Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 351: Gate closed

The fighting outside Wanguizong continues.

Lin Lang's solitary battle with a demigod and a red evil corpse comparable to the divine realm caused no doubt a landslide. This area was devastated in the battle of several people.

This is the battle of the divine realm.


There were even many corpses that were completely destroyed in the three-man battle. Lin Lang was self-defeating. He was shrouded in emptiness and dharma behind him, and all methods were absent. Occasionally, the elder's attack rushed to the front and was easily resolved by him.

From the perspective of real strength, the elder and the original Kirinzi red robe man were only between Bozhong.

The outcome of this war is naturally doomed.

Soon after, the elder was patted by Lin Lang with a palm, and his chest was deeply sunken into a large piece. He lay on the ground for a long time, and his chest gradually swelled as he exhaled.

Only his ribs were smashed under one palm. In front of the red evil, under the general storm of Lin Lang's torrential rain and rain, it is also losing ground.

"At that time, I only dealt with Hongsha to digest the remaining medicinal power, and I could only choose to fight physically." Lin Lang chuckled: "But now it doesn't need to be so troublesome, a supernatural power will completely kill you."

Lin Lang ’s fist overflowed with golden silk, and a golden elephant behind him came across the space, struck heavily, and the red evil corpse immediately became scattered, and was stomped underground.

It is also because Hongsha has a flesh shell that is comparable to the state of God, otherwise this blow will inevitably be broken. Even so, Hongsha's head was flattened, less than half a foot thick.

Hongsha got up under the control of the elder, but the bone joint had been completely broken by Lin Lang, and it would be difficult to form an effective combat force in a short time.

As for the elder, he was terrified and stared back at Lin Lang. Lin Lang, why not, stared at each other like a poisonous snake, and refused to relax for a moment.

"Who the **** are you and how can you have such combat power? Could it be that you are a master from the Tianshan religion?" The elder said in shock. In normal people's thinking, only ancient monks such as the Tianshan religion can train such young handsome men.

"I won't kill you first, but you tell me what the Tianshan religion is, and what is the ancient gate?" Lin Lang smiled.

"Okay, let me!"

Perhaps for the sake of life, the elder immediately entrusted Gu Zongmen's affairs and investigations.

Guzongmen is a force that has been passed down from ancient China. They are different from the Hidden Shizong like Wanguizong. Both the teachings and the rules are strict, just like their strength. Take Zhengzheng as an example, it is said that it was created by Zhang Daoling and is also called Tianshi Taoism. The core essence was born to uphold justice in the world, and there are countless believers.

Take Wudang school as an example, it can be divided into many branches such as Xuanwumen, Natura, Nissin, and Penglai. There is a strong stroke in the Chinese culture of Taoism.

It can be said that Hidden Sejongmun is just a collection of powerful people, but Guzongmen is a well-known sect in the history of China, and it does not know how many generations behave. One is Zongmen, and the other is the faction of the faith. There is naturally no great comparability between the two.

"So it is."

Lin Lang nodded, and then turned his gaze to the elder, and said, "Now give you a chance to live, open the gate of Wanguizong for me. I will accept your half-life cultivation and be an ordinary person in the future.

The elder nodded hurriedly, and said loudly into the sky: "Open the door to the old man and let this power enter the mountain."

The sky is silent, like the ancient well without waves.

The elder caught a glimpse of Lin Lang's impatience, and was even more anxious: "Open the door to the old man. If this matter can be resolved, I will remember you with a great deal of credit."

It's a pity that the space around is still calm.

No one took the initiative to open the gate of Wanguizong.

The elder shouted a few times, and the mountain door still did not have any open posture. He was so angry that he shouted, "Wangba, the old man is trapped outside, it doesn't matter anymore, hey, I cultivate you so often, etc., all are unfamiliar white-eye wolf . "

The gate was closed tightly.

The elder suddenly became desperate.

He is well aware of the peculiarity of the gate of the Wanguizong Mountain, and has been in a non-locating movement, and those who want to enter the only internal control matrix method actively open the restrictions.

But now Wanguizong just abandoned him like this? Even one of his second-hand elders didn't care about it. He didn't need to think about it and knew that it was the order of the suzerain himself.

"The grand elder Wanguizong was actually abandoned as an abandoned son, which is a bit sad." Lin Lang's mouth set off a touch of fun. The indifference and weird teachings of Wanguizong have also led him, never thinking that even the life and death of a chief elder will be ignored.

"I'll take you on my way."

Impatient with Lin Lang and others, when he pointed forward, the elder burst into a cloud of blood instantly, and all the gods disappeared.

"The Sovereign King Zongzhang came out to lead to death, and I Lin Youye is here waiting for you to come out." Lin Lang fainted.

"It turned out that Your Excellency is Lin Youye. I think you came for the last thing. That was just a misunderstanding. Now that the elder is dead, I think your anger should be vented."

A hoarse voice came from the sky, struck through the layers of space, and rang through Lin Lang's head all the time.

But there was no one in heaven.

