However, at this moment, another overwhelming force joined in, directly breaking through the space constraints of the two earth gods and joining the battlefield.

Amazingly another earth fairy.

It's just that this person didn't show up, just that God's consciousness participated in and directly broke the coercion of the two heavenly gods. But when they saw no one, all they could see was a long painting.

The long painting is 100 meters long and nearly 30 meters wide. The thick scrolls at both ends are like Optimus Prime. The back is embroidered with beautiful rivers and mountains, while the front painting is a scene of fighting at this moment.

Gongsun Boyi stood up in the air, the King of Dan was trapped, and Kou Ming nodded his hand. Even Lin Lang appeared on the screen at this moment, standing calmly in place. With the passage of time, the scenes of long paintings are constantly changing, which is no different from the reality.

When Kou Ming's attack fell, the paintbrush was fast enough on the painting, but another finger appeared on the opposite side, blocking Kou Ming's finger. At the same time, the finger on the picture scroll went back to reality, and a finger stretched out directly from the picture scroll.


The **** collided, the vigorous energy fluctuations rolled back, and the aftermath directly broke a lot of shops and drum buildings. Kou Ming stepped back, looking at the picture solemnly, full of alert.

One painting stopped him, the earth fairy, how terrible the master of the scroll should be.

"Paint Saint." Two short and clear words popped between Kou Ming's teeth, his face sinking like water, but more fearful: "I know it's you, please come out and tell."

Painting Saint, there was a domineering ground fairy existed thousands of years ago. With painting to enter the Tao, at that time it was an amazing existence, even many giants looked at it. Two hundred years later, Huasheng succeeded the owner of Zhongzhou City, who is also the owner of Zhongzhou City today.

"This seat won't come out." A faint voice from the heavens and the earth came, only to hear its voice, not to hear others: "It is inevitable that Yantai Biwu sword is without eyes, but the Yuanxi Festival was a feast for the younger generation. Before they entered the ring, they signed each other's life and death. Is it because Tianzongshi stools will chase the winner? "

"Is Tianzong powerful, will I change the rules for this purpose from now on?" Hua Sheng's faint voice came out. "Speak well!" There was a cheering sound from below, and many people nodded secretly, Tianzong was high above, and Master Jaeger, few people would have the courage to speak the words.

"Fists and feet are true, but deliberate murder is also true." Kou Ming snorted coldly: "We continue to shoot when our disciples have yelled and conceded. Isn't this intentional murder? We can allow it if we are not as good as people, but No one will be allowed to break the rules and kill me.

"There is no compromise on this matter!"

Kou Mingxiu burst out, and the immortal power of those places spread out without reservation, making people tremble involuntarily. The same is the earth fairy. There are two people on Kou Ming's side and naturally they will not regress.

At this time, the giant elephant on the field crashed completely, revealing the sheltered Jian Hongfei, but at this moment, Bai Hua flickered all over his body, and several triple bans completely sealed him, imprisoned him, and restricted his actions.

Gongsun Boyi was about to rescue his own unicorn, but Lin Lang came one step ahead of Jian Hongfei, and easily passed the triple ban with his palm, holding Jian Hongfei's throat.

"If you don't want him to die, you will immediately disappear in front of me. Dixian withdrew far away, or he will die." Lin Lang clasped Jian Hongfei's neck and shook him in front of Gongsun Boyi like a chick. .

"Do you want to die?"

Gongsun Boyi's complexion suddenly gloomed, his sharp eyes locked Lin Lang tightly, and it seemed that he would be furious in the next moment. Few people have spoken to him like this since he reached the Realm of Earth.

"I let you go."

Lin Lang wasn't afraid. Jian Hongfei's neck had been pinched by him, his legs shivered, but he couldn't resist. His entire body has been sealed by the triple imprisonment, and even the most basic inspiring bodyguard magic can't be done.

"Don't roll?" Lin Lang frowned. "Well, I'll kill an apprentice of Tianzong today to make an appetizer, and then kill two old divinities."

Speaking, there was already a flow of spiritual power in his palm, like a needle and a burr slowly piercing Jian Hongfei's throat, and a stream of blood flowed down his neck to his ribs. At this moment, Jian Hongfei is just like a mortal. He has no resistance. Even a monk can easily kill him.

Gongsun Boyi's face was sinking like water, and his eyes were cold and flowing, staring at Lin Lang's palm. He didn't believe that Lin Lang could easily tear the ticket if he was taken hostage. This was his last guarantee.

Gradually his face changed, because he found that the other party really had the courage to kill Jian Hongfei. What's more, he couldn't think of it. Lin Lang was telling the truth. He was really ready to kill Jian Hongfei and then kill the two immortals.

But this needs to be planned.

Gongsun Boyi's face became more and more gloomy. Zhen Wu Zong has died a Tianjiao Xiao Yuan. If even Jian Hongfei who reached Renxian was also killed by Lin La, Zhen Wu Zong is likely to form a fault. When this generation of Di Xian sits and becomes Zhen Wu Zong, no one succeeds.

"Stop!" Gongsun Boyi snorted coldly, staring at Lin Lang coldly, and said in a cold voice: "I retreat." The voice dropped, and Gongsun Boyi's body was shaken, and he flew far away in a few moments. go. The same goes for the immortals behind him, leaving with him.

"Zhenwu Zong is Tianzong after all. This credibility is still there. He will never betray his faith and hide in the void to peep." Sheng Sheng laughed. I saw a short wave somewhere in the void in the distance, and then returned to calm.

As for the strong swordsmen, naturally there is no need to be afraid. Zhong Ruwei is now under their protection, and Lin Youye cannot threaten them.

"I'll stop the painting master later, and then you will kill Lin Youye." Kou Ming faintly exited. How strong is his slaying heart, will he wince because of the appearance of the painting master.

In addition to him, there are several human immortals here, among which there is a Jiuwen immortal, and it is more than enough to kill Lin Youye.

"Can you stop me?"

The voice of Hua Sheng came out faintly. Falling in Kou Ming's ears sounded like a thunder, and a sudden roar in his head. However, he was also a strong man of the earth fairy, and he was not suppressed too miserably, and he became sober immediately.

It was just that the horrible color in his eyes couldn't be erased. Looking at the drawing axis in disbelief, it was impossible to say: "You have reached this state?"

No wonder he could not find the true body of the painting sage before. It turned out that the other party had already left him far and set foot in that realm.

"The Yuanxi Festival has ended, and private fights involving life and death are forbidden in the city, otherwise it is regarded as a provocation to the city guard iron rule.

The sound of Hua Sheng fell, and a stone appeared in the painting, which burst with the brush stroke. At the same time, a massive boulder standing near the ultimate stern platform exploded and burst into a powder.

Kou Ming stared at the broken stone. He originally thought that the painting sacred was only using the painting axis as a medium to transfer energy, but at this moment he realized that this was not the case.

The painting master can even manipulate the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth through the axes of the painting, and practice it as a method, which is really unfathomable. He took a deep breath, and for a long while, then nodded: "Yes!"

"Out of Zhongzhou City, you don't care about it."

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