Lin Lang originally thought that Su Shilan had been instigated by the black witch, and he thought of killing the Quartet in the T country. He didn't want to reverse it now.

Because Su Shilan's disappearance has nothing to do with them.

Even so, Lin Lang also made three turns around the idol, finally stopped, and his eyes fell on the square snake seal in front of the evil god.

"The letter of the great wizard said that this seal had something to do with me, so I took it first." Lin Lang glanced at the square seal, and a light flashed under his eyes.

"Impossible!" The middle-aged man in the red robe jumped up instantly, loudly, "This is the holy thing that unites the faith of the witch god, the belief of the black witch, how can the great wizard send you."

"I say mine is mine."

Lin Lang sneered. Reaching out and pulling up the square seal, there is an iron bar below it, which has been rooted into the incense case, but it is still rudely pulled out by Lin Lang.

In his palm, a sharp sword lingered, flattening the bar, leaving only a bare seal.


The middle-aged man in the red robe was eager to grab, and Lin Lang kicked and shot into the sky, his head penetrated the roof, and the other half of his body was constantly dangling in the hall.

"Tell me the Wizard, and I'll smile at your relic."

Lin Lang's voice is getting farther and farther.

It wasn't until Lin Lang's figure completely disappeared that the middle-aged man in the red robe fell heavily and splashed the heavenly ash.

"Lin Youye, Huaxia robber, shameless thief!" Asada sorrowfully said.

"Big wizard, do you know that our seal was snatched by Lin Youye." Asada climbed up, hugged the evil god's toes and kept crying. The eyelids of the evil **** idol jumped, pretending to be silent.

It wasn't until half a while later that two angry voices came together.

"He is forcing me to appear." The evil **** finally said quietly: "Until just now, he has been hovering around, waiting for my appearance."

Middle-aged man in red robe suddenly looked up.

"Master, is this Lin Youye so horrible?" The middle-aged man in the red robe was terrified. The wizard had been revamped in the divine realm many years ago, but now he is facing a rising star who has not even reached the divine realm. I dare not show up.

Even Lin Youye turned around three times and took the Quartet under his eyelids and took it away.

"He is not terrible. If I fight, I have 100% certainty to kill him. But at that time I'm afraid I can't get any benefit, and he will even be dragged to death."

"In the future, there will be a big change in country E. At that time, the gods of all parties, even my old opponent, the zero killer **** will show up. I should not fight with him. But he will get him back sooner or later. Said the wizard.

"But I think he is also an immortalist. Is he also a disciple who came out of the Kunxu world? No, he should be an old monster who regained his house, and this is the only possibility."

The big wizard frowned.

"Sorcerer the Great Wizard."

Middle-aged people in red robes quickly complimented. It's just that the heart is still defamatory, and the dignified divine powerhouse is so persuaded that he is afraid to show up at the door after being bullied.

This is also the first time in a century that the wizard has lost his temper. Unknowingly, Asada's majestic figure in the mind, thousands of black witch disciples worshipped and worshipped the great shore, completely collapsed in his heart.

Just when he thought about it, a huge palm covered under his head was unstoppable, and Asada was patted into a pool of meat sauce.

He has been practicing witchcraft for decades and is useless.

"Yes. As long as you are shot dead, no one knows such a shame."

The big wizard whispered to himself, wiping the blood-stained palms on his placket.


Lin Lang did feel the existence of the great wizard, and has been forcing the other party to appear, but unfortunately the latter is too cautious, and would rather give up the treasure than he would like.

"But with this thing to compensate, this is not a worthwhile trip. It is estimated that the shaman has felt heartache for several years." Lin Lang turned his hands and took the Sifangyin in his hands.

This side seal is not a weapon for attack and kill, but a container that can hold a large amount of aura, or energy. Don't look at it, it's only a little bigger than a slap, but if the internal space is open, it will be ten square kilometers.

If it is used to contain destructive substances such as the Thunder Flame, the power will all burst out, just like a thousand-ton equivalent missile, destroying a small town. This is an absolute weapon of life and death. Even if it is not used, it is also a weapon to deter countries.

"Unfortunately, it can't be used to hold utensils, otherwise I don't have to be so troublesome, I have to carry so many things with me." Lin Lang sighed: "How good it would be to get a space spirit ring."

The space spirit ring Lin Lang has a way to build it, but the space stone that is needed can only be found in the chaos of space. Without the main ingredients, this idea can only be discussed in the future.

In ordinary people's impression, country T has always been underdeveloped, but it is not. As the capital of country T and an international metropolis, Mangu is a bustling scene. There are many pedestrians on the street. Although it is not as rubble as the capital of China, it is at least crowded with crowds of tourists on various commercial streets.

Viewed from a distance, there is a roof with green tiles and crested cornices nearby. In the distance there is the golden splendor of the Temple of Dawn, and the tall spires tower into the clouds.

In the meantime, Lin Lang is walking the streets of Mangu at this moment, preparing to return to the international airport. Just as he walked near an alley, several sudden gunshots broke the quiet air.

Seeing the alley, several figures fell into a pool of blood in an instant. Two middle-aged people with Huaxia faces fled and hurried out of the alley.

"Chasing! Don't let them run away!"

Behind the two of them, there was a sound of bullets hitting the corner of the alley, splashing first-class Mars. The nearer crowd changed their faces after hearing the sound of gunshots, like a frightened deer herd, and Wuyi fled in other directions.

In just a few tens of seconds, the entire street immediately became empty, leaving only Lin Lang standing alone on the empty street.

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