Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1380: The new universe is coming

With the arrival of the Great Destruction Tribulation, the entire universe fell into a dead silence, and all creatures and creatures were reset and cleared under the influence of the Dao of Heaven.

The avenue is shattering, the world is shaking.

Everything is returned to the rule of the cosmic order. This is the real doomsday scene, except for those desperate shouts, Wan Lai is silent, no one can turn the tide.

Lin Lang walked in this world on the verge of destruction, occasionally saving people, but more often, he could only give up the right of some people to survive.

In the process, Lin Lang also realized something. Since the will of heaven and earth is the way of heaven, the way of heaven is dominated by the will of the rogue **** clan, causing great destruction, intending to destroy everything in the world.

For him, all creatures in this world are parasites on his body. However, as the way of heaven establishes the order of the universe, it must also follow the laws of the universe set by itself.

The world cannot be without life and spiritual matter.

"The Dao of Heaven will be destroyed, and it is the hope of the monks to transcend the fairyland. What it reshapes is another group of weak creatures, a group of tools that can only live under the Dao of Heaven and serve the Dao." Lin Lang sighed in his heart. Sighed.

Yes it is.

From the beginning to the end, the way of heaven did not leave the creatures with hope.

The great thing about Tian Dao is that both the cultivation system created by the immortal Ancestor Hao or the cultivation method created by Tian Dao itself have become the help of Tian Dao's increasing strength.

Heavenly Dao will absorb the avenues of thousands of monks, and gradually master the mystery of other avenues.

The so-called Tao tree planted in the sky above the clouds is to allow the strong above the dominating realm to willingly surrender their thoughts and insights and become part of the new world order after fusion.

After the great emperor realm, even if he cultivated to the ancestral realm, he still couldn't escape the black hands of heaven. Although the ancestral realm is strong, it has surpassed the shackles of the order of heaven and earth, creating a road independently.

But the ancestral realm is not under the supervision of heaven. Generations of ancestral monks are creating new avenues, and the heavenly avenues are devouring these new avenues, and eventually become stronger and stronger until no one can resist!

As the master of Taoism, it is naturally impossible to hope that someone later can replace him and become the new law of order. If it hadn't been for the severe and severe damage to the Tao of Heaven before the collapse of Zu Qian, there would never be a new law of order in future generations.

This might give Lin Lang a chance to resist.


While walking in the chaos, Lin Lang discovered another terrible thing. That is, the Dao of Heaven has surpassed the past, occupying at least 60% of the order of heaven and earth.

A long time ago, Tian Dao and Zu Hao were fighting against each other, and each of them held half of the order of heaven and earth. Today, Zu Huang has fallen, and even though the Meng Kun is seriously injured, he still takes this opportunity to transform many kinds of old world orders.

This also means that even if Zu Qi is resurrected, he is definitely not the opponent of the gang Kun family. And the remaining part of the order of heaven and earth, later people can only occupy at most 40%, walking the old path must be unable to contend with the way of heaven.

"The Way of Heaven is getting stronger and stronger, how easy is it to change the sky?" Lin Lang's thoughts were quite complicated. When he walked through the chaos and returned again, the whole world had fallen.

Under the shroud of the Great Destruction Tribulation, the entire universe has been reset and cleared, and everything is shrouded in chaos. It can be said that the entire universe, now only a place in the fairy palace is still intact, and there is still a batch of fire from the previous era.

Yes it is.

From this moment on, these monks of them had become the remnants of the last cosmic age, and the so-called cosmic epochs had nothing to do with them.

When the Great Destruction Tribulation was over, Lin Lang also ordered that all monks from the previous universe era be sealed in the fairy palace. Of course, it is better to call it imprisonment than a seal.

As the fire of the previous cosmic era, they should not interfere with the natural changes of the next cosmic era. At least, Lin Lang thought so.

Because even if the number of monks in the last cosmic era was small, they would definitely be the top batch. Once this group of people is released, they will soon become the overlord of the new world.

With a strong cultivation base, it oppresses the next generation of monks in the next universe. Lin Lang didn't want this to happen, so all the masters of the previous era were imprisoned in the fairy palace by him.

Wanting to escape the catastrophe and obtain eternal life depends not only on luck, but also on the relationship with the heavenly court. In other words, they get immortal life at the cost of being restrained.

Lin Lang restricts other people's travel, but this does not include himself. In such a newly opened universe, everything is still being conceived, and there are very few living things, even the most basic five elements have not evolved.

