Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 581: Blindly talking about you

The pure waitress took Lin Lang to turn left and right, crossed the promenade, and finally came to a seemingly narrow room. Pushing the door open was a different world, brightly lit, like a dozen flashes turned on and focused at the same time.

The space here is actually not small.

Compared with the noisy crowd in the main hall, the place where Xingchen Pavilion was responsible for the purchase of Lingdan seemed very deserted. Occasionally, there were several Dan masters wearing alchemy costumes, but most of them were uniform and they were all inside Xingchen Pavilion. Own Danshi.

The pure waitress walked into the room with Lin Lang printed. In addition to a strong light in front of the room, there were several long tables at the end of the room. Several elegant appraisers Dan Shi was sitting on Taishi's chair like Taishan, looking pale, like Faced with a list of judges.

"Fang Danshi, this guest wants to sell Lingdan." The pure waitress said softly, then nodded politely to Lin Lang, and quietly exited the room. She has other things to do.

That Fang Danshi was one of the teachers sitting in a chair, wearing a red-red brocade, and his chest was engraved with Xingchen Pavilion's iconic crane and red furnace.


Fang Danshi nodded, his face was extremely indifferent, like the image of an elderly person in a public affairs office. When he looked at Lin Lang, he just said lightly: "Take it up."

Lin Lang was also not prepared to make nonsense, and immediately swiped his finger on the space spirit ring, and took out a round brown elixir. When he first arrived in Kunxu, he had no long objects, so it was really necessary to exchange some spirit stones for him.

It is also a need for cultivation. Absorbing spirit stones is always a faster method than absorbing heaven and earth aura. He held Lingtan in his hand and placed it on the red cloth tray in front of the division.

Fang Danshi picked up Lingdan, put it in front of his nose and sniffed, then put it in front of him, preparing to palm his eyes, but at this moment, he looked up to the door.

Two men and one woman walked into the room. The woman face was frosty, her eyebrows were raised, and her facial features were exquisite, giving a sense of solitude and alienation. It is a cold beauty, but the cultivation is not high, but it has reached the first stage of the divine realm.

The two men next to her were extraordinary, one of whom was trained to achieve perfection in the divine realm, and the other was even more extraordinary. They were already ninety-nine percent complete. However, looking at the posture of these two, it seems that they are guarded like the cold beauty's bodyguard.

"It's Xingqi." Fang Danshi put down the elixir in his hand. At this moment, he looked like a person, smiled, and stood up to meet the three at the door.

"I haven't been to Xingchen Pavilion for a long time. Uncle Fang has been doing well recently." Zhou Xingqi said softly, sounding like the sounds of nature that were uploaded in the nine days.

"so far so good."

Mrs. Fang Dan gave a few words, and then greeted with Zhou Xingqi, obviously they knew each other before. The two Tiantian arrogantly stood aside, glanced casually at Lin Lang.

"I haven't seen your Master for a while, how is Rev. Master good these days?" Master Fang Dan smiled. Before Zhou Xingqi answered, several people suddenly burst into a loud laugh behind them.

"I heard that King Dan exhausted his efforts for the Thunder King recently, and finally produced a quasi-sixth-order miracle. I don't know if this can happen." A Dan teacher at the appraisal seat also smiled and said, "That's quasi The sixth-order miracle has a huge boost to the strong of the giant series. I can't wait to see it in this flame. "

"Who said no? The King of Dan is the only Dan master who has been awarded the sixth-class honor medal by our Star Pavilion, and the only person in our Kunxu industry who is qualified to refine the sixth-order elixir. Six-step Dan Medicine, that's the legendary elixir. "One elder was amazed.

Zhou Xingqi listened to these old men who were older and complimented her Master. She couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable, and frowned slightly and covered it up quickly.

Fang Danshi is also a personal and sophisticated character. Where can I not know that Zhou Xingqi is a leader of Dan Dao, and has been mentioning the Dan king in the cold, and has ignored her subject, where can she be happy. Then he said, "Although Xing Qi inherited the mantle of the King of Dan, he is definitely a peerless genius along the way of Dan Dao. He has reached the level of Sipin Danshi at a young age. He is very young. "

"Where and where, I'm naturally far behind his Master compared to Master." Zhou Xingqi humbled. The appraisal of Danshi by the Star Pavilion in the back was a little compliment.

Fang Danshi is right. Zhou Xingqi is a disciple of the king of Dan in the Kunxu Kingdom who raised the Dan king. If this young gentleman is already a four-pin Dan master who is equal to them, is this talent?

Several people trembled for a while, and at this time, Fang Danshi came to the topic: "Since Xingqi, you come to our Star Pavilion, presumably it is also a swift and violent advancement of Dan Dao's masterpieces, refining a rare elixir. Not yet come out for us old guy Slap your eyes? "

Fang Danshi laughed, with a smile on his face like a chrysanthemum in full bloom. Zhou Xingqi didn't make nonsense, she took out a jade box directly from the space spirit ring, which was lined with a willow green cloth juan lining, and on top of it was a crystal clear light green elixir that looked like a night pearl. .

"Crystal clear, grassy fragrance, this is the effect that the degree of refining can reach more than 95%, can you achieve this level?" Fang Danshi was surprised. A few appraiser Danshi also shined his eyes.

For Danshi, the most important step in refining alchemy is refining. If there are too many impurities in the liquid medicine, it is likely to refining the waste elixir, and even if it is better, the elixir will condense, and the impurities in it will definitely affect Efficacy of elixir.

