Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 382: In the Golden Triangle

"How is your sister's car skills are not bad yet."

Suzaku is proud.

Lin Lang didn't continue the problem, but instead said, "Why are you here? Isn't the scope of the special operation's mission generally concentrated in China?"

"In theory, this is the case." Suzaku was in the driver's seat. Even if he was distracted and talked to Lin Lang, his movements were flexible and there was no clutter.

"But there are exceptions sometimes. For example, the last time you were trapped in Japan, you didn't even want me to take the horse in the end. As for this time, we found the trace of Situ Tumo, the third person on the Chinese arrest list, and had to send me and All members of the third group are arrested. "

"This is also the news that I heard that you came to country T, and I immediately sought your purpose."

"Oh?" Lin Lang looked at it, surprised, "What is the origin of this Situ cub, and it takes so many people to gather so much power to arrest him?"

Situ Youmo is the third person on the China Hunting List, but he doesn't even have a place on the world's hidden list. He doesn't even have a ranking.

To deal with such a person, it is not necessary to be so enthusiastic and enthusiastic. Not only has the third group been transferred, but even the master of Suzaku, the pinnacle of transformation, has to go out in person.

"Do you think we are too exaggerated?" Suzaku shook his head and said, "Situ's young demon itself is not strong. It is repaired only in the middle of the realm. It is not because of his strength that he can rank third in the arrest list. It ’s too bad. "

"He killed more than a dozen members of the Special Operations Division by himself, and two team leaders, including the team leader before your fifth. These are still second, Situ Youmo flees abroad and we treat him His hunting has also reached freezing point, and we had originally given up the idea of ​​hunting him down. "

"But recently he was too rampant and killed the former group leader of the third group. Not to mention, it was found out from this incident that he had a great relationship with General Golden Skelak, a drug king in the Golden Triangle, and has been hiding in Skerak. Almost ninety percent of the general's account for delivering du products to China came from his channels. You also know that our country has zero tolerance for du products. "

Lin Lang knew it, frowning and analyzing, "Since you have found his trace, you should be very good at winning him."

A peak guru is enough to be called a machine of war, even in a heavily defensive military barracks. Hiding under a general's account is not enough to be his amulet.

"How can it be that simple."

Suzaku shook his head: "The generals in the Golden Triangle can only control the situation. There are others at the helm who really control the whole. Even if I am there, I dare not rely on force."

"You mean Divine Realm?"

Lin Lang was well-thought-out, and immediately concluded that there were only two things to manipulate the situation in the Golden Triangle. One was that countries secretly intervened, but it would not make a warrior so jealous.

The second one is naturally the divine realm.

Lin Lang meditated silently. Although the current state of the gods could not be hidden, they really existed. To the extent they reached them was enough to attract the attention of various countries, and even to have the right to sit down and negotiate with some small countries.

Don't look at them hidden in the world, but in fact they have been manipulating the situation behind the scenes. Behind each local war, their figures are always looming, and even the outcome is the result of these invisible black-handed games.

In places such as the Golden Triangle, the coalition forces of the three Burmese, Thai and Laos nations or they acted alone. This may not be without their shadows. If you give up these, there is no reason why the Golden Triangle power and wealth should not be divided.

"Even behind these divine realms, there are probably some countries secretly supporting it, which is somewhat interesting." Lin Lang guessed the truth without thinking about it.

"Where's Qinglong? If you transfer Qinglong, you won't be so passive. If one of them takes someone away, I am afraid that even those old gods would not dare to stand at the front desk?" Lin Lang frowned. As far as he knows, Qinglong has already broken through the divine realm and needs to be trained. The intricate Golden Triangle is a good place for him to sharpen.

"Qinglong is now busier than us." Suzaku smiled bitterly: "Since he broke through the realm, he has been hunting and killing a person. Now he has gone to Siberia. It should be half a year in terms of time."

"And who can't chase Qinglong?" Lin Lang said in surprise. Qinglong is a symbol of Chinese martial arts. The predecessor of the dark list was already a deified person.

Even if he is arrogant, he also admires the latter. To be able to outperform the yin and yang Taoist who is astounded, Zhao Zilong must have its own excellence.

