At the door, people had prepared the car hoe, and three horse-drawn horse-drawn horses marched forward, with crowns and embroidered jade cymbals, and several songbirds embroidered on the body.

Lin Lang thought for a while, and then stepped on the car cymbal and sat opposite Zhong Xuanzhu in the car hood, but no one spoke face to face. Lao Li played the role of driver, whip up and down, and drove the car to the distance.

"Ms. Zhong should not go out often on weekdays?" Lin Lang looked at the **** the opposite side and smiled.

"Why do you see it?"

Zhong Xuanzhu's eyes looked.

"I think these three horses are healthy, but they are a bit fat, and the horses that are often trained are not like this." Lin Lang laughed.

"You have observed it very carefully." Zhong Xuanzhu whispered softly: "I really don't go out very much. I am born by nature and cannot practice. If I were not born in Zhong's house, I would have the status I am now, so I usually just Zhong Jia takes a walk within the jurisdiction of the family and does not go far. "

"If it wasn't for my father asking me to attend the meeting this time, I had to arrange for me to go to Yongjiang City to meet the nephew of the owner, I would rather stay at home." Zhong Xuanzhu shook his head.

"Ms. Zhong does not need to be arrogant, whoever said that she is inherently incapable of practicing, the wisdom of her ancestors can even break the curse of the stubborn body, not to mention other constitutions."

"You are born with a vein and seem to be unable to practice, but as long as you make good use of it, it may not be a natural vein. If your physical constitution is extradited, you will practice thousands of miles a day in the future, and you will surpass all powerful men in this world within a thousand years. "Lang Lang said.

Zhong Xuanzhu also only considered comfort, and did not take it seriously. Instead, Lin Lang spoke again, and casually asked, "I have never been to Yongjiang City, but others have heard of it several times. How big is Yongjiang City?"

"The city of Baili, the entire radiant area of ​​Yongjiang City is about a hundred miles away. Such a large city is under the control of the owner of Yongjiang City, how big are you?" Zhong Xuanzhu said softly.

Lin Lang nodded. If the area of ​​Yongjiang City is converted into units on the earth, it is about the size of a county-level city. The artificially excavated space in the Kunxu boundary should not be too small, so he nodded: "That's not too small. The owner of Yongjiang City is in charge of the lives and deaths of so many people. He should also be a very high person."

"Let me tell you this. There is an old saying in the Kunxu Realm: Three Pavilions and Seven Sects Imperial City. These three Pavilions refer to the Xingchen Pavilion, Xingli Pavilion and Tianming Pavilion. Da Tianzong, as for the Imperial City is the largest city in the Kunxu boundary, a place of pilgrimage for all people. "

"But there is no emperor in the emperor city. There is only a statue of the Emperor Xuanyuan. It is said that the opening of the Kunxu world has a great relationship with the Emperor Xuanyuan. We are all his descendants. His blood is flowing in his body, so even now The Seven Great Heavenly Sects often make pilgrimages to the Imperial City. "

"Three Seven Sects Imperial City." Lin Lang secretly memorized this sentence, while at the same time constantly inquiring through the words of Zhong Xuanzhu about the news about Kunxu.

It turns out that there is no difference between the Kunxu world and the real world of cultivating immortals. There are many beings in the world. Apart from some mortals who cannot practice, most of them are practitioners.

In addition, there is no system in the Kunxu world. It is mainly based on the will of the Seven Heavenly Sects, which governs all the living beings below and many Xiuxian gates, while the Xianmen below is the responsibility of the seven Heavenly Sects and manages many cities.

The city owner was ordered by the will of Xianmen. In addition, no one in the area under his jurisdiction could be shaken by the city owner of each city. In his field, his status was called the emperor. Such Kunxu Realm really has the embryonic form of the practice world.

"As for Yongjiang City, it is not a big city in the Kunxu World. There are hundreds of cities in Kunxu. A city like Yongjiang City can only be regarded as a junior. Our Zhongjia family is considered prominent in the range of Yongjiang City, but it is placed in other large cities. It's nothing in the city. "

"But even so, the strength of Yongjiang City Master has reached the level of immortal. It is said that when he took over a hundred years ago, he was already a third-order immortal. Now the strength is probably more terrible, at least it is more than fourth-order." Zhong Xuanzhu slowly Speaking, her voice gave Lin Lang a more intuitive understanding of the Kunxu world.

