Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 579: Groundbreaking

Lantern Festival.

For the vast area in the northern part of the Kunxu border, the most lively time of the year is nothing more than the Lantern Festival. On this day, there are not only various lively programs for the Lantern Festival, but also the best exchange among young practitioners opportunity.

Every year, the Yuanxi Festival will build a giant dais in the northern city of Zhongzhou. Outstanding children from various sects, sects, and families will go to the same level to test the high and low levels. And the top three will be divided between each realm. The winners are not rewarded, and some are just glorious.

Because they will represent the strongest in the same realm throughout the northern region. Of course, this kind of good deed of Emperor Guangzong, of course, has many people eager to participate.

The year has passed, and preparations for the Yuan Xi Festival are in full swing, making the entire northern continent extremely lively. Especially in the city of Zhongzhou, there are even lanterns, lion and dragon dances, and even the city is covered with red lanterns one after another, which is really lively.

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Lang for the time being.

At this moment, he was sitting in the room, with blue crystals flowing all over his body, like tattoos, walking from arm to shoulder and climbing to waist.

The faint blue light flows, making the light in the entire room constantly change, as if standing in a peaceful blue heaven, beautiful. Occasional bursts of thundering arcs passed, and the bedboard instantly shook into powder.

"It's done!"

Lin Lang's face flashed with surprise, his eyes opened instantly, his feet stood upright, and the toes of his big toes were covered with a strong blue light, as if substantive.


The moment Lin Lang doubled his feet on the ground, his seemingly fragile thighs, at this moment, were like the feet of an ancient giant spirit, full of power, and exuding a suffocating pressure.

With his feet on the ground, the entire Zhong family shook. Zhong Ruwei, who was practicing in the boudoir, was forcibly interrupted by her voice, and frowned, looking at Lin Lang in a distant cry: "Cultivation can also make such a big movement."

"My monk was going against the sky, and whoever said that heaven could be higher." Lin Lang laughed. In these days, he almost exhausted to learn, and no fewer than a hundred kinds of exercises were deduced in his mind. Although these exercises failed, but the thought that happened to him by chance accidentally let him see the dawn of hope.

That's the Ming king's decision.

Since Ming King Yin Lei can definitely imprint the Thunder of Heaven, that means that the breath of Heaven is not static, and in some cases it will fall from above nine days. This is as if the water was flowing down.

It is with this principle that Lin Lang has created a unique exercise method that directly and rudely destroys everything in the Linghai, returns to the origin, and no longer bears any spiritual power.

Linghai evolved into chaos on one side, just like the beginning of the universe. When the time is ripe, his body is a world. The heavenly path is indeed above the nine heavens and cannot be shaken, but after all, it is also in this side of the world that the highest point in the world is heaven.

"If there is no world, then there will be no sky." Lin Lang laughed loudly, his body shook, and aura of spirits suddenly entered the body. It penetrated into the body through pores everywhere and was very comfortable.

He can indeed absorb spiritual power.

But this is not the perfect solution, that is, the whole body, the heavenly breath blended into the body has been poured into the positions of the feet, and cannot be re-mobilized back to all parts of the body. Spiritual power can't affect the breath of heaven, so does the sense of God.

"That means ..."

There was a strange look on Lin Lang's face, and then he took a step forward, and the whole ground shook again. As he stepped forward, the soil on the ground was not damaged, but every foot fell on the ground. Caused a wave of shaking.

The breath of the heavens represents the sky. The high sky collides with the front of the ground, and the two opposite qualities naturally shake each other. This is the root cause of the earthquake.

"But it is not impossible to solve this flaw. As long as I can evolve the body into a world, so that the physical body is the basis, and the Linghai is the sky, the breath of heaven will naturally return." Lin Lang thought silently. .

Bold ideas in the body!

However, Lin Lang didn't seem to feel wrong, because he seemed to have seen a wide avenue. If this kind of practice is truly successful, he will be truly invincible in the world, even if the heavens can't hold him back.

"This may be a method of detachment."

Lin Lang's eyes flashed. Immediately contemplative, a bulging rucksack appeared in front of the waving hand, and a drop of particle energy inside it continued to evaporate under his traction, turning into a pure spiritual force pouring into the body.

It is really difficult to evolve a world in the body, because few people know exactly how a world is constituted, which means that the threshold to take this road is too high to start.

But for Lin Lang, although these are difficult, they have a little clue. After all, his previous life was a ninety-nine-percent-percent-immortal-powerful king. He had the ability to punch the sun, the moon, and the stars with one punch, and he had closely observed the ruined world.

Building the world by destroying it saves a lot of trouble.

