Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1378: This is the truth about heaven and earth

Everyone didn't know why Jietianjun would act like this.

In the battle of the Immortal Palace, the Yuanshi Demon Emperor fell, the demon army was defeated, and the entire world was reduced to the territory of ten thousand monks. Logically speaking, shouldn't the high-level Heavenly Court arrange a celebration at this time, or re-divide the territorial issue of heaven and earth?

Especially the issue of the ownership of the fairy palace.

It's impossible for a big fairy palace to be cheap for just one or two people. This is an eternal opportunity for sentient beings. Anyone and any force has the ability to fight for the ownership of the fairy palace. After all, a place that can withstand the invasion of eternal catastrophe, even if it is just a place, is enough to attract sentient beings to fight for it.

But when Lin Lang stopped this, he clearly wanted to take the fairy palace as his own. How could the billions of creatures agree?

Driven by such conditions, the caring people even began to slander Lin Lang, saying that the latter was just taking the place of the fairy palace as his own by virtue of his powerful cultivation. But they forgot one thing, the immortal palace was Lin Lang, the country that Jietianjun laid down for them.

Without Lin Lang, let alone entering the Lord's Immortal Palace, it would be difficult to resist the invasion of the demons.

of course.

Leaving aside these questions, Lin Lang himself is the only one who really knows the truth.

The reason why he closed the fairy palace is actually very much related to the ancestor of the demons.

In fact, Yuanshi Demon Emperor was not dead, on the contrary, he had fallen into a deep state of cultivating. The ancestor of the Demon Race, who has caused countless tragedies, was not killed by Lin Lang. Instead, the Yuanshi Devil Emperor was fastened in the Immortal Palace by a method that was almost sealed.

Yes it is.

The reason why the Yuanshi Devil Emperor was able to save his life under Lin Lang's hands, the matter must start from the distant ancient times.


Zu Hao was born in the primordial chaos, and from the time he was born, he has been the most talented person in all ages. Even the current Empress of Heaven is not even a star or a bit worse than Zu Hao.

Chaos and Hongmeng, the two most primitive and most basic forms of matter in the world, Zu Qian can construct heaven and earth and everything, and is born with a powerful ability to make things.

Coupled with acquired practice, Zu Qi has been on the same level with those prehistoric innate gods in a short time. There are only a few qualified to be his opponents.

And later.

A young man came out from Mount Mang, known as the Manshen clan, and traveled all over the universe. An acquired person has amazing savvy savvy, even if the super enchanting creature born in Zhong Tiandi like Zu Qi, he also has the capital to contend.

At that time, the two were no more than the realm of the Great Emperor.

The two people who have been the most against the sky since ancient times have become competitors on the road of immortality. Facing each other tit-for-tat, but the strength has always been at the same level, almost no one can do anything.

The two went all the way from the Great Realm to the Ancestral Realm. Zu Hao achieved the ancestral realm, and the Mang Shenshi became the natural body of the future. They opened up the method of acquired cultivation and successfully broke through to the ancestral realm.

Yes it is.

From the realm of foundation building to the realm of emperor, without exception, all were developed by Zuqi. The Mang Shen clan was even better, opening up a way for monks to advance to the ancestral realm.

In the ancestral realm, the two often have disputes, but none of them take advantage. They always compete with each other and recreate each other as the ending. At that time, as the space-time monarch of the strongest innate gods, naturally he didn't want to see the rise of the acquired creatures, so he suppressed the two with his powerful cultivation base.


In front of these two peerless evildoers, even the time and space monarch was beaten into a dumb fire, and never participated in the fight between the two. Later, Zu Hao was only one step away from the fairyland. However, in the process, the Mang Shen family shot Zu Hao severely.

Although in that battle, Zu Hao successfully entered the fairyland by virtue of his extraordinary realm. However, there were already hidden wounds on his body, and the time of becoming immortal was too short to master this great avenue of heaven and earth perfectly.

Yes it is.

Zu Hao was the creator of the innate order, and he successfully accepted the laws of operation of the various avenues of heaven and earth and the order of the universe, and then entered a dangerous situation. And the Mang Shenshi did not despair because of this.

In the final battle, Zu Qi surrounded the Mang Shenshi as a fairy. Uncharacteristically, the Mang Shen clan teamed up with the Time and Space Sovereign for the first time. In this battle, he not only secretly calculated Zu Qi, but also took this opportunity to successfully realize the method of rebelling against immortality.

Immortal and Nixian, these two cultivation methods are two incompatible powers after all. If one of them wants to truly master the order of heaven and earth, then he needs to completely kill the other.

The Mang Shen clan joined hands with the temporal and spatial monarch and severely wounded Zu Qi. And that Mang Shenshi took this opportunity to change some of the laws of the universe and gain a firm foothold in the realm of inverse immortality.

After Zuqi's injury healed, it was discovered that Tiandi Dadao had been eroded by more than 30%. Those innate gods who had mastered Dadao in the past were killed by the Manshen clan, recreating the rules of the Dao.

