Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 319: Goodbye Chen Fangyin

Seeing this scene, there was a shudder behind everyone, and goosebumps appeared innumerable.

They stared forward one by one.

Suzaku took a special look. There were twelve people in the tomb, but there were a lot of them around, but there was a thirteenth in the corner.

Where did this person come from?

In the Special Operations Division, everyone is a character who has seen strong winds and waves, and Rao has witnessed countless strange anecdotes. But at this moment, everyone felt cold behind, and his neck was cold.

What is unknown is the source of fear.

Just then, the shadow in the darkness slowly stood up, moved the body hard, and walked forward in small steps.

"do not come!"

Everyone was close to the enemy, and one by one took the weapon in their hands with the fastest reaction speed. There were also a few, took out the firearms they carried, and pressed their muzzles forward.

"Woo, wow."

The shadowy hoarse voice sounded slowly, sounding like a tragedy, but the steps were still moving forward, and it was clear that there should be solid stone bricks at the feet, but at this time it was rustling.

"Stop, I'll shoot one more step forward!" A member of the team sang loudly.

Black Shadow paused, and seemed to understand what they meant.

The crowd was slightly relieved, but the guy on his hand didn't see the slightest relaxation, and the shadows stood on the spot. After all, underground is not a good place, and it is not a wise choice to shoot at will.

"What the **** is this?"

The crowd was waiting, and even the secret strength of Suzaku became surging.

"General Lin, shall we kill him first?" One asked.

"No. I'll see."

Lin Lang frowned, and Ye Gao was also daring, leaving everyone to go forward alone. The team members did not dare to relax in the slightest. Nearly ten black muzzle muzzled with Suzaku's heroes. Once something changed, they could blast forward at the fastest speed.

When Lin Lang walked to the position of seven or eight meters in front of the black shadow, his palm gently extended forward. And the palm of his hand was completely devoured by darkness, and even his own eyes could only see a black outline.

But he could clearly feel that there was no problem with his arms. It's just because the wall brick is special in material and refracts light, it does not hurt the arm at all.

"Sure enough, as I guess, the bricks and tiles are made of ten thousand blue rocks. They swallow up the surrounding light and moisture, so that the perfect burial ground can be built without the outside light penetrating here." Lin Lang shook his head.

Wan needle bluestone is a peculiar material. There are thousands of small holes in the stone. The holes contain light and moisture, just like a sponge absorbs water, but it is a hard stone.

"Purple flame eyes."

There was a hint of purple in Lin Lang's eyes.

Ziyan Shenyan claims to be able to see through all the illusory supernatural powers, and it is more appropriate to use them at this time. Under the observation of Ziyan God's eyes, the eyes were suddenly bright, and everything could not be shaped. The figure was completely clear in his eyes, and even the details of the face appeared in front of Lin Lang.

"How could it be him?"

Lin Lang frowned, then withdrew from the crowd, facing the dark shadow ahead, and said lightly, "Come here by yourself, I don't embarrass you."

"What are you?" Suzaku frowned. If it was under her command, it is estimated that this time it would go straight up and kill the shadow.

And the shadow also said slowly, slowly moving over.

Lu Huowu held a pistol in her hand, and her other hand was placed on a dagger next to her thigh, so nervous that some beads of sweat appeared.

The other team members are similar, each pulling the insurance and doing the standard shooting position.

It wasn't until the shadow was completely out of the dark corner that everyone could see clearly what the shadow was. It wasn't a monster, but a young man in modern clothes, except that his lips were dry and his cheeks were skinny.

The only recognizable thing is that this young man should look handsome in the past. And this person, Lin Langfei not only met, but also he has met many times.

He is Chen Fangyin from the Chen family in Sichuan. When Lin Lang first entered Sichuan, he was the only one who agreed in Yunwu Mountain.

Just why he appeared here, even Lin Lang had no idea.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Suzaku wary.

Chen Fangyin came, but apparently his condition was not very good. After asking for saliva from the crowd, he recovered completely in a long time. Suzaku and others also approached and asked Chen Fangyin's information.

"I was ..."

Chen Fangyin explained the incident.

It turned out that he was the first Chen family to go down to the tomb. Because of the accidental discovery of the tomb during the construction of the site, he took a few good people from the Chen family, and there were three or four soldiers of the Chen family.

Because they are warriors, they have no regrets after entering the underground. They have been moving along the martyrdom, hoping to discover some antiquities before the archeologists arrive.

"However, when we walked into a side hall, everyone seemed to be insane, and became crazy. They went crazy in the martyrdom when they went crazy." Chen Fangyin's words paused: "Because I was behind the crowd and didn't break into the side hall, nor did they know what they were going through. "

"It's a neurotoxin." Suzaku nodded.

"I saw that something strange happened to them and I ran to the cave entrance. Who knows that the original cave entrance disappeared inexplicably. For the next time, I can only walk aimlessly in the martyrdom until I meet you."

"I thought you were weird underground, so I didn't dare to act lightly."

Bai Yutang's eyes flickered, keenly capturing the loopholes in Chen Fangyin's words, sneer: "The Chen family's first tomb has been two months away, there is no water and no food underground, how can you persist for the next two months? Still alive. "

"I don't know ..." Chen Fangyin endlessly.

"There is no need to doubt. Although the underground is rich in qi, it is also accompanied by ample reiki. Reiki can temporarily save the vitality of the organism. It is not surprising that he can live to this day." Lin Lang said lightly.

Chen Fangyin glanced at Lin Lang with gratitude.


Suzaku frowned.

"I heard that the strongest gods do not eat human grains, and it is no problem for half a year after we cut off the water. You mean, in this special place, he is not a gods but he can eat the essence of heaven and earth like gods?" Suzaku also followed the voice .

"That's the truth." Lin Lang nodded.

Seeing Suzaku and Lin Lang speaking in succession, Bai Yutang and others were still in doubt. It ’s unbelievable that a person does n’t eat or drink for two months. It does n’t use the energy brought by food. How does his body work normally?

"Leaving him is also a great combat force, so you can follow us." Suzaku shook his head and brought Chen Fangyin to his side, which was already the peak of the warrior. In addition, the latter had an experience of going down to the grave, allowing him to lead the way and save a lot of trouble.

Considering Chen Fangyin's description, Suzaku was also worried that if he could not find an exit in general, he would point out three team members with good combat ability to wait at the entrance to prevent accidents.

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