Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 172: Never think through

So far, three or four warriors have been defeated by Lin Lang.

These people are not inferior in strength, but their opponents have too much actual combat experience.

Obviously Lin Lang attacked from the left, you should defend from the left, but Lin Lang's attack appeared on the right.

If it weren't for the group with particularly rich actual combat experience and very good merits, no one could hold back a few tricks.

But this time, Lin Lang's opponent is a Bai Jiawu warrior, and his strength is about the peak of the warrior.

He was sent to test Lin Lang's strength, in a nutshell, the role of cannon fodder.

In the thinking of the Bai family lord, Lin Lang had several battles in a row, and the consumption in his body must not be light.

At this time, the Bai family can take advantage of this, and a top-level warrior who knows the roots can go up and explore the truth, and finally the master of the half step ends and gives the opponent a thunderous strike.

Take your life while you are sick!

This is the strategy formulated by Bai Jiazhu.

This person also knows the intention of the homeowner, so he will not go to the warm field at all.


The Bai family's boxing methods were born from Fanziquan. It can be traced back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. It spread widely in the pre-Qing dynasty.

However, Baijiaquan's law is more arrogant than Eagle Claw.

Fanziquan pays attention to straight fists, and the same is true of the Bai family. I saw that the Bai family martial artist stood up and saw no bends in his knees, and his fists struck straight forward.

Obviously he is still standing still, but it feels like a wild bison rushing through, breaking through the defense of Lin Lang's whole body, as if in no one's realm.

This fist is so fast that it almost scares the faces of many veteran peak warriors.

They asked themselves, with such speed and strength, they were also insecure. Once the defense is broken, killing chickens and slaughtering dogs is common, which is the hegemony of Baijiaquan.

"What Bai Jiaquan is all about is its rapid force and hard attack, and as long as it is broken, it will basically be defeated."

Bai Jiazhu's heart is very self-confident. The reason why Bai Jia's ability overwhelms many families can be said to be inseparable from the set of boxing methods uploaded by his ancestors.


Lu Chunfeng also felt a sweat for Lin Lang. Although Lin Lang showed a master-like method, after all, it was a technique similar to that of a master practitioner, and it was different from martial arts.

Even the Master of the Dharma Master did not dare to be arrogant enough to let the martial arts get closer, even the most ordinary one.

At this point to say that still calm, only Lu Huowu and Chen Fangyin.

The wind blows, and the hair is flying.

Lin Lang's face was calm, and he didn't seem to feel the oncoming fist at all.

The fist was close to his forehead, and maybe the next moment, he would be beaten out.

Just then, something strange happened.

The fist that was about to fall on Lin Lang's head, at this time, turned abruptly, avoiding Lin Lang's head, and actively found his fists to touch.

The scene looks weird, as if Bai Jiawu was deliberately keeping his hand, and could not bear to attack Lin Lang's key points.

At the same time, Lin Lang lifted up with one hand, and the speed was actually a few points faster than Bai Jiawu. When he was about to hit, he broke his fist.

His speed was too fast. Not only did he isolate Bai Jiawu's attack, but he also had the strength to fight back. His body just hit his chest.

I saw the Bai Jiawu spit out blood like a kite with a broken line, and flew backwards.

Bai Jiawu deliberately kept his hand, Lin Lang won, all this happened between the electric light and flint.

"Win, Mr. Lin wins!"

Everyone in the Lu family cheered and excitedly hugged together to celebrate another victory together.

The Baijia people gathered together, but they were all hazy.

"What the **** is going on?" Bai's pupil narrowed.

Maybe only his level of warriors can roughly see some clues.

Bai Jiawu is definitely not deliberately keeping his hands, nor is it a coincidence.

In a sense, it seems that Lin Lang actively opened the defensive door and attracted the king.

"Is it because of martial arts?" Bai Jiazhu secretly guessed.

Because from the beginning to the end, Lin Langduo won by skill and did not show too much strength, which will inevitably make him associate with martial arts.

"What's wrong with the owner?" Bai Jiawu said inexplicably.

The insider watched the door, the layman watched it lively, and Bai's own strength was good. He could see some clues, but it was completely impossible to change others.

"It's okay." The white master shook his head. "Change to another person and touch his bottom."


After going through several battles, Lin Lang encountered Bai Jiawu again.

But compared to the previous Bai Jiawu, this person's cultivation is not known to be higher than the number, which is already a half-step master's cultivation.

At the moment when this person appeared, there was a sudden chilling sound around him.

"Bai Yushi, still trapped at the peak of the warrior three years ago, he has even reached half-step strength."

What is even more frightening is the strength of the Bai family. Counting the Bai family owner, Bai Yutang and others, the Bai family has stepped out of five or six and a half step masters.

Five or six and a half step masters, what does this mean?

Every semi-stepping powerhouse is a guru's substitute. As long as they can pass that last hurdle, to what extent will the strength of the Bai family swell?

Today, a double master of the Bai family has the faintness of the world's first Xiu Wu family, not to mention adding a few more masters.

"How many years did the Bai family rise, and it only has a hundred years of history, and now it has reached such a level."

Most of the warriors were shocked.

The Bai family is really terrifying!

Two or more transcendental masters and five or more semi-transient transcendental masters are enough to make them proudly alive.

The faces of Lu Chunfeng and Chen Jianwu are not very good. Because of their situation in Chuanshu, they naturally do not want to see the Bai family.

If they are allowed to continue developing this way, I am afraid that they will no longer be able to cure them after a few years.

"Bai Jiazhu is really big-spirited, in order to rush through the eighty-five level, he even sent a half-step master to play." Lu Chunfeng said shamelessly.

Bai Jiazhu glanced at him at an angle, and then said: "At this time, you still have to worry about the other two levels of the Lu family, so that even the peak of the warrior can easily pass through."

The two and a half step masters of the Lu family were damaged here. Except for Lin Lang, the rest were all weak warriors, unable to pick up the beam at all.

This is exactly the embarrassment of the Lu family.

"Don't be too happy, as long as Mr. Lin is here, your Bai family will not pass the eighty-five level."

Lu Chunfeng refused to be outdone and countered.

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