Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 624: Destroy Sword Spirit

Shen Lingxuan was stunned, speechless, already watching. He even obliterated the sword spirit of the ice soul sword. Not to mention whether ordinary people have the ability to do it, even if they can do it, who is willing to obliterate a sword spirit.

After all, they need to use the rules issued by the sword spirit to enlighten the avenue, even if the earth fairy is not willing to destroy a sword spirit.

How could anyone be willing to destroy Sword Spirit?

It sounds like Tian Fang Ye Tan!

"You know the treasure of a sword spirit. A spirit weapon with a sword spirit can fight autonomously, which can greatly improve the monk's strength, and it has a decisive role in the battle." Shen Lingxuan smiled bitterly.

At this time, perhaps Lin Lingxuan was noticed by Lin Lang. He reached out a little, and the diamond cord wrapped around Shen Lingxuan flew back and fell into Lin Lang's hands. After studying for a while, Lin Lang put the diamond cord into the space spiritual ring.

King Kong Suo is a treasure, built from the muscles of the fifth-tier beast giant King Kong. Although it cannot reach the point of restraining the spiritual power, its solidity is impossible to get rid of.

Shen Lingxuan stood up from the ground with some embarrassment, smoothed the creases on her clothes, and closed her messy hair. Her looks have been all over the country, and she has been loved by thousands of people. Now she simply cleans up and immediately returns to the former goddess of ice and purity.

"Unexpectedly, the benefactor who saved my life was so young, the little woman was polite." Shen Lingxuan smiled, giving manners. The oldest monster who was able to defeat Dagan Menjiao in her imagination was at least one hundred and eighty years old. Now when I see it, I can't think of a handsome young man.

"Come with me, Daganmenjiao will come back at any time." Lin Lang looked at Shen Lingxuan lightly, straight into the sky, and flew out of the volcano.

"Then what about such strong spiritual power here?" Shen Lingxuan was a little reconciled. Lin Lang shattered tens of thousands of spiritual stones and turned the entire volcano into a sea of ​​aura. In just a few hours, Shen Lingxuan was able to break through to the level of the four-striped immortal. She really had a little bit of leaving such an artificial treasure. Reluctant.

"Stay here if you don't want to die."

A faint voice came from the crater, which made Shen Lingxuan dull, a glimmer of resentment flashed in her eyes, and her mouth followed and said, "Bored guy."


The shore of Hanjing Lake.

Wang Laoqi and Li Laoba are discussing in a wow.

"Your grandfather Lin may be dying, but Han Jingshui can freeze, but is there any reason to survive falling into Han Jing Lake?" Li Laoba was very pessimistic.

"Nonsense, Grandpa Lin has nothing to do with him, even if I hit him with all my strength, he won't shake him in the slightest. How can the cold crystal water of the district be nothing for his old man?" Wang Laoqi retorted.

"Then you saw the man who just flew out of the lake just now? I looked at it as if it was one of the Northern Territory teachers. It was a high-level human fairy. If they had a war at the bottom of the lake, if Lin Ye won, Can't you chase it out? "Li Laoba shook his head.

Wang Laoqi glared at Li Laoba and said, "Nonsense, Lin Yeji has his own sky, how is that possible?"

"Master Lin is not a good man, he is a murderer."

"It's over. The Ji people have taken care of it, but how could the murderer have it?"

"I originally planned to inquire about Lin's identity. If he was innocent, he would pull him into the company. Now it seems ... Yingnian died early! It was a loss to our organization if he didn't pull him into the company!" Wang Laoqi hugged Li The old eighth man cried.


A water column exploded, and a figure flew out of the center of the lake, startled a pair of living treasures, brushed back and looked.

"Master Lin."

"Master Lin!"

Wang Laoqi and Li Laoba were overjoyed, and immediately greeted them. They looked over Lin Langhun and said, "Lin, are you okay?"

"But this revision is ... seems to be stronger, right?" Wang Laoqi was surprised. Originally, Lin Lang only gave them a natural pressure, but now they feel like they are pressing a mountain.

"Almost." Lin Lang realized that there was no convergence practice. After all, he used the ancient method under the volcano. Even though most of the spiritual power was used in the condensed path, many auras were still converted into spiritual power by him. In the body.

At that time, if he wasn't worried that the ascension of the realm would leave hidden dangers too quickly, he could even break through to the fifth-order human immortal, so the impulse to forcibly break through the break would stay at the third-order peak.


