Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 185: Lin Youye, come out to die!

As soon as Bai Mu's life was out of school, the form on the court changed dramatically. Lin Lang, who was originally able to share the same color with Bai Mu, was already trapped firmly at this time and could not advance.

"In the original attempt to create the Ning Han Waterfall, Bai Mu spent nearly ten years enlightenment, and even visited the yin and yang home several times, and finally sought the guidance of the yin and yang Taoists."

"This trick is so profound and powerful. Except for so few people in the world, few people can break free." Master Deng knew a little bit about it.

Those who are referring to the old hidden monsters of Huaxia, they are dedicated to martial arts and seeking to break through the divine realm, and they will hardly show up on weekdays.

In other words, as soon as the Ninghan Waterfall came out, it was invincible.

Few people unexpectedly, a icy waterfall cascaded down and immediately turned into layers of prisons. The icicles were firmly linked, completely restraining Lin Lang.

"So far, it's your glory to fight me till now."

Bai Mu uttered indifferently, a chill surged above his fists, and suddenly blasted forward.

The punch was so powerful that it seemed to be a thousand feet of rapids crashing into the rocks, with a rumbling impact.

This is because the fist rubs against the air to generate energy.

In the air, several winds were rolled up and straight into the clouds, but wherever the wind passed, the ground turned into powder.

It can be seen how much power Bai Mu used in this punch. Even if it is not in martial arts, you must see that this is almost the full force of Bai Mu.

Bai Mu's Xiuwei is already the top in the world, and how powerful is his full blow?

"He's finished."

Many people's gazes towards Lin Lang have brought pity.

Had Lin Lang been able to dodge or counterattack, it would have been better, but now he can only be passively beaten. When he encounters Bai Mu's full blow, how can he retreat completely.

In other people, Yu Weizhen was estimated to have become a meat sauce before his fist fell.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Bai Mu's body fell suddenly.

The entire Wanfoding trembled with smoke and dust, scattered with numerous pieces of ice.

After a long while, wait until these objects obscuring the vision are slightly dispersed.

Bai Mu's pupils shrank.

Xu Zhan opened his eyes wide, his eyes were full of incredible.

The master bitter student even grinned and shook his dislocated arms until he completely choked.

I saw that in the very center of Wanfoding, a figure stood indifferently, and the dust around him was lingering. He did not cause half a dust.

"This ... is ... how is that possible ?!"

Wanfoding boiled completely, the hustle and bustle of the sky seemed to break the sky.

Countless incredible eyes fell on Lin Lang.

"What exactly is this for?"

Bai Mu shouted in horror. He never expected that his blow could not break Lin Lang's defense.

This is simply beyond his knowledge!

The top of the world, but can't shake the half-step of this young man of unknown origin, what is the gap between the two to create this?

"I said, you can't help me with this attack."

Lin Lang photographed with a fluttering palm, and Bai Mu didn't seem to be able to recover from the previous shock. It was just a subconscious fist-fighting confrontation, but an indescribable force was ushered in, and he was shot and flew out.

And this is just the beginning.

At first Lin Lang was able to slay the Grandmaster by practicing gas cultivation. Now after such a long period of consolidation, he has basically settled on the cultivation of the foundation period.

It is not difficult to deal with an imperfect ethics and the practice of impure metaphase.

"Lin Youye, you bullied me too much, really when I can't help you!"

At this time, Bai Mu also reacted, knowing that it was not the time to be a bachelor, and with a fist punch, he kept yelling.

He also hit the real fire, angered and rushed to the crown, and showed his ability to the fullest. With each blow of his punch, there was a stream of rapids passing by his side, constantly disturbing the opponent's landing point.

Compared to the previous Ninghan Waterfall, Bai Mu's attack at this time also carried the shadow of Ninghan Waterfall.

This is the true look of the Ning Han Waterfall, but it is not just the prisoner who has just been shocked. Originally, Bai Mu only wanted to use it as a second hand, and never used it to outsiders.

"It seems you still don't know what you are doing now."

Lin Lang's fist is simple and simple, and his offensive and defensive momentum is extremely round. Every time his fist falls, there is no flaw in his body. Bai Mu's attack fell on him. Passing through the aura shield has reduced most of his power. Those who really fell on him can completely resist the physical body.

Bai Mu was extremely arrogant and his attack was endless, forcing him to fight and retreat.

The two attacked and defended with full force, from top of Wanfo to the wide platform below.

Everyone followed, carefully keeping a proper distance from the two. Just now, a brave warrior approached the two, but was unfortunately wiped out by the aftermath, and he was completely ruined, and even his life was almost explained here.

