Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 362: Kill the legend

"I said that you shouldn't go because you will die if you go." Mo waited and sighed.

If almost no one knows Lin Lang's understanding, he almost witnesses that Lin Lang has grown from an unknown little puppet to the leader of the Chinese martial arts circle today.

In his impression, Lin Lang is definitely a fierce and resourceful hero with countless cards. He can always open a hole card at critical moments to turn against the sky. So since he was born, he has gone smoothly and hardly ever lost a battle.

The more he knew about Lin Lang's past, the more he feared it. Even now he is doubting that Lin Lang has been taken away and inherited an old antique mantle.

At the same time, the lake exploded.

Lin Lang's figure reappeared in the eyes of everyone, his clothes were completely soaked, his long hair naturally dangled, and dripping water continued.

"You, who else is going to die."

Lin Lang looked around the scene, even though his face was pale and his breath was weak. But the demeanor is still there, and it can also win the world of Ni, like an undefeated God of War.

"Don't be fooled by him, Lin Youye is now seriously injured. It is the last strength to get rid of Gan Lao." A black master hid in the crowd, constantly changing positions, and did not want Lin Lang to notice he.

Everyone hesitated, and no one rushed up first. After all, the person in front of him once killed a godlike power like the Yinyang Taoist, and just another sword spiked a demigod, and no one wants to be pulled back.

"A group of black people!" A guru sighed coldly, "You don't dare, let me kill him!"

The guru's voice dropped, and thunderclouds rolled under his feet, turning into a silver lightning, and rushed to Lin Lang in an instant. The sun and the moon struck together with both hammers, and the power was amazing. He didn't dare to carelessly, it was the strongest trick when he came up.

"You deserve to kill me too?"

Lin Lang thundered, his palms reached out, and his slender fingers grabbed the latter's arms at the last moment, making it harder for the two hammers to enter. With a strong rush, the Grand Master did not have enough resistance and was torn in half instantly.

Lin Lang's hands were torn apart, his clothes were dyed red, and the scene was extremely bloody. Even if the cultivation is nothing, it is an explanation of his strength. Even if he is weak, it is not a small master who can offend.

Tiger fell into Pingyang, but Yu Wei was still there.

"Who else will challenge."

The audience was silent. No one dared to answer, Lin Lang took a step forward, and the warriors also took a few steps back. Most of them have already resigned, but just miss the opportunity in this way and never be reconciled.

Everyone is waiting for an opportunity.

"Don't you come, do you want me to come to you?"

"If you want to kill me, you can come and try it." Lin Lang is proud of the heroes and more than 20 strong men. Among them, there are masters and many peak warriors, but no one dares to face them.

"Do n’t be fooled by him, he is now exhausted, I promise. If we miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we wo n’t get any treasures from Lin Youye, and we will even invite the murder in the future . "The black master hid in the corner of the crowd and kept urging.

"Yes! Let's kill him now."

There is constant echo around.

"kill him!"

A warrior uttered a voice, but it was just an addiction and he did not stand up.

It is a pity that people cherish feathers, and there are several **** lessons lost in front of them. They still keep some sense, and do not rush to death. They're all weighing, it's not worth it to risk their lives.

Human nature is greedy, after all, no matter what the nation, any strong person who cultivates is the same. After a long while, several military men finally couldn't hold back and launched an attack on Lin Lang.


Lin Lang looked cold, cut one person with a sword, then turned around and punched, shattering the bodies of several others. The flesh was raining all over the sky, but his breath was more wilting.

"Which one is in a hurry."

Lin Lang is arrogant and handsome. The heroes were frightened, and even if they knew the opponent was at the end of the crossbow, they were still afraid to shoot.

"He is now without the power of the sword. Together we can kill him." The voice of the black master came again.

Many powerful people are silent. In the beginning, there were still a few words that could be echoed, but now there is no sound of provocation. Lin Lang stepped forward, and everyone followed back.

For a long time, no challengers appeared.

"Since you don't have the courage to kill me, where are you from?" Lin Lang fainted. The black master in the crowd also wanted to stir up the emotions of the crowd, and just wanted to speak, a sword light penetrated his throat.

"I really thought I couldn't find you? But I just wanted to kill a few more people, otherwise you won't live now." Lin Lang said coldly. He took a step forward and stepped out, many warriors scattered like fledgling dogs.

Lin Lang landed on the stone bricks on the shore of the lake, silent around him, and closed his mouth spontaneously. With countless awe, he walked away step by step. His back was reflecting the setting sun, his back was facing all beings, and his shadow was stretched narrowly.

