Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 209: You don't deserve her!

Bai Zhiming looked at all this silently, and his eyes were also not calm.

"This is the second time for you. If I put up with it again, others will probably think that I am very bullied." Bai Zhiyi's heart grew cold.

However, his performance is not as bad as Ye Feng's, at least in terms of the city government, he doesn't want others to easily figure out his ideas.


After the welcome party ended, Ye Feng left with hate.

"Boss Ye ..."

The skinny youth stopped talking.

"Needless to say, I understand." Ye Feng pressed the other's face, stopping the other's mouth.

"So ... should I ask some friends to help you out?" The skinny young man asked tentatively.

"No need." Ye Feng waved his hand and thought for a moment, a flash of yin in his eyes.

"I'll call a friend of the Discipline Inspection Department to ask the situation before I say."

Not much time, Ye Feng put down the phone, although his face was cold, but it has been much relieved compared to just now.

"I was looking for a friend to mess with you, but depending on your absenteeism, firing you ten times is enough."

"I won't let you fall into disrepute this time, or drive you out of school completely, I swear I won't be a human!"

Ye Feng secretly ruthlessly.


At this time, Lin Lang was about to say goodbye to the three roommates and return to the lab.

In the bright moonlight, a gentle figure stood in front of him.

"Brother Lin, right, can you take a step to speak."

Bai Zhizhen reached out and blocked Lin Lang's way.

Liu Xiaochuan froze and didn't understand why Bai Dasha suddenly found Lin Lang.

In his impression, there should be no intersection between the two men, one above the other.

"Oops, trouble! Not because of Chen Miaoxuan!"

Liu Xiaochuan secretly troubles, I hope Lin Lang can explain, and try not to conflict with this young man.


Lin Lang didn't have many accidents. With Bai Zhizheng's character, I was afraid that Chen Miaoxuan had already been regarded as something in his bag. It would be strange if he did not come to him.

In the direction invited by Bai Zhixuan, the two slowly walked into the shadows of the corner.

"You should know why I'm looking for you."

Bai Zhiquan fainted.

He was carrying his hands, and the moonlight was falling, just shining on his side, making him appear more dusty.

Lin Lang hid in the shadows and could not see any expression.

"Of course I know, it's for Miao Xuan." Lin Lang said slowly.

"You don't deserve her."

Bai Zhiquan suddenly interrupted Lin Lang.

"Oh? Is that really the case?" Lin Lang was surprised.

"Miao Xuan has never taken the initiative to indicate her identity at school, but I think you have heard her rumors. She is the daughter of Tian Jiahao who grew up in the spoon."

"On wealth, the Chen family can be a hero, and on the network, the Chen family has been up and down for nearly a hundred years. No matter whether it is a shopping mall or an officialdom, everyone has control of the overall situation. In the future, whether she is in business or politics, the Chen family has paved the way for her early . "

"Even if she does nothing, she has nothing to worry about."

"And you're just a poor kid from another province. You can't find a flash of light on it, so I say you don't deserve him."

Bai Zhixun turned calmly and sat down on the stone bench, seemingly ready to push his knees to talk.

"How do you know, I don't have what you said." Lin Lang smiled.

"I took a step back and said that my father had the good fortune to meet him a few times. It was a very harsh person. No matter from the perspective of his life or education, he would never agree with you both."

"Of course, I said that the premise of Miao Xuan can see you."

Bai Zhihuan spoke slowly, without any threatening meaning or bragging about how powerful he was, but the pressure on people was invisible.

"That's easy, I'll just grab it."

Lin Lang said very seriously.

Bai Zhi froze.

Immediately smiled.

"Sure enough, it is not difficult to communicate at the same level."

Bai Zhisong felt that it was redundant to come to Lin Lang this time.


What do you grab?

Even if it was Chen Miaoxuan's old servant who picked up Shu Shu Li every day, that was also a great master of the late warrior. It was difficult to hit others' clothing corners even if he was spared.

Bai Zhihuan shook his head and smiled. He didn't explain these things to Lin Lang. Even if he explained them, he probably couldn't understand them.

This is the insurmountable gap between different levels!

Bai Zhiyan sighed.

This is the end, there is no possibility of continuing between the two.

After shaking his head for a while, Bai Zhixuan's figure slowly disappeared from Lin Lang.


Seeing Bai Zhixuan leaving with a strange expression, Liu Xiaochuan hurried to Lin Lang.

It seems that there should be no discussion between the two, otherwise it would not.

"Lin Lang, are you two ... all right?"

Liu Xiaochuan asked with some concern.

"How could something be wrong? By borrowing a hundred of his courage, he wouldn't even think about me." Lin Lang smiled.

Liu Xiaochuan was speechless. This is a **** who is not afraid of heaven and earth. He doesn't put the teacher in his eyes. He is not even regarded by Bai Dasha now.

"Should he not know Bai Zhizheng's identity yet?"

Liu Xiaochuan suddenly thought of this possibility, wondering whether to give Bai Zhixuan's details to the other party.

"Bai Zhizheng his house ..." Liu Xiaochuan said.

"I know everything." Lin Lang nodded.

"Then you actively stimulate him." Liu Xiaochuan stunned.

"Whatever he can do, just use it, and I don't treat him as an opponent anyway."

Lin Lang said indifferently.

"You cow!"

Liu Xiaochuan thumbs up.


At the invitation of Liu Xiaochuan and the couple three and five times, Lin Lang finally did not refuse anymore, and followed them back to the bedroom.


William sent the second daughter of Sun Xiaohan safely away, and returned to the bedroom alone.

After washing, as soon as I heard that Bai Zhixun had a separate conversation with Lin Lang tonight, he immediately worried about him.

