There is peace between heaven and earth.

The two elders of Tianzong had their throats cut, and they couldn't make a noise even if they wanted to scream. The Jiuwen Renxian of the two heavens are busy treating the wounded, but unfortunately, even if the Jiuwen Renxian of Yunlang Palace tried his best to resolve the sword, he still could not save the elder's life.

The people around were full of doubts. The war just ended too quickly in the electric light and flint. What they didn't understand was that they just ended the battle by releasing a golden dan, what was the situation?

Although the release of the Jin Dan battle can slightly improve its own combat power, its weakness is also obvious, so few people will choose to bloom in battle, except for low-level people.

Ke Lin You Ye, what's going on here?

Jin Dan was summoned but the battle was over.

"It's heavenly gold."

The leaders of the Shuiyun Palace locked their eyes firmly on Lin Lang, especially the Jin Dan above Lin Lang's head.

After she said this, everyone realized that Lin Lang's head is different. Every time an ordinary person ascends his level, he will engraved a gray and black Dan pattern on the Jin Dan, while the authentic building base is a black Dan pattern.

But Lin Lang's Dan pattern is bright silver!

"It is said that the monks of the God Realm condensed Jindan not only in two forms, but in three ways.

"And Tianzongmen's Tianjiao is usually given a trace of authentic breath by the Zongmen, condensing the authentic Jindan, possessing a trace of the power of the earth, and its combat power is roughly two to three times that of Fandao Jindan."

"The third kind is heavenly golden jindan, which evokes a breath of heavenly heaven into Jindan. This kind of golden Dan has a natural ability to suppress any monk in the same realm, which is ten times more powerful than Fandao Jindan. Existed in the classics. "

"It is said that the rules of the Kunxu world can no longer give birth to the supreme heavenly atmosphere, so the golden heavenly heaven has become a legend." Chumen leaders slowly spoke.

Chumen is a huge family that has been inherited from the Kunxu Realm to the present day. It is now a Confucian gate, and their status is still aloof. Countless precious classics are far behind even the other six Tianzongs.

"So Lin Youye should be the golden **** of heaven. Since Kunxu can't give birth to heaven, how did he do it?"

"It turns out that, no wonder he can kill the Eight-Stripe Immortal with the power of the Four-Stripe Immortal. Is Jindao Heavenly God so scary?"

"The four-striped human immortal alone has the ability to kill the eight-striped human immortal, even comparable to the nine-striped human immortal. If he was promoted to the earth fairy, would he be fine? I am afraid that by then no one in the whole Kunxu industry could do anything about it. Stop him! "

The thought of everyone here could not be calm.

Originally, the seven heavens were evenly divided, and the true levels of the strong heads were similar. But the emergence of a monk who possesses heavenly gold is enough to break this situation.

Of course, their cognition has gone wrong. Lin Lang does not just have the heavenly Taos, but the heavenly foundations including Tiandao's foundation, heavenly heaven, and Tiandao's Jindan. There are no shortcomings in all aspects, otherwise It is impossible to have such a mighty combat power.

Tiandao Jindan, coupled with other weird and unpredictable methods, even if some Jiuwenren immortals were present, they looked jealous of Lin Lang.

However, this does not mean that they will tolerate the existence of Lin Youye.

"It ’s a good heaven and earth. I want to meet you personally." The leader of Fenglei Church took a step. He is the second elder of Fenglei Church. The cultivation of Jiuwenrenxian looks at the whole list of elders of Fenglei Church. Only under Mao Huacan.

"Yes, I can't let him grow up anymore." The doorkeeper of the Sundial Gate snorted.

Subsequently, another figure flew from a distance in the sky.

Before the footsteps touched the ground, the voice came first: "Yes, Lin Youye sneaked into the master while the old man was closed, trying to seize a holy sword, and this account should be well calculated today."

When Ling Xuan, who was far away, saw this person, Xingyan's eyes flashed, and she whispered a few words beside the leader woman of Shuiyun Palace. The visitor is the master of Daganmen.

"He actually conquered a holy sword? It is even better to kill him. How can such a precious holy sword be held in the hands of such a person, it is simply a violent heaven."

"Lin Youye and I have vengeance on Yunlang Palace, so he can't stay with him. It happens that Jianzuoshan hasn't been breached, and it's not bad to kill Lin Youye to help Xing while taking this waiting time."

In Yunlang Palace, the leaders of the Sword Sect also successively spoke out.

These two Tianzong leaders are real pinnacles, and they are almost invincible in the place of Meteor Sword Abyss. Their voices are naturally heavier than others.

"Elder Zhuo, he saved my life after all." Fairy Ling Xuan looked at the woman beside her, begging.

The elder beauty, who looked young, stared at Fairy Ling Xuan and shook her head gently: "The situation is not very clear at this time, we should not participate in it for the time being."

"Hongfei, come by my side."

The leader of Zhenwuzong naturally knew that the situation was delicate and wanted to recall Tianjiao of his family.

It's just that Jian Hongfei didn't say a word, and seemed to be firmly guarded by Lin Lang, so angry that the leader of Zhenwuzong jumped.

Chu Li also turned to the leaders of Chumen, but the latter turned a blind eye. He snorted, and took a step forward, not yin or yang: "It's all people with heads and faces, and they work together to embarrass a younger junior. It's really not a matter of saving face for yourself."

It was said that everyone's face was a bit ugly, and his face was a bit embarrassing.

"How could the elders be qualified to speak to you as a junior, roll it back for me." The leader of the Yunlang Palace snorted coldly, and Hanman broke out in his eyes.

How could Chu Li have the ability to fight these old monsters, blood oozed in his eyes, hesitated, and quit several steps in a row to the rear.

"Pei Jun, you're looking for death." When the leaders of Chumen saw Shao's humiliation, it was impossible for them to ignore it. The momentum of the peak human immortal broke out and confronted Pei Jun.

At this time, a coquettish laugh came out.

"Let me come and meet this little guy. Zheng Wushuang can't die in vain, and my elder should also be fair to him."

A pretty figure flashed in front of everyone. Both the dignified appearance and the hot body make people shine, shouting evil spirits.

However, no one can ignore her cultivation, the peak of the immortal cultivation to stop countless suitors. This is a strange woman who can obviously eat by face value, but she has to rely on her strength to prove her.

This girl is Qin Ya.

After the auction was over, she had received the mission of Zongmen before leaving the Northern Territory. This time the leader of the Los Angeles Valley side was her.

"Where I need Qin Xianzi to do it myself, I'll take care of this little role." A nine-printed fairy chuckled, and stood before Lin Lang before Qin Ya appeared.

Several Jiuwen Renxian plus several leading Tianzong leaders, the peak Renxian appeared one after another, at this moment Lin Lang's eyes can be described as enemies, each with the ability to put him to death.

Even though Chumen's people stepped in, the original intention was not to help him. It can be said that each of the high-ranking immortals present was his enemy.

Even so, Lin Lang's eyes flashed a purple lotus flower without panic. Instead, he said coldly: "You can come here to try and see who kills anyone."

He has made up his mind to teach Tianzong a lesson today, even if he releases the fire of God and kills everyone here.

Just at this moment of tension.

A figure of a mighty shore descended on the long sword. The man who came was a scholar of robes in a robe with embroidered mountains and rivers, a folding fan, and a personable person.

Subsequently, several powerful breaths also came one after another, and each person was no worse than the leader of Tianzong, and they were six peak immortals.

"The war is imminent. The final attack will be launched on Jianzhan Mountain. Everyone will give me a face, so what's the matter?"

Scholarly scholars shook the fan slightly, and said with a smile.

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