One person, one sword, kill the legends all over the world!

Now he leaves calmly, freely. It is just that China ’s martial arts world will be turned upside down, and the eyes of major nations will have to fall on him and raise a high degree of attention.

Until Lin Lang's figure completely disappeared.

The noisy talk sounded in the sky.

"Oh my god, what did I witness today. The disappearance of a divine powerhouse." Someone mumbled.

In any one age, there are very few powerful people in Divine Realm. In the past century, few people have even heard of the birth of Divine Realm. However, not only are the Divine Powers born, but they have also been slaughtered.

"It is a pity that the death of the Yinyang Taoist is such that the death of such a strong man is definitely a heavy blow to the Chinese martial arts community."

"Unfortunately, he was born in the wrong age, and he was astounded by his adversaries in his half-life. As a result, Zhao Zilong was first born in middle age, and in the twilight years, a demon like Lin Youye was born. Praise will be his legend. "Someone sighed.

"Or, if he is not so anxious. It may be another result when the realm is stable again. After all, he is only involved in the divine realm and has less accumulation."

"Wait until his realm is stable and say that Lin Youye has not broken through Divine Realm, then it will be slaughter. Did you forget Lin Youye's practice speed?" Someone retorted sneer.

"How Lin Youye now kills the Grand Master, and within ten years, how he will kill Godland. Because he is invincible."

"I have faith now, and Lin Youye is my belief, an object that requires me to exhaust my life to catch up." A young warrior clenched his fists, welcoming a smirk around him.

After all, he is the early cultivation of the warrior.


Yin and Yang Taoist, the strongest in the martial arts of Huaxia, used his blood to create a legendary strongman alive. Since then, Lin You Ye has reached the top of China's summer, and it is difficult to find an opponent all over the world.

Mo just took a breath and calmly said, "From now on, the martial arts world of Huaxia is the world of Lin Youye. The yin and yang Taoist died, and he has reached the top and overlooked."

"I'm afraid we will all live in the shadow of him for the next 100 years." Duan Zhengchun sighed: "Although I realized a lot of sentiments leading to the divine realm in this battle, there is really a day of becoming a god, only I'm afraid he's already standing in the higher sky. "

In the distance, Su Shilan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Every time Lin Lang was in distress, she let her heart be mentioned in her throat. Now that the dust had settled down, she was a little lost.

As for the delicate girl, Fang stepped out of shock at this time.

"I didn't think of one of my experiences. I saw such a genius outside. Maybe what I saw and heard today, telling those old antiques that they would think I was crazy."

"Who can't kill God with words?" The delicate girl closed her eyes and digested for a long time. Whether she accepted it or not, the fact was already in front of her eyes.

When she was digested and shocked, Yu Guang glanced over Su Shilan, seeing that the latter looked ugly, and she was a little pale, and could not help making a noise.

"What's wrong?" The light flowed in the delicate girl's eyes, and the preconceived thought that the **** scene stimulated the girl's heart, and then smiled cheerfully: "Cultivation of the world to kill people is a common thing. If you don't argue, they will come to kill you. It was the same at the time, and you have to get used to it. "

"I'm not talking about this." Su Shilan shook her head, a very serious attitude appeared on her face: "I want to learn martial arts with you."

"Oh? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

The delicate girl was surprised.

"I want to help him and stop paying attention silently." Su Shilan said almost in a slang: "This feeling of weakness, I don't want to experience it again."

There was a hint of slyness in the delicate girl's eyes, and she blinked, "I understand. In the future, you will mingle with your elder sister. The elder sister's temperament is too cold. The other sisters only have penance in their heads and have no fun at all. Just in our place You can also talk to me. "

"However, before that, you need to be personal with your loved ones. We are going to a very far place."

"How far is it? Is it going to be out of the province?"

Su Shilan was shocked.

"Well ... it's not too far away to say." The delicate girl vaguely smiled and said, "In fact, the real journey is half an hour away."

After all, a touch of naughty appeared in the delicate girl's eyes.

"Then don't need to say goodbye. It's not far anyway." Su Shilan shook her head.

"Cough, I think you'd better say goodbye to him, what if he will look for you all over the world?" The delicate girl coughed dryly.

"No need," Su Shilan said firmly. "I'm afraid I'll regret it when I see him, I will."

She didn't know. In fact, the delicate girl lied a little, not too small, so small that it was not a lie, so big that she took a road that could only go forward.

That place is actually far away.

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