Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 388: Beautiful picture

The coalition forces of Luca and Hameron did pull out the forest in an orderly manner, set up camps outside the forest, set fire to the fire, as if there was really no intention to stir up war.

However, Lin Yu didn't dare to take it lightly. Since the coalition forces have already been dispatched, it means that they will never give up, just retreating temporarily because of unknown reasons.

"I guess they are working on my idea and want to use unconventional methods to kill me. The new army was established, and their loyalty to me was not high. As soon as I died, they would come over and take over my industry with the least casualties. Into. "

"If I'm not wrong, they will send someone to rob the camp tonight to kill me." Lin Yu's simple analysis came to a conclusion.

Beheadings are very common in the disputes of the Golden Triangle warlords. Each warlord places great importance on his own life. Every day his home is changed at any time, and he will even spend a lot of money to ask a warrior to protect himself.

This is why the status of the three generals has been as stable as Mount Tai. Behind each of them are guarded by eternal masters, making their lives difficult to ascend to the sky.

However, even if he knew the other party's thoughts, Lin Yu didn't care, but went on a big fanfare and stayed in the barracks.

"If you use the army to attack, I will still back off the three-pointer. But if you want to use extraordinary means, then there is no return." Lin Yu sneered, and now Wang Pushan is a master, like a cloud, how dare he ?

Sure enough, as expected, during the night, three figures quietly touched in while the night was going, killing several soldiers in a row to force out the position of Lin Yu, and went straight to the tent where Lin Yu lived.

"Children Lin Yu, die."

Three figures broke into the tent aggressively.

Opposite them, Lin Yuduan sat at the table and calmly drank tea. Beside him, there were two people sitting left and right, and they were very happy to each other, and it seemed no surprise that they appeared.

"Waiting for three more hours."

Lin Yu put the tea cup lightly and calmly.

"You're quite bold, knowing that the three of us are coming, even if we don't run away, we dare to stay here to die." The man in black sneered.

The cultivation of the three of them is good, and they are all masters who have reached the realm of transformation. In particular, the old man who did not show up in the middle of the mountain was even more horrible when he was repaired.

The so-called art masters are bold, and three masters are enough to cope with all unexpected situations. This is how they dare to come here.

As for the old man in Tsing Yi in the middle of the transition period, it was even the confidant who was assigned by General Skelak himself, just to completely eradicate this man's confidant in the north.

"Of course I want to stay, and I will also leave the three of you together." Lin Yu said leisurely.

"Leave us?" The middle-aged guru seemed to hear the funniest joke: "Why do you want to leave us, with the two wastes around you?"

"Master Duhe, Master Evan, two garbage that even Huahua Realm doesn't have, I let them both use their hands and feet for nothing." The middle-aged grandmaster said rudely. Before he arrived, he had figured out that there were no masters around Lin Yu, and there were only a few top warriors when he died.

If it were not for the two of them, no one would have escaped the barracks after the killing, nor would they have to go to the battlefield in person.

"That may not be so."

The old **** Lin Yu is here: "You can try."

"No more nonsense, I'll take him on the road."

The middle-aged guru sneered, and at this moment Thunder shot and took Lin Yu's head straight. Master Evan also moved to take the initiative to fight against the middle-aged master.

As soon as the experts shot, they knew if they were there.

After a few simple fights, the middle-aged master's face changed immediately, and he almost blurted out: "You are also a master!"

Grandmaster in black's face also dignified, and looked at Master Duhe. Since Master Evan has revealed the strength of the Grand Master, it is presumed that the latter will not be much worse in the realm.

As soon as he turned around, Grand Master Black and Grand Master Watu lumped together. However, a few tricks made him even more shocked. Where is the master of the crossing in front of the ordinary state of reality, the revision has clearly reached the middle of the state of transformation, a whole higher level than him.

"Where is this master?"

The master in black is incessantly bitter, and is in danger.

The only empty-handed old man also felt that things were bad, and he didn't dare to delay any more. Only by cutting and killing Lin Yu before leaving this right and wrong place, otherwise it took a long time and caused the participation of two thousand noble soldiers around the company. He could all be left here.

Just as he rushed forward with his knife, Lin Yu suddenly flashed a ghostly figure behind him, blocking him directly in front of him. It was a red-haired old man, with a thick layer of red hair on his cheeks.

"Bad me!"

The old man in Tsing Yi ruthlessly exposed his ferocity. The cultivation of the whole body is to split forward, and his strength is unreserved. However, the old red-haired man on the opposite side seemed to be stupid and motionless.

"No matter what kind of demon you are, eating me will cost you half a life."

