Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1360: Primeval forest

Gongsun Murong, who had been practicing in the nearby Kuanglanzong before, relied on his strong talent to quickly rank among the inner disciples. Now he is only thirty years old, and he has cultivated to the golden core stage and has been cultivated by the sect.

Even the border guards once threw an olive branch to him.

The couples of young men and women who were originally here were the disciples of a nearby sect, the Earth Fire Sect.

The relationship between the Dihuo Sect and the Fury Sect is not diametrically opposed, but there are occasional frictions, and it is not to the extent that they must be divided into life and death to develop into a younger disciple.

This is also due to the pressure of the demons. When the race is at stake, even if there are feuds, try to keep it at the level of peace.

Several disciples of the Dihuo Sect originally came to explore the virgin forest, but they were not very lucky. They were chased by the beasts growing in the forest when they entered the forest and were forced to enter the depths of the virgin forest.

This was the result of discovering Zhu Lingguo later and meeting Gongsun Murong.

"I advise you to not move anything here." Gongsun Murong said faintly, "This is not only the junction of the territories of the three evil gods. Although the three evil gods often fight, it is not because of personal grievances. It's fighting for the land in front of you."

"The place where the three fierce gods must be contended, it's not uncommon to have some exotic flowers and plants here."

Chen Pianpian, the female disciple of the Earth Fire Sect, said: "Just look at the heaven and earth treasures. Is there any reason not to take them away? Besides, it's just a Zhu Lingguo, which the three big beast masters still look down upon!

"not necessarily."

Gongsun Murong sneered and said, "I'm sure that as long as you dare to touch Zhu Lingguo, the beast owners will kill them right away. If you don't want to die, stay away from this area and don't bother me."

After that, Gongsun Murong gave a cold warning, turned his head and left in the opposite direction.

Everyone looked at the back of Gongsun Murong's departure, and they were silent for a moment.

"Cut, isn't it that I practiced two years earlier than me and entered the Golden Core stage ahead of schedule? What's so great!" Chen Pianpian rolled her eyes and said, "It's still a preaching posture to us."

"That's it!"

Another female disciple nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said: "Fearing the head and tail, there is no masculine demeanor at all. The demon race we have to fight in the future is a hundred times more terrifying than the beast owner. How can we not even dare to pick a fruit."

Talk about it.

This female disciple jumped in threes and twos, and she had landed near the bush where Zhu Lingguo grew, and lifted the slender fingers to pull Zhu Lingguo and the rhizome off.

"Look, it's okay."

The female disciple stuck her tongue out and said, "It's just alarmist talk."

However, her voice had not yet fallen, and the land of the entire virgin forest began to tremble irregularly, getting closer and closer, as if something huge was coming.

With the sound of footsteps getting closer, the ground trembled like the ground and the mountains swayed, and the trees several hundred meters high were toppled from side to side.

Everyone's complexion changed.

Before they could react, a human figure rushed over in the distance. It was Gongsun Murong who had just left. At this moment, his face was pale, he turned around and fled towards the direction where several people were standing.

"Quickly go! Beast Lord Ying Xiao!"

The complexions of several young disciples changed drastically. The three major beast masters were the highest rulers of the entire virgin forest, and they were also the strongest existence in this nearby area.

Including their Fire Sect, there is not enough to slap in front of these fierce beasts.

As for these little foundation-building cultivators, they might not be enough to stuff the teeth between the beast masters!

They quickly turned around and fled for their lives with Gongsun Murong. However, in the other direction, many trees fell, and a snake-shaped figure several hundred meters high was swimming from a distance, exuding a heart-palpitating breath.

"That's... the fierce beast calls the snake!"

In the other direction, the beast owner Qiongqi was also coming.

That little Zhu Lingguo, as if it had triggered a chain reaction, actually attracted all the three major beast owners.

"Go over there!"

Gongsun Murong pointed to a road near the lake.

Three directions, the three big beast masters, in fact, they couldn't escape no matter which direction they came from. In this way, they might as well try their last chance, sneak into the bottom of the lake and hide, perhaps they can save a little life.

Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly chased Gongsun Murong's figure. Two of them escaped slowly and were slapped into meatloaf by Qiongqi.

Without time to hesitate, the three of them suffocated one's breath, thumped and plunged into the lake.

The three big beast masters chased here, but suddenly stopped and circled around, as if afraid of some kind of power in this lake, and never dared to come closer.

But they also did not leave, stood still in three directions, and refused to leave.

The crowd floated in the middle of the lake, looking at the direction that had been besieged by the three major beast owners nearby, secretly relieved.

"Fortunately, they didn't come close."

