In that storm, there were nearly a hundred soldiers wearing armors. They were uniform and majestic, and their silver armor was covered with a layer of scales, which were brightly folded under the reflection of sunlight.

In front of the hundreds of soldiers, there are four silhouettes standing in front of each other. Headed by the man, he was wearing gold armor, with arrogant air on his side, looking proud, as if looking down at the ants.

"It's a fairy!"

Many people have felt the suffocating coercion from space, and can't help but change their looks. There is only one kind of person who enjoys absolute **** in Yongjiang City, and that is the immortal!

Can control the existence of all life and death!

"This is ..." The owner of the Zhong family stared at the direction of the army, then his pupils tightened, and he unknowingly said, "The city guards are all unified, Zheng Lun!"

The City Guard represents the strongest force in Yongjiang City, and it is the trump card in the hands of the owner of Yongjiang City. It has the power to crush any force, including the Renxian family. If the City Guard was a knife in the hands of the Lord of the Yongjiang City, then Zheng Lun existed as a knife handle and a knife tip, which way to hit.

And what has to be noticed is that Zheng Lun's practice is one of the only five immortals in Yongjiang City. He has almost no rivals for many years and is extremely powerful.

"Zheng Dutong came here with a great deal of surprise." The Zhong owner stepped forward and walked forward before Zheng Lun landed, with a flattering attitude.

In fact, the owner of Zhongzhong is not nervous. As the city guards, they always represent the absolute authority of the Yongjiang city masters. Almost every time the city guards are dispatched, they will set off a strong wave in Yongjiang City. They have been destroyed in the city since He Lanming took over There are more than five families under the guard, and there is also a fairy family.

Today, Zheng Lunxing's soldiers descended on the Zhong family, such a menacing gesture that could not tolerate the Zhong family owner's consideration.

"The Zhong family owner doesn't have to be nervous. I have nothing to do with Zhong family this time, but I just want to take it home alone." Zheng Dutong said softly.

"So it is." The Zhong family sigh of relief, as long as it is not the trouble to come to the Zhong family, otherwise I am afraid that the strength of the Zhong family will not be able to stop the immortal power. So he asked tentatively, "Who is Zheng Dutong going to take away? I'll bring it for you."

"Nothing to do with you."

Zheng Dutong looked indifferent, but he just glanced at the Zhong family's owner, and then turned his attention to the Zhong family's crowd, glancing around. How could he put an eye on a divine realm?

The Zhong family owner stood aside, looking a little embarrassed, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, he was facing an immortal with absolute authority. In the land of Kunxu, this kind of existence has never been Cares about the attitude of the bottom monk.

"You are Lin Youye." Zheng Dutong was expressionless, his eyes finally fixed on Lin Lang, still the voice without any emotion: "Come with me."

"What do you want me to do?"

Lin Lang frowned.

"The Lord of the City has arranged an official position for you, and returned to the city to join the army as my deputy." Zheng Dutong didn't seem to like to talk very much.

"It is the deputy uniform of the city guards. Only under Zheng Dutong, I have not thanked the owner of the city." An old man next to Zheng Dutong and Yan Yuese added.

And when the two voices fell, the direction of the Zhong family had already exploded, and everyone's face had a startled expression. The city guards were not in trouble to find Zhong's family, but to take over to take over Lin Youye.

Except for the elders of the Renxian family, it can be said that the status of the Vice Metropolis of the City Guard is only under two. Except for Yongjiang Chengzhu and Zheng Dutong, one vice president can be called the giant of Yongjiang. Ba, has power comparable to the head of the family.

Really good luck!

"Damn, how could he be so lucky that he was noticed by the owner of Yongjiang himself, even at the cost of a great invitation. What kind of energy is he!" Many eyes filled with jealousy gathered on Lin Lang.

Yongjiang City Lord personally promised Chong Nuo, and Zheng Lun came here in person, it is enough to see that Yongjiang City Lord attaches great importance to Lin Youye, and can be said to have cultivated as a confidant.

"It's no exaggeration to call the pie in the sky like this!" The old clan took a deep breath, starting from Lin Youye's rescue to Zhong's house, and it was only one day until the day he was full. Now the identity of the other party But he has transformed himself into a man standing at the top of Yongjiang City.

It is precisely an old saying: Ten years of hard work is unheard of, and the world is known all the time!

From today on, Yongjiang City will once again have a behemoth, and even the Zhong family will be afraid of three points.

"Promise quickly, if such a good thing can fall on my head, I will also promise to kill it." Many people looked at Lin Lang, who was silent, and eagerly rushed to promise him. Come down.

However, at this time, the young man who was attracted much attention just shook his head gently and said, "No interest, please find someone else."

The word fell, and the audience was uproar. I don't know how many people have already stunned their chins at this moment, staring at Lin Lang dumbly, and don't understand why the other party said such things. Others patted their ears, thinking they had hallucinations.

The Zhong family owner is also stunned, looking at Lin Lang as a wooden chicken, this kind of good thing should cheer for a while on any person, even he must be excited about it. He didn't understand why Lin Youye refused such a good thing.

