Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1370: Communication

Chen Pianpian can only use helplessness to express her state of mind. In the solitude just now, nothing extraordinary happened between her and Lin Lang. The only thing that was ashamed of telling him was the embarrassing moment of social death when he seduce Lin Lang Wei.

From then on, Chen Pianpian also learned the path of Xiong Zhuang, and ran to Lin Lang when he had nothing to do. As for fame, does she care?

This method was indeed effective. After several entanglements, Lin Lang was annoyed and pointed to the latter at will. Since then, Chen Pianpian's cultivation has been smooth and smooth, breaking through the original realm smoothly.

Lin Lang taught it personally, it was much better than any teacher in the world. After all, the experience beyond ordinary people has allowed Lin Lang to ignore any cultivation technique and point to the source of cultivation.

After coming and going, in just ten years, Chen Pianpian's cultivation base has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and his cultivation base has been infinitely approaching the realm of true immortality.

In Ling Zaixuan's line, there are seven members of the division, and three of them have already broken through to the realm of the immortal emperor. This can be done enough to attract the attention of the head of the Earth Fire Sect.

Correspondingly, the entire North Vein monk has also been given a resource tilt.

Chen Pianpian always ran to Lin Lang when he had something to do, which naturally attracted the attention of the caring people. Among them is the young man I met in the Four Channels Dabi.

Although this person could not match Tianjiao disciples like Chen Pianpian, he was at least one of the top twenty monks in the inner sect, and his cultivation was unfathomable.

This person was named Chen Xifeng, and he had entered the realm of earth fairy ten years ago, and his cultivation was very powerful.

As one of Chen Pianpian's loyal suitors, Chen Xifeng, seeing that his goddess is always leaning against a handyman disciple, is naturally unhappy in his heart.

He directly named two followers and asked them to teach Lin Lang a lesson.

As for the result, it is obvious.

As soon as the two followers arrived at Lin Lang's residence, before they had time to attack, they were seriously injured by an invisible flame.


When the news came back to Chen Xifeng's side, the latter was also furious and almost committed suicide to Lin Lang's residence.

In the end, it was a friend of Chen Xifeng's who persuaded the latter.

"Brother Chen, use a slaughter knife to kill the chicken. Leave this to me." An inner disciple of the immortal realm patted his chest and said: "Brother Chen, you just need to look at the back, just a little bit. Handyman disciple, why bother to do it."

After making a bold statement, the celebrity fairy disciple also went straight to the handyman's office. Chen Xifeng did not come forward, but stood on a mountain behind him, watching the result calmly.

Is a disciple of a human fairy more than enough to deal with a junior who hasn't practiced? He just waited for the result later, even if this handyman disciple was a little weird.

With this thought, Chen Xifeng looked intently and saw that the celebrity fairy disciple was near Lin Lang's house. Just a few provocative sentences, he saw a turbulent flame burst out of the ground, directly covering the celebrity fairy disciple. Inside.

The latter just struggled a few times before being burned to a puddle of ashes by the ground fire.

Chen Xifeng's pupils shrank sharply, and from beginning to end, he didn't even see who was secretly taking the shot.

The handyman disciple...

Chen Xifeng was puzzled by all kinds of doubts, and did not know what was going on. But it is an indisputable fact that a master of human immortality has fallen.

"This flame seems to be related to the fire veins under the sect. Could it be that this is a place sheltered by the fire veins?" Chen Xifeng only felt a little tricky.

The fire veins under the Earth Fire Sect are said to be left by a certain peerless strongman who can smelt everything in the world. The original ancestor of the Earth Fire Sect at the time merged with one of the Earth Fires and successfully promoted to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

It can be said that a person who can refine the flames of the Earth Huo Sect means that he can open an invincible path.

It's a pity that for thousands of years, the only person who can really come into contact with the fire vein is the founder of the mountain. The rest of the people were either buried in the valley or burned by the abnormal fire, leaving deep wounds ever since.

"Things are a little difficult to handle."

Chen Xifeng pondered for a moment, when it came to the lifeline of the Earth Fire Sect, he did not dare to attack easily.


Chen Xifeng's eyes rolled. Although he was worried that he would be burned to death by the ground fire, what if he went to the sect? How can the sect allow the lifeline of the Earth Fire Sect to be tainted?

If the sect knew that Lin Lang could use the fire veins of the fire sect, he would probably block this place directly. As for Lin Lang, either he was imprisoned by the master of the Earth Huo Sect, or he was liquidated by the high level of the Earth Huo Sect.

The best result, I am afraid, is to take the initiative to confess what method he used to use the strange fire here.

Without further ado.

Chen Xifeng quickly contacted a certain high-level Earth Huo Sect, and when the high-level Earth Huo Sect heard about this, he was disdainful at first.

There have been many masters of the Earth Fire Sect, and no one can analyze the secrets of the fire vein. A junior who doesn't even have a realm of cultivation, why should he?

"My lord, can I lie to you?"

