Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 274: Tokyo Tower

"Nozawa Sword God, where is Sword God?"

Everyone looked at each other, and a kind of bad premonition loomed in their hearts.

"Sword God ... he's dead," the boy said astringently.

Nozawa Sword God is a symbol of the Japanese kingdom in the hearts of ordinary people, as if a godlike figure. In the mind of the swordsman, Nozawa Sword God is a well-deserved kendo leader. It is a symbol of invincibility. Comparable.

But at the moment, all expectations and hopes are shattered ...

Numerous sorrowful pains were mixed with the roar of hatred, and the scene was chaotic.

However, the anger in these people has not been fully vented. With a few creaks that sounded like the sound of steel rubbing against the glass, the tower of Tokyo Tower shook.

In the course of the battle between Nozawa Sword God and the two, the beam bracket of Tokyo Tower has been destroyed a few times. Later, the collision between the Shenjing sword move and the golden elephant fist will destroy the foundation.

The reason why Nozawa Sword God chose the battlefield here is because Tokyo Tower is the tallest building in the whole country of Japan. When he defeats his opponent here, he is truly standing on the top of Tokyo.

However, now the sword **** is falling, it is not him who stands on the top of Tokyo, but Lin Youye!

A breeze blew through, and the Tokyo Tower was crumbling, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

Tokyo Tower collapsed!

The tower symbolizing the highest dignity in the hearts of all Japanese people instantly collapsed into a pile of waste copper and rotten iron.

With a siren sounding in the distance, the Japanese police finally arrived late. Naturally, it is impossible for them to catch Lin Lang, and they are just trying to do something. After all, there is such a big movement, and the official ca n’t justify it if they do n’t express their opinions.

Between several flashes, Lin Lang disappeared without a trace among the crowd.

When things go, I hide my strength and name.


From this day on, Lin Youye seemed to disappear on earth, and no news of him was heard for a long time.

At this time, the world of the transcendental circle experienced another shock. A piece of news was uploaded on the dark list forum. Japan's first great master and the fourth strongest in the dark list were beheaded. Lin Youye successfully replaced Nozawa Sword God and ranked fourth.

Even in private, many people have once again improved Lin Youye's ranking by two, and tied for first with Zhao Zilong. Because even Zhao Zilong that year only defeated Nozawa Sword God, not directly killed.

The eyes of the transcendent people are focused on Japan, and they want to see how the Japanese government will react.

Unfortunately, to their disappointment, Lin Youye completely disappeared, and the Japanese government simply issued several wanted orders to hunt down the Chinese gangsters Yunyun who destroyed the Tokyo Tower, without substantial punishment.

After about two months.

At the water pond behind the Shirakawa family, the aura is like mist and tide, and it is rich to the extreme. It seems that if you reach out, you can hold the drops of aura. The two turquoise stones on the sides of the array drove the Juling array to run smoothly and plundered all the auras in the surrounding several miles.

Everything is proceeding step by step. The pond water is also calm and calm. However, at a certain moment, a small stone pours into the water surface. The entire pond instantly boils, and the surrounding aura moves quickly, forming a vortex to the center. Gush.

For a short while, the aura of Shirakawa was exhausted, and the vegetation within a few kilometers was showing some signs of bleakness.

A sharp momentum rushed to Yunxia.

Lin Lang stood up from the shore, and took all the terrible repairs into his body. He has successfully broken through to the late foundation period, and the repair in his body has more than doubled.

"If Ye Zejian is still alive at this time, I'm afraid he can't even stop me now." Lin Lang carefully realized the vigorous cultivation in his body, for a moment of grandeur.

"There is actually a narrow congenital realm between the foundation realm and the golden Dan realm. When the congenital realm is completely completed, that is the real Jindan monk."

Lin Lang thought secretly.

In order for monks to condense Jindan in their bodies, they must gradually compact the Aura Ocean, and this process is the process by which monks evolved from innate monks. Therefore, between the peak of building base and the realm of Jindan is also known as the innate realm.

Lin Lang is now in the later period of building foundation, not far from the peak of building foundation.

"The day after tomorrow's reversal of the congenital is a mighty project, no less time consuming than a great realm. When the congenital realm is completely completed, it will be the real monk and monk. The mountains are exhausted. "

Lin Lang said to himself, in a blink of an eye, he forgot all these miscellaneous ideas. If you want to enter the peak of building foundations, you need more resources. These resources can't be found anywhere.

Once upon a time, the magnificent You Yexian King had to worry about the cultivation resources. There is no way, on this star of the last law, naturally the family's abacus must be played.

"Yujing Jingyi, there are still a few places like Hachimangu." Lin Lang looked back at Yujin Jingyi.

"Back to the master, there are five holy places in Japan, in addition to Hachimangu Shrine, Kasuga Grand Shrine, Kiyomizu Temple in Otowa Mountain, Fushimi Inari Shrine, Meiji Jingu Shrine, and Yasaka Shrine.

"These incenses are flourishing in these five places. It is said that there are also shrines sitting in the town. A hundred years ago, there was a visit to the six major shrines by the powerful gods, but then ..." Yujin Jingyi Xiuyan said: A large battle at Inari Shrine resulted in the loss of the Inari statue. "

"God of Inari is that little fox." Lin Lang moved his mind and pulled out a photo of the golden light statue from his mobile phone.

"Fox is the messenger of Inari God. The deity of Inari God is ever-changing, male and female, and sometimes he is shown in the form of spider fox ..."

Yujin Jingyi said half, and glanced at the photo inadvertently, suddenly stunned.

"This is indeed an image of God of Inari, even God of Inari died in your hands?" Yujin Jingyi's eyelids jumped, and there are only six living gods in Japanese legend, and now two of them have died in Lin Lang. Out of hand.

"Which is the closest shrine to us?" Lin Lang said.

"Kasuga Grand Shrine, the journey takes no more than an hour."

"Then go to Kasuga Shrine first."

Lin Lang said softly.

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