The four innate gods on the Five Elements Avenue, such as the Source of Ten Thousand Waters, Jin, and Wood, were killed by the Manshen clan. As for the Source of Ten Thousand Fires, the reason why they can survive in this world is that the Origin of Ten Thousand Fires is more of a chicken thief. At a critical juncture, it voluntarily gave up its own avenue and returned to the world.

in this way.

It retains its next life, and the thousands of spiritual fires that have split up are scattered like this between the heaven and the earth. As for this innate god, where is now lingering, it is not known.

Zu Qi was not to be outdone, and began to compete with the Mang Shen clan for the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Since then, the time and space monarch has completely lost the qualification to participate in this battle, and the two real masters of the fairy realm, the mere ancestral realm, even the strongest ancestral realm can not participate in it.

In the countless Yuanhui since then, Zu Hao and the time and space monarchs are facing each other tit-for-tat, and the calculations and battles involved are not enough for outsiders.

One is the inheritance of order, the guardian of order. The other person is a rebel who wants to destroy order and reshape the world. The battle became more intense.

However, it is obvious that Zu Hao is only the master of the old order, and the great path he has in his body remains unchanged for thousands of years, and his strength will no longer be much improved. The Mang Shen clan is reshaping the order, overthrowing the old order, and replacing it with a stronger road.

His strength is constantly increasing.

In the later days, under the great destruction and calamity, Zu Qi might also foresee that he would no longer be the opponent of the Mang God clan soon. He chose to perfect all living beings, the earth in the flesh and the burial star, Yuan The gods and avenues are transformed into immortal palaces, blessing the common people.

As for the Mang Shen clan, after the fall of Zu Qi, he began to hold the avenue alone.

Yes, after becoming the new order, the Mang Shen clan has a new name, and that is the way of heaven. His will, his order, are the rules that the world needs to follow.

The Mankun family is the way of heaven.

That's why, Lin Lang often found traces of Heavenly Dao's intervention in the battle between two fairyland masters. Because that is not the way of heaven, but the will of the Mankun clan.

However, although Zu Hao fell, he did three things before he died.

The first is to damage the Manshen Clan, and the latter cannot continue to be born, so they can only send out the so-called will of heaven to replace him in taking charge of the universe. This leaves enough room for future generations to grow up.


Zu Hao created the Demon Race. This kind of creatures that are not liked by the heavens are really pure and incomparably pure from birth. However, Zu Hao’s mission is to serve as swordsmen in the new era and overthrow the order of the heavens. Rule.

Yes, even the current Yuanshi Devil Emperor is a creature created by Zu Hao, born with the help of the loopholes in the heavens.

The demons are good and evil are only the mission they must perform.

The Devil Emperor of Yuan Shi didn't dare to disturb the heavens too much, so he would accumulate all kinds of rebellious avenues, merge into one at the last moment, and become immortals. Of course, what he achieved was the Niluanxian who overthrew the order of heaven.

It can be said.

Before Lin Lang appeared, Yuanshi Demon Emperor was the one who had high hopes to subvert the way of heaven.

This is why, at the end of the last cosmic era, even if Zu Hao had anticipated the wolf ambition of the Demon Race, he still ignored it. The Demon Race is just a dagger that stabs the Heavenly Dao with a stab, and cannot be wiped out.

The catastrophe of destruction is the catastrophe of heaven. The reason why the Immortal Palace was able to fight against the Great Destruction Calamity was not only because the Immortal Palace was transformed by the primordial spirit of Zu Huang, but more importantly, the Immortal Palace was an old world order that was opposed to the Tao of Heaven.

Even the way of heaven cannot penetrate into it.

As for Lin Lang's appearance, perhaps Zu Huang hadn't expected it, or perhaps it was also Zu Huang who saw the scene of future generations, which he expected.

This is why Lin Lang did not kill Yuanshi Demon Emperor at a critical juncture. Because the latter also has the potential to become immortals, it can be used as a big trump card against heaven.

Of course, these were the truths that Lin Lang understood thoroughly at the last blow, and he truly understood Zu Hao's intentions.

And the third point is also very important.

Zu Hao succeeded in retaining part of the order of heaven and earth that he occupies, and at the same time created some areas between heaven and earth that shielded the way of heaven, such as Yuanshi Demon Emperor, Difu, which were all created by Zu Hao himself. Let Tiandao be flawless and leave enough room for future generations to grow.

These three truths are the truth of this world.

It's a pity that Lin Lang is the only one who can come into contact with this secret. Even the Emperor and Empress had never expected such things to happen before Lin Lang told them.

"Universal order."

Lin Lang muttered silently. From the early days of his cultivation, he had created a small-world technique. In the final analysis, it was very similar to Nixian's cultivation method.

This is an unparalleled advantage of others.

It can be said that Lin Lang's way of rebelling against immortality had already laid the foundation at the beginning of his cultivation. If this were not the case, it would be impossible for Lin Lang to understand the order of the universe so quickly in the follow-up.

and also…

The wizard of the Taoist Holy Land, Wudaozi, created a similar technique. It's just that his technique is to clear the world's avenues to zero, and everything is back to its original form.

And this is also a process that must be experienced in the road of rebellious immortality!

Even if Lin Lang thinks back now, he still believes that innocent power is absolutely a necessary technique for the road to rebellion against immortality. Greatly shortened his time to perceive the new order.

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