Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 520: Scarlet Coffin

Hidden in the blood coffin!

The old man left this sentence still lingering in his ears, but Lin Lang did not actively provoke the blood coffin, this guy unexpectedly came to attack Lin Lang!

The scarlet coffin swelled, and the entire castle cliff seemed to be turned upside down, rushing towards Lin Lang with raging blood waves. At this moment Lin Lang suddenly felt that it was difficult to act, as if he had been immobilized, and every action was like pressing a Mount Tai behind his back, and the action was difficult.

Not to mention turning away and escaping.

Lin Lang has not experienced this kind of weakness for a long time.

Seeing that the blood coffin was approaching, Lin Ling's lower abdomen was in the depths of Linghai. The blood dandelion was shaking uncontrollably, hitting the wall of Linghai wildly, shaking Lin Lang's mouth to spit blood, as if to get out general.

"It's this ghost!"

Lin Lang's eyes were so cold that the blood coffin would not easily provoke others. He would only quietly absorb the power of the blood from many strong men. However, Lin Lang was different. He was pregnant with a blood pill. This blood pill was a cohesion. It is made by the blood of the entire Dark Castle, which is a great complement to the coffin that also needs blood power.

So after Li Mujun left, the Scarlet Coffin finally couldn't help tempting him.

Blood Dan hit the wall of Linghai in a frantic manner, and continued to impact at the lower abdomen position. Most of Lin Lang's body was cut into the blood coffin. Lin Lang kept vomiting blood, which made him completely furious.

"If you dare to deceive me, I will let you make a thousand-year plan." Lin Lang growled, printed his hands in succession, slammed on top of the coffin, and runes of light were buried in the coffin. Instantly disappeared, that is the method of triple printing, but it was reversed.

This is also a way to lift the ban!

Hidden in the blood coffin is the immortal, who is far from an adversary, but suppresses himself and waits for the right time to be born. However, Lin Lang's reverse seal is equivalent to lifting the ban and releasing this terrifying guy.

He was betting that the owner of this coffin would not be born so early!

The blood coffin's seal was getting looser and looser, with a majestic and powerful force, **** and tangy, as if brewing a terrible fierce force.

"You lunatic!"

An ancient and heavy voice came from the coffin, but with anger, it was obviously frightened by Lin Lang's crazy behavior. The man was not dead, but he was hiding in a coffin and waiting to be born. The blood support of those strong men just kept him alive and not increased strength.

He was planning for a future opportunity before he could be born with a **** storm. However, this is clearly not the right time.

If I continue to do this, I am afraid that the seal will be unlocked by this ant. At that time, even if he was born and beheaded the ancestor, I am afraid that it will really be a thousand years of planning as the other party said.

He never imagined that this junior would have an exquisite seal technique, and had the courage to take his life as a bet. The blood coffin retreated violently and dared not continue to contact Lin Lang.

"Where to go!"

Lin Lang got into the inch, bullied himself, and triple-forbidden in his hand repeatedly slammed on the **** coffin. The people in the blood coffin were furious. Instead, he crushed the human immortal and stepped on the ants, but now he is afraid to really break out of the coffin.

"I will kill you when the coffin is broken!"

There was a roar of fury in the blood coffin. "I will kill you in the next day."

Lin Lang uttered a cold voice and returned the original words. The popularity in the blood coffin was trembling and he patted the coffin, but he did not dare to walk out of the coffin. He had to make a humming noise, and then turned it into a stream of light, hitting the castle, tearing Cracked space, disappeared in the next moment without a trace.

Lin Lang looked coldly at the direction of the blood coffin, his eyes were cold and his body was tight. After a short while, a sense of weakness and power suddenly appeared from his heart, and a dark emptiness struck in front of his eyes, and he fell straight.


After this day, a great earthquake happened in the entire world of the transcendent, and countless incredible sounds turned into a torrent, making the world restless.

The dark castle, a great force in the world, has countless powerful people. Although no one has counted it in detail, at least I can understand the three dukes and seven marquises of the castle.

Beyond that, other powerhouses are even more difficult to estimate. There may be as many as twenty strong men above the divine realm. Although not one by one, they are enough to prove their strength.

If there are only 46 gods in the list of current gods, the dark castle will account for half of them! What a power!

Not to mention the Western Arbitration Office, every birth is accompanied by blood and rain, and the transcendence of the transcendents in Western countries is even more critical to directly threaten the country, direct dialogue, and even manipulate.

However, this is the two strongest forces in the world. On this day, the strong forces joined forces only to deal with a forest night. But the end result?

The dark castle inheritance is overthrown, the Western arbitration powerhouses are dying, and they are almost destroyed. Even if not as powerful as the dark castles, they have been slaughtered, but the prerequisites of repression are almost consumed. There is no hope for a few hundred years to restore vitality. .

For a time, the world of warriors set off a big wave. The stronglanders who had been trembling under the deterrent of the arbitration institution also held a carnival feast like prisoners who broke free of shackles.

Lin Youye uncovered the dark clouds above their heads, and since then they have no restrictions, and they can act with impunity. The name of the arbitration office is dead today, and it is still too much for itself.

Lin Youye's name spread throughout the world of martial arts circles, and some people even remembered a joke long ago. At that time, it was only a joke. Now this year, the phrase has become a reality.

The Western presidents do not know how many countries secretly control the politics and beliefs of the country. In order to achieve the purpose of preaching, they can directly manipulate any country other than the great powers of the world and have a transcendent status.

Isn't that true for the Dark Castle. But they were all wiped out by Lin Youye, and Lin Youye's being called 'Lin Six Kingdoms' is truly deserved.

In addition to the world's five great powers, Lin Youye can be a country, one person for one country! This title, together with the great power of the world, sounds right.

Many ordinary people even heard this title from the friends of martial arts. Of course, they also laughed and made fun of a sentence: "Why would anyone go hand in hand with the great power of the world? Is that ... immortal?"

When the Son of Light got the news, he was even more desperate. Has his old opponent been so strong? Deep in the arbitration office, he couldn't help worrying that Lin Yu would kill him in revenge someday.

There was a lot of noise outside the arbitration that day. It turned out that a divine powerhouse who had been hunted down by the arbitration came to the door, hoping to give a fatal blow when the arbitration was weakest.

This man's strength is indeed extraordinary, but he is a martial artist who is in the middle stage of the Divine Realm and has a half step. He even picked the four divine realms of the arbitration office, all nailed to the holy pillar. Later, the only two divine realms in the arbitration office came forward, and this was regarded as driving him away.

After the war, the martial arts in the world couldn't help but sigh. Even if the strong arbitration of the Western arbiters fell, they were still first-class forces. In addition to Lin Youye, several people had the ability to kill the arbitration office.

The others waited, and only laughed.

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