Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 343: Grand Master Appears

The heart of the sea blue is worth 9.9 million!

The Emerald Star is also 9.9 million!

Both are precious jewels of tens of millions. Even if they are placed in high society, most of them are only collectible value, and few people directly send them as gifts.

This is 10 million hits.

However, in a small birthday banquet, the king of two pieces of jewelry appeared at the same time, and the sun and the moon were competing. No one can tell which gift is more precious and which one is more valuable.

"Xu Dashao just gave such a valuable gift, after all, he has a listed company with billions of capital in his hands. As the sole director and shareholder, his wealth is amazing, but why is he ..."

"Is he the same background as Xu Zidong?"

Fei Yingzhe looked at Lin Lang and muttered.

Originally, according to Bai Zhizheng's words, Lin Lang was just an ordinary friend of Chen Miaoxuan. According to what she said, there were few poor relatives and friends. But now the world has turned around, and even Bai Zhizheng was inexplicably taken away, and now they are not so sure.

"What exactly is he?"

Qiao Qingzhang's heart also directly murmured, Xu Zidong was able to come up with a gift of nearly ten million is full of confidence, all his wealth was earned by his own hands, naturally there will be no psychological burden.

She asked herself that although she could get ten million, but most of them had a connection with the Qiao family, and she couldn't let her behave in a wrong way.

At this time, Xu Cai saw Chen Miaoxuan not responding for a long time and said, "Ms. Chen, don't you like it?"

"No. I have received the good intentions of Xu Gongzi, but I feel ashamed that the gift is too valuable. Please also put away and tell Xu Gongzi on my behalf, and Miao Xuan is in love." Chen Miao Xuan said briefly.

All present were flexible minds, and immediately guessed a part of the truth from the reaction of the two: "They all said that the Zhonghai Xu family showed signs of uniting with the Chen family. It turned out that these were just rumors and could not be done."

Everyone's eyes turned: "It seems that the relationship between the Xu family and the Chen family may not be as harmonious as we think."

Chen Miaoxuan also had this serious concern. The time when the Chen family ’s lowest valley did have a joint thought with the Xu family a while ago, but the appetite of the latter was so great that they had to have a lot of serious concerns. The wolf was led into the room, so there was no clear answer.

Moreover, she and Xu Zidong lived in ignorance, but the other side suddenly gave such a gift, which made her have to doubt Xu Zidong's intentions. Most of this involved conflicting interests between the families, and she didn't want to go through this muddy water.

Moreover, the Chen family is not ready to accept the behemoth of Xu family.

"Ms. Chen, what does this mean?" Xu Cai frowned a little displeasedly. "Is it because I don't have enough face, and I need my brother to send it in personally to accept it?"

"Or what kind of prejudice does Miss Chen have against the Xu family?"

"Xu Sanshao misunderstood. The preciousness of the gift surprised me. I was overwhelmed and slowed down the guests instead of thinking about the Xu family. As a result of Xu Dashao's good intentions, I will be a little ignorant if I continue to quit Now. "

"So I accept it, and please ask San Shao to return to me to thank Xu Da Shao for me."

Chen Miaoxuan smiled and took the Emerald Star in her hand. I made up my mind to accept the gift first, to go back and find a chance, and then return it, after all, I can't embarrass the Xu family in person.

It was only Xu Cai's attitude that made her mind a little. Xu Cai did not seem to give her a gift or wish for a longevity. Instead, she was as arrogant as a gift. Her attitude was extremely arrogant.

"It's pretty much the same." Xu Cai looked slightly relieved: "Brother Zidong is also kind, so don't let it down."

Chen Miaoxuan didn't answer. She couldn't answer the words, and instead smiled and looked at Xu Cai. "Xu Sanshao personally sent his blessings. Miao Xuan is naturally grateful. Don't stand still, sit here, otherwise But it's time for the darling guest. "

"No need."

Xu Cai waved his hand and did not follow the introduction of Chen Miaoxuan: "I just do things according to the instructions of Zi Dongge. I still have things to do, so I won't disturb everyone's Yaxing."

After a short pause, Xu Caixu said, "The Chen family is also a vassal in Chuanshu, but it has been a couple in recent years. After all, it is difficult to do anything. If Miss Chen is the winner, please go back and notify Chen. The owner, Brother Zidong, intends to personally discuss the acquisition of Mingzhu Group by the owner Chen. "


Chen Miaoxuan looked a little tighter and finally knew the purpose of Xu Cai's visit. After all, it's because of things that belong to the Pearl Group of the Chen family.

The Pearl Group can be said to be a vital industry outside the Chen family, but it has been suppressed by all parties in the past two years. The annual continuous loss has been dragged to half today. I don't know how many people hold the shares of the Pearl Group, but Chen Jianwu has been tighter and no one has succeeded.

