Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 321: Dixian Skull

Lin You Ye is back!

It also helps them clear the danger ahead.

Suzaku's face felt only a slap across the air, and it hurt hotly.

Several members of the group looked at Suzaku's face, and couldn't help but laugh. Just because of face, no one dares to laugh out loud.

When Lin Lang walked in front of everyone. Suzaku changed her previous look without any embarrassment or ugly expression, and said indifferently, "Just come back."

"What's going on?"

Chen Fangyin hurriedly changed the subject.

"The scope of what I am talking about is the soul poison. I have cleared it up now, and it should be safe at the moment." Lin Lang said.

"We all wear special gas masks. No matter how bad the poison is, it shouldn't hurt us?"

Lin Lang didn't say much. Divine spirit poison directly penetrates and hurts the divine spirit, but it is not essential, and modern gas masks filter air through porous materials, which does not play any role in the face of divine poison.

I'm afraid that few of these people can pass safely.

"The gas mask should not have any effect." Chen Fangyin shook his head: "When we went down to the tomb, we knew that the tomb had been sealed for a long time. There may be toxic gas infiltration. We always walked under a wet towel. later……"

Needless to say, the latter situation, everyone knows.

"So, we should now be able to pass safely right?"

Lin Langyu first.

"Since General Lin has cleared up all the dangers ahead, let's go." Suzaku uttered a voice, mobilized everyone, and the party set out in a mighty manner.

When passing by Lin Lang, Suzaku lowered his voice, meaning: "The next time you try to avoid risking yourself alone."

"I just said that the old team leader is nothing but now, he has taken the initiative to rely on him. Sure enough, women are fickle." Tieshan swaggered.

"I think it's clear that Suzaku is worried about the old team leader." Lu Huowu shook her head, and it was women who knew women best. She might be able to see some of Suzaku's thoughts.

"What do you mean." Tieshan froze.

"Big guy, you don't understand yet."

Lu Huo danced quietly.

"You women are in trouble and grief. It's better that we go straight." Tieshan grunted and shook his head to follow the team.

Although Lin Lang showed that there was no danger ahead, everyone walking through the area in front of them was still scared. Except for Lin Lang Suzaku, one by one is tense, like a bird frightened by bows. Occasionally, a little movement can cause countless lights.

Of course, Tieshan didn't have much fear. The silly big man has always been used to it, and it is estimated that the two words are not afraid at all. In addition to a few of them, Chen Fangyin was also very open-minded, and he was surprisingly bold.


"what sound?"

Immediately, countless lights hit the center.

"My strap accidentally hit the wall." A member of the team scratched his head and grinned.

The crowd glared, and did not continue to say anything.

After all, they are too nervous.

This area made them walk like thin ice, and finally entered the side hall. When a group of people squeezed into the side hall and saw nothing unusual around them, they were slightly relieved.

The door of the side hall opens on both sides of the martyrdom, so it is called the side hall.

In the side hall, the entrance is empty, and is there three steps near the wall? Each step is about two feet high.

On these steps, various dark brown crockery are placed in an orderly manner. There are hundreds of large and small together.

However, the openings of these earthenware jars were covered with brown paper with complicated mysterious runes. Pull up a hemp rope along the side of the tank to seal the tank completely.

On the third step, there is a large tank with three people embracing the thickness, the appearance is no different from those of the small pots, and they are painted with distorted runes.

However, compared to the former, the large tank on the triple stage is more complicated and sophisticated, full of quaint taste, the rune murals are red and bloody, and they are extremely seductive, making people look extremely uncomfortable.

"Triple order, triple ban!" Lin Lang's pupils flickered brightly. He just came to the side hall once, but now he sees a wave in his heart.

"Why are there so many jars here?" Everyone frowned. Still Tieshan used to go straight, muttered: "This is not the wine making, ancient people have this hobby."

The atmosphere that was very serious at this time was ruined by such a sentence of Tieshan, and almost laughed out regardless of the occasion.

"Boss Tieshan, you can open it to see if it is wine. In case it is a wine made four thousand years ago, you have also taken it by mouth." Bai Yutang joked.

"Oh! No matter how good the wine is, it has become poisonous wine after four thousand years." Tieshan took a sip, but he was still very interested. Even if he didn't dare to drink it, he was curious.

Tieshan first approached the past, held a jar in his arms, weighed it, and then leaned his head closer and listened.