Next, knocking at Lin Lang's side, Zhong Xuanzhu told him some basic things about the Kunxu market, and Lin Lang nodded constantly. In such a state of one question and one answer, the journey of thousands of miles has passed.


Suddenly, the three horses in front of the carriage seemed shocked. They landed on their feet, their front half lifted up into the air, and the carriage stopped abruptly with a trembling trembling.

"what happened?"

Zhong Xuanzhu opened the curtains and frowned. I saw a group of masked people standing in front of the carriage, forming a long line, and stopped in front of the carriage.

"Miss, I'm afraid we have a thief."

Old Li whispered.

"Thief?" Zhong Xuanzhu looked panicked. The control of the cultivation resources in the Kunxu community is extremely strict. All the spiritual stone veins are under the statistics of the major Xianmen. Ordinary people are not eligible to move even if they encounter an unmined vein. report.

Therefore, practitioners who have not joined Xianmen basically have no source of spiritual stones and can only practice by sensing the heaven and earth aura, but this speed is slower than spiritual stones. Therefore, a class of people such as thieves was born. While doing evil, they devoted their lives to plundering the veins of Xianmen, which was intolerable by the world's Xianmen.

"Yes. And two of them have reached the Divine Realm between me and Bozhong only." Li Lao looked dignified. Thieves are different from rogues. Generally, thieves have a large scale. Divine Realm can only be regarded as the backbone of the thief gang, and most of them are directly led by human immortals.

Imagine that if you have the courage to plunder the veins of Xianmen, would you be too weak?

"All of you, we are from the Zhong family. The escorts inside are not any important supplies, but our lady. I also ask all of you guys to give me a face." Li Lao folded his fists forward.

The rogue leader on the opposite side heard the words and just sneered: "Waiting is the Zhong family."

The words fell, and the thieves rushed in. One of the divine strongmen directly blocked Lao Li. Suddenly, the outbreak of divine war erupted around him.

"Miss go!"

Li boss is in a hurry. Among the thieves, there are two Divine Powers comparable to him. In the state of Ms. Er's handless power, I am afraid it is difficult to escape the magic claw.

It was just that the two men acted a little, and Li Lao found the clue. Through one move and one style of the other side, he vaguely guessed the identity of the person who came across him, and he was not as panicked at the beginning. Although in the fierce battle, the two kept their hands on each other and did not intend to die.

The other thieves, especially the other gods among the thieves, came straight to the car.

It looks like only taking Zhong Xuanzhu.

"Get away."

There was a heart-breaking power in the car, a figure opened the curtain, and the speed was such that the strong people in the divine presence present a jealousy.


Lin Lang looked aloof, raised his hand, and grabbed a rushing master of transformation into the blood mist by him. The digital realm came together to attack, only to see Lin Lang sneer, his body wandering erratic.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

Within ten steps, the master of the realm died.

The whole battle process is like the autumn wind sweeping away leaves. Within ten seconds, no one of the thief survived except two gods.

"Bad me, where is this stubborn body!"

The oncoming divine realm took a deep breath, and did not dare to neglect. The hand-held sword quickly pulled out a sword flower. The sword flower bloomed, and each petal was an astonishing sword gas, perforating away.

"Light of rice grains!"

Lin Lang looked impassive, and in the face of this amazing sword qi, he punched forward directly. This fist seems to be a fluttering blow, but it is actually very powerful, and the fist exudes a convincing momentum.

The sword stabs fell on the fist and did not even break open the surface skin, and the crushed and fisted blow broke directly. Followed by the entire sword body, the fist only touched the fist, and the sword body just buzzed slightly, followed by a buzzing sound, seeming overwhelmed.


The divine face changed greatly, and the long sword held in his hand was visible to his naked eyes, and the hard sword body was broken like chaff under his gaze.

The sky's crumbs aroused, and every time the fist was moved forward, the sword would collapse by one centimeter, and it broke from the tip of the sword to the hilt in a blink of an eye. The sharp sword in Lin Lang's punch was like a piece of paper, not even able to withstand a collision.