"I don't hold you accountable for killing you by the elder. You are also killed now and your anger is gone. Why don't we sit down and talk about one?"

"There is nothing to talk about, you can end it if you die." Lin Lang refused politely.

At the beginning, Wang Zong of Medicine only had a conflict of interests with him, and Lin Lang could be forgiven in the end. But Wan Guizong is different. Whether it is something in the Special Operations Office or ambushing him on the road, or attempting to kidnap Chen Miaoxuan, everything has touched his bottom line.

Do not destroy Wangui Sect, do not kill Wangui Sovereign, it is definitely not his character to let go of this sect.

"That being the case, I'll wait for you to come out."

Lin Lang sat down cross-legged, silently observing the movement of the Wangui Zongshanmen array, calculating the movement and trajectory of the array.


In the interior of Mangizong.

An elder who was carried by the elder was quite unhappy, and said indignantly, "Why not open a big team?"

"Did we just watch the elder die?"

Sovereign lord of all ghosts glanced at the other side slightly, and said, "Do you think it's okay to open the mountain gate?"

"Do you think Lin Youye will let you go after entering the gate?"


"He came for the Destruction."

Wangui suzerainty sneer.

"The only thing we can do now is to isolate Lin Youye from the outside, otherwise Lin Youye will come in and we will all die, even with the large array and the remaining two red evils to deal with him."

"Even if we win, what will be the final result?" The voice of the Sovereign Sovereign Mania was a bit crazy, and he asked hysterically: "At that time you were at least half dead, and I might have died in battle, and the Sect of the Souls existed. This is what you want to see. of?"

The elders who were refuted were speechless.

Lin Youye's strength just showed them horror, even Hongsha was dropped by one stroke. If he really let him in, I'm afraid it will be another catastrophe.

"If our ancestors from the Divine Realm were here, how could Rong Linyou be so presumptuous!"

The two elders were extremely humiliated, and the imperial hidden ancestral gate was so humiliated that they were knocked on the door to provoke them, but they shrank and dared not fight. The Sovereign Sect of the Ghosts just patted his shoulder gently: "Relax. The mountain guarding team is exquisite, and when Lin Youye runs out of patience, he leaves."

The mountain guardian formation of Wanguizong is indeed exquisite. It is a lineup inherited from ancient times. It has been well guarded and achieved perfect concealment. Even if the aircraft cannons flatten the mountain peaks, the position of the mountain gates may not be found.

Every elder has full confidence in this.

"In case he doesn't go, don't we have to be turtles for a lifetime?" The second elder was indignant.

"No. I have already requested several other hidden Sejong gates, and the reinforcements will arrive soon."

Just then, the elder seat suddenly exclaimed.

"God, Lin Youye disappeared!"

Just as the master of Wangui Sovereign talked with the second elder, only a flash of light flashed on the screen, Lin Lang stepped forward, and the next moment he completely disappeared from the public view.

"What about others?"

There was a commotion among the elders, and a large living person disappeared out of thin air, and they could still accept it in normal times, but in the atmosphere in front of them, it was frightening.

"Should he come in?"

An elder cried out in amazement.

"How is it possible that the Mountain Guardian team can't even see through the divine realm. To enter the city, two elders must join forces to activate the mountain gate. Even if the ancestor of the mountain was originally sitting for half a year, there is also Tongtian Xiu, This reluctantly opened up a body of defense. "The second elder was most suspicious.

"If he breaks the formation method, we will also have induction here. I think he used the secret method to hide and wanted to trick us to open the mountain gate and mix in." The ghost of the Sect Master of Ghosts flashed brilliantly.

"This Lin Youye is cunning."

His statement was won by many elders.

"With the order, the Mountain Guards opened to the tenth level, and the gate was closed. No one can enter or leave for seven days."

The entire Wan Guizong was immediately busy, and the disciples acted to fill the eyes of the various places with supplies of heaven and earth. The mountains and the mountains are covered with crystal light spots, the huge array of tricks slowly runs, and the entire ghost ghost is shrouded in a mist.

The Wan Gu Zong's mountain defense array reaches the tenth level, which is equivalent to the most top defense means. Generally, the Wan Gui Zong will only be activated when it is alive or dead.

The crowd arranged for half an hour before the Shanshan formation was fully activated. The entire Wan Guizong is like an iron bucket with an upside down, a copper wall and an iron wall, and a mosquito also dreamed of flying in.

At this time, under the mountain.

In the busy disciples' barracks, a handsome young man approached with a big swing, especially in the uniforms of coffins and bright disciples.


A disciple in Huangpao was alert.

"Is this the Ghost Sect?"

The young man whispered to himself, his sense of consciousness felt the next four weeks, sniffed the thick corpse in the air, and frowned.

"The smell here makes me uncomfortable. You guys shouldn't exist."

The youth faintly pointed out that a ball of radiating light **** lifted off, and the volume became larger and larger, like a round of hot sun.

Terrible energy converges and swells!

Eventually broke out!

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