"It's heavy, and there's sound of water in it, shouldn't it really be filled with wine?" Tieshan muttered.

"Tieshan is back, don't move things in this ghost place, lest there be extra branches." Suzaku said solemnly.

"It's okay, anyway, General Lin has cleared all the dangers, naturally nothing will happen. And we are not here just to find out, not to see how the contents inside.

Don't look at Tieshan's carelessness, let alone say that this sentence really makes sense, and even Suzaku cannot refute it.

At this time, Tieshan stretched out his palm-sized palm, untied and tossed the ropes around him, and then threw the paper to the side.

"Let Grandpa see what's inside."

Suddenly, Tieshan's face changed greatly, and the jar was released. He suddenly returned abruptly, and on his face, there remained a lot of unbroken terror.

The jar was of surprisingly good quality, and was dropped on the hard ground without breaking, but a stream of black liquid flowed out from it.


The smell was disgusting.

"what happened!"

"What happened?" The crowd raised their arms with vigilance.

At this time Tieshan Fang took a deep breath and Shen said, "I saw a human head in the jar, a living human head."

Everyone discolored.

The jar was actually filled with human heads. Doesn't that mean that this is a human head four thousand years ago? There are nearly a hundred jars around, does that mean ...

At this time, Lin Lang had stepped up to the first step, and squinted at the earthen jar dropped by Tieshan, which contained a swollen head, eyes bursting, skin hairs clearly visible, and his expression was still lifelike.

People can't help but have an illusion: the owners of these skulls can't help but stare, they will probably rush out of the jar and look for their revenge.

As Lin Lang opened the second jar, the stench ran out, Lin Lang breathed his breath, glanced at it, and remained a human head.

He has seen a lot of such scenes, and it has not affected him at all. The team members at the rear saw that there was no strange thing happening, and dared to come forward. Just waiting for them to see the scene in the jar, a goosebump appeared on their body immediately.


Not everyone has seen the market like Lin Lang. Some members of the team smelled this smell, and then saw everything with their own eyes. There were a few retches and a few uncomfortable vomits. Even Suzaku couldn't hold back a nausea, but she was well suppressed.

Although they are martial arts, their ideas are still modern ones. They may have experienced the killings, but such scenes of corpse separation are rare.

Especially those new team members.

On the other hand, Lin Lang, after opening several cans in a row, his face is still ancient and there is no wave.

"This guy's guts are really not ordinary." Suzaku rolled his eyes and subconsciously approached Lin Lang.

After a long while, the daring team member finally moved forward and squeezed his nose to open the cover.

Everyone picked several crock pots from the front two steps in order to open, and the interior was the same structure, black liquid and human head. Although they did not take these jars apart one by one, they can already draw a conclusion.

The jars are filled with human heads!

Hundreds of people!

The crowd stood in place, only feeling the wind behind them blowing on the back neck, cold all over the body.

"Is this a sacrifice?" Someone muttered.

When everyone's emotions subsided a little, at this time they realized that Lin Lang had already reached the triple steps and stood in front of the large tank to stop and look.

Everyone came together and watched silently beside the water tank. No one had taken the initiative to open the thin layer of paper, including Tieshan, and they were afraid to be reckless, for fear of turning out something shocking.

Lin Lang shot suddenly, but instead of directly lifting the cylinder head, he made a few complicated gestures in the air, and the endless runes swayed from his sleeve instantly, and finally printed on the cylinder body, with the runes on it. Offset each other.

"What is the old leader doing?" Tieshan wondered.

"He should be cracking the runes on the tank." Suzaku solemnly.


A loud noise came out, and the tissue at the mouth of the cylinder was smashed.

Among the large tanks, a black water column rose into the sky. Lin Lang stretched out his hand, and condensed a colorful mask on the outside. The mask expanded, covering everyone on the third step.

"This is it?" Suzaku's eyes glowed, and he curiously reached out and touched the mask. The mask was like tempered glass, responding to the crisp sound of tapping.

And when the black water column rushed to a height of three or four meters, it also lost its source of power and fell like a dense raindrop.

嗤嗤 ——

The black water drops landed on the ground, and immediately showed the horrible corrosive force. The ground was corroded with a finger thickness, but a depth of half a meter. Other locations, including the walls and martyrs, were severely eroded, and even a lot of dirt fell through the martyrs.