Therefore, even if a Dan master with a purification ability of 95% and a Dan master with a purification ability are in the same state, the effect of the refined elixir may be very different.

"It is really incredible. The worst Dan teacher who can achieve 95% purification is also the Wupin Dan teacher, and the nephew of Xing Qi teacher is really incredible." One Dan teacher was sighing.

"Are you all finished talking? It's time to get busy." Lin Lang yawned and stretched.

"what is your job?"

A Tianjiao frowned, standing behind Zhou Xingqi. Lin Lang turned his head and said lightly, "There must always be a first come, first come. I can identify my elixir before reclassifying it."

"You wait for a while."

The Fang Danshi frowned, and looked at Lin Lang a little unhappy. Lin Lang was the first to come, but what kind of identity did Zhou Xingqi know about the wise men of the big and small kings? Naturally, they must first identify each other.

"This buddy, we have something to do, and we have to catch up with Yuan Xi in a while. If you are not in a hurry, wait for a while, just give me a face for Xiao Yuan." Tianjiao, who was in a perfect condition, opened his mouth. Although the words were euphemistic, the tone was undeniable.

He was so young at such a young age that he was used to treating others with this attitude. And this effect is obviously very large, most people will give the most extreme flattering in his aggressive attitude.

"His face?" Lin Lang glanced at Xiao Yuan lightly, not paying attention to his heart, and slowly said, "How much is his face worth?"

Xiao Yuan's face was slightly cold.

It was the first time he had met such an unreasonable person.

"Xiao Yuan is a true emperor of the Emperor Wu Zong, and he has a great accomplishment. He always said that he has a good temper. If you know him a little bit, let it go. Xingchen Pavilion lifts out a corpse under the anger of Brother Xiao Yuan of the province. "Another Tianjiao also faintly voiced out, unable to tell whether it was helping or disrupting, but it sounded more like smearing Xiao Yuan.

"Lin Fan, shut up for me."

Xiao Yuan's face sank, and he looked at each other coldly. The same as Zhou Xingqi's suitor, Lin Fan really did everything to him and did not let go of any opportunity to discredit him.

"I won't let it." Lin Lang's fluttering tone could really kill a large number of people, and he turned to Fang Danshi again and asked, "Is Xingchen Pavilion allowed to fight?"

"With this rule, no one is allowed to fight privately in Xingchen Pavilion." Fang Danshi snorted coldly, with a stiff tone. Xiao Yuan also looked coldly: "If you don't have this rule, you are already a dead person. You are smart enough to ask this sentence in advance, but there are no Chen Zi's spicy rules outside. "

Don't look at the Xingchen Pavilion, which is only a shop selling elixir, but it blooms everywhere in the Kunxu market. There are hundreds of shops in various cities. How can the energy behind it be overlooked? Even the Seven Great Heavenly Sects must be jealous, and no one is stupid enough to fight in the Star Pavilion.

Lin Fan's eyes flickered, and it seemed that they were really fighting.

"Uncle Fang, do things according to the rules." At this time, Zhou Xingqi's cold voice sounded and resolved an imminent conflict into an invisible form. When Xiao Yuan heard Zhou Xingqi's voice, he chose to stop and did not continue to entangle.

Fang Danshi also gave a cold hum, no longer talking, turned back to the long table, took Lin Lang's elixir in his hands, and after a short while, threw the elixir back into Lin Lang's hands, which was cold. Opening: "The simplest and most vulgar Zhujidan, what better thing should I be?"

"It's true that Zhujidan is not fake, but Zhujidan also has strong medicinal effects. Jiujian's purified Jiujian is different from Jiujian's decontamination." Lin Lang said lightly.

"How about that?" Fang Danshi said coldly, "Zhujidan is only a low-level second-order elixir, which is only useful to gas-refining monks, which means that the warriors at the peak of gas-refining have 100% confidence in building the base. It's not worth it. "

"What's more, the elixir you've made--" With that said, Fang Danshi deliberately stretched his tone: "Elixir, you also deserve to be called elixir?"

"Quality is like black iron, there is no medicinal scent. Did you rub the spent medicine residue into a ball and send it over?" Fang Danshi uttered coldly, his words seemed like billowing cannon balls: "Xingchen Pavilion cannot tolerate you These wastes of blasphemy come to play around. "

"Is this the attitude of Xingchen Pavilion?" Lin Lang faintly voiced out: "Identifying the elixir is this process for you? What you pay attention to is the smell and taste, but how do you know the efficacy of the medicine? I do n’t know if you are in Baoshan. Feng Baodan disappeared, and he did not know that he had missed a Baodan. "

"Blind, talking about someone like you."


Fang Danshi was furious, and his voice would be deafening if he thundered. Although he can't compare to the Taishan Beidou of King Dan, anyway, he is also a Sipindan division, respected, and the immortal in front of the door is endless. How can a junior be so vilified.

"Get out, Xingchen Pavilion will not accept Chikidan, let alone a smelted Chikidan." Fang Dan shouted. In fact, it is not that Xingchen Pavilion does not accept the building of Kedan at all, but only the excellent quality. Fang Dan's division even throws it out in order to catch people.

Compared to Fang Danshi, who was violently throbbing, Lin Lang was a hundred times calmer, and was not stunned by the fire, but just smiled slightly.


Lin Lang's voice settled gently.

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