In the center of the lake was a water column exploding again. Shen Lingxuan's graceful figure landed elegantly on the shore, splashing water, leaving a few drops of shallow water droplets on the green silk, just like a fairy in a bath, beautiful as a picture .

For a time, Wang Laoqi's eyes were a little straight.

"This is ... Fairy Ling Xuan, isn't it? It's so pretty!" Li Laoba's head was like a pounding garlic, and he kept nodding.

Shen Lingxuan seemed very satisfied with their performance, raised her chin, and glanced at Lin Lang proudly, but the latter seemed to have not seen it, and turned and left.

"Bored guy."

Shen Lingxuan's straight waist plate suddenly pulled down, giving birth to a sense of frustration. Where did Lingbo Fairy go after her? The pursuit was not flocked to her. Only Lin Lang was treated as air here today, which caused him a lot of frustration.

"Ignore him!"

Fairy Ling Xuan stomped her feet and just took a few steps in the opposite direction, but she walked back and chased after Lin Lang left.

"I don't believe this girl can't straighten you!" Fairy Ling Xuan grinds her teeth.


The four stepped forward.

Lin Lang looked back at Wang Laoqi and said, "How much do you know about the meteoric sword abyss, tell me about it."

"Master, wouldn't you come in without knowing the meteoric sword abyss?" Wang Laoqi stayed blank.

Lin Lang nodded. He really didn't know much about the meteoric sword abyss. All he knew was heard from Zhong Ruwei's mouth, and how much he knew about the meteoric sword abyss. He lived dozens of times in Kunxu world For hundreds of years.

"Ahem, meteor sword abyss, it is one of the seven restricted areas in the Kunxu world ..." Wang Laochi cleared his throat and made a knowledgeable look.

But before he started, he was interrupted by a clear voice: "I know this."

Shen Lingxuan was anxious to express herself in Lin Lang and snatched Wang Laoqi's speech. Wang Laoqi was a little dissatisfied, and stared, "I don't believe you can have as much as I know?"

Shen Lingxuan raised her waistline and said, "What the girl said is also the master of Shuiyun Palace. Although Shuiyun Palace is not in the northern territory, the classics left over hundreds of years will almost understand the entire abyss of the meteorite sword. It is clear that no one can understand me if I understand the meteoric sword abyss. "

"Are you the Sister of Shuiyun Temple?"

Lin Lang suddenly turned his head, and curiously looked at Shen Lingxuan. Shen Lingxuan finally found a little confidence and looked at Lin Lang proudly, like a proud phoenix.

"That's right, this girl is the first disciple of Yuan Xufeng in Shuiyun Palace, the master sister of the current generation of disciples in Shuiyun Palace, and Shen Lingxuan, one of the seven sons in Kunxu."

"How about, now you know how good I am?" Shen Lingxuan raised her chin.

"I'm just curious about your weak practice. How can Shuiyun Palace make you a master sister?" Lin Lang shook his head. Although Shen Lingxuan's personality is pleasing, her lack of ruthlessness in her temperament is definitely not suitable for being the leader of the younger generation.

"My cultivation is no longer weak, okay? The younger generation of cultivation can surpass me very few, even the other seven sons of the Kunxu market may not have the strength of the four-printed fairy." Shen Lingxuan said indignantly.

"If it weren't for your Shuiyun Palace's scandal in the previous two years, I'm afraid the position of the master of Shuiyun Palace would not necessarily say who it is." Wang Laoqi swaggered.

"What scandal?" Lin Lang looked back curiously.

"In fact, it's nothing. The genius practiced a kind of evil power from Tianmo Ling. He almost killed the entire monk Yuanxufeng. Fortunately, the elders of Shuiyun Palace discovered it in time."

"Don't you know that these are taboos?" Shen Lingxuan looked at Wang Laoqi with a human eye, and Wang Laoqi's face remained unchanged. "Since Tian Mo Ling is included in the forbidden area, how can we not talk about it."

Shen Lingxuan snorted, apparently angry. Lin Lang was naturally too lazy to quarrel with the two, interrupting: "Presumably you are all influential people in your respective forces, please help me inquire about someone."

What he wanted to ask was not others, but Su Shilan, who had disappeared from the vulgar world for several years. Lin Lang's stepping into the Kunxu world to promote her cultivation was one purpose, and the other purpose was to find Su Shilan and bring her back to the common world.

The two looked together: "Who?"

Lin Lang just wanted to make a sound, but his footsteps paused, looking at a figure on the road in front of him, smiling slightly: "I finally found you."

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