Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 138: Death by man


Chen Fangyin only felt that he was kicked severely behind his waist, and then the whole man followed and flew out.


The lion ancestor's paws fell in the air and smashed a half-meter-sized stone below.

I am not dead?

Chen Fangyin opened her eyes, and her heart was strange, holding on to the bones that seemed to be falling apart.

At this moment, he was completely hesitant.

I saw a young boy screaming, his hands on his back, and his face standing opposite the lion's ancestor. The stark contrast between one man and one beast.

"How could it be him?"

Chen Fangyin's shock was difficult to conceal, and he stared at the front, the boy he once considered to be no return.

He couldn't think of it anyway. He was supposed to die, but was somehow rescued by an unexpected person.

At this time, Chen Fangyin only thought of something, his face changed, and he shouted to the young man, "Brother Lin, don't worry about me, let's run away. Lion ancestors can't compete with you."

"The lion ancestors are fierce and mighty, and the masters of Huajing have no chance of winning the ancestors of the lion, unless several masters join forces."

In order to show the seriousness of the matter, Chen Fangyin added another sentence.

Lin Lang did not hesitate, glanced at the lion ancestor, his lips light, and a monotonous byte came out.



Lion ancestors have long been wise, but they can't speak like humans. It naturally understands what Lin Lang means, and he can't help raising a anger in his eyes.

Although it has the heart to devour the blood demon flower alone, but it also understands that the humanity in front of it is no longer what it used to be, and that looming terror has extinguished his fighting spirit.

At this time, it can only compete with the other beastly hegemons in the mountain to compete with the youth in front of it. It roared at Lin Lang remotely, and then jumped down against the cliff.

This seemingly absurd scene has made everyone aggressive.

Under any circumstances, the lion ancestors who had just dominated their lives just now fled.

"Thank you, Brother Lin." Chen Fangyin chanted.

"Thank you for your help."

Voices of thanks followed.

"Thank you Daoyou for your life-saving grace." A warrior with a sharp-billed monkey cheek also followed the flow, giving a false thank you.

It was just that his eyes did not want to move away from the hole for a moment. He knew that there were treasures there, but he was so embarrassed by Lin Lang's mystery that he didn't dare to compete easily.

Not willing, not willing!


"Animals are animals in the end, and they ca n’t reach a high level of wisdom when they are opened." Lin Lang shook his head. If the lion ancestor swallowed the blood demon flower as soon as it bloomed, it would be difficult for him to deal with the surging power, but It just chose to go out for slaughter, but it was too late to go back.

The poor lion ancestor spent several years waiting for the blood demon, but made a wedding dress for a latecomer.

While sighing in his heart, Lin Lang has entered the cave, and a spirit of one in the palm shot out, cutting the blood demon flower with roots, and the blood demon flower was teetering. The moment before it fell to the ground, a crystal clear film held it up. , Sent to Lin Lang sleeve.

The blood demon flower has a very short life span, and it will wither within three days of blooming. Lin Lang simply suppressed it with a secret method for a year and a half. It is not a problem.

However, when Lin Lang walked out of the cave, a group of people who had already been outside immediately surrounded him.

These people are Deng Ai and other high-level martial arts. At this time, with the temporary ending of the Taoist temple, a large number of martial arts masters gathered here, and there were four or fifty people in one dozen eyes.

These are not the weak chickens like Chen Fangyin. The worst among them is also the late warrior. As for the master, there are three or two.


Lin Lang's move immediately caused the scolding of the surrounding martial arts.

"Why do you still want to do something with me?"

Lin Lang faintly swept the crowd, and finally fell on Deng Ai.

Deng Ai's face was slightly ugly. The first encounter with Lin Lang did cost him a lot of losses, but he considered it to be the intention, and it was not yet known who was going to fight the deer.

"It's not that I want to do something with you, but that you are too greedy and we can't do anything about it." Deng Aileng snorted.

Other warriors also responded one after another, and what they saw fell into Lin Lang's sack, and those who couldn't see knew how many.

Lin Lang advanced the Taoist Temple to collect it again, and later took the elixir in the cave, how could they not be jealous.

"Give it up, these are things you can't swallow alone." It was a young man with a sharp-eyed monkey cheek.

Lin Lang's eyes glanced slightly at this man, but he clearly distinguished that this man was one of the warriors he had just rescued from under the claws of lion ancestors.

"It's you." Lin Lang's eyes were cold, and Han said, "I shouldn't have saved you just now."

The young man was a little hesitant, but his desire was greater than his kindness, and he coughed, "I'm saving you. As long as you hand over the treasure, I can let you go."

Lin Lang sneered, his eyes were already cold, and he stared at the youth like a dead man.

The master of the Yu family also stood up and said, "We came here all the way, but you were taken away by all the good fortune in the mountains. This is justified."

"Yeah, either hand over the treasure or die," said the guru of the liberal faction coldly.

For a time, Lin Lang became a target of public criticism. Everyone was staring at Lin Lang, flexing his muscles, eager to try.

It ’s not easy for Lin Lang to be angry when he sees this kind of thing too much. It ’s not worth angering Lang Lang. He only has a pure intention to kill, which is offensive to the bottom line.

At this point a pure aura was already in his palm, and he was ready to kill everyone.

Just then, a loud scream of anger followed.

I saw Chen Fangyin covering her chest, pushing away a group of warriors, and standing beside Lin Lang.

"Lion ancestors were shot by Brother Lin, and Brother Tao's sky-smelling sword energy was also ridden by Brother Brother. If you don't think of gratitude, just threaten others to take a share."

"Are you still human?"

Chen Fangyin stood aside and couldn't see it. He pointed at the faces of the warriors and began to scold.

"Yes, I am grateful for the low, I am grateful. You are higher than me, but are all the virtues?"

"Brother Lin saved my life today. I can't do anything to help fight, but I have a word lingering here."

"Today, if anyone dares to move Brother Lin a sweat, he will be my enemy, Chen Fangyin, and my Chen family."

Chen Fangyin's blame was so loud that many martial artists had red ears and red ears, and many of them had already bowed their heads, even because the guru's face was also extremely awkward.

An anachronistic voice came in at this time.

"The Chen family? A family that doesn't even have a grandmaster, it's a fart."

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