Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 243: First class

Principal Zheng's voice dropped, and the tone of the phone was obviously stagnant. After a short while, he slowly hung up the phone: "I see."

Principal Zheng took a deep breath, then his eyes fell on Chen Dao and the two.

The look of the two changed, and there was a chill. From the beginning to the end, Bai Shao didn't ask for a favor for the two of them. Obviously, they are useless abandoned children, so there is no need to take care of them.

"You two go out first, don't disturb Professor Lin's interest. I'll find you in this matter." President Zheng faintly said.

The two were lost for a while and then exited sadly. They know what is coming.

The two left, and President Zheng and others briefly drank a few drinks with Lin Lang, explaining what had just happened, and the relationship between them also got a lot.

At this end, the wine bureau ended, Lin Lang came out of the door, his spirits moved, and the alcohol in his body evaporated.


Counting the time, the time for elective courses is almost the same.

Waiting for Lin Lang's suit and leather shoes, he came to the classroom formally, and the rostrum was full of students. Because most elective courses require people to be present and don't need examinations to get the corresponding credits, the audience is basically full at this time.

Below was a whisper.

"This is Professor Lin who is giving us a lecture? Looks so young, almost as big as us."

"You don't know yet, this Professor Lin is a huge one. You haven't heard of that press conference the other day. It was this Mr. Lin who played at the time. Now his name is very loud abroad."

After sweeping through this group of energetic students, Lin Lang's mouth raised a smile unconsciously.

Because he found a special student off the stage, that is, Chen Miaoxuan.

Next to Chen Miaoxuan, Sun Xiaohan was also listed, but William was not accompanied by him today. Seeing Lin Lang standing on the podium completely, the two women's faces were mostly confused.

"Is he? He is still a professor of Sichuan University?" Chen Miaoxuan was very surprised.

"This is not the one ..." Sun Xiaohan's eyes brightened and he stuttered for a long time before he suddenly said, "I seem to have forgotten his name."

"Hi! Handsome guy!" Sun Xiaohan also waved to Lin Lang to make fun of him.

Lin Lang turned a blind eye, and Sun Xiaohan hummed angrily, gesturing with a grin at Lin Lang: "This guy dared to ignore me and will look good on him later!"

Chen Miaoxuan rolled her eyes: "You are a married woman, don't mess around with flowers, don't hook up with handsome guys."

"That's different. Of course, we girls must have autonomy. Why a man can have three wives and four wives, alas, he is not handsome at all, not my dish."

Sun Xiaohan glanced at Chen Miaoxuan, Tankou slightly opened, two Xiuquan slammed his cheeks, surprised: "Oh my god, would you put on a coat for you, just move our Miss Chen, you should Help stink men. "

Chen Miaoxuan's face was crimson, and she was furious: "I don't like him, your little girl is becoming more and more ridiculous, and even I dare to make fun of it, seeing that I won't tear your mouth."

Chen Miaoxuan wanted to tear up Sun Xiaohan's mouth and had to give up considering that she was still in the classroom. Sun Xiaohan was unhappy, and decided to spread his grievances on the culprit.

"Everyone listen carefully. This lesson today is likely to change the direction of your second half of life. If you can understand it, you will benefit a lot."

"In the future, half of the world's technology will be human, and the other half will be human superpowers. By then, there will be a big change in the world. If you are based on your age, you may have the opportunity to catch up.

"The so-called human mutation is the awakening of racial talent ..."

Lin Lang talked up and down.

The students listened to each other, didn't they say that the biology class is good, how can they talk about the future, can it be a bit more involved?

"I know, I know." Sun Xiaohan raised his hand high, then stood up.

"Professor Lin told us about Iron Man, Spider-Man, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation."

Sun Xiaohan proudly stood tall and greeted a burst of applause. Ordinary people may cause dissatisfaction when they make troubles in the classroom.

As for Sun Xiaohan, he was content with himself, and looked provocatively at Lin Lang.

"It turned out to be this little girl ..." Lin Lang was a little speechless. Although she was William's girlfriend, it was an old-fashioned little goblin. I really don't know what William used to get to this chick.

"I'm talking about future biotechnology, and it has nothing to do with Marvel Universe." Lin Lang gave the little girl an angry look.

"In the future, biotechnology is good. It is artificial intelligence. There is a refrigerator in my family that is artificial intelligence. Recently he also spoke. Professor Lin said whether you would cause a war between robots and humans in the future."

Sun Xiaohan spoke in a humorous way, saying that it was even more mysterious than Lin Lang.

Lin Lang is dumb, this chick is too good to talk about it.

"In the universe, there are more than 30 million stars with life alone, and the wisdom they have created is not the same. Some of them have gradually developed into science and technology planets in a long history. The other part is that humans go against the sky and do not rely on them. External forces, just seek themselves. "Lin Lang laughed.

It's not that he talks, but that the stars of the universe really have complete statistics. And with the appearance of the original solution of life, the probability of awakening of the martial arts supernatural on the earth will become higher and higher, as short as ten years, and as long as hundreds of years, it will be an inevitable step to develop the stars.

"You say that life exists on 30 million stars. How did Professor Lin know this? Is your eye stronger than astronomical telescopes?" Sun Xiaohan was surprised.

"What modern technology can't do, how can Professor Lin have such detailed information?"

This little goblin was sharp-minded and caught the loopholes in Lin Lang's words. She kept gazing at Lin Lang's face, hoping to see the latter look ashamed and angry, and fell off the table angrily.

But she couldn't find it, there was always Gujing on that face, and she couldn't see any anger. After a while, Lin Lang laughed softly.

"I naturally have a way to know, after a hundred years, you will know what I said is true." Lin Lang leisurely said.


There was a cry below, thinking that Lin Lang was arrogant, and Sun Xiaohan, as a representative, shook his spirits and launched an attack on Lin Lang again: "So you are prophesying, who can live a hundred years to test it, it ’s better than you on the spot Show us. Now that you have a way to know, there must be a way to convince us, right? "

Sun Xiaohan raised his neck, full of provocation, and obviously wanted to keep Lin Lang from coming to Taiwan. Even Chen Miaoxuan felt that it was a little too much, and even tugged on Sun Xiaohan's jacket. The chick is more stubborn than anyone else and resolutely does not sit down.

"Come on, Professor Lin also opened our eyes, after all, it's about our future."

As for those students who do n’t think it is a big deal, they are also coaxing, lest the world be chaotic. And Sun Xiaohan's influence is not small, almost a response.

A few people have a little sympathy for Lin Lang. As soon as he took the first class, he was so miserable by the little demon. How could he take the class without holding her back?

Countless eyes fell on Lin Lang's body.

Surprisingly, Lin Lang nodded gently and promised: "Okay."

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