Since then, the two men's distance of more than ten meters has been listed as a restricted area by various spectators.

"Baijiaquan is a bit of a mystery, but the flaw in the left shoulder is a fatal flaw in the whole set of boxing. Even the weakest guru can pinpoint the acupoint, which can easily kill you with this.

Lin Lang fainted, and then pointed out to Bai Mu's shoulder.

"How can you know?"

Bai Mu's complexion finally changed, and she became iron and blue, and the fluke in her heart was poured out by a basin of cold water.

Lin Lang was able to resist his blow with the flesh before, although he was not so shocked, after all, he still has many moves available, and it may have a chance to win if he slowly consumes it.

Even after being attacked by Lin Lang, he can take care of himself and be attacked by his opponent.

But now, with Lin Lang's word falling, his confidence to fight is completely defeated. The flaw of Baijiaquan is undoubtedly an easy shortcut for an opponent with similar strength.

This kind of defect is so large that it can be ignored by others.

This kind of defect is also very small, so small that he can't find clues.

Unfortunately, he encountered Lin Lang, who has the strongest Xianjia martial arts skills and read countless martial arts skills.

"I said that there would not be such a perfect martial art in the world. It turned out that Baijiaquan also had fatal flaws. If I knew that, how could I be defeated by Bai Mu's men." Xu Zhan suddenly realized.

In every possible way, in the end, he can only turn into an idea, or my vision is still shallow!

At this time, the aura shot by Lin Lang's fingertips was already close to Bai Mu's shoulder, silently and silently injected into his shoulder well. From the outside, nothing terrible happened, but Bai Mu's inside changed dramatically.

Only a small amount of spiritual power was mixed in, which completely disrupted the dark energy of Bai Mu's whole body, and he was completely invisible.

Bai Mu, who was hit in the acupuncture point, is like being settled by a point acupoint master in a TV series. He can't move.

At this time, Lin Lang's attack came again, and a whip kick was kicked, kicking him directly into the sky.

Lin Lang blinked forward, his feet shrinking into inches. The speed was faster than Bai Mu who was hit in the air. He had already leapt up, stepped in a vacuum, and flew over Bai Mu in three steps, kicking him fiercely.


A loud noise came out, Lin Lang tipped to the ground and landed steadily.

In front of him, it was a human-shaped pit nearly half a meter deep, in which a figure in tattered white clothes, facing the ground, seemed to be buried alive.

"Bai Mu lost!"

"Senior Bai Mu, shouldn't he be dead?"

Everyone twitched at the corners of their mouths. Who could have thought that Bai Mu, who had been competing in the Huaxia martial arts world for decades, would rarely be beaten like this today.


Bai Ting's heart trembled for a while, he was really a little panicked, for fear that his own pillar would be so deadly.

"Come up, I know you are not dead."

Lin Lang whispered softly, and his cuffs swayed to blow away the nearby dust.

Sure enough, in the deep pit of the human shape, there was a scream of earth-moving sound, and there was a coughing sound of heartbreaking.

Bai Mu deserves to be the master of transmigration. Even after being hit in this way, he still hasn't been easily suspended.

He struggled to stand up and crawled out of the soil.

At this time, Lin Lang gently walked in front of Bai Mu, then crouched slowly in Bai Mu's gaze.

"I'll ask you, do you take it?" Lin Lang grinned out a neat row of white teeth and looked at Bai Mu with interest.

"Yes, I do!"

Bai Mulian waved his hands again and again, his head bowed, but there was a hint of venom in his eyes.

Temporarily lowering your head is nothing difficult for an unforgettable person. He firmly believes that as long as he survives this crisis, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future.

He has a lot of money and connections, and a big white family. As long as he is in peace, he can ask one or two old monsters to help.

I don't believe that when several senior masters join forces, they won't be able to clean up his junior boy.

As soon as this thought passed, Bai Mu's lips began to squirm.

"Mr. Talent, Baim is ashamed."

"After today, the martial arts conference should take Mr. Lin as the best."

Bai Mu bowed his knees and took the cowardly posture of the loser. Lin Lang's age he saw in his eyes, I believe that with these words, even those who are proud will let him go.

To be so touted by a martial arts fighter, whoever is to be fluttered.

But Lin Lang looked at Bai Mu with a smile, and said softly: "I don't want to eat your set, how can you expect it, I will let you go."

Bai Mu's face changed, and a heart fell like a trough.

At this moment, a loud noise was heard under the top of Wanfo, and countless warriors thoroughly boiled it.

An old voice penetrated the cliffs of Baizhang from far to near.

"Lin Youye, come out to die!"

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