Silent for a while, Bai Zhisong finally spoke a word.

"I said the fourth child, shouldn't you really be interested in Chen Miaoxuan?"

Liu Xiaochuan also looked at them one after another. The two of them were not very clear whether Lin Lang wanted to compete with Bai Zhixuan or something else.

Lin Lang nodded.


William sighed.

"It is not discouraged to be a buddy. To be honest, you two are really inappropriate." Liu Xiaochuan also advised.

Lin Lang kept silent, no one knew what he was thinking.

"What's more, there is Bai Zhiying here. You can't imagine what kind of power is behind him. Even if my parents come in person, they don't look good enough in front of others."

"How can our little arms and calves be twisted, I'm not afraid of him, but if he really treats you hard, you won't feel good." William laughed at himself.

His parents were businessmen, and they had a few children, but they were far worse than Bai Zhizheng's back, not to mention the fact that they were still their place.

"But don't worry, if he dares to move you, I will not agree first." William patted Lin Lang's shoulder.

Lin Lang's heart warmed slightly, he knew it was not a scene.

In the past life, he really was nothing, just a trivial ordinary person. At that time, these roommates had been taking care of his life.

"I remember that when William graduated from business with his parents, he lost a lot of money, and then asked me to borrow money." Lin Lang thought about it.

In the past life, he really wanted to help, but he was so shy, he couldn't do anything with his savings. But this life is different, he will try to help these few roommates until they are stable.


Although these parties disagreed, they all thought that this matter was normal, and after the backstage was finished, they all dispersed.

But this matter is still spreading wildly, a storm is brewing on the campus of Sichuan University, and it is almost everyone's knowledge before the next morning.

"What, the three major campus flowers appeared at the same time yesterday?"

It was a pity that the students who did not attend the orientation party last night missed a good show.

Even if you can get closer, it's better than one.

"What, the three major schools spent on one person at the same time."

The news spread more and more evil. At the end, I didn't know it was the little clever ghost who did it. There was even a school flower that was raised by someone ...

However, most men show a little more anger and jealousy.

"What's so good about that kid, he's not even a buckle member. Why, find me a boyfriend, and I'll support you by stealing a battery car."

The sound of countless crying and rushing to the ground rang through the entire dormitory building, and it was noisy until the middle of the night.


At this time, Lin Lang had already left the bedroom and returned to the laboratory.

At this moment he was sitting cross-legged, and the medicine power hidden in his body was refined by him.

The energy contained in the millennium elixir is huge. When combined with other auxiliary medicines, the spiritual power possessed by a Zengyang Dan is enough to promote a peak of refining gas to the foundation of building.

At this moment, Lin Lang, after swallowing a Zengyang Dan, repaired it before he stopped at the peak of the foundation.

"Swallowing another Zengyang Dan should be enough for me to be promoted to the middle of the foundation."

Lin Lang said to himself.

Subsequently, another Zengyang Dan enters the abdomen, and the warming medicinal power immediately melts, flows to the limbs and five skeletons, and finally accumulates in a small area of ​​the Aura Ocean.

This speed is also slowly rising.

In the middle of foundation, it's not far!

Lin Lang was in the laboratory. Naturally, it was impossible to know that there were a large number of killers, mercenaries, and even foreign powers in Sichuan and Sichuan.

Even in a tall building not far from Chuanshu University.

At this moment, there were four or five men and women gathered in the room. The men looked fierce, and the women were **** and seductive. They were exposed and exposed, but the daggers on their thighs were great.

By the window, there was even a high-powered telescope erected around the campus.

At first glance, these people are not good people.

If the Huaxia police are here, then they must be able to call out their identities.

Snake Beauty, Xiao Fengxiao.

Silver Moon, Jasmine.

Sanda Li Junhan.

Sniper, cheetah.

And the boss they organized ... Nanting!

Especially in the last Nanting, he is the sixth on the China Arrest List. He has committed countless crimes, and even organized an assassination group called Black Shark in China.

Over the years, they have been in the dark, and they can't help but be neat and clean. Even their whereabouts are erratic, which has led to countless crimes. It can be regarded as quite bad name.

Several members of the Black Shark gathered in front of them.

"The black viper is dead."

Nanting whispered.

"how come?"

The cheetah's face changed slightly. Although the black viper had been wandering in Africa, but as a sniper, he could not understand the marksmanship of the black viper.

It was definitely a first-class player, and at most ten mistakes could only be made once. How could someone else have this life, but also earn enough money from Africa, and nostalgia.

"It's impossible. The black viper's marksmanship is not under me. How could he even miss him?" The cheetah asked in a deep voice.

"I went to the site and took a look, and this was the only thing I could find."

Nanting put a photo on the table.

"This is ..." Jasmine asked in confusion.

"Before the Black Viper battled, and there were struggling footprints," Nan Ting explained lightly.

"Uh ... I remember the black viper has good skills. The general special forces are not opponents, can you say ..."

The cheetah's face changed slightly.

"Yes, he met the warrior. It looks like he was in the late stage to the peak. The action target is a warrior. Our plan is expected to change.

"Do it or not ?!"

Nanting sought the opinions of several members.

"Of course I have to do it. For so many billions of bounties, it's a fool not to do it." Cheetah grinned. For the first time, she has seen such a high price.

He had made up his mind to wash his hands after finishing this order, and the reward he received afterwards was enough for his life.

"Dry up, we're not killing warriors."

Jasmine said indifferently. Anyway, this is not the first time they have attacked the warriors. Several people cooperated, but even the peak warriors have been killed.

"I agree."

The other two spoke.

"All right, let's discuss the plan now."

Nanting decided to make a decision and called a few people to discuss the countermeasures together.

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