Even Zheng Dutong was a little hesitant, apparently did not expect the other party to respond to him so. A simple lack of interest is enough to explain why.

"you sure?"

Zheng Dutong cherishes words like gold, but his face is getting more and more gloomy. It can be imagined that he hesitated to invite Lin Lang to invite Lin Lang in person but was rejected. This hurt not only his face, but also the face of the city owner.


"Can't help you!"

Zheng Dutong grunted coldly. When Zheng Dutong's voice fell, an old man standing behind him followed a cold hum, and immediately took a step and landed in front of Lin Lang.

"You are not allowed to leave. Yongjiang City has regulations, but all people who have reached the age of more than 20 years old have the obligation to join the army. Those who do not comply are deemed to refuse military service and can be killed on the spot." The old man said softly.

It can also be considered as a chance for Lin Youye to reconsider. After all, this is the person the city owner personally names and wants, and it is very important, and it is not easy to kill it easily.

"Forcing me to join the army?" Lin Lang's eyes were slightly cold, and his negative hand slowly walked forward, sneering: "A deputy is all about what it means, and it's you, even if the Yongjiang City Lord is here, he won't dare to talk to me . "

"The strongest in the city guards are just immortals. What qualifications do they have to call me. Even if the Yongjiang city master can do it, let him come and invite me in person if he is interested."

"You!" The old man was shocked by Lin Lang's tone, and immediately became furious: "A arrogant child, I don't think I can ignore everything with a little talent, and I can't tolerate you in this area of ​​Yongjiang City!"

Not only that, but even Zheng Dutong's face turned cold. Lin Youye didn't obey the order of the Lord of the City, and even made a statement to let the Lord of Yongjiang come to him in person.

So big tone!

Zheng Lun asked himself for years in Yongjiang City, and even saw a lot of Zongmen Tianjiao even when he was young, but this crazy guy like Lin Youye had never seen it for the first time.

"Captain Jiang."

Zheng Lu's words are as golden as a glance at the old man behind him. Captain Jiang also knew what Zheng Dutong meant. He stepped out of the crowd immediately, and even the city guards didn't look at the crazy guys. It was necessary to teach him a lesson.

"Defam the Lord, you **** it!"

Captain Jiang gave a cold drink. Immediately, the repair was an outbreak, and a perfect state of perfection was to keep the people in the scene intact, and even Zhong Zhong's face was a little dignified.

No one expected that in such a short time, such a big change would occur on the field, just because of Lin Youye's words, from the beginning of the city guard army to the current attitude of opposition.

"Lin Youye should not lose, after all, he also has a record of overcoming Tianmen Tianjiao." Zhong Xuanzhu worried, and whispered.

"Not necessarily." The master of the Zhong family shook his head, his face solemnly said: "Although Captain Jiang is only the captain of the city guards, he is well-cultivated. He joined the army for 30 years and often clashed with the defenders in neighboring cities. title."

"I'm at war with him is unknown."

"So my father can't beat him? Doesn't it mean that Lin Youye is in danger?" Zhong Xuanzhu secretly surprised. The Zhong family owner is very strong, otherwise there is no way to lead the Zhong family.

Between the two, Captain Jiang has stepped up to Lin Lang at this moment, raised his hand and raised it slightly, provocatively: "The so-called genius, I don't hold on to self-cultivation. You can stop me from punching, even if you win. "

"Then punch."

Lin Lang didn't say much. In the face of Captain Jiang, he just swiped a light punch without any fancy action.

"You can't help it." Captain Jiang sneered sneered, and the fist that Lin Lang drew from his cultivation as a natural perception did not use any martial arts, not even the spiritual power. Such exaggerated behavior makes Captain Jiang's heart full of irony.

"If I can't even stop the pure body, then I might as well slam my head." Captain Jiang grunted coldly, and only made a light punch.

It is also the purest physical force.


The two punches collided together, and there was nothing shocking. Captain Jiang's face changed drastically, but he felt an indescribable force coming from the fist heart, the tiger's mouth was directly cracked, the bloodline was sprayed, and the muscles on his arm were like electric shocks, constantly trembling.

Immediately afterwards, the force from the fist shook into the bone marrow, cracked the hand bones, and even the facial muscles with Captain Jiang trembled.

Captain Jiang himself, at this moment, was also overturned by the huge force from that arm and fell directly to the ground.

A master with a perfect state of God, even couldn't bear the punch of Lin Youye!

The biggest impact on this matter is Zhong Xuanzhu. He has seen Lin Lang throw a punch at many banquets at the banquet. Later, the two mid-range tianjiao Tianjiao also suffered. Can't live.

To this day, even a master with a perfect level of God can't bear the punch of Lin Youye. It seems that his fist has become a symbol of invincibility, and no one can beat him with his opponent.

"how can that be!"

The owner of Zhong Zhong was horrified. Captain Jiang is not inferior to his master. Even if he cares less about the enemy and does not use spiritual power, Lin Youye on the other side is not.