Lin Lang walked alone in the new universe, feeling the slow changes between heaven and earth. Yes, everything in the reconstructed universe is still in its infancy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Lang can clearly perceive the power of certain avenues.

of course.

As a rebel, he would not choose to accept or practice these kinds of great ways. He wants to figure out the key to these avenues, and on this basis, to transform a new world order.

Time hurriedly passed, Lin Lang was also more like a lonely traveler in time and space, except in some places of origin, he had little contact with people.

At the same time, with the passage of time in the new universe, the new world has gradually evolved the power of the five elements. The sky, the ground, these most basic conditions for building a world have gradually taken shape.

After a long time.

The world finally had the first life. It was not an acquired creature, but an innate **** who was born on the avenue.

"The state of the evolution of the universe seems to have not changed much under the interference of heaven. All this is just as it was at the beginning of the last cosmic era."

Lin Lang pondered silently.

If he remembers correctly, at the beginning of the last cosmic era, when the heavens and the earth were born, a batch of top creatures who were born to control the avenue were born. For example... the nine kings of gods.

After an unknown period of time, the world finally gave birth to the first postnatal creature. Even if it is a simple grass. But what he gave birth to was the hope of acquired life growth.

This group of innate gods who were born in the bathing avenue naturally didn't see these items, and they thought it was very strange. One of the gods brought this grass back to his residence and nourished it with the power of the great power.

The power of the great power of the innate gods is used to cultivate a grass that is born after the day. Under such terrifying nourishment, the grass grows rapidly.

And among this group of innate gods, the strongest one also found a green lotus. At the same time, several gods of the same generation were recruited, and they gathered all kinds of divine power to support them.

And this green lotus, perfused by the power of countless great avenues, also gave birth to a new spiritual intelligence, able to communicate with the spirit of the gods, incarnate in human form. Strictly speaking, it also belongs to the first born in the world.

The avenue of heaven and earth has not changed since ancient times, and the evolution of creatures is also an inevitable result of the order of the universe. With the appearance of these two plants, the trajectories of creatures have emerged one after another in all parts of the universe.

Gradually, more and more acquired creatures were born between heaven and earth, and many gods never set foot in places, and gradually there were more signs of acquired agility.

After 70 million years, the number of acquired creatures has reached a certain scale. On several stars, even a civilization dominated by humans has been born.

One hundred million years later, the number of postnatal creatures has exploded. In the entire world, except for the occasional gods, most of the territory has been occupied by postnatal creatures.

Among the various races, sages have successively explored ways to improve their combat power according to the laws of heaven and earth.

As for the later development trend between creatures and gods, there hasn't been much change.

This is a period of blessing civilization.

Acquired creatures fear divine power, take gods as their beliefs, and are protected by innate gods or powerful divine powers in sacrifices.

In the beginning, the acquired creatures feared the divine power. But it wasn't until later that a monk who was astonishing and amazing appeared and realized the act of slaughtering the gods. Under his call, the creatures of various races in the universe still under the pressure of the gods have also risen one after another and began to resist the brutal rule of certain innate gods.

Under such circumstances, a wave of resistance to theocracy was quickly set off in the universe. The major monks joined in, trying to replace the gods and become the real masters of the heavens and the earth.

As for the result...

The first resistance of the creatures is destined to be unable to shake the gods who have mastered the powerful power since the birth of the new universe. The first battle between beings and gods ended in the defeat of all beings.

The creatures of all races also suffered heavy losses under the slaughter of the gods. Although the lives of all races were miserably defeated, they did give birth to some amazing people, and more than ten gods were slaughtered.

The gods are also aware that the emergence of living beings has begun to threaten their dominance, and one after another has confiscated the cultivation method, trying to fundamentally cut off the path of the rise of the born creatures.

But it seems easy, but for the creatures who already have autonomous consciousness and no longer fear divine power, they no longer fear divine means. Even if these gods brought disasters everywhere, the resistance consciousness of the born creatures was never wiped out.

After the war again and again, although the creatures are always the defeated side, but the gods are not accompanied by the fall. It is not the powerful force of the acquired creatures that really makes the gods start to be wary or even afraid.

It is the reproduction speed of acquired creatures.

Since ancient times, there have been only a certain number of gods, but the acquired creatures are different. After they fall, a new batch of them will be expanded soon. Death again and again, rebirth again and again.

The fire of resistance has never been cut off!

In the end, the gods were overwhelmed and could only reconcile with the gods. Summon the creatures of various races as representatives to discuss the question of survival between creatures and gods.

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