Only then did the divine realm react, and the fist had smashed the hilt of the sword. It's not that he was lost, nor was he slow to respond, but that the punch was too fast!


Lin Lang's fist fell on this person, and it suddenly burst into the sky. Lin Lang stepped back, and at a moment he saw a distance of 100 meters backwards, his clothes were as clean as new, and no blood was sprayed to the slightest.

"Bad me!"

This was the scream of grief and indignation before this man died.

Then Lin Lang stepped out again, his legs were bent like cats, and his feet suddenly slammed down, and the ground trembled three times, leaving two footprints ten meters deep on the ground.

With this power, Lin Lang rose into the sky, punched directly on another godland that fought with Li Lao, and blasted the latter directly into the ground.


Lin Lang's feet fell to the ground, like a wild beast landing, leaving two footprints on the ground again. Without Reiki Yukong, you have to do this.

"Died? Is that so dead?"

Li Lao couldn't think of it. This master of the gods who had cultivated him indiscriminately was killed in the blink of an eye with Lin Lang's punch. Although the campaign should be attributed to the sneak attack, it also absolutely proved that the latter's physical strength was enough to kill a divine realm.

simply! neat!

The flesh can kill the divine realm!

What a horror!

What's more, Mr. Li is also a strong player in this series. He asked himself to change himself, but he was afraid that he would not be better than that person. He can't stop that punch.

"It takes less than twenty seconds to kill two gods and eight masters of the realm, so terrifying power."

Li Lao is still struggling with God's work. Lin Lang has pulled his legs out of the ground, and his legs are covered with dirt, which looks like two pillars of mud.

"You killed them?" Li Lao fell from the sky, staring at Lin Lang with a ugly face. Although these people appeared as thieves, the real identity was their secondary family. Seeing his own family members fall, how could he be happy.

"I also need Lao Li to help me clean up the dust with spiritual power." Lin Lang said lightly.

"Do you want me to help you clean up the dust?" Li Lao stared at him, out of breath. The man who killed their Zhong family was as good as nothing, and asked him to clean up the dust with spiritual power.

Spiritual power is ashes, or ask a divine realm to do it by itself, this request is excessive.

"Do you want me to unveil them?"

Lin Lang faintly glanced at Li old.

"You!" Li Lao was extremely angry, but he could only hold back the emotions in his heart for a while. When he asked himself that he was not as good as Lin Lang, it was because of Lin Lang's words. Obviously, he had already seen the identity of these masked thieves through the exercises.

The other party did not directly remove the veil, which also represents an attitude of not wanting to investigate. Zhong Jia's guest's baby sent two divine realms to hunt down the stubborn stone body and was eventually killed. Such a scandal cannot be passed on anyway.

"Just this time!"

Li Lao gritted his teeth and walked in front of Lin Lang. The strands of spiritual power poured into the sleeve robes under his exquisite control. As the spiritual power surged, the dust of the pantock trembled and fell.


Li Lao hummed and turned to appease the three frightened horses. Only Zhong Xuanzhu still had a silly expression, confused: "What kind of maze are you two playing?"

"Nothing, let's go."

Soon, the three boarded the carriage again, and Lin Lang sat face to face in Zhong Xuanzhu's car. However, at this time, the conversation between the two was no longer in the Kunxu community.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, but there are more than a dozen people, and two divine realms, so you have been cleaned up so lightly." Zhong Xuanzhu looked at Lin Lang brightly, from top to bottom. She swept through the details.

Seems to be watching what a peerless baby.



The three men rushed to the front of a magnificent city.

Passing through the turbulent city tower, Lao Li drove his car continuously forward, and the streets were crowded with traffic. It was very lively. Looking down through the windows, the basic people walking on the street were monks and rarely saw ordinary people. Figure.

"Yongjiang City is the core of this area, and you need to pay for it when you enter the city. This alone is enough to discourage most people. Even many families can't afford this cost and can only move to settle outside the city."

In the middle of Zhong Xuanzhu's opening, the car had stopped slowly, and Li Lao jumped out of the car and drove the curtain from the outside. He bowed and said, "Miss, Mingcheng Mansion is here."

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