"There is one." Suzaku's red lips lightly opened, and he said in a correct voice: "The top of the Chinese arrest list, the sword **** left Qiu Dao."


Suzaku drove the Maybach, and shuttled around the city, throwing out the chase behind him. Not long after, they switched to a bland Mazda on the side of the road, and Youyou drove forward.

The scope of operations of the Special Operations Division is not limited to domestic, and there are many channels even overseas. Under the arrangement of Suzaku, the two had little trouble and left Bangkok smoothly, leaving by helicopter. After another half a day's journey, I have come to a wild wilderness.

"Where is this?"

Lin Lang looked around, there were primitive wild forests everywhere. Mosquitoes, birds and beasts are rampant, and there is no one around them.

"Wangpu Forest in the Golden Triangle." Suzaku smiled, a proud look: "I know you don't like nosy, so let's get in first and pull you over."

"Don't worry, as long as you help your sister, catching Situ Youmo will do you good."

Suzaku patted Lin Lang's shoulder and comforted.

"You think you can't hide my careful thoughts? I already wanted to come." Lin Lang smiled. Even if there is no Suzaku, he will come to the Golden Triangle sooner or later, because he once made a promise to some people.

And now it's time to cash.

"I have contacted several members of the fifth group, and you will send them the detailed address here later, and when they arrive we are ready to do something big." Lin Lang fainted, and then turned to go deep into the dense forest.

The proud smile on Suzaku Qiao's face came to an abrupt end, and it took a while for him to react. He sneered and said, "Okay, now you are directing me."

"Now that you withdraw the official document, you are not the chief commander, and even the battle will not be counted. You guys ignore me, and you want to direct me to work without big or small. You are beyond authority and cannot be forgiven!"

Although she was not convinced verbally, she made a telephone report to the headquarters and transferred all the fifth group. After all, people here are unfamiliar with each other.

She followed Lin Lang, and for the next time she was always a cold face, always thinking about the previous things. As for Lin Lang, there was always a salty expression on his face, and the root of Suzaku was itching.

But soon, she couldn't help but start to speak first: "We are going to a station that is close to the Chinese warlord, and the members of the third group are also repairing there."

"Before that, we had to pass through the territories of As Peter, a big drug lord. He was notorious in the Golden Triangle. He pulled down a team of more than 800 people, and his guns and ammunition were sufficient."

There was a chorus of ‘呦 呦’ in the mountain forest. Behind the thick trees in the dense forest, more than a dozen soldiers with submachine guns broke out.

These people are naturally the assassins of the drug lord Aspet. In addition to their duties of defensive surveillance, it is also their obligation to stop pedestrians passing by.

"Are you or me?"

Lin Lang looked at each other. To tell the truth, these ten little tadpoles, neither Suzaku nor he, have ever put their eyes on them. As for their tolls, they can only think about it in their next life.

Lin Lang's words fell, and Suzaku rushed out immediately. She was fit and walking through the canopy, avoiding rows of bullets.

Suzaku gets its name largely because of her physique. In the words of foreigners, she is an extraordinary person in the fire department, and at the same time she has cultivated martial arts herself, her strength is unfathomable.

She waved Xiuquan, wrapped in a sea of ​​flames and rushed forward. Even if the bullet was burning under her flames, there were faint signs of melting.

"Let's die."

Suzaku sighed, the sea of ​​fire rushed, and within a minute, a dozen soldiers were slaughtered by her. The fire ignited the firearm's magazine and burst in the air.

She will not show mercy to these soldiers in the Golden Triangle. In her impression, the soldier should die on the battlefield.

The ground was scorched, and there was almost no obstacle behind the two, and they easily crossed the jungle. Go straight up a lone mountain behind the jungle.

On the mountainside of Gushan.

Here is a shack built with many thick trunks, surrounded by a layer of barbed wire. Soldiers set up machine guns on the rudimentary two-story corridor to point to the distance. There are also soldiers with guns in Thai clothes standing nearby looking The tower looked out into the distance.

In front of the cottage is a row of fortifications.

