Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 596: Joint auction

The reason why Chu Li came from the east of the Kunxu boundary to the north of the Kunxu boundary not far away is to see and understand the genius of the northern region. Another important purpose is that this joint auction will have something he needs urgently.

Lin Lang lived in Chu's house, and as Chu Li said, there was indeed no monk daring to look into his mansion. Although Chumen's main influence is concentrated in the eastern region, Tianzong is standing behind him, and no one dares to challenge even in the northern region.

Lin Lang did the same, temporarily living in Chu House, sitting cross-legged and starting to pay. Zhongzhou City is shrouded in a super-large gathering of spiritual spirits, which attracts the four auras. Therefore, the richness of the aura is more than ten times that of the small Yongjiang City. Moreover, Chu's house belongs to the house of monks of Chumen. It is located in the front of the super-large gathering of spiritual spirits. The aura is much more abundant than in other parts of Zhongzhou City.

Lin Lang co-ordinated all kinds of materials in the space spirit ring. The particle energy has been basically exhausted, and only dozens of low-quality spiritual stones and a few high-quality spiritual stones were found. These were all he tried to plunder in the ordinary world. Over here.

One top-grade spirit stone is worth ten medium-quality spirit stones, one middle-grade spirit stone is worth ten low-quality spirit stones, and at some point it is easy to exchange one top-grade spirit stone for one hundred low-quality spirit stones, but one hundred low-quality spirit stones It is not easy to exchange for a top-quality spirit stone. This is because the aura contained in a superior stone is much higher than that of a lower stone.

One to one hundred is just an exchange rate and does not represent value.

Lin Lang crushed several top-quality spirit stones in succession, and then laid a simple gathering of spiritual spirits to ensure that the aura would not be lost. Then they continued to practice and launched an impact on the realm of Jindan.


In the evening of the next day, as a pillar of spiritual power rose to the sky, a short period of time suffocated many martial arts gods, and then quickly converged.

In the house of Chu's house, Chu Li stood at the door and looked at the beam of light that gradually converged into a line, his eyes flashed, and then he looked at the middle-aged man around him: "He Shibo, what do you think of him?"

Uncle He was the protector of Chu Li. He discovered the consciousness and quietly penetrated into Lin Lang's room. After a while, he collided with an invisible barrier, and the consciousness was forced back into his body.

"Can he find me?" He Shibo gave a soft whisper, his eyes full of puzzlement. Chu Li was also embarrassed, and some unbelievable: "Uncle He is a nine-printed immortal, the peak power under the current earth immortal. The control of the gods is more than ten times better than that of the early immortals. Close to the micro level, how could he find you? "

"Maybe it is to practice the mystery of the gods." He Shibo shook his head and only said: "I have not been able to find out what secrets he has, but the momentary fluctuation was caused by the stepping from the divine realm to the immortal. There is a contrast in spiritual power, but this is not wrong. "

Chu Li was even more surprised. He looked at Uncle He with a doubt, and said, "How could this be, he was someone with immortal combat power, and he could battle three immortals. Can he break the **** of immortal immortal?"

"This is impossible. The three immortals have existed since ancient times, and no matter how outstanding Tianjiao, it is impossible to cross the three immortals and defeat the three immortals."

Previously, Chu Li also knew that Lin Youye's cultivation was not about the divine realm, and even the divine perfection was not achieved. At that time, it was only when the other party used some secret method to cover up the cultivation.

"There is a big secret on this man." There was a doubt on his face, "I can't do anything to explore his depth without being noticed by him, but some means can still reveal some secrets." of."

"No need, which monk has no secrets, most people who do n’t have secrets are stunned by everyone." Chu Li shook his head, no longer thinking about the secrets of Lin Lang, what he should think is how to pull Lin Lang to Chumen Chariot.

If such a person with great luck can receive His Majesty, the future benefits are absolutely unimaginable. Only in this way will his position in Chumen become more and more stable.


In a flash, two days passed.

Early on the third day, Chu Li already appeared outside Lin Lang's room early. At the start of today's formal joint auction, Lin Lang didn't seem to delay. He simply packed the stone in the room, and Lin Lang stepped out of the door.

"Brother Lin looks radiant and energetic, presumably he has cultivated and improved." Chu Li laughed.

"Just improve it." Lin Lang smiled. The two mentioned nothing about last night, greeted each other, and became harmonious with each other, and soon set foot on the road.

This very large auction was originally initiated by three important auction venues in the south. From south to north, they have stayed in more than a dozen cities and have a huge momentum. Other auction venues continued to join along the way. By the last stop of Zhongzhou City, eighteen auction venues had joined.

All the way down, the major auction houses do not know how much money has been accumulated. As for the rare treasures, the major auction houses do not know how much they have accumulated.

As the last stop of Zhongzhou City, the major auction houses continue to build momentum, and they are bound to release the inventory in their hands at one go. The final treasures of the usual auctions may become very common in this auction.

The location of the auction this time is set at the Tringxiu Auction in the north, which is a large-scale auction house in Zhongzhou City. The other 17 auction sites are only temporarily borrowed and will not pay rent.

But even so, the Trinity auction house can't wait to clap their hands and greet these competitors. After all, after this incident, I am afraid that the influence of Trinxu ’s auction house will increase again.

"This is the auction of Trinity." The three of Chu Li walked to the door and handed the invitation letter to a guard at the door. The strength of the caretaker has also reached the level of immortal.

"Sure enough, the Kunxu community is the concentration of monks." Lin Lang's eyes flickered. In fact, it ’s right to think about it. This time the auction will have a great influence. The monks in the world are rushing to see it. Although the auction of Trinity is large, it is impossible to accommodate everyone.

Naturally, invitations are issued by GF, with insufficient status, insufficient status, and insufficient financial resources. Maximize the order of the auction.

Seems to see Lin Lang's eyes, Chu Li walked and said: "Actually, the back of the Trinity auction house represents a family, a Dixian family."

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