Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 203: How can you do it?

In the Sichuan University laboratory, there is a lot of noise, and there are men and women of all ages. Of course, the vast majority are still the old scholars with pale and gray hair.

But they have one thing in common: they all wear white coats.

"Well, Professor Xue, I didn't expect to be able to meet your old man here too. There is no reason to meet each other."

When Song Tingqing saw the old man with glasses standing in the center, he immediately flung off his long round legs and walked up to a chill.

Her voice is very pleasing, it sounds as crisp as Huang Huang, and her figure is very material, especially in short leather pants, it adds a wild charm.

Although she is over thirty years old, there are no traces of years on her face, and her maintenance is similar to that of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

Undoubtedly, such women go wherever they go.

"It's Xiaoqing, you're here too, and you should get your doctorate in time," Professor Xue responded with a smile.

The two just had a chat with each other, but most of the content they talked about was about recent bionews.

These two are **** big beauties, and the other is Taishan Beidou in Huaxia Biotechnology. The two of them stand together naturally to become the center of the crowd.

Others also came together to insert a sentence from time to time.

"Everyone is here in response to the call of the National Biotechnology Document. Introduce yourself. My name is Wei Dawei, a recent graduate of Huaxia Medical University."

"Meet you seniors."

A tall and thin young man came forward and politely introduced himself.

Undoubtedly, in the presence of the big man in the field, such a move added a lot of points to himself. In fact, he was indeed not proud. Although he stepped out of the best medical sacred place in Huaxia, it was really nothing in front of these people.

One of these people came out casually, and it is estimated that they can go to Huaxia Medical University as a professor.

"Wei Dawei? Where do I seem to have heard of you?"

Song Tingqing thought for a moment, and finally remembered something.

"You should be the member of the Kyoto Biological Exchange Group. I have heard of you. The leader of your team often mentioned to me that your future in scientific research is limitless, and you are more often regarded as the medical profession Where is the new star? "

Song Tingqing giggled, and said something more intimate.

"Ashamed to say, I have the honor to work with you this time, and I also trust the team leader's strong recommendation." Wei Dawei shook his head.

Is he ashamed? Not at all!

Huaxia graduates more than 800,000 medical students each year, and only 20 of them have the opportunity to enter the Kyoto Biological Exchange Group. Of these 20 people, only he is qualified to communicate with the old leaders in front of him.

Although he showed respect and humility, he was already proud of heaven, and only Huaxia was able to achieve such achievements at a young age.

"Dare to ask who is the team leader here? I have a letter of introduction from Team Leader D." Wei Dawei asked.


Everyone looked at each other, and when they saw that they were all acquaintances, they didn't see any handsome team leader.

"The leader of our research team should be Lin, who doesn't know who it is. There shouldn't be any professor named Lin in our circle." A middle-aged man with glasses said.

"That's not what I got. As far as I know, our forest leader should be young, only 17 or 18 years old."

"I don't know what to think above, even let a fledgling kid be the leader of the research team." Some people began to complain.

"What? Only seventeen or eighteen? Let's go."

Most of the people who can stand here are some of the most well-known names in the Chinese biomedical world, all of whom are proud and proud.

Although they are also contributing to the country, who cares about their positions and is willing to be driven by others.

"Forget it, the intellectuals above can't be arrogant, just don't know how much dry goods there is in this boy's belly." Song Tingqing shook his head.

"Huh, I think someone must have written an article above, we guys are no better than a little savvy kid."

"Even if the team leader is Professor Xue, I am 100 persuaded to let a yellow-haired boy lead me, and I might as well just leave it now."

Someone said coldly.

Who is Professor Xue? People have participated in scientific research activities organized by the state many times. Even in foreign professional journals, they have published numerous papers, which is too much to call old hard work.

Such a knowledgeable and qualified senior can only condescend to be a member of the team, and it is no wonder that some people suspect that there is a black box operation.

"Go? You can try. The plainclothes special policemen outside are not eating dry food. You have to be arrested without taking a few steps."

Middle-aged man with glasses is sour.

Although it is voluntary to enter the research team, in order to prevent secret leakage, the personal freedom of these people must be restricted before the research results are tinkered out.

"Then I will stay here to see what qualifications of the surname Lin are qualified to be the team leader. If it is a Western product, I will have to reflect this life even after I have worked this old life."

"I agree, we can't be led by a kid who doesn't know anything, which delays the research progress."

The crowd began to tussle with the enemy. Before Lin Lang arrived, the group gathered together, thinking about how to embarrass him.

