Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 384: I want everything

Down the mountain, Aspen's camp.

At this time, the camp was completely under martial law and heavily guarded in all directions. In the mountains farther away, a temporary tent was set up at this moment, and the machine gunners in the dense forest in three directions occupied the commanding heights and controlled the overall situation.

When the army rushed forward, it was found that this place was not just the Asper party, but gathered all the forces near Mount Wangpu.

"It's a coincidence. In addition to As Peter, Kanmaislov, Sayuro's people are also here. What happened?" Lin Yu frowned.

This is the intersection of the forces of Aspet and Kanmaislov. As for Sayuro, they drove here from a distance of thousands of miles.

"I'll take a look in the barracks first, and you're ready to launch an attack." After Lin Lang left this sentence, his body flickered slightly, and the whole person disappeared deep in the dense forest.

Lin Yu bowed her head and made a silent calculation. Now that she is under full martial law all around, there are not only the 800 troops in the Aspen headquarters, but also some elite forces of two other big men. From a military perspective, it is definitely not a good time for a surprise attack.

However, the participation of the Special Operations Division is also a variable, but it is impossible to meet. This group of monsters' combat effectiveness is absolutely horrible. If you miss it, I'm afraid it will never happen again.

After groaning for a while, Lin Yu finally pressed his teeth: "Begging for wealth and wealth, this vote is done!"


Today is indeed a special day.

On weekdays, the tripartite forces that were jealous of each other ignored their suspicions and took the initiative to let go of their ills. The leaders of the three parties also came together. Although they were on their respective borders, they could also explain some problems.

At this time, a simple wooden table with a bearded middle-aged man sitting on the top of the subject was Aspeter. On the other two sides are Kanslov, and Sayuro, two drug addicts.

As Peter was very depressed these two days, many strange people often appeared around him, one by one, and he was able to damage more than fifty soldiers. Before Lin Lang arrived, the third group also clashed with his subordinates, losing a lot of manpower.

This gave him a sense of urgency.

"Two people, you must have heard of the recent events. After being trapped in the mountains by us, Lin Yu moved around for help. I don't know where he got a bunch of monsters, each of them a warrior."

As Peter opened the door and saw the subject straight.

"What! Lin Yu invited a group of martial arts masters, how many people?" Kanmaislov started sitting up in surprise. The title of martial arts officer in the Golden Triangle is no stranger, especially to their group of warlords.

A warrior is the same as a warrior. He has passed through the army, killing individuals is as easy as searching for sacks. The warlords without the protection of a martial arts officer are, after all, insecure.

You have thousands of soldiers and soldiers, and people can go into battle with you and kill you without clashing with you on the battlefield. In the Golden Triangle, there are countless warlords killed by warriors, and it is no longer news.

Therefore, even if these warlords are willing to pay a lot of money, they must invite one or two such masters. Even if they can no longer serve, they must be respected in the barracks and seek the asylum of a martial artist.

This is why the warriors who cannot be mixed up in the country are so enthusiastic about the Golden Triangle. Although they experience war at any time, their benefits are inestimable.

"Yes, they are in their early twenties, and each is a first-class master." Aspeter spoke solemnly. To this day, he has long been out of his control, and Rong has to pay attention.

Sayuro and Kanmaislov also smelled a bit of a crisis. A warrior squad had too much influence on the battle situation. It is likely that the Wangpu Forest area will change dramatically, and they will not be able to continue to sit back and relax.

The three were silent at the same time, each with his own mind.

The air is quiet like stagnation.

Suddenly, Kanmaislov opened his mouth with a smile: "The two do not need to worry, and the martial arts are also divided into strong and weak. It is no problem to single out more than a dozen martial arts in the strongest row."

"I am guarded by a martial arts dia, security is not a problem."

The words fell, and a mighty monk behind Kanmaislov, tattooed on his body, obliquely wrapped around his shoulders, and half of his upper body naked.

"Dia martial arts masters, the best among martial arts masters, are only half a step away from the big martial arts masters. There is no one or twenty martial arts martial arts masters who can't get close."

Kanmaislov introduced it with a smile, then looked at the other two, his eyes flashed, and said, "I'll throw a brick to attract the jade, and the two don't have to hide it."

As Peter also nodded: "I also have the support of Master Evan, also a master martial artist who is only half a step away."

Behind him, an old man with a European face stood still, waved his momentum, the whole tent of the shock was crumbling. The momentum alone made Diya martial arts jealous. This man's cultivation is especially above him.

"No wonder the two are so energetic. It turned out that there was an expert to help him behind. Sayuluo was ashamed." Sayurol coughed. "I don't have two such cards, so don't participate anymore. Two of them are enough."

