Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 618: Cold crystal lake

Lin Lang took Wang Laoqi through the abyss of the Meteorological Sword. In order to avoid being robbed by Lin Lang these days, every immortal is carefully hiding his traces, as long as he sees Lin Lang's trace and turns around, he runs away.

In this regard, Lin Lang was also a little speechless.

The two kept rushing through the abyss of the meteoric sword, and sometimes they encountered strange places. In some places, even the danger of Lin Lang was not dare to get involved easily. Although there is no aura in the meteoric sword abyss, no big fierce thing can be born, but there are regular lines everywhere, and one who accidentally falls into it may be annihilated.

Of course, this is also because Lin Lang's eyesight is extraordinary. How can anyone know such things as a rule, let alone perceive it like Lin Lang and avoid it?

Because of this, the two did not encounter any danger. The two kept moving forward until they were near a lake. The lake was clear, the turquoise water was visible to the bottom, and there were several lotus leaves floating on the lake.

In this gloomy sky, it is a beautiful scenery.

However, near the lake, there were several dead bodies. One of them had a sword standing next to it. The spirit pattern of the sword body was worn away, making it impossible to judge the grade from the first sight.

Lin Lang looked at the dead bodies with a strange look, and looked at Wang Laoqi next to him. Because one of them, "Dead Corps", tried to converge on the fluctuations in life, but it couldn't escape Lin Lang's eyes.

Wang Laoqi also froze, and immediately showed an embarrassing expression, and coughed: "That's the younger brother, and I haven't learned a lot of skills with me all these years. I never thought that I had stolen the effort at the bottom of the box. "

"Your home is very unusual." Lin Lang took a meaningful look at Wang Laoqi, not with a sense of ridicule, but he also saw that Wang Laoqi's brother's cultivation is really not weak, and is also in the same The level of the two-printed fairy.

The old seven and the eight have the strength of the two-printed immortals, so aren't the two older brothers in the top rankings stronger? Wouldn't it be extraordinary to be able to train such a family of eight powerful men at the same time.

Lin Lang became very interested in their identity.

At this time, Wang Laoqi had already walked in front of the "dead body" and directly raised his leg and kicked the latter. At first, the "dead body" didn't react at all, which made Wang Laoqi feel shameless, aggravated his strength, and murmured in his mouth. "Old man, don't pretend, it's all his own."

'Dead Corps' still didn't react at all.

Wang Laoqi couldn't hang on his face, and struck the crotch of 'Dead Corpse' with a heavy kick, angrily, "Get me up quickly, do you still want to kill your seventh brother?"

The corpse sat upside down and was furious, cursing in his mouth: "Don't you want to, isn't it that you taught me the power of convulsions, and the weather is still as calm as a mountain? If we go on, our Lao Wang's family will cut off the grandchildren."

The two brothers froze in the distance for a while, and finally Wang Laoqi was even better. He grabbed his eighth ears and walked in front of Lin Lang, and said, "This is a grandfather. I will see him in the future. This is fine. This is My twin brother, Wang Xun, ranks eighth. "

As soon as he heard this sentence, Wang Xun jumped up high and got together with Wang Lao Qi Qi again, even at the cost of a big fight. In the meantime, Wang Xun's roar was constantly mixed: "Tell you Lao Tzu's mother's surname, your name is Wang Lao Qi, and my name is Li La Ba."

Wang Laoqi's temper also came up, and the two thumped again. Lin Lang stood next to him and looked at the pair of living treasures rather helplessly. It was roughly understood the reason for the dispute between the two.

Probably Wang Xun happened to be photographed. He happened to have the same name as Wang. Wang Xun responded to Wang's name, so he changed his name without permission.

"Wang Lao Ba, Wang Ba." Lin Lang also just smiled slightly, feeling that it was quite interesting to keep the pair of living treasures beside him. After a while, Li Lao Ba was pressed to the ground by Wang Lao Qi, and his generous palm was pressing on Li La Ba's face.

"This is my grandpa. Did you hear me clearly?"

Li Laoba's eyes were squinting, and his voice was mixed with a drooling voice: "Let me call Grandpa, but what is this Grandpa's name?" Wang Laoqi scratched his head awkwardly and looked at Lin Lang.


Lin Lang stopped talking, turned his head, squatted down and picked up a handful of lake water, and began to study this lake. The lake water is really not simple. When I started to cool and bone, the chill spread from head to foot at the moment of contact.

And if you look carefully, it is not the common shape of a drop of water, but a square-shaped crystal. If you pinch it hard, it will deform, and if you release your hand, it will return to a square shape, like a skin.

"Crystal water."

Lin Lang recognized the category of this water at a glance. Cold crystal water is a peculiar kind of spiritual water. It was born only in the extreme cold, but it contains heat. Under such extreme conditions, the internal particle arrangement of the water droplets will change, which forms this Crystal lattice shaped water drops.

"As far as I know, the most important condition for the birth of Han Jingshui is the place where the rules of ice are strong, and there is something under this cold pool." Lin Lang narrowed his eyes slightly.

The lake looks unusual, but this is the biggest unusual. Where is the place where cold crystal water can be born? Lin Lang no longer thought much, mobilized the water spirit directly, and leaped forward.

"Master Lin!"

Li Laoba exclaimed suddenly, but it was too late, the water surface of the mountain was splashing with a splash of water, Wang Laoqi subconsciously reached out and pulled his arms, but only caught a drop of cold crystal water. The cold temperature of the cold crystal water covered the whole body of Wang Laoqi instantly, and the cold air spread in an instant, freezing Wang Laoqi into a vivid ice sculpture.

"Seven brother!"

Li Laoba screamed, and quickly pulled Wang Laoqi back to the shore, mobilizing spiritual power to help Wang Laoqi resolve the icy air. The temperature of the cold crystal water is quite horrible. When the ordinary fairy touches it, it will be covered by the cold air and frozen into ice.

Wang Laoqi just touched a drop of cold crystal water, and it became what he is now. There can be seen the horror of cold crystal water. That is to say, Lin Lang can resist with strong strength. Wang Laoqi can only resist the strength of Jindan.

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