After about two or three minutes, the laboratory door was pushed open again.

From the outside came a pure beauty, beside him was a bland teenager.

It was An Qi and Lin Lang.

"How could it be him!"

After Wei Dawei saw Lin Lang again, his eyes suddenly freeze, and his head has begun to tremble.

Why is it him? Wherever I can see this enemy.

Wei Dawei simply wanted to cry without tears. At the time of the medical communication conference, he had a relationship with Lin Lang. Not only did he not show off, but Su Shilan, who was young and beautiful, was also abducted.

Later, Lin Lang's blockbuster hit him decently. He began to swear secretly that he must fight back in his lifetime, and by the way, **** it back to his 'girlfriend', but seeing the current situation ...

He struggled to come in as a team member, but he turned into a team leader and did not bring such a blow.

"After all, the biological world is different from the medical profession. At that time, traditional Chinese medicine appeared at the medical practice exchange conference."

"And biotechnology involves countless complicated knowledge, and it also contains modern technology crystals. I don't believe he knows more than us."

Thinking of this, Wei Dawei found a little self-confidence in his heart. After all, this is his area of ​​expertise.

"Miss Angel."

Professor Xue stepped forward to say hello, he had seen An Qi before.

"Professor Xue, let everyone wait a long time."

An Qi smiled and smiled, her eyes glanced in front of everyone.

"Introduce you, this is the leader of our science and technology team, Lin Youye."

There was a commotion while the voice fell.

"Sure enough, there was an unknown soldier sent above." Song Tingqing was a little disappointed.

"Ms. An Qi, we have also seen it a few times. I know your character, so the next words may not be listened to, and it will offend a few words." Professor Xue slightly stunned, Xu Xu said.

"I only want to ask Xue, this boy is so big. How can He De come here to lead us?"

Professor Xue's finger Lin Lang, countless questions were written on his face.

The others were almost the same, all staring at Lin Lang with suspicion and doubt.

"Mr. Lin, you need to prove the next thing."

An Qi smiled playfully, backed out of a position, and gave Lin Lang a head start.

"I don't need to prove anything to you. You just need to know that all the formulary equipment here is provided by me. You are only responsible for doing what I say."

"That's it." Lin Lang said lightly.

In fact, he really doesn't need these people to help him. If you think about it, these people will probably be high-end labor.

What he wants to give the country is not Dan Fang or the formula of the Holy Spirit. Even if he can give these things, it is estimated that they cannot be produced on the last star of the earth, or that it cannot be mass-produced.

So in the beginning he didn't plan to devote his energy to this.

He showed these people the best technology.

Among the many stars in the universe, the stars that truly have a complete cultivation method are just part of it, and the other part is affected by many factors such as climate resources, which is another way to create countless ways to improve their ability.

In general, the earth is more inclined to a science and technology planet, and there are also many stars in the universe that are more developed than earth science and technology. The biggest research result of them is not spacecraft missiles, but potions used to enhance their own strength.

Drinking this potion is equivalent to the warrior's penance for several years, and it is equivalent to the enhanced version of Reiki. What he wants to provide is this vital fluid.

This is also the most effective method for mass production on the planet. Taking it out alone is enough to improve the technological level of the planet for decades or even hundreds of years.

It was just that Lin Lang's words were heard in the ears of these old intellectuals.

"What do you mean? According to what you mean, those of us are in your eyes cheap labor!"

"Will I speak? I won't do it anymore. Please study another expert for this study."

The team members fry instantly.

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet." Professor Xue stretched out his palm and made a few gestures in the air.

With his respected old predecessor talking, everyone would not shut up without giving face.

"Boy, I want to ask you what you can say?"

Professor Xue was holding his hands when he said this, apparently he was not irritated.

"Boy, have you studied the origin of species?"

Professor Xue asked coldly.


Lin Lang shook his head.

"Have you ever read the history of disease graphics?" Professor Xue spoke very fast and intimidating.

"No," Lin Lang still shook his head.

Professor Xue frowned. He had wanted to find some knowledge points from these biological masterpieces to argue with each other, but he didn't expect the kid to admit it so simply.

"What about Dr. Matt Ridley's work is innate?" Professor Xue asked again.

"Still not." Lin Lang sighed softly.

"You haven't even read these biological works, so why did you instruct us? What can we do with an ignorant junior like you!"

Professor Xue's words are sharp, and the key point is one of the key words, which makes people stunned.

Instead, face a smaller face, it is estimated that he will directly hide his face.

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