Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 293: The most enlightened state of history

Even if the Japanese nation desperately hides this news, the news is still spreading wildly, and within half a day, it will spread internationally.

Within a short time, caused a huge shock!

The head of the Japanese nation was quite angry, not only because Lin Youye's move wiped out the face of the Japanese nation, but also worried about his safety.

Lin Youye could kill so many guard ministers in a row, and then one day he could kill him. Although he boasted countless masters around him, and even guarded by old monsters no less than Nozawa Sword God, but encountered Lin Youye, he still did not have enough self-confidence.

On this day, Lin Youye issued several wanted orders to dare to shelter Lin Youye for treason. On the list of wanted people, Shirakawa Sakura was listed. He even mobilized several self-defense forces, and heavily armed soldiers can be seen everywhere on the streets of Japan.

The ordinary people do not know what is going on for the time being, and they think that it is the murder madness to make chaos again, but the major families have learned through various channels that they ca n’t live all day.

At the same time, Japan's diplomacy attacked China, and the boss of magnesium stood behind him, demanding that he hand over Lin Youye to Japan for trial. Huaxia officials kicked the ball back to the civil strife in Japan, while playing Tai Chi, there was no clear reply for a long time.

At this point, Japan was helpless, indeed Lin Youye did too clean, there was no clear evidence to lock the suspect on his head. Moreover, the death of Lin Youye was confirmed a few days ago.

The only accomplice that can be identified is their own country.

Ignoring the game between these big powers, at this time Lin Lang had left Shirakawa Sakura and was preparing to fly to California, the magnesium country.

An unexpected call was made to Lin Lang's mobile phone.

It was Kevins who called.

"Mr. Lin, I haven't touched the location of the Dark Star headquarters yet, just ..."

"Just what?" Lin Lang frowned. Kevis had been sent to Magnesium before to find the location of Dark Star's headquarters.

The dark star fall is one of the five major forces in the world that are as famous as Hongmen. The position of the reward list is well known, but the dark star nest is not so easy to be known.

If as a killer, even the scope of activities is clear, then it is not far from destruction.

It is their killer. If it is not an S-class killer, or the spokesperson of a major country, the usual killer has no chance to touch the dense land of Dark Star.

"I didn't find the Darkstar headquarters, but ..." Kevis murmured, "I caught the killer king."

"Huh? Are you sure you've caught the killer king?" Lin Lang was a little surprised.

That was the King of Killers, the third in the dark list, and could even fight against the Yin Yang Taoists and Zhao Zilong, but Kevis could only be ranked seventh, stubborn and weak, and naturally knew at a glance.

The strength of the killer king is especially above Nozawa Sword God, and Nozawa Sword God has the ability to face three Keves at the same time. The gap is not humane either.

"This old boy is indeed the King of Killers, I am 100% sure." Kevis was extremely laid down: "I just discovered a bit of Dark Star's headquarters that day, and before I got closer, the King of Killers was taken from the house Thrown out. "

"Kevez, you fart, I was caught by you, I came to China to challenge Lin Youye."

There was a cursing voice over the phone.

"Then what happened to the rope on you, and where did your cultivation go ..."

"Fart, you deserve to catch me. If the old monster hadn't sealed my practice, I can slap you now with a slap." The noise on the phone was getting louder.


Lin Lang was also noisy for a long time, he listened carefully, and gradually guessed from the words of the two.

That day, Kevis had just figured out the location of Dark Star's headquarters, and the killer king over there was tied up, and even Xiu Xiu was sealed and fell right in front of Kevis. Then someone inside the room heard a voice: "Submit him to Lin Youye for disposal, and Dark Star and his relationship will be cancelled."

In this way, Kevis took the killer king back to China and waited for Lin Lang's return to deal with it.

So the question is, who is the one who does not even have the King of Killer's resistance under his hands, so that he is thrown out casually as a dead ghost?

The realm above the King of Killers ... then there is only the God Realm!

From the mouth of the killer king, I can hear the word "old monster" repeatedly. It is this "old monster" that sealed the killer king's cultivation and gave it to Lin Lang as a victim of peace.

"It is said that the founder of the Dark Star that year was not the King of Killers, but the King of Killers of the previous generation. The time was about 200 years ago, consistent with the time when Hongmen was founded. There have been several major battles and even spread to a few small countries around Canada. "

Kevis said a secret.

Hongmen was evolved from the world of Manqing in that year. Later, due to various changes, Yu Yin exiled overseas, and later gathered together to form this behemoth that can control the politics of many small countries.

"The Shou Yuan of the monks in the foundation period is about 150 years, and the innate strong is a little stronger, but it is only 200 years old." Lin Lang meditated secretly. The cultivation system on the earth is worse than the conventional cultivation system, and the Shouyuan of the Divine Power can reach 200 days and it is sky-high.

Therefore, this old monster should be the ancestor who created the Dark Star, a real **** of power. However, it should be Shou Yuan approaching, hiding in a dense place to linger, and unwilling to tear his face completely with Lin Lang, a strong man who can compete with the magnesium god.

If it does, even if Lin Lang can be killed, the final result will be the same.

"It's just such a counseling state, is it really good?"

Lin Lang laughed at all.

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