Bang Bang!

Those scattered water drops fell on the first- and second-stage pots, and an explosion immediately occurred. The black water in the house is full of fire. Fortunately, the black water in the small pot is not so terrible. Otherwise, the space on this side will be completely eroded and completely destroyed, and eventually it will be crushed by the upper layer of land, causing geological collapse .

The snoring that everyone saw was so terrible, it was almost a hundred times more terrible than sulfuric acid. If it falls on the body, whatever steel bars and iron bones are used.

"Fortunately, there is an old team leader." The crowd looked at Lin Lang with gratitude.

When the storm completely subsided, Lin Lang retracted the mask. Everyone was relieved, their eyes inadvertently swept across the large tank, and the contents inside made them look shocked again.

There is still a skull in the tank!

It's just that the volume of this skull is too big, almost filling the entire cylinder, and the diameter of this mouth is two or three meters wide!

"This can never be a human head. How could it be so large?" Everyone looked at each other in shock.

"It really is a triple ban!" Lin Lang's eyes were solemn.

"What is a triple ban?"

"The triple ban is an ancient law specifically used to seal the strong. It can ban the strong's corpse within a specific range. The internal formation is compact, and it can only be opened by external forces."

"That is to say, if the people trapped in the triple ban, if there are not too many people beyond the ban on the law, they will be trapped directly in it, and they will never be born forever." Lin Lang said lightly.

"There is such a sinister sacrifice?" Suzaku's face changed slightly.

"That said, the owner of this skull was a strong man. Isn't it a monster?"

"Yes, the head of the earth is banned in the tank." Lin Lang nodded.

His flat voice was full of shocking information. A burial ground was buried with the head of an earth fairy.

Although, with these people's eyes in front of them, they can't reach them at all.

"I seem to have mentioned the older Qinglong predecessor. There is basically no realm after the transcendence of the realm in this world, and some are just legends of standing on the ground. The gods are stronger than the realm, that is, the older Qinglong's mouth. Immortal. "Suzaku frowned.

Her identity is there, and she can almost touch most of the secrets of China. I know a little bit about these.

"Human immortals are already the extremes of human beings, each of them is a well-known figure in ancient history, standing on the ground as an immortal. Although there is a division of this realm, it is based on the legend of the strong in the past and was chased out by posterity Realm, the authenticity is almost negligible. "

"In the current life, Huaxia did have a few divine realms, but I'm sure that immortals will never exist!"

"Is the owner of this skull even more terrible than the immortal?" Suzaku took a deep breath and could not calm down for a long time.

One exists only in the legend, but she has a more horrifying history than the legend. How can she not be thrilled?

"But it doesn't have to be, in case he's just talking nonsense."

Even with such speculations, Suzaku believed in seven or eight points.

"What kind of fairy head, I look like a pinch, how could a human head be so large."

A member of the team muttered, stretched out a long knife, and tried to poke with the tip of the knife to see if it was true or not.

"Don't move!" Lin Lang said suddenly. But it was too late, the team member's knife point was on the forehead of Dixian's head.

"It's alright."

The member of the team smiled: "Even if he was a **** of war, he was not a pile of loess, and it wouldn't hurt us."

"Gather to me, right away." Lin Lang's face was iron-blue, without any slight relaxation.

Others also saw that the situation was urgent and rushed to Lin Lang's side.

Lin Lang's handprints struck out into the void, stomped, a round pattern on the bottom of the foot spread to the surroundings, and a multicolored mask, which was exactly the same as before, rose from the ground. One layer, two layers, three layers, a full triple light shield is formed in an instant, blessing everyone inside.

At the same time, a small blue sword flew out of Lin Lang's sleeve, and the sword hovered over his head with a humming sound. Numerous rays of light fell like vertical stripes, circling around.

"This sword ..."

Suzaku glanced obliquely at the cyan sword, and secretly praised the good sword. When the thought just came up in my mind, I just felt that my eyes were hot, and a **** tear flowed from my eyes. She bowed her head quickly, but her eyes were dark and temporarily blind.

After doing this, Lin Lang still did not relax in the slightest, staring seriously at the front.

Just then, the cylinder trembled.

A heartbreaking breath permeated the entire space. The skull slowly rose in the tank, and the face was dry and decaying, but his eyes were spitting with flames.

Coercion is coming!

Dixian Skull, fully recovered at this moment!

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