Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 577: So big breath

Compared with the previous movements in Lin Lang, the news of Zhong Ruwei's return is undoubtedly more shocking. Moreover, in terms of the repair of Zhong Ruwei today, it is enough to be called the pillar of the Zhong family.

Shenjing left home, people return!

It can be said that in the history of Zhongjia, there has never been a fairy, let alone a fairy such as Zhong Ruwei who is not more than 30 years old. It can be said that with his current qualifications, as long as he can grow smoothly in the Jianjian School in the future, I am afraid that the future achievements of the immortal are also very likely.

"Ru Wei, what level of strength do you have today? How can I see that you are much deeper than the old immortals like Zheng Lun?" The Zhong family owner looked at Zhong Ruwei with anticipation.

"Since I joined the Sword Sect, Master and his elders put me into the door, and they were not allowed to go out without breaking through to the immortal. It was also a few days ago that I entered the realm of immortal. The younger brother went down the mountain together. "Zhong Ruwei finally had a smile on her cold cheek, which was only from her heart that she could show from her heart.

There was a surprise in the eyes of the two siblings behind Zhong Ruwei. I didn't expect that the elder sister laughed so beautifully. You must know that the elder sister of the Sword Sword School is a well-known iceberg beauty. So are the elders.

"If I remember correctly, Ru Wei is 29 years old and has not yet had a birthday this year, so she is not 30 years old. People under 30 are immortal in the northern regions, even in the entire Kunming. Market history is also a rare genius. "An elder sighed.

"It's more than that." A young man standing behind Zhong Ruwei smiled and said, "Sister Ruwei is now the master sword sword school master, but in recent days, she has not been born. Giants earn the door. "

"The predecessor once said that the sister is extremely talented and has the qualifications comparable to Mu Feibai. The success of Dixian in the future may already be closer to 70%. Zhongjia will be blessed in the future."

The young man laughed like a spring breeze.

"Dixian." A middle-aged elder sighed, with deep awe in his eyes.

The immortal realm can only count as the upper layer on this aura-rich land in the Kunxu Realm. Although it is rare in Yongjiang City, there are also a few people. But the earth fairy is completely different. Even in this vast northern land, there are few strong earth fairy.

According to Tianjiao of the Jianjian School, Zhong Ruwei's chance of achieving Dixian in the future has risen to more than 70%. In addition, with the strong support of the Jianjian School, breaking into the Dixian in the future is already a matter of course.

Moreover, Zhong Ruwei worshipped at the door of a giant again. The number of giants in the Kunxu industry is not large. Almost everyone has survived from ancient times to the present. Their strength is unfathomable, and it is unusually comparable.

Everyone's breathing began to rush.

Human immortal can create a family, but earth immortal can open an immortal heritage, as long as it does not provoke the existence of the giant level, basically no one dares to cross the Kunxu industry!

In the future, Zhong Ruwei is likely to win the position of Dixian, and this kind of existence of Dixian has never heard of a breakthrough in the past hundred years. A family with a human fairy is not at the same level as a family with a fairy.

Of course, this foundation must be left alone.

That is Mu Feibai.

This person first appeared ten years ago, and I do n’t know where he came from, but once he was born, he was already a strong man of the earth fairy level, and later disappeared again, and it was not until three years ago that the wind came out. At that time, Mu Feibai clashed with Tian Zong, and in a rage, he entered the gate of Tian Zong and slaughtered with a giant for a day and night, without winning or losing.

That's why it's over.

It can be said that Mu Feibai is definitely the most talented person in the Kunxu world for thousands of years. Now he has reached the level of giants. He has already stood on the top of the Kunxu world. No one can do anything about it. The giant once said that Zhong Ruwei's talent was comparable to Mu Feibai's shoulders, which would never be exaggerated.

"Zhongjia, really a phoenix! Zhongjia Dangxing!" These clan elders breathed quickly, full of infinite shock. Even more clan old people burst into tears, excited and unable to self, seems to have foreseen the prosperity of the Zhong family.

The immortal realm can be a land immortal. The talent is overflowing compared to Mu Feibai, and there is a great chance to set foot in the future. This one is full of shocking news, it can be said that the minds of these clan elders are completely shaken.

A family located at the bottom of the Kunxu boundary will soon become a family standing at the top of the Kunxu boundary. Such a huge contrast makes a lot of old people feel a little absurd.

Let them not believe it!


The owner of the Zhong family said three good times, and his face was already blooming with laughter. It can be imagined that his mood was also deeply affected at this moment. The daughter has such achievements, and he is naturally a happy father when he is a father.

The Zhong family members stepped forward to chat with Zhong Ruwei, and whenever they got Zhong Ruwei's answer, they were happy, but Zhong Ruwei's tone seemed a bit stiff and coped.