The four fierce lights looked instantly.

As Peter looked at the other with a smile: "Sayuro is as cunning as ever. If you don't have a hole card, who will believe it? You just see that we have enough hands and want fish in muddy water."

"Since you don't have a martial arts expert to give directions, you shouldn't mind changing Salo's name."

Sayu Luo narrowed his eyes, and then smiled: "Just kidding, I also invited Master Wata, the master of Heng Lian from the King Kong Temple of China, which is quite famous there."

A man behind Sayuro took off the bucket, revealing several eye-catching scars on the head, but an 'X' shaped scar was left on the scar, and it didn't look like a monk eating fasting Buddha.

The monk didn't show any power, but he didn't show the mountains or the water, but he stood there, but no one was underestimated. Master Heng Lian is fiercely physical, and the competitor in the same realm has to be strong.

"Okay!" As Peter raised his palm and sighed, and said joyfully: "There are two of them, Lin Yu's child is nothing but a lingering sorrow, and his palm can be destroyed. By then, the wealth accumulated by Wangpu Mountain will be divided equally between the three of us.

"Let's toast for victory." As Peter toasted and invited, filled with a glass of Mekong whiskey, their celebration wine.

At this moment, a dissonant voice interjected suddenly: "I want everything, what do you think."

Several people stunned at the same time, only to find out that I do not know when, there was a young man standing under the three-seater seat, no one knew when he appeared.

The three looked at each other and looked around neatly, all seeing the doubt in the other's eyes. This is not anyone they bring.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Kanmaislov's eyes flickered. Huaxia Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and this area of ​​the Golden Triangle is a real mess. Maybe a superpower will pop out someday. Now Lin Lang appears too suddenly in the camp, no one wants to offend, at least until he understands the identity of the other party.

Lin Lang did not answer, but glanced around at a few people, and said lightly, "Who is As Peter."

The eyes of everyone looked, and As Peter cleared his throat and stood up: "It's me."

"His previous words were true." As Peter blinked: "The lion can only cooperate with tigers. It is not impossible to share our prey, but before that, do you need to prove your ability."


Lin Lang nodded, raised his hand and scratched forward, a horrible suction suddenly erupted, sucking As Peter directly in front of him. But the drinks on the table were unaffected.

Several people's faces suddenly changed. Especially on the faces of several martial arts masters, it is full of infinite fear. As Peter was attracted to Lin Lang, he couldn't move at all, and his face was a little scared.

Xiao Ming was pinched in his hands and he had to bow his head.

"His Excellency is truly inscrutable. With this strength, we share a fortune with us." As Peter hurriedly.

Master Diya was also unwilling to provoke Lin Lang too much. He could not understand the details of the other party, and followed the voice: "You are qualified to be our ally. We have joined forces to capture the wealth of Wangpu Mountain."

"You're wrong." Lin Lang shook his head. "I mean that I want all three of you's wealth and power to surrender to me, and you can consider saving you a life."

Several people changed their faces instantly.

Kanmaislov's eyes exploded, Shen said, "You are the rescuer of Lin Yu."

"You can understand it this way, of course, he doesn't have the qualification to invite me." Lin Lang's faction was quiet and leisurely.

Several people were furious and fierce.

"Your Lord's tone is too great." Master Diya sneered: "You want to destroy us, your qualifications are not enough. I will cut you now, two colleagues and press me in the back.

"I'll go and chop this yellow-mouthed child, and just come and go."

Master Diya sneered endlessly and cultivated into unreserved bloom, showing the power of the half-step master.


Lin Lang gave a cold hum, and reached out to point to the past. A dazzling beam of light pierced the master of Dia ’s eyebrows. A round hole with a radius of one meter was penetrated behind the entire tent.

The dynasty warrior Diya fell.

An old man who had been in the Golden Triangle for many years was annihilated, and even before his death he had no resistance.

Everyone was trembling, including Master Duhe, who was equally frightened.

Far from the camp.

The members of the fifth group were all alive and well, and no one asked, Wu Mo screamed and rushed forward. Suzaku took the members of the third group behind him and did not step forward, nor did he stop.

Lin Yu has been busy lining up. When he saw the beam of light, his heart was settled immediately. He turned around and looked at the crowd, exclaiming, "It's time for you to make a contribution. This Wangpu Forest is our home. We Take it back now. "


Gunshots shot around outside the Wangpu Forest, hitting many enemies around him by surprise. For a time, the jungle was shouting and killing, and the soldiers farther away were sifted into a sieve. When they were close to each other, they met a fifth group of these people.

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