Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 357: Yin Yang Taoist

At the same time, a figure of Tsing Yi on the shore of the lake rose into the sky, climbed into the waves, and landed firmly on the raft in the heart of the river.

The surface of the lake is rugged, carrying rafts up and down together. The youth on the boat had a handsome face, and they were as beautiful as the gods. The eyebrows were severe and intense, and the whole person was as sharp as a sharp sword with the same sheath.

Today's other protagonist, Lin Youye finally debut!

"Is this the first person in the dark list today, the famous Lin Youye, a handsome boy!"

"It's really Lin Youye, he's here!"

There was an uproar on the shore, and immediately afterwards it boiled, everyone exclaimed Lin Youye's name. For most people, they did not expect Lin Youye to dare to go to the appointment.

Lin Lang has not been seen for seven days, and many people preconceived that Lin You was frightened at night. After all, he is no longer a guru, at least a demigod, or even a true god.

Faced with such a strong man, even if he makes an appointment or avoids fighting, he will not be criticized. Because such a strong man is too difficult to defeat!

"I didn't expect Lin Youye to really show up. I thought he was afraid and ready to avoid war."

"He's a gentleman."

A Japanese waver took a deep breath.

"I think Lin Youye is a lunatic. When the yin and yang Taoist was defeated by Zhao Zilong, he made a gambler, and he would never be born if he did not enter the realm." A Chinese warrior looked serious: "Now that he was born with great swings, he did not see Zhao Zilong Figure, he should probably have been promoted to God. "

Prior to this, although there were countless evidences that the Yin and Yang Taoist man became a god, he did not receive his own recognition after all. Everything is just a unilateral speculation.

"Anyway, today is a tough battle for Lin Youye. If you cannot defeat the Yinyang Taoist, I am afraid that he is trying to escape today, and the Yinyang Taoist cannot let him go."

"Three disciples died in the hands of Lin Youye at the same time. The enmity between them was too deep." Mo waited and sighed. He was referring to the matter of Xiao Zhengning and Baimei. Others may not know about it, but he once planned for Lin Lang. How can he not know this great grudge.

The three apprentices under the Yinyang Taoist gate died in the hands of Lin Lang without exception, which is different from the destruction of the gate. Anyone who wants to become a deadly enemy.

"Did Xiao Zhengning three of them die at Nanliao Lin's doctor?" Duan Zhengchun's body suddenly shocked: "Yes. I visited Lin Youye at the beginning, he is also from Nanliao province. Lin Shenyi is also from Nanliao No wonder, it turns out that Lin Shenye is also Lin Youye. "

"How could it be him!"

Su Shilan was stunned, her heart turned over.

In the center of Guyu Lake, the two rafts are erratic, seemingly moving with the current and approaching each other. The eyes of the two men on the ship were like electricity, constantly sparking in the void, aggressive.

The two were so deadlocked that no one did it first.

And the surging momentum of the two also formed two torrents at this moment, rolling towards each other, the atmosphere was opposing, extremely depressed. On the lake next to the two, the fish jumped out of the water one after another, seemingly ventilating at the same time.

actually not.

The fish jumping out of the water smashed into the bottom of the water again. Soon after, they floated back from the water again, their fish belly turned white, and they had died for a long time.

In the confrontation of momentum, the machine front is also hidden. At the same time, the two are exuding momentum, and the gods are also fighting each other. How can ordinary fishes withstand the confrontation between the two strong men, they will naturally be wiped out by the way.

Everyone was horrified.

The two just stared at each other, and the fish around them were affected and died. If a living person approached the center of the lake, it would be the same, right?

Everyone just felt the scalp exploded.

It has been so dangerous before it has officially fought.

In the end, the yin and yang Taoists took the lead in recovering the consciousness, and laughed: "You are pretty good, you have the capital to fight me. The afterlife is awesome."

"You are wrong. I am not going to fight you, I am going to kill you."

The voice fell, Lin Lang's feet fell, and the raft broke apart instantly, lifting him up to ten feet high. At a height of tens of meters, Lin Lang's blue shirt was hunted by the wind, and his hair fluttered, overlooking the lake below.

"Yin and Yang Taoists, battle in the sky!"

"as you wish."

Yin and Yang Taoists flew up and plunged into the sky. Staying high up in the clouds, suddenly the ten-finger seals, the clouds in the sky were gloomy. He reached forward, a vast handprint descended from the cloud, covered the sky, and covered it in the direction of Lin Lang. It seemed that he would slap the opponent directly like this.


Lin Lang rushed up into the air, raised his fist with his crankshaft, and rushed straight up against the palm of his cover. On the surface of his fist, the light like gold flowed and blasted upwards.

The audience calmed down immediately, and everyone on the shore held their breaths, staring intently at the lake. When Lin Lang first appeared, it was still a noisy scene, but now the scene of the real confrontation between the two is completely quiet.

