Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1348: War Hades

Before the immortal palace appeared, Lin Lang had traveled all over the universe and gathered some of his former friends to discuss the opening of the immortal palace.

The imperial formation was also invited by Lin Lang as the final guarantee.

With the formation of the emperor, these extraterritorial masters were also temporarily trapped. At this point, the top combat power of the two sides has been leveled. Which party wins will determine the final ownership of the fairy palace.

As for the masters in the distance, even though their strength is good, at this moment, the periphery of the fairy palace has become a battlefield for dozens of great master masters. A little bit of energy is enough to kill them thousands of times. If they want to get close to the fairy palace, they need to use Fate to blog!

However, this is the case. There are still a few half-emperors who managed to pass through the battlefield by chance and successfully approached the fairy palace.

But such people are a minority after all.

The fairy palace was opened, but it was not fully opened either. At present, there was only a gap inserted. They could not enter until the thick fairy power dissipated.

Another battlefield.

Lin Lang and Pluto were fighting fiercely, violent energy surged everywhere, shattering the space.

And in the center of the battlefield, Lin Lang displays the avenues, and the laws of the avenues are woven into a net. The strong dark power flows, darkness enters the body, and the light is entangled. He is more like a **** who controls the light. Can look far.

He took a step forward, and the flow of light and dark energy created a world completely constructed by light.


A scepter of light condensed in Lin Lang's hand and tapped lightly in the void. At the same time, a ring of halo radiated quickly to the surroundings.

Where the halo passed, all the light was taken away, turning into a dead, dark void. At the same time, Lin Lang used the dark avenue again, and the dark energy flowed to the extreme, covering the entire void.

Deprive light and cover darkness!

As soon as Lin Lang's magical powers appeared, the world lost its color instantly, and the Pluto stood in the void. He was more like a born out of thin air, without roots and destiny, as if abandoned by the world.

At the same time, two diametrically opposed energies are superimposed, and Pluto's body is also changing.

His whole body was shrouded in darkness, but he was not invisible like a Lin Lang, but was assimilated by the dark elements. Along with Lin Lang's raising his hand, Pluto's body burst into pieces.

"The bright road on your body has given birth to day."

Pluto spoke faintly, saying: "Hei is one of the nine emperors and the heir of the Dark God King and the Light God King, but even with this innate condition, his achievements on the two avenues are far less than you."

As the voice of Pluto fell, he leaned forward with his palm, which was clearly flesh and blood, but it felt more like he could directly penetrate flesh and blood, seeing the bones inside, a breath of corruption and silence. Coming from the storefront.

"It's dying."

Pluto sang softly, and the obscure notes seemed to be alive. They were combined into countless Sanskrit scripts in the air, which looked more like a book page, flashing in the air.

But it is precisely this kind of magical power that seems to be broken by a finger, and it is accompanied by a thick avenue of dying.

Wherever the magical powers passed, everything was silently annihilated, including the avenue that Lin Lang displayed.

The barrier of light and darkness shattered suddenly, revealing Lin Lang's original body.

"It's the Avenue of Death again."

Lin Lang's face was slightly dark, first there was the Avenue of Void and then the Avenue of Annihilation. The number of avenues cultivated by Pluto was gradually exceeding his imagination.

However, it is not difficult to understand that Pluto possesses dozens of bodies, and on average, they have cultivated to the realm of a half-emperor or higher. Under such conditions and blessings, the number of avenues he can control naturally far exceeds that of ordinary people.

What Lin Lang has always puzzled is that although Pluto has many clones and the soul can regenerate, there is only one true spirit. How did his clones cultivate to the realm of the Great Emperor?

You must know that every monk in the realm of the Great Emperor possesses a complete soul and true spirit, otherwise he would not be able to survive the tenth eternal catastrophe. The unity of body and soul, the proof of the Tao in the sky, this is the most basic criterion in the world of cultivating immortals.

If you talk about the method of avatar, every monk who has cultivated to the realm of the emperor will be proficient, and can also be able to separate the body of the soul. But it was impossible to split the true spirit in half.

Naturally, even if they possess advanced clone techniques, they are already at the limit when they reach the half-emperor realm. If you want to break through the realm of the emperor, you can only integrate various avenues into one.

But if this is the case, every clone is cultivating the motley avenue, and it is impossible for anyone to survive the Great Tribulation.


If Lin Lang felt something in his heart, at this moment, he finally figured out the key.

"You are a demon monk!"

Lin Lang and Pluto collided repeatedly, and the two of them each stepped back and floated in a farther direction.

Pluto looked at Lin Lang deeply, with a trace of surprise on his face. He never thought that someone would see through his true identity.


The demons were jealous of the sky and were born against the road.

The most essential difference between them and sentient beings is that the demons have no real spirit protection, only flesh and soul, but this is precisely an advantage.