Captain Jiang has lost in the competition for physical strength. It would be the same result if he changed up, because Lin Youye's strength has exceeded this realm.

If this is not the case, it will be difficult to cause any harm to the powerhouse who is perfectly successful.

"This is the strength! The one who can defeat the pinnacle of God's Realm is at least above the false Dan realm. Touching the existence of the human immortal series, it may even be ... human immortal!" I didn't directly work with Lin Youye before, otherwise the Zhong family might be hard to stop such a strong one.

Zheng Dutong also frowned. He is already a human fairy, and he is naturally more thorough in analyzing this battle than others. Judging by his eyesight, although Lin Youye's fist did not use martial arts, but it had an elusive meaning, it was natural, like Tianwei.

This is the essence of this punch!

Just seeing it is just seeing it, it does not mean that he has a corresponding way to resist.

"If I face this fist, I'm afraid I can only rely on cultivation to crush it. His physical body is not inferior to that of immortals, and he is not inferior to me." Zheng Lun murmured, and couldn't find it. Any defect in Lin Langquan can only be solved by the simplest method.


Zheng Lun's eyes flashed, and he immediately looked back at his captain, and said lightly: "Go to get him back. He has great courage, but the lack of speed is a slapstick. Try not to fight him directly. "

The captain ordered by him was a middle-aged man in armour, holding a straight spear in his hand, the tip of the gun was tied with a red long cymbal, and he fluttered in the breeze, which seemed to set off against him. Yingwu.

"Lin Youye, take your life!"

The spear man whispered, his body was like a sharp sword off the string, and it was shot in the air. Captain Jiang's lesson was already in front of him, and the spear man didn't dare to carelessly, and the killer was killed from the beginning. He knew that Lin Youye was terrible.

"kill me?"

Lin Lang looked indifferent, still standing in place, until the spear man killed, and then moved up, leaning to the left, avoiding the sharp gun, and immediately punched a punch forward.

Men with spears did not dare to neglect, and their bodies were like a cloud of smoke, which suddenly turned into a plume of smoke and suddenly burst open, making Lin Lang's fist empty. The next time he appeared behind Lin Lang, he urged a spear to pierce behind Lin Lang.

Lin Lang suddenly turned around and punched out. At this moment, the figure of the spear man dissipated again, and even disappeared in the sight of Lin Lang with the spear. It seemed that every move of him was just a fake action.

Several times, the spear did not fall on Lin Lang, but his fist also failed to hit the spear man. The two sides of the battle fought for half a quarter of an hour without a single head-on fight.

"A vulture master of the Silver Gun Sect of the Vulture Division is a shadowless gun. A long spear makes a magical move. The vulture can also be considered to inherit the mantle of the gun master, and every move before it is absolutely unsure A false move, but it is also a killing move. "Zheng Lun commented lightly.

Every move seems to be a false move, but as soon as you relax your vigilance, the false move will immediately become a fatal killing move and easily take your life.

This marksmanship is the most terrifying!

The cold light shivered in the war circle, and the shape of the spear man was like a ghost, which was erratic, making it difficult for Lin Lang to catch it. He had no strength to find a place to vent.

Such opponents are difficult!

In a blink of an eye, the two have already fought for nearly half an hour, but the number of real fights has not exceeded three moves, making it difficult to determine the winner in a short time.

"Don't launch an attack yet?"

Lin Lang gave a faint glance at the sky gun shadow, and by this time his body had never moved a step. Although the spear man's method is very difficult, the weakness is obviously obvious. Constant trial and error will eventually consume more energy than the opponent.

If you ca n’t find the right opportunity, you will only be defeated in the end. With constant response, this is the fighting method Lin Lang chose.

"Damn, how can this guy's defense be so comprehensive." The spear man snorted, and until now he has not found a suitable opportunity to attack, but his physical strength has to be cleaned up.

The spear man fired a shot forward, and three cold lights bloomed at the tip of the gun at the same time, stabbing from three directions from the east to the south, each of them pulled out a gun flower, brewing a devastating energy in Lin Lang Suddenly erupted in front of me.


Lin Lang gave a low sigh, and his upper body was slightly deflected, while the lower body was kept still, avoiding the gunflowers that burst in one direction, and then fisted his fists to directly crush the gunflowers in the other two directions.

"good chance!"

The spear man's look moved slightly, his opponent's upper body was shifted, and his fists were at the same time that the old force was declining. When the new force was alive, a loophole had appeared in the upper body.

This is a heaven-sent opportunity, and if you can do it, you will definitely defeat the opponent directly. However, the spear man's combat experience is so rich. Since the beginning of the battle, Lin Youye has never revealed a flaw. Why was he finally forced out of such a flaw by the end.

Rich combat experience told him that Lin Youye may very well be deliberately left to him at this moment, and he was tempted to take the initiative. But at this moment he has chosen and must fight back.


The spear man screamed, as fast as lightning, and the sharp spear gun in his hand shook the sky. The spear was like a dragon, rolling up the fierce wind, and carrying an indomitable spirit, as if to break the sky.

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