"That's the case. In the past month, the share price of the Pearl Group has continued to hit new lows. If you don't make ends meet, you will make a huge loss for the Chen family. Apart from the company building of the Pearl Group, there is basically only one An empty shell. "Everyone suddenly realized.

At this time, the Xu family came to talk about the Mingzhu Group. It was almost everyone who knew Sima Zhao's heart. They wanted to bring the Mingzhu Group from the Chen family at the lowest transaction price.

The Mingzhu Group hanged its hands in the hands of the Chen family, but it was completely different to put it into the top family of the China Sea, such as the Xu family. The Xu family had a lot of overseas trade channels, which was enough to save the Mingzhu group from the edge of bankruptcy again.

"This interference is very big. I can't help it. I'll go back and discuss it with my father. I'll give you a reply tomorrow at the latest."

"You can't justify asking parents." Xu Cai smiled. "Then it's troublesome for Miss Chen."

"And the Emerald Stars must also be collected. This is the mind of Brother Zidong. Don't let it down."

Chen Miaoxuan frowned, saying nothing.

However, some people are very mindful.

"What a **** gift, I think you obviously came to hit the ground."

A faint sound suddenly sounded, and a mine blast rose from the air. Everyone looked back, but saw Lin Lang slowly walk to the front desk, his face full of disdain.

"who are you?"

Xu Cai looked coldly at Lin Lang, his brows were blue, and his anger was suppressed.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Lin Lang shook his wine glass with one hand and came with one hand on his shoulder, leisurely saying, "The important thing is that I think you're upset, what's Xu Sanshao."

The word fell, and the whole audience was agitated.

Who is Xu Cai? That was the son of the Xu family. Although he was not as good as the dazzling Xu Zidong, but now Xu Zi is a semi-abandoned and Xu Zidong separated from his family to start his own business, Xu Cai is the most powerful master of the Xu family.

Is such a person provocative?

Not to mention the ordinary Sichuan and Sichuan young people, even Deng Qi's top group of young people only have the patience to swallow their voices, that is, the size of Kyoto has to give a little face.

However, it is such a person who is accused of scolding a dog's blood by the nose, can he bear it?

will not!

Sure enough, Xu Cai sulked in his eyes and laughed, "I don't need to ask your name, and few people have provoked me so much."

Dignified in the sea, originally, they had a natural sense of superiority to the local rich and small, not to mention being humiliated in person. I can't bear to change to any young and middle-aged person.

Xu Cai did not continue to speak, but anyone knew that this was a prelude to the storm. The anger of a young man from the China Sea, but few people have tried it.

The crowd trembled, only feeling stormy. Xu Sanshao is famous and has always been an unwilling master. In addition to his two elder brothers, no one can control his dog temper in front of him.

Even many young people in China have been taught by him. As time goes back, there is also a large loss of Chuan Shu in his hands, and he was also taught by Xu Sanshao in Chuan Shu.

"Don't be impulsive. This is not the place to solve the problem. If a warrior is in trouble, I'm afraid that even the Ivy Club will be smashed. How can this banquet go on?"

"Anyway, you have to give your sister, and give Miao Xuan a face." Qiao Qingying spoke out at the right time, the same as the young master of the China Sea. This is to call each other Lin Lang is a warrior, try not to conflict on the spot.

She thought that Xu Sanshao would restrain himself a little bit, but in contrast, Xu Cai laughed loudly. It took a long time to set his eyes on Lin Lang, disdain: "Little martial arts are shit, Xu family is a business Nor is it a small warrior who can offend majesty. "

"It's just a warrior. It's still difficult to turn the sky in Sichuan and it's a cricket ant who pinches to death in front of my Xu family. Is a warrior stronger and more capable than a real master?"

Xu Cai sneered again and again, his face was full of sarcasm, and he turned back slightly: "Hao Lao. It's your turn."

The old man with gray hair nodded and stepped forward, a majestic momentum came on his face, as if with a mighty assault.

Many Chuanshu young and old looked pale, unable to move and couldn't breathe.

"This is the majesty of the Grand Master." Fei Yingzhe spoke hard, until today he has realized the terrible aspects of the Grand Master.

"How did Xu Cai bring a grandmaster by his side? The family of the Xu family is really terrible!" Everyone was like a ghost. At present, the masters of the entire Sichuan and Sichuan do not add up to one hand, even if the last martial arts meeting No more than ten masters appeared.

Where such characters are placed, they can build a top force in any of the four major Sichuan and Sichuan families by virtue of themselves.

As for the superpowers such as the Xu family who dominates the China Sea, there will naturally be guarded by the strong, otherwise the huge foundation will change hands long ago, and only the master can guard the family. This is well known to everyone.

But they couldn't think of it, but Xu Cai was surrounded by a guru to protect him. When was such a bad street like a guru ...

The horror of the Xu family is evident!

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