They know that this palm of the Yin and Yang Taoists looks magnificent, but the power is extremely horrible. Under such a palm, any guru must be photographed as meat.

At this time, a loud noise suddenly appeared in the sky. I saw the solid handprint. At this time, a large transparent hole was penetrated through it. Through the hole, you can see the blue sky faintly. You can also hear the thunderous sound behind the handprint. It keeps coming out. Massive impact.

The fingerprints dispersed.

I saw that the two men had already begun a close-kill fight, and each impact was like a copper wall hitting an iron wall, causing the surrounding space to vibrate violently and deafening. This is what happened between the two of them.

"Sculpture of the worm."

Lin Lang's face was indifferent. In his hand, the large leaves were layered in layers of 72 styles. The boxing antelopes had horns, no traces, legs and hooks, and no change. The yin and yang Taoists are not bad. They have strict offense and defense, and can be admired. The self-contained method has already entered the room, and can fight with Lin Lang directly.

Each time the two of them fought, they were shocked like two savage beasts, setting off countless waves. Numerous rafts on the lake, like a flat boat in the wind and rain, were immediately swallowed by the raging waves and sank into the lake.

"Yinyang Taoists should be close to a hundred years old this year. I still can't think that they are still immortal and look like a young man."

The crowd groaned endlessly.

In a short period of time, the two have already fought against each other. Seeing countless martial artists moved by it, every move of them has been changed by countless masters.

"This is the practice of kung fu. At least it is at the level of the demigod." Duan Zhengchun took a deep breath. Demigod is never a state, but a description of the strength of the highest peak master. The state of the master is too unpredictable. It requires the integration of four cultivation systems at the same time. Each peak master has a slightly different combat effectiveness.

Even the demigod who practiced the four systems can kill another demigod just because he has higher attainments in the four cultivation systems. So the closer to the divine realm, the farther the peak master who walked on these four roads, the more powerful the demigod.

The two fought from the sky to the lake, killing them inextricably. Each collision is accompanied by a hedging of water currents, and blossoms of water continue to explode, as if a missile bombarded the water.

Lin Lang's hands and the yin and yang Taoist faced a tough guy in the palm of his hand, and his figure pulled back a few steps. Yin-Yang Taoists refused to give in, and pressed tightly.

"It is indeed a strong person who touches the barriers of the Divine Realm, and it is indeed extraordinary!"

Lin Langzhang's battle intensified, and a Tsing Yi vibrated violently with his movements. Yinyang Taoists are different from martial arts who cultivate a single system. Except that the use of spiritual power is a bit rough and primitive, the rest of the places have approached the true immortal infinitely.

This is the first cultivator in the same realm that Lin Lang has fought since his rebirth. Lin Lang sees his hunting feelings for himself. Both warriors and real practitioners are too inferior. Only the immortal practitioners in the same realm may be able to compete with him.

The Yinyang Taoist People's Congress flipped over, and an overhanging waterfall arched like water outside the sky, without any support.

Bang Bang!

Within a few miles of the lake, a thick water column emptied from all directions, there are more than a dozen, each of which is as wide and narrow as the towering ancient trees, and finally brings together the sky.

Yin-Yang Road clothes are not stained with water, step forward, stand on the top of the water column, read the seals, and frequently point your fingers forward.

At the same time, in the cages formed by these water columns, a faceless dragon-shaped creature meandered on the bottom of the water. On the long dragon's body, turbulent waves circulated, rising slowly.


"Before the Yinyang Taoist became famous, he was already able to reach the extremes on the two roads of martial arts and practice. Shuilong Jin was his masters. He had a peerless master died in his water dragon in his era It was strong. "Someone at the shore recognized it.

Many people discolored.

That year refers to a decade or two ago. At that time, the yin and yang Taoists had the ability to kill the top demigods. Now how many horrors should this move take after so many years?

In the sky, the yin and yang Taoists dance dragons in the air, with vigorous water dragons on their heads, holding their arms up, and continuously imagining in the sky. The water dragon also danced with his movements.

The blue waves are soaring, the dragons are screaming, and the waves are like tides. Based on the current impact, no one knows that this trick is definitely not so easy to carry on.

"This is my proud move before becoming a god. If you can't stop it, then you are not worthy of being my opponent."

Yin-Yang Taoists fainted.

His voice dropped, and the dragon head was soaring, whistling like a whistling dragon, winding its huge dragon body, whistling forward.

"Good job!"

Lin Lang sighed, stretched out a perfect circular Tai Chi figure with his arms, and two black and white yin and yang fish roamed at a faster and faster speed until the Tai Chi figure was divided into two circles inside and outside.


All the Yuwei of Shuilongjin poured on the Taiji chart, the water column was shocking, but it was difficult to break through the Taiji chart, even if it was shaken, it could not be done at all.

Lin Lang stood behind him, still standing still despite the stormy waves.

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