In fact, it is not that she has looked down on these ordinary people with her achievements, but that she has always been bad at talking since she was a child, and she is not good at coping with such scenes.

But really not good at communication!

The owner of the Zhong family sat next to Zhong Ruwei, looked at Zhong Ruwei with relief, and smiled, "You haven't been back for such a long time, so you have to stay a few more days this time."

Zhong Ruwei shook her head and explained: "The main purpose of returning this time is for the Yuanxi Festival on the first day of March. This time, the team of the Sword Sect was brought by me. Zongmen expects that we will get a good place in the north. So you can stay up to half a month at home. "

The Zhong family advocated opening his mouth, and a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but soon filled his face with a smile again: "It doesn't matter, cultivation is more important, it is not too late for you to go home and save your relatives."

He knows that his daughter always looks like this, he always only knows the cultivation of the heart, and rarely cares about the feelings of others.

"Well, where did Xuanzhu go? Why didn't you see her?" Zhong Ruwei suddenly remembered her sister and looked around the room and couldn't find each other.

The owner of the family also frowned, and then smiled bitterly, "I probably know where she went. After coming to Lin's house from Lin Youye, that little Nizi often ran into that guy's room."

"Lin Youye? Is that the guy who just confronted Renxian?" Zhong Ruwei frowned and said lightly, "I'm looking for him."



Lin Lang was staying in his room, and the Zhong family was busy picking up Zhong Ruwei's return. Naturally, he had no need to join in, so he returned directly to the room.

At this moment, his feet were under his buttocks, and air pillars were inhaled from his mouth, but it was difficult to retain the Linghai in the slightest. It didn't take long for the entire body of human body to evaporate numerous white mists. With a few back and forth, I could not help laughing.

It is still difficult to break the barriers of the heavenly body.

In the past half month, he has created no less than a hundred ways to guide the breath of heaven, but each of them is not particularly effective. After all, it is still difficult to use the power of consciousness to mobilize Tianwei.

"Heavenly Road is located above 3,600 Avenues. The ordinary Taoism cannot be urged at all, and Shen Avenue is only one of 3,600 Avenues.

"Then there will be a kind of avenue that can surpass the heavenly path?" Lin Lang frowned, but this conjecture is obviously impossible, and the fact that the heavenly path governs Wandao cannot be changed. The possibility of lifting the limit of heavenly bodies in this way is very small.

Feasibility is basically zero!

Just then, the knock on the door outside Lin Lang sounded, and then a gentle female voice came. After greeting, he stepped directly into the room.

This person is Zhong Xuanzhu, but she is carrying a package on her back, which contains all kinds of stuff. She walked into Lin Lang's room and put the package down. Then she rubbed her sour shoulders, which seemed to be heavy The package has cost her a lot of energy.

"This is all the items I prepared for you, all of them are useful. Hurry up while they haven't responded, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to leave." Zhong Xuanzhu panted.

"Leave? Why should I leave?"

Lin Lang looked at Zhong Xuanzhu in surprise. He is indeed ready to bid farewell in the near future, ready to go out to see the whole picture of the Kunxu community, and by the way find a way to break the imprisonment of heaven. However, he did not expect Zhong Xuanzhu to take the initiative to send him away.

"Of course you have to leave. Zheng Lun is the commander of the Yongjiang City Guards. He is a strong man of immortal level. If you offend him, it will be very dangerous. And ... He is standing behind Yongjiang City Lord A person who does not listen to orders will never be allowed to stay on his site. "Zhong Xuanzhu said softly.

"Rarely you can see these doorways." Lin Lang nodded and looked at Zhong Xuanzhu with admiration. How could he not understand the idea of ​​the Lord of the Yongjiang City, facing a master of the pinnacle of God's state, as the Lord of the City, he naturally controls.

Either Zhaoan and Baili were harmless, or he disappeared in Yongjiang City. He can never let a state within a country appear in his territory, and those who do not respect the order exist.

Previously, Lin Lang showed enough value, so Yongjiang City Master used Huairou to win, but now I am afraid his attitude will change.

"But how can that be, Zheng Lun is just a jumping beam clown, and what's the matter with the immortals, even if He Lanmingde came to kill him himself." Lin Lang shook his head.

Zhong Xuanzhu blinked and looked at Lin Lang with tears and laughter. This guy was really crazy. He Lan Mingde didn't even look at him and threatened to kill others.

"Yes, yes, but heroes, please avoid the sharp edge, it is not too late to come back to find him after the repair is enough." Zhong Xuanzhu reluctantly advised.

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and the cold and magnetic voice sounded lightly: "You have such a big breath that even the fairy is not in your eyes."

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