Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 237: New Medicine King

"What? Supreme Master!"

Kevis snore every time he heard. The title of "King of God" is universal in the world. What is it? Corresponding to the extraordinary, it is the extraordinary who has broken the limit.

To that extent, it is not an exaggeration to be called a deity in ordinary eyes. Now he suddenly told him that the large mountain guarding team had nothing to do with the divine realm. They still had room to turn around?

Even Lin Lang's eyes were dignified. This big mountain guard really made him feel no small crisis. If it is not handled well, it is likely that the Hushan array will kill him here.

"Vientiane array, firepower is full!" Yao Wang sighed, and the spiritual charm condensed in the mountains for hundreds of years was madly drawn out at this moment, gathered into a mass of pure and huge power.


A spirit rhyme turned, and the iron cows covered with armour slammed all over.


A majestic blue-eyed white tiger jumped from the top of the mountain and made a tiger-like puff.

啾 —— 啾!

A huge eagle, the size of a car, double-held, the speed rose against the wind, and the sharp eagle claws grabbed behind Lin Lang.

A golden lion, a ten-foot python swimming around his body ... all-encompassing, this is a big array of Vientiane!

There are floods of beasts, each of them has the strength to reach the peak of the realm, and their number may be astonishing, there are as many as a dozen!

"To die, ah ah!"

Keavis didn't dare to grow up, and transformed directly into an oak tree, with thick branches sticking to the ground, protecting him in the center. Rao is so, the fierce impacts around him make him unbearable.

Lin Lang's feet danced at the foot of the night, constantly avoiding attacks again and again, but these fierce beasts are too dense. It may be a bit of a chance to deal with one alone, and so many ...

Even he felt powerless!


Tie Niu arched his two horns and knocked Lin Lang out. Lin Lang fell to the ground and bounced three or four times in a row to stabilize his figure.

The easiest way to break the Vientiane Matrix is ​​to break it by force, but now there are too many differences, then we must find another way!

"Every formation method will have a formation base, as long as this basis is found, this formation can be broken!"

Lin Lang's eyes were bright. Then he closed his eyes slowly, not waiting for death, but urging his eyes to realize the mystery of Vientiane.

At this moment, the claws of the eagle came in the sky, grabbing Lin Lang's flesh out of the blood. The iron cow ran over, Lin Lang was bombarded and flew out dozens of meters, breaking up a dozen floor tiles.

"It's a rude body." Yao Wang was moved.

As for Keavis over there, the Oak's flesh had been impacted, and his body was stained with his own blood.

"You bully me too much! I'm going to do some nirvana!"

Kevis growled, raised a hand and sprinkled a large seed, quickly ripening. Even the most cherished plant of his kind, the poison that could poison the pinnacle of the realm, was thrown out by him, and he was not willing to deal with Lin Lang at that time.

"This flower is called Shen Jin Luo, but whenever it is stained by it, the body will immediately turn into decay. Anyone, no exception!" Kevis continued to lift himself up.

Shen Jinluo blossomed quickly, and the gray flower and bone blossomed immediately under the maturity of the woody origin, and the flower stamen was mentioned backwards, and there was a heavy spit forward, and a deadly venom was shot towards the blue-eyed white tiger flung forward.

"Go to death, stupid tiger!" Kevis grimace.

next moment.

Kevis stayed asleep. Because the liquid containing the deadly toxin actually passed directly through the white tiger's body and landed on the ground, corroding a pot-sized pothole.

"Hahaha, the spirit beasts of the Vientiane array are transfigured virtual bodies, and it would be strange to feed them poison."

Disciples of Medicine Wang Zong laughed endlessly, and Kevis flushed.

As for Lin Lang, he was also besieged by nearly ten fierce birds, and his clothes were constantly stained with blood.

"If you persist for half a minute like this, Lin Youye will surely die without a burial place!"

Disciples around the medicine Wang Zong cheer for a while.

There was even a smile on Yao Wang's face, and he said, "This is my capital of Yao Wang Zongqiang, but there is no one who dares to invade. It is the peak master who fell into the Vientiane array and died with hatred. "

The medicine king was so happy in his heart that he thought of the traitor who had broken the medicine king's gate in the past, but unfortunately he was in retreat at the time and he couldn't kill him by himself. Otherwise, a random shock here can make Razer dead without burial place.

"The Thunder Snake slammed into my gate and was beheaded and killed by you. Now that you broke the gate and died in my hands, it ’s considered karma. Today I will let Vientiane personally slay you, let you know that Yao Wangzong is not your rising star at the end of the century Arrogant place. "Yao Wang's heart was cold.

Seeing nearly ten violent birds coming together, Lin Lang's pupils opened suddenly, and then his fingers gently moved to the void somewhere in front: "This array can be broken!"

Lin Lang stood on his back, and was not afraid of the beasts who attacked at the same time, without even a trace of resistance.

"Why, desperate to give up." Yaowang chuckled, raising his hand subconsciously to caress his jaw.

At this moment, the fierce beast that was only half a foot away from Lin Lang suddenly disappeared. It seemed that it had never appeared in the world. Not only that, but where these beasts had disappeared, a strong aura was emitted.

The fierce beasts were transformed by essence, and when they burst, they naturally returned to their original state.

The medicine king's action suddenly froze in place.

The cheers around stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the altar was torn apart, and all the good materials that had been minted in the altar collapsed and scattered on the ground.

The countless faces of Yao Zong were greatly changed. This was their last barrier to protect Yao Zong, but ... it was broken! Then there was an uproar. There are those who want to run, and there is a surge of blood, ready to fight to the end with the Zong Men.

The drug king was completely stunned, knowing that people around him rushed out one by one, preparing to do a desperate fight, and then he hit a spirit. Hurry up: "Give me back!"

One by one Wang Yaozong's disciples were unknown, so he stepped back slowly.

"Master, now Lin Youye is seriously injured, which is a good opportunity for us to completely eradicate him. And now he is healing, and it will be healed soon." An elder resigned.

"Without Vientiane, we can no longer help him."

Yaowang shook his head and repelled all objections.

The spirit beast collapsed, but the remaining aura was cheaper. Lang Lang immediately nourished his physical body, and on that traumatic body, new granules continued to grow.

After a long time, Lin Lang finally exhaled a stale air, staring at the king of medicine with a magnificent attitude: "Yaowang, did you count as before?"

"Of course! I am the king of medicine, but now Master Zong is the head of the army, and Master Zong is the new king of medicine. I immediately abdicated to give way."

Yaowang took a deep breath, and then worshipped in the direction of Lin Lang. Countless disciples Jing Cong bowed down to worship.

Looking away, it looks like a piece of wheat ears.

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