Chen Xifeng showed a greasy expression on his face, and said, "It's true that one of my friends in the realm of real immortality had a bad relationship with this person, and he was burned to death by the sudden fire outside his house. Not only that, but Before that, two other members of the same family also died near his room, also because of the different fire."


The big man frowned. Although he still had some unbelief in his heart, he still said, "No matter, I'll go and take a look with you."

This great figure is the Seventh Elder in the gate, and now he is the cultivation base of the realm of real immortality, almost standing at the top of the Earth Fire Sect pyramid. According to his original intention, the latter had originally intended to directly ask the handyman disciple to ask for clarity.

However, the Seventh Elder was dissuaded by Chen Xifeng.

After all, if Lin Lang could really use the fire of the earth veins, it would be the same result whether it was the realm of real immortality or the realm of refining qi. There is no difference.

Chen Xifeng was also worried that he would kill a Dihuo Sect elder in a few words. In this case, the Earth Fire Sect is bound to be liquidated on his head.

Therefore, the two contacted several trusted monks in the door. In the evening, a dozen or so masters of the Earth Fire Sect surrounded Lin Lang's residence in groups.

"The Seventh Elder is here, and the people in the house have not come out yet."

A monk said loudly, of course, he also deliberately controlled the volume, and did not publicize what happened in this place.


However, before his words fell, he saw a flame rising from the ground, directly burning the person to ashes.

The other dozen masters looked at each other, but they all froze in place and did not dare to move.

Things are a bit weird. The underground fire veins suddenly burst out. If it is not controlled well, the fire veins gush out, and the entire earth fire sect will be destroyed.

Therefore, it was the Seventh Elder who had the greatest impact. Chen Xifeng's previous statement was somewhat unbelievable. The scene that happened up to this time has completely changed his views.

The disciple of the Earth Fire Sect in the door really has the ability to control the fire veins!

At this moment, a young man dressed in a commoner walked out of the room, glanced around, then raised an axe and started to chop wood.


Everyone looked at each other. In the end, it was one of the Seventh Elders who was under the command of one of the Seven Elders. At this time, he spoke loudly and said: "That disciple, the Seventh Elders are here, why don't you come to see you?"

The only answer to him was a raging fire, followed by a puddle of ashes on the ground.

As for the handyman disciple, he was chopping wood by himself at this moment, as if nothing had happened around him.

The seventh elder also felt that his scalp was numb, this disciple was a little too strange.

After clearing his throat, the Seventh Elder said, "This fellow Taoist is safe and restless."

The seventh elder could only calm down carefully, for fear of angering the latter, he was directly burned to death by a fire, he slowly said, "Dare to ask your Excellency, but can you manipulate the underground fire?"

Lin Lang ignored him, but the Seventh Elder was not angry at all. He still smiled and said: "Friends probably know that our Earth Fire Sect relies on this underground fire vein to stand. If the earth fire spews, we will live on top. Few of the monks can run."

The seventh elder was very smooth, and did not directly ask for a way to communicate with the fire, but was threatening with the lives of the monks.

But Lin Lang didn't want to take his tactics. He just said indifferently: "I live in seclusion here, and I didn't intend to hurt the monk here. You restrain the disciples under your command, and I can guarantee that the Earth Fire Sect will not be invaded by the Earth Fire."

The Seven Elders looked stiff.

Listening to the meaning of the latter's words, it seems that the fire can really be controlled. After a pause, the Seventh Elder changed his statement again, but unfortunately, Lin Lang did not buy firewood and rice, and no matter what the latter said, it was just a deaf ear.

"damn it!"

The seventh elder stomped angrily and directly ordered his disciples to stay away from this place, but they also left three or two masters hovering nearby and firmly besieged the house. One of them directly pumped the groundwater veins and cut off the well water.

They want to force Lin Lang out of water and food in this way.

It's just that they never expected that after a full half a month, the forest of firewood was still alive, as if there was no hunger.

"Is this really a mortal?"

The Seventh Elder was a little surprised.

He saw that Lin Lang did not have any cultivation base, and subconsciously believed that the latter did not understand the way of cultivation. But how can a mortal be completely bigu?

"Then keep trapping him."

The seventh elder viciously ordered, "I don't believe it, how long can he endure under house arrest like this."

Then the Seventh Elders sent additional manpower to surround the area.

One month later, the first person to notice the strangeness of this place was Ling Zaixuan. As the helm of the Beimai line, although he doesn't always pay attention to the mountains under his command, it is still difficult to escape his eyes with some turbulence.

He found that the position of the handyman disciple was closed by a large formation, and there were still a few disciples left behind.

Ling Zaixuan was a little puzzled, and came here personally, wanting to ask Ming Yuan. But how could the disciples under the Seventh Elders tell the truth, hesitate one by one, and refused to speak.

"Since you refuse to say it, then I will trace it myself."

Ling Zaixuan snorted and directly smashed the nearby siege formation. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1370 Communication Fire), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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