The old man in Tsing Yi smugly smugly.

But soon he couldn't laugh.

His self-confidence fell on Lu Beidou's shoulders and left only a string of Mars, let alone hurt, he could not even embed it into the skin. He gave a full blow and did nothing.

Even the force of the shock made him numb.

"How could it be, what monster you are!" The old man in Tsing Yi panicked. What he said is also the cultivation of the middle of the realm, with the full blow of the rare sword in his hand, even the top of the realm will be injured without defense.

But right now ...

"You are demigod!"

The old man in Tsing Yi was frightened. Only the demigods, only the group of people who specialize in the demigods can achieve such a degree.

He even met a demigod!

Such a strong man may not be found throughout the Golden Triangle.

At this moment, the old man in Tsing Yi had no war intention, so he didn't dare to make any further attacks, so he had to sway forward and break open the tent.

However, the noise here has already alarmed other people nearby, and all the others have left the room.

The old man in Tsing Yi panicked and fled north. However, a woman who dominated the flames appeared. There was endless fire in front of her. The fire wings behind her stretched out, and he was seriously injured by a few simple moves. The old man in Tsing Yi turned and ran, and Suzaku hung behind him.


The old man in Tsing Yi shrank his pupils.

South side.

The old man in Tsing Yi was hitting Kevis, and a thick oak was hitting his chest. The forceful impact made him vomit blood, his expression was weak and he was weak for more than a star.

"Why a high-ranking guru, is this supposed to be a force possessed by a small drug lord?" The old man in Tsing Yi was bitter.

He fled to the west with his severely wounded body a little further. A young man with a red cloth on his head walked out. After fighting two or three times, the old man in Tsing Yi was swept away by a stick. The injury was even worse.

There was already a blood trail behind him.

It was all his own blood.

With more than a dozen injuries erupting all over his body, he could no longer escape. At this moment, a group of people in the camp rushed out and surrounded him, countless weapons and fists smashed at the same time.

These are the members of the fifth and third groups, including the two masters Xuanhe and Tieshan who blocked the escape route of the old man in Tsing Yi. This group of lively and lively members took over, like beatings like rogues.

After all, the old man in Tsing Yi was too injured, and two masters on the front resisted his resistance. His attack would hardly hurt others. As soon as he opened his eyes, his eyes were almost full of fists.

After a while, the old man in Tsing Yi twitched and swollen on the ground. However, no one was going to let him go, and the martial arts punched and kicked at him.

"I hate it!"

The old man in Tsing Yi was reluctant to scream. After a blood arrow was sprayed from his mouth, his neck was crooked, and he passed away completely. It is regrettable that a great master in the middle of the state of death died in the siege of two grand masters and more than twenty peak warriors.

If he knows well, I'm afraid he can only do nothing. I thought it was a hand-to-hand task, and I never wanted to break into Longtan Tiger's Cave.

Lin Lang, who was in retreat, was not even alarmed. The three masters of transfiguration were completely killed in Wangpu Mountain.

This time, there is nothing but hate in my chest!

"Where on earth do so many masters come from?"

The tent had been shattered by a long time, and the Master Yu in the black eye glanced into the distance inadvertently, only to feel the scalp numb, and it was more difficult to deal with the attack of Master Evan.

With the careless efforts of everyone, the three masters quickly died one by one. A middle-aged master also found a flare-like thing.

This was originally a signal to the coalition forces to launch a total attack after the trio succeeded.

"Since they gave me something good, let them taste the fruits of victory by themselves." Lin Yu smiled vaguely.

Outside the Wangpu Forest.

Luca and Hameron were not awake all night, and were still wearing combat at this time. The coalition forces around 2,000 were also assembled at night and ready to go.

"Why haven't they signaled, what could have gone wrong?" Hammeron was a little worried. Generally speaking, there are three grand masters who are going to work, which should be resolved quickly.

"Rest assured. General Skerat sent down Si Lao how to deal with it. It is not enough to deal with a mountain bun. I think it is Lin Yuzang who is too deep, and he hasn't got him out.

While Luca's voice fell.

In the distant sky, another dazzling streamer suddenly took off, and burst to the highest point, shining like a New Year's firework.

"Look, here it is."

Luca smiled, and instead set his eyes on the top of the sky, stopping for the momentary splendor, suddenly lost sight.

"A beautiful picture. This will be the moment that records our victory."

Lucca solemnly announced.

Beside him, a role similar to that of a journalist in the field, raised the camera, and recorded this moment in the film.

The coalition marched on and voluntarily killed Mount Wangpu.

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