For example, the Pluto in front of him can easily condense the clones, and each clone has the possibility of breaking through the realm of the emperor.

"In this way, your motivation to help the opening of the fairy palace is well explained." Lin Lang's figure was erratic, and silver lines lit up around him, and in the next moment he turned into countless swords of the tribulation, stabbing at him. The body of Pluto.

Pluto raised his hand to greet him, and while waving his hands, an incomparably ancient temple emerged behind him.

"Not bad."

Pluto laughed loudly and said, "I am a demon, so why not help my race?"

After a pause, Pluto continued: "But this is only one of the reasons. To release my demons, and to flatten the humans, it will be a cosmic emptiness long ago. At that time, I only need to be before the end of the epoch, Killing all the creatures between the heavens and the earth can condense the cosmic life's vitality and break through to the next level."

Lin Lang's face was dark, and he didn't expect Pluto's calculations to lie here.

The body of the demons gave Pluto more opportunities, but it also restricted the possibility of him practicing Dao. It is indeed a skill for a demon race to get close to the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth and successfully build such a variety of avenues.

"So you just need to know this."

Pluto smiled gloomily. At the same time, the Sanskrit of the sky was shattered and reorganized, and a new round of killing was formed, destroying the sword of the tribulation that Lin Lang released.

Lin Lang's face was slightly dark, but at this moment, the king of Pluto had already come from a distance. In the ancient palace behind him, the power of fate was entangled in the Avenue of Nirvana, which restricted Lin Lang's movement and even mobilized the Avenue. Strength, failed several times in succession.

The profound path of fate can directly affect the monks, making things that would otherwise be impossible become possible.

Just like in front of him, Lin Lang failed to mobilize his own great power in succession. He took a deep breath and slapped his palm to his feet, and the surrounding space changed again, condensing countless stars.

The misty stars are shining down, peaceful and peaceful.

At this moment, there are countless planets hanging above Lin Lang's head, and under his feet, there is a thick sea of ​​stars. These stars contrasted with Lin Lang's natal stars condensed in the past.

He has achieved the ancestral realm without falsehood, but he has never proclaimed the Dao, and he can also condense the soul planet. And in the years since Lin Lang broke through to the ancestral realm, Lin Lang has never let go of his cultivation on the soul planet.

So far, Lin Lang has refined all the stars in the entire central universe into his own natal stars.

what does that mean?

Even if Lin Lang didn't use his real power, he could kill any great monk with these gods and soul planets alone.

He is the lord of the stars and the head of the stars!

He alone is the center of the universe, the focal point surrounded by stars!

Under the blessing of this kind of celestial power, Lin Lang is like the monarch of the starry sky, raising his hands and bursting out incomparably powerful power. Even if it was just a blow, it was enough to penetrate the rules of heaven and earth, ignoring any avenue in front of him.

At this moment, the stars are falling, Lin Lang's body is covered with a layer of light blue gauze, and a thick beam of light rises into the sky in his hand, directly hitting the body of Pluto.

"I have to admit, you are very strong."

Pluto spoke in a deep voice. At this moment, the outer wall of the ancient temple behind Pluto suddenly began to peel off, and the mottled wall of the past quickly gathered, and now it turned into a heavy shield and smashed in front of him.


The star beam fell on the heavy shield, making a deafening noise. The starlight energy was quickly dissipating, and the heavy shield also showed signs of shattering, cracking cracks on it, and the next moment, it was directly penetrated by the star beam.

Unknowingly, the ancient temple behind Pluto also showed its true shape, with dense human faces appearing above it. Each facial expression was inconsistent, or hatred, or laughed wildly, or increased anger, all of which contained With strong negative emotions.

"This is mine, Hall of Killing!"

Pluto stepped forward, and at the same time, the gate of the palace opened, and a black light that swallowed all the energy of the sky and the earth was shot straight ahead. During the flight, this black light continued to gather new power.

Until the moment when they touched the divine light of the starry sky, the two rays of light were silently annihilated. In a short time, no one could help each other.

"The starry sky is not enough, use heaven and earth to make up for it."

Lin Lang's complexion remained unchanged, and brilliance appeared on the top of his head. He stretched out his hand, his arm extended hundreds of millions of times, straight through the sky, looking like the hand of a **** or devil. But compared to Lin Langnian, he used the hand of God and Demon many times when he was young.

The arm in front of him is undoubtedly even more terrifying. It penetrates the sky and the earth and plunges directly into the sky. Accompanied by a muscle spasm, he tore a gap in the sky.

The sky at this moment was like a piece of paper with a hole in the palm of the hand, a piece of it was easily torn off by Lin Lang, and it fell over many stars. At the same time, the hand of the gods and demons also hit a million times in succession, breaking the sky into countless floating fragments. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1348 War Hades), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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