also sneered. While the two were talking, Fan Lu took out a disc from his arms and moved it gently, and the clouds around him dispersed, and biting cold light shot from the depths of the universe, forming a gloomy battlefield.

"There are two rules for the challenge of the netherworld, whether the forces are competing or fighting alone, which one do you choose." Fan Lu slowly said.

"You and I are competing. Naturally, it is an all-round competition." The monster smiled slightly and said: "Now that the time is right, you and I might as well execute at the same time."

The underworld has such an unwritten rule that, as a challenger, when fighting against underworld messengers, you can choose to avoid the entanglement of many forces and choose to fight alone, and the one who wins in the end stays in succession.

Or another, lead the forces under his command to fight to the other side and surrender.

These two methods determine the outcome, the former can prove the combat power, while the latter is sufficient to prove the challenger's commanding ability.

As for the enchantment, he wants to crush Fan Lu from all directions, so that both his reputation and power will rise to an unprecedented peak.

There are more than the two messengers in the underworld. Therefore, form your own forces before leaving office, so that you can have the right to speak on the Nether Continent!

For example, now, there are more than one former envoys hiding in the secret near Fengdu City. Although they will not participate in the fight for the status of underworld envoys, they will give the utmost respect to the final winner. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1326 War of the Messengers), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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