Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 164: Startled by Chen Fangyin

"It's you!"

Lin Lang's eyes were fixed, and he looked at Chen Family Master coldly.

What a master Chen family is, the kung fu of watching and watching the colors is a trail, and naturally he can see that the other party is not a long-known name. On the contrary, it looks like ... looking at the enemy.

The owner Chen frowned without leaving a trace, and asked, "Have you seen me?"

"I've seen it, not just seen it."

Lin Lang sneered.

This Chuanshu Chen family is Chen Miaoxuan's family, and the owner Chen Jianwu is Chen Miaoxuan's father.

If it hadn't been for his efforts to stop him, I would have feared that he and Chen Miaoxuan had already lived happily ever after.

The two fell in love from graduate students, but it was Chen Jianwu who repeatedly obstructed and even tried to coerce his parents with various means such as money. In anger, the two went directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a marriage certificate.

They thought that the marriage certificate had been received, it was already raw rice and cooked rice, and it was also a good idea to go back and recognize a father-in-law when Chen Jianwu's anger was gone.

But how did Lang Lang understand at that time, the so-called marriage certificate was just a piece of paper among these famous doors, and even the files could be erased.

That night, a group of strong men in black rushed into the door, forced Chen Miaoxuan back to the family, and beat him badly.

Shortly after that, there was news that Chen Miaoxuan married a brother in Kyoto, and it is needless to know that this is a masterpiece of Chen Jianwu.

After many years, the two met again in a coffee shop, one was a poor boy who had nothing, and the other was a rich wife who was already a wealthy man.

But Chen Miaoxuan told him that she was not happy at all. She pulled open her sleeves, and tattooed with 'Lin' on her arm, expressing various gestures in various styles.

She told him that the initial parting was heartbreaking, so she fell in love with the tattoo and hoped that she would never forget that time.

She wanted to resist, and she did, but it was useless.

The marriage of the family will always sacrifice the happiness of the girl.

Lin Lang will never forget, that day Chen Miaoxuan lay on her shoulders, and the two cried.

Tears, wet half of the placket.

"At that time, I was unmarried and you were unmarried. After all, I failed you."

"In this life, I will make you a world-class wedding."

No one saw Lin Lang's fist hidden in his sleeve clenched quietly.

Lu Chunfeng saw the atmosphere chill, and continued to intervene to warm up the scene next to the scene, and the scene recovered again.

As for Chen Jianwu's heart, he wondered, where did he provoke the boy, how could he become hostile as soon as he came up.

Although I do n’t quite understand it, Chen Jianwu is not that kind of cheap person. He does n’t care for him. He is too lazy to take care of you.


Soon after, with the two martial arts interfering with each other, the atmosphere finally returned to normal.

Chen Miaoyu was right next to Chen Fangyin, and she naturally noticed Chen Fangyin's anomaly. After seizing the opportunity, she brought up the matter again.

"Brother, I look at your expression, do you know this kid?" Chen Miaoyu asked.

This child naturally refers to Lin Lang, because Lin Lang looks young, so he is naturally regarded as a child.

Chen Fangyin was so smirked that there was still a time when a martial arts master was called a child.

"Sister, please be serious, don't yell at children, but they are masters."

"He is the young master I said." Chen Fangyin whispered after Chen Miaoyu.

"What? He is?"

As soon as Chen Miaoyu's eyes lighted, his little temperament came up again, and he broke away from Chen Fangyin and ran to Lin Lang's side.

Chen Fangyin wanted to stop, but it was too late.

"Children, I heard that you are also a warrior, or will we compare the two with each other?" Chen Miaoyu raised his fist and said he was not convinced.

Lin Lang lifted his eyes slightly, and at the first sight of Chen Miaoyu, his face eased slightly.

It seems that there are quite a few acquaintances today.

This Miaochen Chen is Miaoxuan Chen's sister. When the two were not getting better, they were upset by the little girl and gave Lin Lang a little look, but when the two really talked about their male and female friends, don't say it, it turned out to be abnormal. Yes, they were spies.

It can be said that without the trouble and help of the little witch at first, I am afraid that the private affair of the two will not hide Chen Jianwu for so long.

"Since the little witch is here, will Miao Xuan ..."

Lin Lang looked a little disappointed after looking around in the crowd. His favorite is not here.

"Hey, kid, let me talk to you." Chen Miaoyu was a little impatient.

"Huh?" Lin Lang frowned.

"You aren't listening at all ..." Chen Miao sighed angrily, "I'm telling you, when the martial arts conference is over, let's compare the two."

Chen Fangyin's scalp that was looking over there was almost exploding. When he was in Yunwu Mountain, Deng Ai said a few words of offense and was thrown down by the guy. The master is still like this. Where is your child?

A child screamed, and still vainly challenged ... Can this devil be tolerant?

Chen Fangyin's face was frightened, and she was going to ask her sister for a favor.

At this time Lin Lang's brow suddenly loosened, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to challenge then." Lin Lang smiled.


Chen Fangyin was relieved. Fortunately, the master did not care about you as a little girl.

But without a breath, Chen Fangyin's eyes rose again, and he took a nap.

Because he saw that Chen Miaoyu was talking, but his sister suddenly punched and hit Lin Lang's chest.

Unexpectedly, Chen Miaoyu's sneak attack was steadily intercepted, and a pair of slender fingers wrapped her Xiuquan completely.

"Do you want to attack me?" Lin Lang looked at Chen Miao.

Chen Fangyin again mentioned his throat.

"No, I'll try to make you strong."

Chen Miaoyu laughed, maybe she didn't know that someone behind her had been surprised by her.

"This time, I'll be real next time."

Lin Lang glanced lightly, but his heart was funny. The little witch really hasn't changed at all. Instead, he offended him by throwing him down the mountain.

But against this little witch, he really didn't have such a big temper.

Only Chen Fangyin had a black face on his face, and 10,000 in his heart didn't understand. That offense would kill all the warriors in Yunwu Mountain, the demon king ... When did you speak so well?

Could this be the one thing in the legend?

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