"There are countless materials needed to build a complete world, so I start with Reiki." Lin Lang pondered for a moment, leading Reiki to pour into the body, filled with a misty spiritual sea.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed by, and Lin Lang's repair had been restored to about the foundation period, and it was only half a step away from the innate realm. At this moment, it is finally time to start the Yuanxi Festival.

This day Zhong Xuanzhu came to Lin Lang's room and stood there with excitement, with a faint aura of entanglement around his fingertips. Even if this aura was weaker than the needlework, it was the most exciting thing for her.

Because she followed Lin Lang's instructions for the past few days, she really broke the imprisonment that was born out of nowhere, and she was on the road to cultivation. Lin Lang congratulated him, then put away the particle energy in the room, and Zhong Xuanzhu walked out of the room and set out for Zhongzhou City.

As the largest city in the northern region, he also has a long history of traveling. Now it is the Yuanxi Festival, and the big powers are gathered together to have some insight.

Soon after, the two walked out of the room, but Lin Lang's heavenly atmosphere was heavy and heavy, and each fall would cause a nearby land to shake violently, attracting the attention of many ethnic groups.

Zhong Ruwei stood in the distance, looking at Lin Lang with some doubts. She couldn't figure out what happened to Lin Lang's body in just half a month, making the whole body have a rather horrifying power.

It was as if the Archaean Great Ape was born.

Can't figure out why a small body is so heavy, even the beast of human fairy level is not so.

"If this guy walks on the flying boat, I'm afraid that it will also collapse the flying boat? I knew this before, and I would not have agreed to Xuan Zhu's request." Zhong Ruwei frowned, but she was too late to stop, Zhong Xuan Bamboo has taken Lin Lang to the flying boat, and the flying boat does not appear overwhelmed, which is no different from usual.

"Forget it, let him go."

Zhong Ruwei snorted coldly.

The two set foot on the flying boat. The entire flying boat is not small, and can hold about a dozen people. Various patterns are imprinted on the top, revealing the magic everywhere.

"In the past Yuanxi Festival, our Zhong family members departed two or three days in advance. The father drove the flying treasure to Zhongzhou City, but this time it was not needed. My sister brought back the Feijian School's flying boat. "Zhong Xuanzhu said with a smile.

"So it is." Lin Lang nodded, and then asked, "What level of power is the Sword Sect, compared to Yunlang Palace?"

"You don't even know this?" Zhong Xuan took a breath, she always thought that Lin Lang had a mysterious origin, probably a strong man in Tianzong. But it was unexpected that the other party didn't even know what kind of forces belonged to the Sword Sect.

"The Sword Sect is one of the seven Heavenly Sects and is tied with the Yunlang Palace. In addition, there are five other Heavenly Sects, each of which is the hegemonic power in the Kunxu Realm and the most powerful force. Dominate a vast land. "

For these things, although Zhong Xuanzhu cannot cultivate, as a local person who cultivates the family, he is naturally a treasure.

Zhong Ruwei also set foot on the flying boat and looked at the two who were having a good chat. Their faces were as cold as frost, and they were a stop expression, after all, they didn't go.

When the important figures of the Zhong family got together, Feizhou started, and was driven by the arrogance of a sword-sword school, rising to the sky, and bursting into the distance with an astonishing speed.

The flying boat passed through the clouds, Lin Lang sat on the flying boat, looking at the vast land and lush forest below, and the magnificent cities below were all vividly visible.

"It's no wonder that Yongjiang City can only be ranked at the bottom of the Kunxu boundary. The original world also has so many vast cities, much bigger than Yongjiang City." Lin Lang looked at the city below and sighed.

The city of Yongjiang is only the size of a county-level city on the earth, and there are hundreds of such cities in the Kunxu boundary, and each city is much larger than Yongjiang City. Therefore, it can be inferred that the Kunxu boundary is specific. range.

It is roughly equivalent to half of China.

"These small cities are big in your eyes? You will know what a big city is when you see Zhongzhou City." Tianjiao, who is driving a flying boat, faintly murmured.

Lin Lang frowned and didn't speak.

At this time, a cold female voice came along, and said softly: "Be careful, you are about to pass the meteoric sword abyss, and concentrate on driving the flying boat."

The person who spoke was Zhong Ruwei.

The Tianjiao who controlled the flying boat was also shocked. A tension appeared on his face, and he carefully manipulated the flying boat and did not dare to carelessly.

"The Meteor Sword Abyss is in the northern region. It is said that there are tens of thousands of swords hidden in it. Each bite is a peerless sword, but this area is too weird. Few people can safely get out of the Meteor Sword. One of the giants was almost dead. "

Zhong Ruwei's faint voice explained to everyone.

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