Chen Pianpian's chest undulated violently, rolling out a circle of ripples, still in a panic.

The female disciple also breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the three big beast masters in the distance and said, "But then again, why didn't the three big beast masters chase after? Could it be that she was worried about stepping into the realm of the other two big beast masters and fearing each other. No one dared to surpass the thunder pond without a single step?"

"You think too much."

Gongsun Murong said indifferently: "The three big beast masters are not obstructed by the territorial dispute. They are fighting for territories, but they have never had war. What really keeps them from approaching is the lake below us.


The female disciple's face changed slightly and said: "There are always some strange places between the heavens and the earth, which accompany fierce beasts, but they often contain opportunities. But if the fierce beasts dare not approach, I am afraid there are only a few cases. "

"Yes it is."

Chen Pianpian said, "Either this swelling water has some unknown toxicity, or there is some unknown creature hidden under the pool. Even the three big beast owners are afraid of it."

The female disciple's face changed again, and she said in shock: "Could it be that there is a more terrifying beast under the pool?"

"Do not rule out this possibility."

Gongsun Murong's expression was a little gloomy, and he said, "I am afraid that this is the only situation that can make the three major beast owners be like this. Don't mess around for the time being, you are causing some trouble."

While speaking, Gongsun Murong glared at the female disciple again, as if warning.

After all, she provoked the three major beast owners, and God knows if she will owe her hand again and cause some terrifying monster to swallow them in one bite.

The four of them floated in the middle of the lake, their bodies up and down, not daring to move.

The same is true for the three beast owners in the distance, their huge eyes have been fixed on the four of them, and they have never moved a half step away.

If this goes on, after all, it's not a problem...

"The three big beast owners should wait for us to leave. This is their common territory." Gongsun Murong calmly analyzed the situation before him, and said in a deep voice: "We want to leave, we can only wait for the three big beast owners to give up on their own initiative. It's just a stopgap measure, we can't wait that long."

The female disciple nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "However, the three major beast owners have been staying here, so there is no way for us to leave."

The three big beast masters are not only the overlords of the entire forest, but also the rulers of the tens of millions of nearby territories. Even if there are dozens of sects in the outside world, there are many masters, such as Dihuomen.

But even if the masters of these sects are tied together, it is definitely not the opponent of the three big beast masters.

It is said that the three big beast masters are masters comparable to the immortal emperor's realm. Even though there are many masters in the Ten Thousand Miles Territory, there is no one who can really fight the three big beast masters.

"We want to leave, maybe we can go another way, if we are lucky enough." Gongsun Murong said solemnly.

Several people looked at each other, and Gongsun Murong continued, "I see there is no water source for dozens of miles here, and there is a lake here, which is really strange."

"Either, the nearby water aura is too strong, forming this natural lake. Or, there is an underground water source."

Chen Pianpian's eyes lit up and said: "Yes! If there is an underground water source here, we can leave by water without being discovered by the three big beast owners!"


Gongsun Murong snapped his fingers and took the lead to dive into the lake to find the source of the current. The others did not dare to fall behind, they dived into the lake and fumbled around.

With the cultivation base of a few of them, naturally they will not be bothered by the lake water, just play a few water avoidance symbols. As for the light, it is not a problem at all. The power of the monks during the foundation period is far beyond ordinary people, and they can see things at night.

The only thing that was troublesome was that they could not develop their spiritual consciousness in the lake, as if they were imprisoned by an invisible force.


When they really dived deep, everything in front of them suddenly became clear.

Originally, the dark world under the lake was as bright as day. If it weren't for the water flowing around, they would even have the illusion of coming to land.

"It's really a strange place. I can't imagine that there are other magical powers deep in the bottom of the lake."

The female disciple sighed, and took advantage of the bright light to look around at the bottom of the lake. Unfortunately, apart from some shellfish and aquatic plants, there is nothing else.

"There is nothing wrong with being careful."

Gongsun Murong carefully reminded: "If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Even the three big beast owners dare not get close to the realm, and it can't be said that there is really a big evil thing."

While several people were talking, they continued to explore along the direction of the current.

After a while, the five people stopped in front of a huge shellfish.

This is a one-meter-long shellfish, with only a narrow gap in the center, and it is impossible to see whether there is a living thing inside. Behind this shell, wisps of streams flowed into the bottom of the lake.

Yes it is.

There is really an underground river water source underground, but the only trouble is that the entrance of the cave is blocked by the shellfish creature in front of you.

But it's okay. With the cultivation base of a few of them, can't push a shell away? Even if it is a little bit bigger.

"Push the shell away and we can leave."

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