The soldier in front of the door apparently knew Suzaku, but just came to question and opened the door for release. At the same time, a young man wearing a majestic camouflage uniform, a cross-body gun bag, and a brave and imposing manner greeted him while walking.

"Sister Suzaku, you go back ..." The young man said half of it, seeing Lin Lang's face clearly, and was suddenly surprised: "Dagongong, why are you here?"

This person is Lin Yu saved by Lin Lang before.

Lin Lang's gaze was also softer: "It's you, you really have a destiny, and you meet again."

Lin Yu looked excited and nodded again and again.

"Do you know? Then I don't need to introduce him." Suzaku wondered.

"More than just knowing, I was saved by his life." Lin Yu was trembling with excitement, and quickly invited Lin Ling and two into the camp tent.

Through introductions on both sides of Suzaku, Lin Lang probably understands that Lin Yu is not only a warlord in the Golden Triangle, but also has a virtual seat in the special operations office, which is equivalent to the role of an informant in the Golden Triangle, and he can be considered half himself people.

When Lin Yu heard Suzaku's introduction, his eyes widened immediately: "He turned out to be China's first quasi-combatant, how could he be so young."

The generals are equivalent to the highest commander in the special operations department. They are responsible for commanding seven special operations teams and two hundred warrior grandmasters. In addition, there are many personnel such as the intelligence department and the archives department within their jurisdiction. .

"Unfortunately, I still wanted to hire him over to protect my safety. Now I think about it, I'm exalting myself as a younger brother." Lin Yu booed endlessly. Although he is also a small warlord, he also knows that his ability is far from enough.

He does have hundreds of guns, but in the face of others, as long as he is willing to give you a beheading operation, even if you are patrolling around the clock, it is probably impossible to stop a murderous guru .

This is quite clear to him.

Lin Yu led the way in the front, leading the two to the depths of the cottage. This is a residential area of ​​the cottage. It looks a bit run-down, but there are many mountain people living there.

Here Lin Lang saw many members of the third group. They were training with eyesight near the martial arts and from time to time they were posing weird.

"This is the Seven Birds Refinement Technique?" Lin Lang was surprised.

"Yes, since the last time you transmitted the Fa in the fifth group, the entire Special Operations Service and all trump special forces across the country have undergone reforms, discarding their original physical skills, and listing the Seven Birds Body Consolidation as a brand new The military fist is vigorously promoted. "

"Of course, the effect of the Seven-Bird Sculpting Technique is also amazing. At present, the seven teams of the Special Operations Division are blooming, and nearly ten new masters have been born. In addition to the original transformation, the number of masters is close to twenty."

"In addition, the number of peak warriors also exceeds 70 people. Minister Qi is very pleased with this matter, but he highly respects you at the headquarters." Suzaku laughed.

Before Lin Lang joined the company, the strength of both the fifth and other six groups was relatively weak, and all the changes would not exceed ten people.

Since Lin Lang joined the post, only three masters have appeared before and after the fifth group, which has become the most elite team in the Special Operations Division. Even the first group led by Qinglong has been stabilized.

Perhaps one day, the Special Operations Division will become a team of gurus, and it may not be necessary to become a national machine that China deterred the world.

"The Special Operations Division is responsible for monitoring the warriors in the world. Who is the real deterrent to those Zongmen?" Lin Lang's eyes flickered. He once ran through the Wan Guizongs, and had a deep understanding of the strength of these ancient gates.

The strength of a single Ghost Sect may be no better than a special operation, but if two or three such gates are added together, I am afraid that even if the special operations are out of the house, they will be embarrassed. , As well as the ancient ancestral gate.

If they were born, they would be afraid of a **** storm.

He did not believe that these people would rather abandon the bustling metropolis outside and obediently close the mountain gate. What's more, there is a divine intervention in a small place like the Golden Triangle. If Huaxia had only one Zhao Zilong and a divine power, he would not believe it if he was killed.

Suzaku hesitated for a while, and weighed again and again, and then said softly: "There is indeed such an organization, its name is Kunlun."

"There is a gathering place for a group of old monsters. We are in the bright, they are dark, and together we are maintaining the stability of Huaxia. When a war like ours can survive to retirement, we will be recruited by Kunlun to support the days."

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